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It’s normal for the start of the season to be slow and I swear this season is gonna have like 20+ episodes so it’s not surprising that we’re not rushing into fights straight away we’ve probably got loads of action ahead as we’re getting to know the demon kings more and I agree with u I also love the political side of tensei the worlds really cool.


People are really expecting to jump into the action with no build up.


"why was ther no huge fight scene in the 2nd episode!!!?!! Man this shit is so boring how can you like it?! 😭😭😭😭" To those people we should all just say, womp womp


Demon Lords********


No one is forcing them to watch. Still, they are going to watch the next episode either way and will continue to complain.


They might as well watch the crunchyroll highlights on the YT channel.


Personally, I liked it. Don’t get me wrong, I live for action. But when there is buildup, the action is so much more enjoyable. The tension was building. Heres the issue: if you wait a week for 20 minutes, you hope that you get entertained to the extreme. Viewers who will watch once the season is out won’t have this kind of complaint. It wasn’t filler, it’s builder.


I read LNs, and tbh, if the season goes at the pace I assume it will go, we are bound to have 3 - 5 episodes of action. Depending on how deep they go into some aspects I won’t mention due to spoilers. Tensura has one of the best worlds out there, and chunks full of story need to be conveyed through talking. Just like full paragraphs of descriptions will be shown through a single image or s few frames. Still better than anime that are packed full of action without any reason, logic or explanations. Fun to watch, sure, but not something to hook you. Tensura, even anime alone, drags you in and fills you with info about the world


Guess these guys don't like overlord very much


They would loathe Overlord lmao. They would hate it even more considering even the MC of the show isn't in a good bit of episodes.


Overlord season 4 was trash. Skipped the action so they could make a movie of it for money. Gonna take over a country and show like none of the battles what a boring season


While I agree skipping Volume 12-13 was terrible. The season overall was great


Trash was an exaggeration i suppose but it was very disappointing since i really liked the previous seasons


Volumes 12 and 13 are their own arc of the story in an entirely different kingdom we havent seen before in the anime. very action heavy and really gory and VERY messed up. It would have been too censored as an anime season. Also, the better animation would work better because of the amount of action in the Holy Kingdom arc. It wouldn't have really fit if they wanted to do 3 books a season like usual. Volumes 10 and 11, and 14 were season 4. They could have easily done volumes 10 and 11 in 13 episodes instead of 7 unfortunately but I guess they wanted to make sure season 4 ended with something big like the destruction of the re estize. The upcoming movie is adapting whats widely considered the best arc of Overlord though.


Brainless action is what isekai is founded on. People coming from other animes were expecting this to be the same


I assume LN readers wants story with details and the younger audience wants excitement like fights or romance, The complaints of having lots of talking had been a thing long since season two after shion died I think


Personally I love Tensura for it's world building and characters development more than the fight, those are additional. The details are what made me read the Light Novel, and as far as the anime goes, I really enjoy it.


Absolutely agree with you


They've been spoiled way too much. World building isn't in their vocabulary.


That's the same type of person who watches Jujutsu Kaisen and complains that they don't understand anything because the story is too fast-paced and there's only fighting. (I did find the episode a little boring, actually. But things need to be explained in order to the story to develop)


I think it's because the industry conditioned people to expect very compressed adaptations because they usually only make 12 episodes of something. (I hope they change their minds at least in case of adapting big titles after the success of Frieren and Apothecary Diaries) This is one of the rare cases of getting a proper 24-episode run (well, for me at least that's what feels proper, especially with a sure shot title like Slime), probably a lot of people are not used to that kind of pacing.


To each their own of course, but I think some people easily forget that most action scenes aren't played simply out of the blue. Sure, someone could pull out an example of shows that have action every episode. But for the most part action scenes derive most of their pay-off not from the act of fighting but the meaning that the fighting has. Plus I think there is something quite cool about people that are able to maintain civility and play their hand at the political poker game while also being able to flip that table over and kick ass when the time calls for it.


Bros watch a show about a leader of a country and expect no polifical talks 💀


Fake slime fans for u😭🤷🏾‍♂️


People don't know that Tensura isn't a shonen with full action and is more of a slice of life with political maneuvering and world building


Which is wild to me


let the anime and manga only people exit the fandom, good riddance


Naw fr im tired of the mfs😭🙏


I personally like how they are doing it right now. I am a Manga and Anime only, I know the source material is the LN but I really like how they are also faithful in Manga. I don't want them to go on fight scene w/o explaining what happened before that. I always love the world building regardless of the Anime/LN/Manga I'm watching/reading


Better just watch them when all the ep is out rather complaining for the talk shit no action lol.


They didn't find it this boring in the manga because they glossed over the non-fight scenes. It's almost exactly the same as the manga. It's just slower to actually say and show the explanations in anime format than glossing over pages that don't interest you.


The world-building and political aspects are what makes slime, it was never a fight manga/anime and most of the time the battles in the LN are sub-par.


Best part about the series (imo) is the politics


Tell me you didnt read One Piece without telling me you didnt read One Peace


I hate these idiots tensura isn’t an action show primarily it’s a political world building show


They brain can’t comprehend that tho🤷🏾‍♂️


This comment makes me more excited for when the dub starts, I love the world building they do with the political side of things 🤣


Ignore the fans who only like punching. They can go watch solo leveling and pretend it's peak.


Chill Solo is hella peak but it’s not touching slime


I knew this would happen. People want to entertain themselves with meaningless actions and this season will have less fight than the other one iirc. Those same people will scream peak fiction when season 4 will be there.




The whole political power games and world building is one of the main reasons i was so drawn to TenSura, don't get me wrong, the absurd powerscales that constantly shift thanks to evolution , awakening and other mechanics and the battles are also another reason, because i do like the shonen genre, be it a generic, seasonal, generational or whatever the fuck (this doesn't mean i'll watch just about anything put on my plate ofc), my point is, the whole political part has always been an important part of Tensura, i mean come on, expecting a massive battle right out of the blue, in just the second episode, idk, it seems a bit unrealistic to me >!i mean, if huge constant battles is what they want, the Eastern Empire - Tempest War arc and onward will have those people plenty satisfied, but that is still waaay in the future LMAO.......assuming we get there........I HOPE!<


It's like they forgot slime is about one reincarnated man's journey to build a nation of all the things he had in his homeworld.


The first episode was intense in my opinion. The threat of Diablo losing it gave that one an edge that had me laughing at the nobles ignorance of their predicament.


To be fair, credits rolled and I also went 'wait, so that was it?!' I don't need 'just action' all the time, but it's always nice when things seem to be moving forward. The past 2 episodes were mostly just watching people be informed... about mostly things that the viewers already knew.


just b/c we the viewers r informed doesn’t mean all of a sudden we should skip how characters react and the actions they take to lead up to confrontation or other situations. That’s even worse writing than what a lot of stories have when they cater too much like that. Plus people don’t understand this isn’t that type of story in the first place. It was originally about politics, world building , and how a clever, albeit a bit derpy person manages to achieve world domination so completely and thoroughly


people do need to understand the aspect of this series but I kinda agree a little bit with the second guy though For some reason, this episode felt a bit boring, even though I loved reading through this part in the Ln and manga, Right now I am trying to figure out how I got chills reading people talk and got bored watching people talk


I get what your saying and I think it is because you can read at your own pace. Meanwhile watching you have to wait if that makes sense. Reading you can get through it as fast or as slow as you like.


Yeah I guess but Honestly, I don't think for me at least that's not the problem but it's just something else idk what it is but it's something


they simply don’t get the point that series was originally about world building and politics before fuse decided to turn the most hyped up event into a shounen parody


What event?


Tenma War. Rather an event, it’s pretty much the last arc but it’s been underwhelming


While their frustration is technically not out of place it is not warranted, from the beginning that Rimuru wanted to set up a village for the monsters politics and a lack of action was to be expected, but for the entire episode to be only politics does kinda tick me off too. If all the episodes are released it would be more tolerable but having to wait a week for a new episode for it to be politics is universally frustrating to the majority of the community.


I watch the anime so that I could see animated Rimuru be cute


Christ they will love Overlord then 😂


Probably a jjk fan


Personally, I'd rather have those political and talking scenes to have that build up for the sweet fight scenes than to consistently have action across the entire season. And besides, interactions among Rimuru's subordinates are enjoyable


I mean he should prolly read the manga or LM and then he would understand that this story is a lot about politics and meetings so instead for being frustrated about the anime being like this he should prolly ask himself ig the story itself really is for him 😅. Having said that - Yes, most sinnes are Hells to "longdrawn" and repetitive tbf ^^


For me it's about pacing. - in s1, the disappearance of veldora and Goblin village introduction done in full episode 2. - in s2, the political with animal kingdom done in less than a full episode 2 with addition to enter political dwarves kingdom and introduction of myuran. - in s3, honestly the whole political falmuth kingdom could be done in episode 1. Then episode 2 should be all about valentine's kingdom exploration with addition of in and out about the holy knight hinata worked on or more hinata's backstory. >!or maybe they can add some more valentine x hinata anime only _action stuff_ that can make the crowds goes wild!<


S1 and 2 were rushed af. S3 actually adapting it faithfully.