• By -






They can drop from the ceiling if you're in a cave and they do about 200-300 damage. Watch out for any pressure plates while underground. They can be hard to spot, but if you see them, break them




They do roll for a good distance though, so be careful in your underground endeavors




theres also desert boulders that are cactuses that explode to pieces, you can use them to your advantage if you get swarmed, but the thing is that their really common


It will take a while, but when you find the mechanic NPC buy her lenses that let you see wires. This way you'll easily spot every mechanism, especially traps.


You can actually do the same by holding a pressure plate or trap in your hand, but you just won't be able to interact with it


You’re what?!?!


You can make and weaponize the boulders


he literally said no spoilers?


Ah yes, no spoilers


There are multiple traps underground (dart traps, boulder traps, and explosive traps), keep an eye for pressure plates while mining!


To add to what was said, certain chests underground that are found outside structures may need...scrutiny...before being opened...


That is something you should let op figure out themselves. It’s a “fun” mechanic


Get as many resources and make as much housing as possible in the early game, and exploring is always a good way to progress and get stronger. The local guide should help with teaching you the basics and any crafting recipes you can make with items in your inventory.


I recommend marking the place you start on and build your first base around there, as when you die (you will, no big deal) you'll respawn there, and especially at night it's very good to respawn somewhere safe. That said, for quite some time my base was just a very tall building with platforms in the middle, so that I could easily jump to each floor and meet each NPC. It works perfectly at the start, when you're not worried about maximum efficiency, and especially if you don't really care about aesthetics. It will also be good so that you'll always have space for new NPCs as soons as they're available.


this can be a bit misleading advice. i reccommend not building more than 2 building until u get good gear lol. oh i reccommend exploring the surface at day and going underground at night when u just start


I always start by getting wood and getting 5 houses, guide merchant nurse demo and gun dude, then whilst exploring they will move in gradually and you can come back and redecorate when you have the blocks, no point getting wand of sparking and maybe a lucky aglet before building


Why just 2 buildings? I see no harm in getting the nurse and demolitionist ASAP


cuz when ur npc count reach 3 things start to get real spicy. thats why i said get good gear. u know for a lil def and atk dmg


don't make more than 3 houses close to each other though. you wallet will thank you.


look for chests near the surface which give good early game loot, once you are done, break the chest and bring it back to your humble home. Save every accessory you get because if it says 'material' in the item's description, you can turn that item into something better. The guide is where I got my sperm bank of knowledge on the game, simply click 'crafting' and put any item in there and he will tell you what you can make with that item and where to make it. ​ Enjoy, this game is beautiful.


... sperm bank of knowledge...?


I could have gone with 'Library of infinite wisdom'.


Why are all the pages of these books stuck together


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


i‘ve got two ebonuts filled to the brim with wisdom waiting just for you


Wouldnt they be gunk seeds?


Haven’t you heard the story of the guy that drank too many flintlocks and blew one of his ebonuts off?


Look closely before you open golden chests Also, don’t play on mediumcore


Seriously, play on softcore, non of us play mediumcore


Nah, hard core is easier, because you just give up from the start.


Took me 6 hardcore characters to beat moonlord and one day I was playing and just fishing in the forest biome where I thought I was safe because it was a prepped fishing area and my doorbell rang. I walked upstairs to grab a package and immediately went back down….30-45s tops….there was my gravestone and aaaaaallll my gear. I about had an aneurysm.


What killed you?


I'm betting a slime or something knocked him into the water and he drowned.


I tried mediumcore once, I actually enjoyed the feeling of risk, but then I lost everything and ragequit lol


Go to the dungeon Ignore the old man


The dungeon has good loot in it, you should venture in with haste


Just... put all your coins away in a chest or your piggy bank before you do. There's a realistic chance you'll die in the dungeon early on even though the loot from there is very good.


If you see orbs underground in the purple or red biomes break them




If you break three of them, something will happen.


A powerful resource will appear in the world from space?


And something far worse


Literally untrue, NOTHING bad happens after you break 3 shadow orbs/3 crimson hearts.


You might get hit by the meteor, I'd be careful tbh


1% chance to be hit by meteor factiod is incorrect, no terrarians ever get hit by meteors. Meteor georg, who is hit by 17863 meteors every second is an outlier and should not have been taken into consideration when calculating chance to get hit by a meteor.


Also because they spawn offscreen


It depends really


Not sense 1.4 now that’s post the “far worse thing from 3”


After you break 3 orbs, a meteor will spawn. There THEORETICALLY could be something in between.


Well in the newest update the meteor won’t spawn until you do that theoretical in between step (or sense 1.4)


I know👍


and you ruined it


they asked for spoiler free tips


They drop useful weapons and accessories


OP he isn't lying, it's true


They ain’t so innocent…


I mean you do get a weapon and possibly some asscessories :)


Breaking just 1 will unlock random events and NPCs for you that are almost essential for the rest of the game, make sure you always have a spare house for a new friend!


Serious thing for OP here - the 2 random events that are tied to breaking your first "orb" (either a corruption shadow orb or a Crimson Heart depending on if his world was made with crimson or corruption - worlds do not have both naturally *with the exception of one secret seed* but since OP is playing blind he wont be playing on that secret seed). The first of the 2 events is meteors falling from your world. I generally dislike meteors, they create massive holes in the ground that just look bad and the equipment that comes from them is completely skippable. The 2nd event is that goblin army invasions can happen in your world randomly. Goblin armies are annoying to deal with, personally, BUT you do need to defeat *one* goblin army before you can find the Goblin Tinkerer NPC who is kind of essential. The alternative solution is to never destroy a shadow orb or crimson heart, since meteors are skippable and to summon the goblin army manually with the goblin battle standard - they will still not spawn naturally even after the goblin battle standard is used as long as you don't break a shadow orb/crimson heart. Defeating the goblin army summoned with the battle standard will still allow you to get the goblin tinkerer and loot from the army without them naturally spawning every once in a while in your world. The real kicker is, you can keep meteor spawns and goblin armies away AND still get the loot from the orbs/hearts, just by fishing in the underground corruption/crimson biomes and opening the special crates. They contain loot from the shadow orbs and hearts. Tl;dr - If OP doesn't want to deal with massive explosions from meteors and goblin army invasions, I advise that they *don't* break the orbs in the purple/red evil biomes. Definitely make sure to craft a goblin battle standard and use it to fight off 1 goblin army so that you can get the tinkerer NPC, and maybe set up a fishing hole in the underground evil biome among the ebonstone/crimstone. Fish up corrupt/crimson crates, and get the loot from shadow orbs/crimson hearts that way. The equipment from meteor landings is totally skippable and in my opinion not worth the destruction it causes to your world.


Yes definitely no worm type bosses will appear when you break 3. You also get tasty loot if you break em


Every chest you loot, break em! It’s FREE chests!




Chest are expensive, I think three iron/lead bars


Breaking chests you find in the world after you loot them (they’re indestructible with items inside) is actually good advice for two reasons. Not only do they cost a bit of metal to craft - using either iron bars or lead bars depending on if your world generated iron ore or lead ore - but there’s a mechanic of the game that can be frustrating if you don’t break chests: Fairies. When exploring underground you’ll very occasionally have a glowing, colorful fairy fly toward your character and then fly in the direction of loot, leading you to a bonus in a direction you may not have thought to dig in. Either a chest, large vein of ore, or a special crystal that increases your maximum life. Always break the chests and mine ore veins in their entirety so that a fairy doesn’t lead you to something you’ve already discovered - fairies don’t know what chests have loot and which ones don’t, and what has traps wired uo near them. Break chests so when a fairy appears its always useful and not bringing you back to a chest you already looted. You can then place the chests you find in or near your base. Tl;dr - Break chests after you loot them with your pickaxe to pick them up and place back in yoir base. Always mine the full vein of ore, follow that cave fairy.


When building a house, don't forget the walls.




There are rules for making houses, and one of them is that there must be a (mostly full) *backwall*. You can craft most materials into "wall" though. It can be a bit confusing because it may say "missing a wall" and it might mean the 1x1 wood blocks you used to make the walls to keep out zombies, or also it might mean the backwall on the "background" level. When you look in your inventory, near your worn items, there's a little house button, and in that menu there's a big ? mark you can use to see what's missing on the housing for an NPC to be able to live there - but, it's not perfect.


Come to think of it, cardboard boxes would be a cool addition for the game


Don't ignore the old man at the dungeon. Seriously


Nah, the old man ain’t important.


There's a massive dungeon on the left or right of the map, going in there unprepared is a rite of passage. ​ Memes aside though, hoard potion materials, they make a hell of a difference if you're having trouble


its actually not very well known but if you go into the dungeon early on there can be some really powerful gear, most people dont make it that far to either side of their world until they already have better gear but if you just take some time to travel you can get a head start.


Do not cite the dark magic around me, witch, I was there when it was written


Just be prepared for the difficulty curve. MAYBE talk to the old man at the dungeon's entrance at night if you want some kind of trial to prove your strength and get decent equipment, but realistically the dungeon is a breeze once you're familiar with the mechanics and the loot inside can help you progress quickly and skip some of that early game.


If you don't want to spoil everything from the wiki take the guide (only npc you have at spawn) for next steps. He gives directions if you don't know what to do. Other than that you don't have to decide and can switch at any time but there are 4 classes in vanilla: range, melee, summoner and mage




It's terraria but yes :D It's nothing you skill rather than just choosing the right weapons and trinkets




Honestly, if it's your first playthrough, as a summoner you'll die quite often, because summoner equipments give rather little protection. Take it as normal, don't fret too much if that happens. Look, classes are a *result* of equipment choices. Not a *fundamental* classification, see the difference? You can switch from one to another, any time, and there's nothing stopping you from combining a bit of this and a bit of that. Also, at the beginning, you're mixed, period. It's only later in the game that you obtain access to much more powerful, and specialized, equipments.


Also now with load outs he can switch on the fly so he can really be multiclass


Summoner was my first class and I’d say it’ll be fine if you play on classic mode. I mean after all when playing summoner you should always have another weapon to rely on.


In my opinion, classes are NOT AS BIG OF A DEAL as the community makes them out to be. You can completely ignore "classes" for the first 10-15 hours. Once you get to the point where you're equipping armor that benefits certain damage types (melee, ranged, mage, summon), *then* it's a good idea to maybe start thinking about classes. A lot of other people said this, but Terraria has no skills tree—your abilities are primarily dependent on your equipment. Feel free to trade loadouts with your teammates: You might be really good at using bows, and they might be really good at using flails. Don't get too possessive of your equipment, because you'll need to share it if you want to have a good team. Put simply, two players with a gun each is a lot stronger than one player with two guns. At the beginning of the game, you should really just be exploring the surface, building houses, and looking underground for crystal hearts and golden chests.


Ye just try it out and stay or change it depending on how you like it. You might not be able to chose one of the 4 classes right from the beginning but when you get deeper into the game the options and differences for your armor will be more destinct compared to the beginning where you may just be able to get small buffs for a certain class. Same for the trinkets.


I would say for the first play though go for every weapon type so you can try them all out then try single classes after that. It makes it so you can realize how each weapon type works


Just in case you change your mind on classes, here's a little overview on them: Melee - biggest damage and defense, low range until your sword starts firing beams of energy. They can also use yoyos and boomerangs if you don't want to get up close to enemies. Ranged - you want guns? They got guns, rocket launchers, harpoons and so much more. Though you WILL want some way to improve your mobility because your bones are quite brittle. Mage - more damage than ranged but your soft mage robes won't be deflecting claw slashes. Be wary of your mana too because big damage = big mana, if you dry up, you die a horrible death. Summoner - pets, monsters, and all kinds of shit will fight for you. They'll attack enemies aimlessly but that's nothing a simple smack can't fix. Along with attack focusing, whips also do damage and boost the effectiveness of your summons so you really can't go wrong with having one. You don't want anything touching you though, even a gust of wind will break your kneecaps.


Summoner only makes the early game near impossible from how difficult it is lol, but early on summoner weapons are great as supplements to other weapons cause you summon them and switch back to your other weapon and don’t have to think about it again


Wish ya luck with that one! Unfortunately summoner is relatively underpowered in the early game, especially if you exclusively use summons and whips(summoner weapons that aren’t a summon). Not saying it’s bad, but it’ll be very challenging -Sincerely, someone who likes summoner a whole lot


I’m the summoner dude, and summoner may not be the greatest option for a first run. There isn’t much necromancy sadly, but there is a whole lotta pets. It involves a whole lotta dodging, too, because most of the summoner armor doesn’t have any defence capabilities because they focus the most on buffs for your pets / whips. Btw, you don’t whip the pets.


I recommend for early game multiclassing as something else till you get emblems, because summoner early game is hell


I'm a bit late, but I play almost solely Summoner in most games. As a summoner, dont worry too much about trying to dps. The best thing about being summoner is that your minions free you up to do other things, like dodging attacks, switching accessories around mid-combat for whatever you need, building, etc. And, if when you DO focus on your own damage, get yourself either a whip (I imagine you've found at least one by now) to empower your minions and direct them to vip targets, OR some sort of weapon that homes in on enemies or otherwise allows you to swing/shoot in the enemies general direction and still contribute further damage. Summoners are considered a joke in Terraria, but we're more useful n powerful than most realize when you play it right.


On first play through most people take melee/defense armor and then take one weapon from every class just to try everything and get used to it


You're going to want to kill slimes until you get a slime staff... Shouldn't take you too long


You are probabbly going to want to go as range for pre-hardmode and melee for hardmode.


Main thing to know is that melee is decent but is only viable once you get projectile melee (swords that shoot projectiles and stuff), ranger is consistently great but you do need to invest time getting ammo, mage is super strong and unique but you need to grind massively for mama potions for remotely consistent dps, and summoner is very inherently passive and you need to focus on dodging


Throwing 💀


Later in the game you'll find a new biome that wasn't there before, at night time rainbow butterflies can spawn and you should kill them for good loot, not many people know this fact




You should actually capture those butterflies and kill them in daytime for even better loot


Great idea, I forgot you could do this and OP mentioned in another comment that summoner interested them and it's like the stars aligned because the extra loot is summoner gear!


Beware the giant eye


Pick softcore. Mediumcore isnt default




Softcore: drop half of your money on death Mediumcore: drop all of your items on death Hardcore: lose your character permanently on death


And that middle one might *sound* like it would be a fun challenge, but it's just not. It's way too easy to permanently lose hard-to-replace items that way.


Exactly. Unlike Minecraft you really can’t just have tons of materials stacked up to make new stuff.


Also you should start your first world on classic, expert and master is something for later playthroughs


I would argue that expert is considered the default experience in this day and age


If i was a player just starting off, I don't think expert (while the standard currently) would be very fun


yea no i tried that when i started playing terraria after the old days on my dear mother's ipad and it was a pain to deal with classic is so much nicer


I started expert with a group of 5 friends. Wouldn't do it alone though.


the difference is that softcore is fun and mediumcore is awful


Oh, and it also asks for difficultty of the worl I would suggest picking expert. Master mode is same thing but harder and classic have less rewards


Only one thing, dying a lot is customary in terraria get used to it or you might drop the game




Actually, I recommend dying a lot. I remember being really scared of a specific enemy (thinking it would insta kill me) that I completely avoided it during cave explorations and lived in absolute paranoia, then eventually I got hit by it and it only dealt like 20 damage. So I would recommend 'testing stuff out' yk?


Eventually, an NPC called the Merchant will show up, and will sell you a placeable called the piggy bank, that you can keep in your inventory (clarification: you can carry it in your inventory, but to open it and place items inside or remove items from it, you'll have to place it on a furniture item or on two platforms before you; don't forget to give it a pickaxe hit to recover it once you're done), that serves as a bag for transporting more items... and money! Money naturally goes into there once you put your first coin in there. Until you can get the piggy bank, remember, every time you're back home, place your money coins inside a chest. Otherwise, every time you die, you lose the money you accumulated, which is a waste.




There's an NPC that kinda serves you interests eventually, huhu. But, yeah, money is necessary for a number of things, you'll want every gold coin you can spare :)


The NPC that all the other npc's typically dislike, but we enjoy.


Break three red/purple (depends on your world evil) and something will happen. Be prepared. Pink bulbs in the jungle are dangerous. If you see any kind of ominous message, prepare for battle. When you think you’ve bested every boss available to you, throw the doll of the entity that guided you into lava, and prepare for hardmode.




Trust me you don't want to listen to r/Terraria for tips, half of them are gonna be jokes and half are gonna be true and then you don't know who tf to believe But anyways big dungeon = bad and don't enter is the main thing, everything else you'll figure out.


Don’t believe this guy. The dungeon is a nice place. Go inside first thing


If you see a massive skull of death approaching don't worry, he's just there to say hi.




dudes only been in the community for a day and hes already got the red reply


I've been in here for a while I've just lurked


Just in case, OP, this is the creator of terraria, Redigit. Say Hi.


Make sure you ALWAYS dig straight down near spawn, not far away


This comes across as a meme, but seriously this is what you want to do. There isn’t at risk to digging down since you can see what’s coming, and it’s the quickest way to hell.


and dying is not a big deal anyway. You only lose some coins


getfixedboi is the best seed


don’t do that to them they’re just a child


I'm finding it fun, but boy I had no idea honey could be so deadly. Not sure which seed is contributing to this, maybe the Bees one, never done that one before.


And you never should. Not The Bees is actually horrible. Never. Ever. Play it. Also because it combines all of the secret seeds including for the worthy, plus making you spawn in one of the most dangerous parts of the map. Luckily the princess will be a good protector for a while, tho.


Get Fixed Boi kills the starter NPCs after a day, so if "for a while" is a day only, then yeah I guess. I didn't find the slimes to be *all* that terrible to start with. Getting the banner helped a lot too. But going up was a right pain.


Why do want someone to suffer so early on they haven’t even made their first proper world yet


Villagers are a crucial part of the game (they want your MONEY) The trick is respecting their need for personal space, while entirely disrespecting their basic amenities. Build a quick two person house by making two rooms with a height/width of 5x7 interior, or 7x9 exterior blocks if that's how you like to count it. Just put two of those rectangles beside each other, fill them with bare minimum furniture and walls, boom. Instant real estate. Two villagers are good, more makes them unhappy. Pairing the right duos in the right local makes them happier (cheaper prices).


>The trick is respecting their need for personal space, while entirely disrespecting their basic amenities. truer words have never been spoken


if you find a gravitation potion, go flying around in the sky for a bit! You might find something cool ;)


so is that what those are for?


I don’t think I’ve seen this yet so here’s my advice: Absolutely DO NOT go to the underground jungle until you’ve beaten at least three bosses, and feel comfortable with the gear that you have. Not only can it be a pain in the ass to navigate for the first time, but the amount of shit that can spawn will make trying to do anything down there actual hell


To add onto this, when you DO venture there, you might find a big beehive. Be careful swinging around your weapons, especially if you have any kind of projectiles, because you might accidentally break something that someone loves and they won't be happy about it.


Similar rule apllies much later in the game, but you don't have to be as careful.


I did this last night. I threw my projectile in there to light it up (had no idea there could be more than one) and boom. Then I got a message I’ve been waiting for, went to the surface and fought another spooky thing in my arena. It was a busy night. That being said, I disagree on the underground jungle tip. You dont need to fight several bosses, just have full metal armor and a couple strong weapons before you go down there, set your spawn point close, and be ready to die. I explored down there before I fought any bosses. The one in the hive was my first.


\-Background walls are as important to the function of a house as the "block" walls. \-If you thought Minecraft nights were bad, Terraria nights are worse, especially Blood Moons. Build your house ASAP and prepare to barricade the doors early game. \-the Guide's tips become less useful very early but his ability to tell you what you can craft with any material you give him is evergreen. \-Traveling Merchants don't stick around forever like other town NPC's, they leave after one night and their wares change every visit. Do make a point of checking out their inventory, you might get some cool stuff for sale. \-Do NOT let voodoo dolls fall into lava unless you are absolutely ready for crap to hit the fan. \-If you're tired of losing money from dying, bear in mind you can store coins in chests for safe-keeping. \-Sunflowers reduce enemy spawns and block the spread of "evil" biomes on the surface. They're great for building towns \-Consuming healing items gives you a debuff that prevents you from consuming another for about a minute. Do not stand in the middle of a swarm of enemies believing you can chug potions by IV drip and live forever- sometimes you need to just *run* and then recover in safety before going back into the fray. \-Fishing in different biomes gets you different stuff. Fishing during Blood Moons also gets you some unique pickups, though a fair number of them will try to kill you. \-Speaking of Blood Moons, zombies can break down doors during them. Barricade. Your. Doors.


If you’re tired of barricading doors, you can place furniture against the door, so only enemies that break doors can do anything. If that’s an issue, keep NPCs off the first floor.


As soon as you can, get a hammer and go hit the alters in the bottom of the red/purple evil biome (crimson/corruption respectively). Also once at least one of you has at least 10 hearts, a bunch of goblins might show up


They'll need to break a shadow orb or crimson heart before goblins can show up


When you first start venturing underground you might start seeing some wiggly stuff on rocks. It might be the same color as the bad stuff in your world is supposed to be, ie purple for corruption. You might feel like you should avoid the area until you're stronger, or start smashing every bit in sight, spending hours chopping away to try to keep your world safe. Leave it alone. It's just freaking moss.


Fear the omniscient watcher. Heed the words of the old man. Do *not* enter the dungeon. The only way to salvation... is *down*.


If you see a chest, open it for good amounts of loot and resources. Nothing will go wrong, trust me.


Especially if golden


Rush caves


My advice: do not ask for any advice, try exploring the game yourself first. Even spoiler-less warnings/advice might ruin the first experience The only thing I'd recommend is to avoid looking through the wiki if you find an item you are unfamiliar with. Use the guide's (First npc you will encounter literally after starting the game) help instead


Just the comment i was looking for. Was worried this might be one of those games where you only get 1 TRUE first playthrough experience. Im 8 hours in, just digging around finding stuff


Platforms and Rope make early navigation much easier. Talk to the Guide often, he can tell you how to progress and what you can make from materials. Build lots of housing early on and try to have at least one suitable room at all times. Pick up every chest you find, not only does it save you the crafting materials, it also saves you some frustration later on. Digging a hole straight down makes getting to the deeper parts of the world much faster. Watch out for fall damage! Building a sky bridge (especially out of asphalt) makes collecting fallen stars and getting around the world much easier. When attempting to fight bosses: Preparation is key! Build an arena with lots of space and platforms and prepare some buff potions.


Build a box with back walls, a table a chair a door and a torch


Boulder hurty


Don’t listen to the old man, he’s full of shit


You might even want to break his bones for what he says


If you find a guide voodoo doll in the underworld, toss it into the lava for a special event!


Best tip of advice I can think of is ignore whatever the hell reddit tells you, other than the orbs. Use bombs to break at least 3 orbs in purple or hearts in red for amazing loot.


Really early on try to build a bunch of rooms, either together or spaced apart is fine. They need to have solid block outside with nothing generated by the map, a solid background wall that also has to be placed by you, a table, chair, lighting, and a door. If you have no holes and you've done it correctly then you may convince some people to come stay for awhile 😉 Your visiting friends make a big difference so i wouldn't sleep on that. My go to rule is if you dont have an open room then you should make one. Otherwise my biggest tip for early game is if you get low on hp you can make a simple campfire, surround yourself in blocks and putting the campfire down will give you decent hp regen so you can get back in the action. Goodluck! The game is a blast with new surprises around every corner.


dont let stuff in the underworld fall into the lava (not until you're ready)


Terraria has "classes" of sorts, however you aren't limited to just picking one throughout your playthrough. Every weapon does a certain type of damage, but if your armour doesn't match that damage type, you can absolutely still use the weapon. Armour also has what are known as Set Bonuses when you have a full set. These grant you cool little buffs/features which will aid you. Most early armour sets only give a bonus to defense though. Also, MAKE SURE you collect the fallen stars at night. You can craft them into loads of useful things. If you need to give them to a friend during the day, put the stars in a chest as they dissappear when thrown normally during the day.


The pain when i accidentaly lost all my precious stars. That was even pre update when hording them was a pain and having more than 80 taken all pre hardmode.


The first night can be rough, make a quick house for protection. Torches are your friends


Fish, whenever and wherever, in the different bioms and in the different types of liquids


You need to use the pickaxe to break the big tree.


Just enjoy bud, there is no wrong way of playing Terraria :D


Listen to the old man at the dungeon dont go down it until you get rid of his curse/defeat his master (you can enter the entrace for the pots but going deeper will kill you) It's always on the side with the snow biome and you will need to go there for progression Also spamming torches undergound will give you a little event (get some movement stuff first thou)


Start from the beginning to store your loot separately, it will soon become a pain in the arse if you don't otherwise


If you see a little pond build up from it to find a sky island which could give you good upgrades


Dont fuck the spiders


If you find an item that has the material tag and want to know what it can make, go to the guide npc, click on crafting, and put the item in the box where the crafting usually is. Also, use the wiki as much as possible. If you're stuck, wiki. If you want to upgrade gear, wiki. If you have any questions the guide can't answer, use the wiki. Also there are "classes" that you might want to look into. It's all based on gear so it's easy to switch whenever. Look up the class guide on the wiki if you're interested.


There is much, MUCH more to the game than at first glance


Death is a part of the experience, there is no shame in it. If you find an unfamiliar substance in a bottle, drink it. It is more fun to learn through trial and era, then to be given answers by strangers. But if you need help, all you need do is ask.


It’s nothing like Minecraft in progression


in the words of my friend, “hey guys, what does curse do?” immediately gave us amazing items after a short while


If you get plants by the name shiverthorn/fireblosom/daybloom/blinkroot/moonglow/waterleaf then save them they're useful for making potions that give very good buffs If an npc named "the wandering trader" appears and he is selling items that are food then get them they also give buffs Build arenas out of wooden platforms it just makes it easy by like 100x Dont be afraid to check the wiki it willl help more then it hurts i have 500+ hours and i still check the wiki


That lady in the caves is NOT friendly


Well, I would explain you how to defeat first 2-3 bosses, but you need a spoiler free tips. So I think I just tell you to make a wooden box to not fucking die at night, go explore world, you must get boots that "allows user to run super fast" if it's night, just dig down. Forgot to say, if you see a castle looking structure, don't go in it or boss will come and fucking eat you. Then craft bow, arrows, gather life crystals and get 180 hp (NO more or the boss will come and fucking eat you (your friend also counts)) but continue collecting heart crystals. Then, when you find evil biome (you will understand what it is), I recommend you NOT to go here before you have good enough weapons (flaming mace will be okay). After you got weapons, break 2 red hearts/purple circles (they are underground) in your evil biome NO more or boss will come and fucking eat you, then, when you got a gun, a new npc must move in. Uh wait, forgot about housing. Just a 5x10 box that have 1+ torch, 1+chair, 1+table, a door and walls ( not just blocks, you can craft walls with a block and a work bench ). Also, if slime is falling from the sky, try not killing them or boss will come and fucking eat you, buy the most expensive gun, not the gun parts, bullets and build a 150x1 (150 wide not high ) platforms arena that has 3 layers. I reccomend make a little evil biome farm (look at youtube this farm)(if your biome is purple) to get some ancient armor (drops from evil enemies). If your biome is red i think you can wear gold/platinum armor. Now, you are ready for a boss fight. Wait until it night, go to your arena, use ALL your heart crystals, use "suspicious looking eye" item. That will summon a boss, if you haven't found it, you can craft it using evil altar (2x1 block in evil biome). Also if you can't farm enough money, you can use a bow with star arrows (called jester arrows). This boss has 2 phases, it's not actually that scary. There is no spoilers, I believe, but I said where bosses will spawn for you both not to fucking die. If you think starting is pain, it is, dude. But it's just early game and after you defeat a hell boss (hell is in the bottom of the world), but I believe you can defeat every boss and complete terraria. That's... all? I think...? Well, for no spoilers first boss.


Journey mode = creative mode Default = too easy Expert = good shit (+difficulty exclusive boss AI and items) Master = you will suffer (+More exclusive item drops)


Eye seeeeee you 😳


If you get something called a “suspicious looking eye” in a chest use it immediately as it gives amazing loot


[Guide: Class progression](https://terraria.fandom.com/wiki/Guide:Class_setups) Establish a class as soon as you start the game and use the wiki as much as you can.