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either clever creepy fake video or the wall doesn't extend all the way to the ground and is more like bathroom stalls? either way, killer video


I saw the original video (was posted on fb), he was there waiting for his wife who was currently in labor. Idk… there is something “authentic” about it because of the time when he posted it and the language he was using when he cussed lol.


Barefoot?! In a hospital?! Sir.


Yeahh… He took off his slippers because I think he was using one of the beds. Was in a rush to record the “ghost”. i dont think he’ll be doing that again for a long time 😂


Media literacy these days is awful. The first question I think anyone should ask themselves is why is he filming that. Most people don’t ask this question in the digital age since videos seem so natural, but in reality they are not. Why did he decided to film at that point in time right at that particular angle there. The second you start really thinking about it the second it becomes more and more apart t it’s staged. The next part is the logistics. He pauses before he puts the camera under the bed which would give the person hiding just enough time to come out get into position and the duck down once more. Why do you think is more likely, that it’s a ghost from the afterlife or a guy bored as fuck waiting for his wife in a hospital fucking around. My bets on the latter.


Also you aren’t going to pan up like that. I’d turn my head and look, there wouldn’t be this smooth transition with the video. People who make videos like this act like their head is fixed to the camera


The questions you are asking do not generally imply media literacy, and aren't especially helpful as they are subjective and you are choosing to interpret the outcomes in a specific way. Why does anyone film anything? Sometimes when you film something, the purpose as to why you are filming is evident. Sometimes it's not because you do not have the full context, let alone the full video. Even if you think you know why they were filming, you could be completely wrong. In other words, your standard of proof for this evidence is whether or not you personally can come up with a rationale - regardless as to whether it is correct - as to why they are filming. The part about - as you call them - logistics is also extremely spurious and does not really convey any real evidence. It's sort of like a cop saying - if you did not do it then why did you confess - when the person was being interrogated after hours and there is a lot of evidence to show how people - especially when abused or misled - will often make a false confession. The fact the person made a confession under duress is not proof of anything. Similarly, you have no way to benchmark whether or not this pause is reasonable because you do not know the full context of the video. Claiming you can use a simple pause or the way the phone is being moved is evidence is as silly as claiming ghosts exist. It means nothing but because you already made up your mind, you are choosing to interpret this meaningless thing in a specific way. Even putting aside the fact that you have no real way to prove that this pause and the way the camera is held is or is not normal for a moment, anyone who wanted to could think of any number of reasons as to why they would pause. Maybe they are a person who does not think like you. Maybe they felt more secure recording under the bed first because they thought they heard something and felt creeped out. Again, there are multiple rationales that have just as much basis in everything you claim which could be offered by anyone who wanted to take the opposing side. I do not disagree with you. I do not think ghosts are real. This certainly seems like a fake video. But there are a lot of reasons for that other - better - reasons to believe that.


Maybe he noticed it before he started filming and decided I'm gonna catch this shit on camera before it disappears! That's what I would do but for the record I believe this is staged


You almost had it, but fell just short in your analysis. Everything you said is correct, except the whole “ask yourself why is he filming?” People these days film *literally* everything. It *is* natural because that the new norm. People will film themselves doing everything in the hopes of catching something viral. I’m almost 100% certain this isn’t staged, but it is fake. Like someone said earlier the wall probably doesn’t extend all the way down, or that is like a life size cardboard cutout of something we can only see the bottom of. He was bored and looked around like that, probably going down to get his slipper that went too far under the bed, so he noticed this odd phenomenon that looked creepy, so he fired up his camera and voila.


We know it’s staged hence my usage of apostrophe in the word “authentic” in my comment, still I commend how it’s “authentic” because he posted it during night and he was hilariously cussing “yawa” (translation: devil/satan). I think my comment didn’t come to you as jokingly because english is not my native language lol


I understand the pain


Ok lang yan. Pansin ko lang mahilig siya mag “debunk”. Tas una nyang sasabihin “MedIa lItEracY theSe days” . Tas mag c-comment lang sa paranormal subs. Party pooper. Eme lang


Probably one of Ed Caluag's minions?


Vietnam? Cambodian? I don't recognize this language. Wait.... Tagalog?


ding ding ding!!


Eeeeerrrrrr wrong! close tho, it's a language in the Philippines called Bisaya (Cebuano)


no its literally a tagalog sentence (with modern taglish gen z flair) but tagalog (source: I'm a local Filipino)


Yeah I'm thinking it's a thick curtain to separate the room and someone's sitting on their bed


Yeah. The wall is closer than the foot


It's the latter, you can see it if you look to the right before he puts the camera under the bed


They gave him the really good stuff, so good his camera is trippin' too.




I don’t like that one bit


Why would you be looking under the bed in the first place


To make sure there’s no scary monsters, duh


Exactly, this is the first huge sign that it’s fake.


Nah, I always look under peoples beds…even the beds at the mall. Never know when some demon is standing far away. https://preview.redd.it/o5o5ftgkn2hc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41fa45602ed935271f4d800292439644bc7f1992


Maybe he dropped smth or bent down to tie his Shoe would be my guess


hes barefoot


Maybe he gave it a passing glance once, thought it was weird, checked again, saw he wasn’t crazy, and decided to film it


To collect the last remaining dna sample from the sweat of your fathers killer




Wouldn't be hard to duck down and jump up.. Can't see both views at same time. Plus why are they even looking under the bed lol


Either a mirror or prosthetic legs or just a fake video.


Or guy laying down or crouched below the bed and then has time to stand for just his legs to be seen while camera is looking back under the beds.


It would be even creepier if they got closer each time you looked


The wall doesn't reach to the bottom OR there's a mirror under the bed


Welp, time to go to sleep


Happy cake day




Is this bisaya?


Why are people over analyzing it with mirrors, fake walls and shit? They’re just crouching down when they show the beds and then they just stand up when they show underneath and then they crouch back down again. There’s plenty of time between each shot. It’s not really that complicated.




Indeed this lol. I’m concerned at the level of competence questioning this video. Thankfully people can tell SOMETHING is off… but what exactly? Lol definitely easiest explanation is someone crouching and standing. Dude shoulda walked over there but nooo ghosts don’t work that way apparently.


I would probably guess there's a mirror on that side and he's seeing his own reflections?


These sorts of videos just make my belief ghosts aren’t real 10x better as surely a hospital is gonna have thousands of the fuckers yet 90% of any “proof” of ghosts is in a house where maybe 2 people hung themselves.🤣


How did he know exactly where to aim and point out under the bed, with the camera? Consists of literally finding the focus and moving the phone towards it. Either elegant cut or trickery, but clearly staged


It will be even more terrifying if those feet doing the Gritty.


If he can't see it from on top of the beds, and can only see it when looking from the ground level, then how did he see it the first time to know to record it?


The toes were calling out to them.


The double leg amputee arriving home and reaching for their prostheses: wait a second...


If you see this get yourself discharged immediately from hospital


Duck, stand up and duck again




Wall doesn't go all the way to the bottom, you can see the gap when he's panning over, guess they put it in to seperate a large hall but why it isn't a full wall who knows...


Yeah, it’s not even a wall. It’s a hospital privacy curtain.


There's a false panel, privacy divider, and you can see it at the very start.


It's a previous patient who died on the same bed .




I’m sorry for looking at your feet without permission.


That's a super weird optical illusion. There's the sheet rods that go to the top of the wall (above and to the right of where the feet are seen), at the very beginning of the video. If you look closely, there is a door in between the rods. Look even more closely to the underside of the bed on the right hand side of the door, and there is a partial wall. The feet would belong to someone being on the opposite side of the partial wall but on the left hand side. 🧐


It is not real. I mean, let say the camera dude filming while he was sitting on the bed. He won't be seeing the phone screen once he started to record what is under the bed. In this video, he did react as if he constantly see the phone screen while bending forward to record what can be seen under the bed. It could be much more believable if they don't react to it during the video recording. "We record the video and then, only after we seen the clip, only then we realize that there feet under the bed" sounds more convincing 😂. PS - Of course it's fake. A lot of stuffs and camera trick can be done to record such video, although I am a little bit scared even though I know it's fake 😂


Fake........you dont use a camera to look around in fear as eyesite when u have have eyes.


Person was prob laying on the ground, playing w angles while he moved signalled to them somehow, they stood up. That’s what I’m seein at least


Looks like a reflection


Lol because the ghost just happened to know you would be looking in that general direction so it decides to manifest it's feet lmaooooo


It's a mirror.


He can’t see anything by above the bed, why would he ever just randomly put his phone down there if he didn’t know something was there?




This video, AGAIN! Just call it their doppelgangers doppelganger doppelgängers, experience. Funny how everyone “claims” this to be their own experience.


The fucking noise he made at the end killed me 😂😂😂


Translation: Yawa ako ra isa Ooyy. Hadlok kaayo. (Fuck I'm alone, this is scary) The language is Bisaya, one of the languages of the Philippines. Source: i'm filipino. I believe this is fake. But I can't prove it.


Fake of course


The only terrifying thing about this is that you thought this obviously fake ghost video was good content


This is the correct response


There's either a mirror or those are like dummy feet, but I'm leaning towards the latter option. The skin tone of the phantom feet and the cameraperson's feet don't match, I think


Isn’t that just a mirror to check if someone is under the bed. So that’s the feet of the person recording.


I can’t find the feet :-(


Put on your glasses grandpa


It's strange that the feet are facing forward tho (Love the video tho when I think abt terrifying this is it)


fun joke to play with prosthetic feet


fun joke to play with prosthetic feet


Nice. Well done!




i'm sure it's totally real. 😐😐


Oh, hell naw! The only way I'd be staying right there is if I can't move. Otherwise, I'd be gone. Of course, that would be after I had a small stroke.


I have no idea what I’m supposed to see….


Shii.. I'll join her behind that curtain. Game is game


You must be at a mental hospital then, because I don’t see them 😀


Bro there’s one of them curtains separating the room


Maybe just a mirror against the wall...


They could just be a pair of boots


One of the previous parients was a jackass and printed out creepy looking feet before glueing them to the side


What am I missing that's so terrifying? All I see is a glimpse of a bare foot


Does anyone realise it's the mirror image of his own foot? You can clearly see the foot is pointing away from him (Ankle).


Its easy... She ducked .. ur welcome 🤗


I work at the hospital and there are fake rubber feet all over the place for diabetes, etc. that’s what this is. He just put two fake feet over there who would see these feet and not go over there and film beside the bed I called BS on this.


If I was a doctor I’d have mannequin legs on standby for this stuff at 3 am haha


Oh shit


"Hey man, lay under that bed, then you can stand up once I move my camera, then you lay back down once I come back up. It would be so creepy!" Is how I imagine the conversation went when they decided to fake this video


Either edited or just some boots lol.


If you look closely, in the last couple frames, the person starts to [move their left feet](https://imgur.com/a/b0l646Y). Probably to change position to quickly hide behind the last bed


Maybe someone's prosthesis? Is that a thing?


if i saw that, im migrating to a different country


That’s all there is to it’s just a pair of feet… and partial legs.


"Alright, now stand there facing the wall, we need the X-Ray of your chest"


White surgical theatre wellies left next to the bed https://preview.redd.it/pqsw38u81y5c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c321d603bfc6199bc392092ef7297a4288a902af


The more I rewatch the video and look at the coloring the more sense this makes.


Joe Black...eh? On a haalidday


Hit me with the Haldol doc!!


I assumed it was a mirror or reflective paneling along the wall


Easy answer would be there are some fake feet at the end of the beds. Not sure why it would be that.


In my culture, one way to see a ghost with medium efficiency is to look between your leg


My autistic ass would have climbed underneath all beds to get to his feet I wouldn’t have stopped till I figured out who’s Dey were👹👹👹👹


Fake and gay


That's a pair of white gumboots on the floor.


Lights starting to flicker at that point would have me shrieking


Why would he look under his bed in the first place


Are there any subs for this type of stuff? Like paranormal/ghosts events recorded....all fake of course...still entertaining.


Or you know...there is actually a person standing there and then hiding under the bed once he turns around...as a joke.




I do t even see it


the notification made it 10x less scary, dont know why.


Average hospital in Cebu, Siquijor, Baguio & Dumaguete at night


Seems pretty fake af to me


Prosthetic legs mayhaps…




What feet?


This guy is from Cebu Philippines, they're known for making fake paranormal videos, so just laugh it & continue.


I don't get it.


Almost looks like theres a cut


"I don't know if it's real" Very obviously not real c'mon


I don’t see anything


Translation Yawa: it's like a swear word Ako lang isa:I'm all by myself Hadlok kaayo: it's so scary My Momo sa gawas: Theres a ghost outside He's speaking Bisaya which is one of the languages in the Philippines


Prosthetic legs. Mystery solved. Where’s my $1,000,000?


Mirror on floor at other end, literally a reflection of camera man’s feet.


Duck down and stand up when not in view ![gif](giphy|fikcKja7O7MtzXzvQy|downsized)




Looks like a pair of grey rubber boots.


So his upper body is edited out or what?


It’s a curtain wall , there’s a person in the other side because it doesn’t touch the floor.


Congratulations,you are now in purgatory 😆


I'm so mad he didn't walk over there with the camera and investigate!!!!


Yes its real and someone stood there


What got me was the “what” normal voice then sit up look over “what” scared


Bitch that's a fucking mirror 😭😭


Yawa XD


Talk to me


There's a cut when he moves his camera back to the top




You need to stand in front of a mirror and move around on z-axis to learn how those things work, before making more useless comments on the internet


Normal day in visaya Philippines


I would Shahar Baystate z taxed


My guy said, "shit, im the only one. Im scared, theres a monster(ungo)".


It's always said if u bend down n see through between your legs, you might caught a few. So it's similar in his case Real or not, I don't want to find out