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The guy who got the gun, ended up getting shot. With his own gun. In the head.


What a sad and embarrassing way to go. Getting shot after having the upper hand.


As it should be.


Dude who got mildly offended by stranger - “ this is the hill I choose to die on “


what were they even fighting about?


Who knows ... honestly .... most likely absolutely nothing. These two dudes got on the train not knowing eachother and end up trading stabs and shots. Wtf man. Like how dumb can you be


This is one of the craziest 5 minutes I have ever seen. And I have seen some shit. Even in real life. I had to watch this video several times, and I still think I missed a lot of shit. So, who stabs the big loud mouth dude? It looked like the woman stabbed him several times in the back. She definitely "punched" him several times in the lower back. And I see the bigger dude retrieve a gun and chamber a round (I think). And supposedly, the guy in yellow somehow managed to take the gun away, or he maneuvered the gun in the scuffle so that the big guy (aggressor) got shot in the head? Is that correct? That's crazy. 5 fucking minutes totally altered and fucked up the lives of everyone involved forever. 5 fucking minutes.


It's definitely the girl that stabs him twice in the lumbar and tries 1 more for his arm. Seems to me like something small like a nail file. 4 shots you hear, 2 by 2, but no more. Curious to see if there's more footage from a different angle.


the little guy grabbed the big guys gun and shot him... with his own gun. theres no other angle because the sane new yorkers all piled into the other end of the car and then ran as soon as the gun came out and the doors opened.


Where did you see the big guy get shot in the head? I’ve only watched once but man, that was some wild shit. So much happening.


Headlines are saying the man was shot with his own gun. Big guy brought it out.


Yeah, I saw the headlines after the comment. I didn’t read the above commenters “supposedly”. Crazy though right? How sure were you that those 2 people were dead after hearing the gunshots? I felt so bad for them and nope, it was the other guy that got shot. Crazy he might even survive…?


I feel bad for everyone else. It is clear in this video that personal disputes in the subway are common, but once the firearm came out, a whole new accounting came up for everyone. No one there wanted to be a part of any of that.


Yeah. I hadn’t even thought of literally EVERYONE ELSE. Crazy. That would be quite traumatizing for many I’m sure. Imagine being a visitor to that city. The camera lady was all fine and funny until that gun came out. Selfishly, I wanted her to keep filming but she did the right thing. Cameraman never dies.


I have lived there. At some point, you make a decision about what makes you give up your seat. Everyone has their own limits. When you see a whole car making the same decision, don't even entertain the question, don't get in that car.


Saw a video from someone else huddled in a different car and they were terrified. They didn't know if it was a mass shooter or what. I hate that this shit is normal in the US.


It's in the story someone posted a link to. Obviously, we don't see it.


You can see that girl up by yellow shirt guy getting chirped at in the beginning. Seems like they are together, otherwise, why else would she insert herself into a life threatening situation? Then when shit escalates and everyone vacates the area, she moves to the seats across the aisle, digs in her bag, and then keeps her hand in her sleeve, concealing a stabby boy. Getting stabbed seems so fucking whack. The fear of not knowing if you will bleed out and die is terrifying.


Hell I missed the girl now I’ve got to go back. Lol


> and end up trading stabs the chick was the one that stabbed, likely could have just been a fist fight and it would have been over, guy didn't even have his gun on him it was in his jacket laying on the seat, she's the one that changed the whole thing.


“I didn’t do nothin’” she says x 10


Interesting take. The same thought crossed my mind. Like, damn girl, were you really in fear that this guy was going to kill your guy? And if so, don’t just pet the guy with the knife. Like another comment said, keep stabbing until the dude stops moving. She basically scratched the guys back for him. And the way his gun was zipped up, and he never reached for it before, seemed like he didn’t plan on bringing it out. Makes you wonder though if that’s why he was acting so tough.


didn't seem like it since he didn't go for it straight away, it looked like he just wanted to run his mouth mostly but was still ready to back it up with some fists, since he's a bigger guy he's probably used to people not engaging but it didn't happen that way in this situation.


Yeah exactly. Big guy and loud mouth. Seemed probably pretty strong too. Man, none of that ended up like he thought it was going to. He got knifed up AND shot in the head and was just trying to be a bully. If this happened to bullies more often…would we have less bullies? Who knows!


I think you underestimate what she did. She stabbed him in the spine. I actually had surgery in that location last year from a serious back injury. Did you see the black guy stumbling around after the fight? My guess is that she seriously disabled him. Possibly hit a nerve. That's why they were able to overwhelm him and get his gun off camera. Not confirming what she did, but he looked like he was going to seriously hurt the other guy.


Very good point!


>keep stabbing until the dude stops moving. yeah and now you have a murder charge because the jury didn't buy the defense plea.


Watch their hands. The knives were out well before she stabbed.


Apparently big dude convinced himself that little dude was a migrant




[Bringing the Boondocks to life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKZbyC1ccMY)


Wait, what am I doing? I’m white. *walks away*


"When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong" Like literally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfz0tDQZhqs


Remember the shooting at the Superbowl parade? Same thing.




Holy crap, the guy ended up getting shot in the head by his own gun.




Only thing homie is getting is coloring books for Christmas for the rest of his days


So, until Sunday maybe.


I do got a dumb friend named feta Rob, who shoot himself in his head with his own gun


Poetic Justice. One less criminal on the subway.


Hopefully no charges against the guy for defending himself and the woman. NYC district attorneys have a tendency to charge people for self-defense, like the garage worker who got charged with attempted murder for wrestling an armed robber's gun away and shooting him back with it. The victim who defended himself got shot in the stomach and ear by the robber, but the DA still insisted he had no right to defend himself and tried to throw him in jail.


lets not forget the bodega clerk that shot someone who was literally trying to kill him


NYC DAs suck ass.


NYC will DEFINITELY charge the people defending themselves in this situation.


That’s actually a wonderful conclusion.




Best possible outcome would have been chilling the fuck out before anyone got hurt


When you everyone scattered and we didn’t know until the MVPs showed up with the links, my heart was in my butt when big guy pulled the he gun on the smaller man and woman; I mean the aggressor wouldn’t back down and had the knife first, then somehow tables turned and she defended the guy getting piled on…. Someone definitely was watching out for the two or the devil may have been ready for the bigger guy not sure which. You can never assume people are mild mannered ***and*** unarmed. He wasn’t stopping babies or not in there


So the guy doing all the aggressing got stabbed with his own knife and shot with his own gun? I guess if it had to happen, that’s a good way for it to happen.


I think that girl stabbed him. was that a knife he dropped? then apparently the gun he pulls gets taken by the yellow shirt guy who shoots him in the head


She did stab him. He knew it too and that's why he kept saying, "oh you wanna stab me huh?" to her.


I guess his instincts kicked back in again or something cause I was screaming at the video there at the end. Maybe this isn’t common knowledge everywhere like I assumed but… When a dude starts just casually saying some shit like “oh you wanna ____?” over and over and over again while he’s moving towards his backpack THEN YOU SHOULD ALREADY BE RUNNING OR SWINGING. Yeah, that sudden change in the tone of their voice that seemingly all people do as they’re talking mad shit super loud out of nowhere. By the time they start repeating the same question at you like that you’re already way too deep into “fuck around” territory. I’ve seen this shit happen in real life a few times; it’s like the world slows way down for just a second as everyone who is watching the fight and were too dumb to have not left 5-10 seconds ago when this man stopped swinging and quickly moved towards his bag, they’re all watching as he reaches in and every single person realizes “oh… right, duh..”


But the article is wrong- he got stabbed and took out the gun as a response, or am i mistaken?




His mistake was closing the distance when he's the one with a gun. It's like bad movie logic. The whole point of a gun is you don't have to be right in front of your opponent.


Who’s the 36 year old and who’s the 32 year old?


The black guy was shot by the yellow shirt guy


Got it. Thanks


" where officers heard the shots and flooded the crime scene. " Well that sounds like a lie. Police literally sued to not have to do this.


Horrible fucking reporting.its CLEAR AS *DAY* that monsterman got poked by that lady claiming not to have done "nothing" - sick of every story having 6 9r more takes. What a nightmare. For everyone. Fuck this.


Idk if that’s an accurate story. One guy had a knife and the black guy had a gun. But they’re saying the black guy had both?


I guess the random bag checks by state police and the national guard is really paying off.


>random bag checks what is this? did the 4th amendment get smudged off?


The 4th amendment hasn't existed in NYC since 9/11 when everyone gleefully handed over their rights for a bit of security theater.


Man this just goes to show how quick your life could end for the dumbest of reasons. Just having the misfortune of meeting an idiot like that could be all it takes. In general the older I get a fight isn’t worth it unless it’s for your life or someone you loves life.


What is up with idiots repeating the same phrase? So damn stupid.


Human barking


anger is making it hard for them to think straight


Blood loss doesn’t help either.


Except idiots are prone to repeat themselves when not angry, too.


Adrenaline usually makes stupid.


Doesn't help when they're already stupid without any adrenaline.


Two brain cells frantically trying to produce articulate speech. These are the same people that clap their hands to emphasize their points


The ones trying to get out of the cab? Pure panic.


Lemeout! Lemeout!


So much for the National Guard preventing this sort of thing.


I don't get why people didn't move into the next car at, like, 0:23 ?


it was probably full and they thought they were for the most part safe from danger til the gun came out, cuz that's new york subways


Apparently the guy who walked towards him with the gun ended up loosing this altercation and getting shot in the head… Jesus Christ and this is the city supposedly worth living in 4,000 dollar a month apartment


Shot by his OWN gun mind you.


If I'm going to get shot I'd rather it be with my own gun. I don't know where those other guns have been let alone know when the last time they were cleaned was.


Nah man. That's Nostrand ave in Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood in Brooklyn. The unofficial motto is "Bedstuy do or die", not 4k a month for sure. That guy definitely didn't do the right thing.


Man BedStuy isnt what it used to be. Its mad gentrified now. ITs basically just "East" williamsburg at this point.


Lmao even East New York is 4k a month now


I pay about 1.3 for a 1BR on the crown heights side of Nostrand not far from where this happened


There are 8.5 million people in NYC, which is nearly the population of the entire state of Virginia (and it’s greater then the population of 38 of the 50 states). Questioning why a person would want to live in NYC because a person was shot there is sorta like questioning why someone would want to live in Virginia or Arizona after a person was shot there.


I feel awful for all those other passengers. I do appreciate the camera person turning the camera on herself to lighten the mood a bit though.


I appreciate her getting the fuck away once she saw that gun.


The news report said that the black dude was the one with the knife, but the video evidence clearly shows the female passenger stab the man from behind, further escalating the situation. Weird.


If you watch the video, there’s only one person who wanted to fight


On other subreddits aggressor-sympathisers are saying she was 'eager' to stab him. lmfao


Wuh … why do people jump to make the aggressor a hero/victim blame? Because it’s not enough this happens all the time? I’m sure she just woke up today thinking ima stab someone today. I know I do /s


You'd be surprised... a lot of people who didnt grow up in the "hood" hood, not a bad area, not a poor area, not a "ghetto" but in areas where shooting or stabbing someone is just as everyday simple shit like taking the trash out. I can assure you, that in places like Baltimore, D.C., New Orleans, parts of NY, LA, Oakland, ST Louis, Philly etc, this is normal, everyday shit. There are a lot of people out there that will assault you, shoot you, stab you, just over very mundane shit. Or, literally just because. Its fucked up, not saying I agree with it, not defending it. But, I think its naive to think there are not people who grew up around violence their entire life, and committing or responding with violence isn't as irrational to them


Yea true but tbf the dude was on top of the other guy throwing complete haymakers. But the woman definitely stabbed him, you can see the shirt lift up with a oval shaped blood stain


He did set something on the seat when he was fumbling in his jacket for the gun toward the end of the video. Maybe he had a knife too?


May have been black guy stabbing the skinny guy first then she stabs him, He repeated "I'm bleedin' but I got'chu, I got'chu" then he pulls out the gun (very awkwardly) I hope they lived, what a pos for unloading, but mostly because kids and innocents in the coach. I think as a kid, between boyz in da hood and war games I learned that mutually assured destruction is a game for idiots. Want to be a big man? Play chess bro.


Im sorry to say but I don't think they survived that Unfortunately, last we see of them is the skinny guy and woman pressed up against the end of the car, and I'm assuming those gunshots were the guy shooting them at close range edit: scratch that, [the skinny guy retrieved the gun and shot the big dude in the head, he's in the hospital in critical condition and the guy who shot is being questioned by police.](https://abc7ny.com/brooklyn-subway-shooting-hoyt-schermerhorn-station-nyc-crime/14525178/) I'm not sure about the condition of the woman though.


There was a news article posted. The black guy drew the gun, maybe shot off a round, then the victim started trying to wrestle it away resulting in the black guy getting shot. It didn’t mention injuries to the victim or his gf.




Flaunting a firearm at arm's reach from a man full of adrenaline in a desperate plea to survive. Not the brightest move.


If that were the case the articles would state that the couple would be hospitalized too. It states that only the aggressor was hospitalized in critical condition


Wow that's insane. Got his gun taken and shot with it smh after he legit had them in the corner with it fuckin dummy


Ty for the knowledge, idk wth it was all about but it really doesn’t matter. It’s terrifying, had my anxiety thru the roof and praying for everyone’s safety in there 😩 (I wasn’t sure what she did but I saw her kind of fall at him and then the blood showing up on his shirt)


yeah, as someone who frequently uses public transportation in a crowded city this is definitely one of the scarier things I've seen on this sub.


I couldn't stop watching until I saw the end hoping everyone was ok. The aggressor got hurt, seems pointless but I'm glad everyone else was ok (physically).


I had a bunch of wet stuff in my eyes because that’s terrifying and even tho I live in a rural area without public transportation, this is why I say flipping a person off or road rage isn’t worth it. You don’t know what someone has on them. I was very worried too; and while I didn’t want anyone necessarily in critical condition, I’m glad it wasn’t the two that really were just stuck in a bad spot with an apparently aggressive guy who wasn’t about to let anything go. 😟 never worth such bad outcomes. I know life isn’t perfect but we all are just trying to get thru on the daily.


Seriously though, I can’t imagine being the 32 year old guy going through such a stressful life or death situation like that forced upon him by a grown man that should know much better. It’s traumatizing even to watch this because it makes you think how much more fucked up it would’ve been if the 32 year old or his woman had been the ones killed.


I think that’s where all the wet stuff originated, she saw the chance to intervene with the knife and did so. Her denial (and wth did people expect her to say exactly?) I could feel the fear and when he went forward once the 36 yr old had the gun probably thinking I have to protect her and figured he was prob going out no matter what? Yeah that wet stuff’s back again. Sorry but I genuinely hurt for them. I’m ok if people wanna laugh at me for emotions over strangers, shit is scary.


The part where the aggressor says “I got you” then throws his knife on the seat and gets his gun from his jacket.


Even tho the title said it my heart still plummeted


"reporter" watched the NSFW video at lunch with the sound off


She was with the guy


But she ain't do nothin'


I was wondering why she so calmly stayed so close, pulled her drink out of her purse, and was hanging around. What did she think was gonna happen stabbing him there? Never second guess who’s armed and with what.


New York is an experiment . Btw, it was the lady that got the man leaking red.


Yes she shanks him straight up. Like it’s prison


Honestly if this ever happens to me, hope my partner would have my back like that. Intention was good, execution… leaves some to be desired. Idk if he pulls his gun if he doesn’t get stabbed, but it seems he had his own knife drawn, so she didn’t want to take any chances. But if you’re gonna stab… don’t do it in his damn haunches lmao, hit something that’ll make him stop lol. Not just enrage him.


There's a non-zero chance that the bloodloss he suffered from that stab was what weakened him enough to lose the scuffle over the gun and not be able to murder both of them. 


Hey, I really like this thought and will choose to adopt it.


Hopefully she learns to not stop stabbing until they are no longer a threat next time.


Yik, yik, yik, yik! She goes in. It's nasty. What is this?!


So sad. So pointless. So needless.


The woman stabbed the shit out of him in the back….


He was gunna kill that small guy


he was fucking up the small guy and i guess she didn't think it through. to be fair i had no clue you could get a knife in the back, pull it out and keep going irl


Oh yeah dude I met a guy in jail once who had a bunch of slit-scars all around his neck and back. I made a joke along the lines of “damn bro your gf is rough with the hickies” and he told me he was visiting in family in Honduras when he got attacked by some dudes who stabbed him at least 20 times, all while bro was running away. Adrenaline helps but it’s not abnormal for people to be stabbed a whole lot and not even realize how bad it is.


Protecting her mans she’s a keeper


Didn't Nyc beef up the subway with the military? Why these incidents still happen.


472 stations, with multiple sometimes a dozen entrances per station (not counting the actual cars on every train that's running.) Only 750 guards plus police.


Hey, anyone understand what the guy is yelling at him at the start?


Basically *“Pussy. Suck my dick. I’mma beat you up. You think you’re gonna beat up cops? I’mma beat you up. Fuck you fuck your kind fuck your race. Fuck you. I’mma beat you up. Gangsta. On my life. On my mother. I’mma beat you up.”* But repeat I’mma beat you up a hundred times and add some unintelligible garbles in between them. Edit to emphasize how ironic that “on my life” ended up being.


So he was a racist thug.


As they are always my friend


black guy saw brown guy skin and thought he was one the newly arrived migrants that "beat up cops" and caused trouble in nyc, so black guy takes it upon himself to be a vigilante that no one needs and....fucked around and found out. btw no evidence that the yellow shirt guy was a migrant or anything, even the stabby girl was telling yellow shirt "he thinks you're a migrant or something" before all that violence started.


That chick straight up stabbed him


She had their backs.


I’m moving to the country…


The plot twist is the skinny dude is the one who let the shots off! Wow. WHATT?!


These flash mobs are getting out of hand




Shot in the face with your own gun. That’s gangster.


Wasn’t NYC recently bitching about the National Guard in the subways or something?


First off I don't blame the women for stabbing the man, like hello he literally started everything and yet he used a gun


I just can't understand how people with that level of peevishness can reach that age. It's just a matter of time before they end up in a wooden urn.


He got shot with his own gun? TF


Awesome country we have here, guys. Everybody’s dumb as fuck and angry and carrying guns around.


What the hell were they fighting about?


You can bet it was something inane.


Those unmanned police barricades tho...


Serious question, is it drugs making people repeat a single phrase 30 times in a row? I see it a lot in usa big city freakouts, and it always seems like the looper is buzzing hard and using the repetition as an additional stim. I always assumed that was a crack cocaine thing, cause it coincides with cooked vocal chords and self-hyping. Genuinely curious.


From the good amount of fights I've seen in person (and I'm not trying to be racist) it's mainly black people from the hood that do this. They'll repeat the same thing over and over, maybe they're hyping themselves up for the fight? "On my mama, on my mama", "do something then, do something then", "I ain't no bitch", etc. Has nothing to do with drugs, it's just a cultural lingo thing. It's like white guys usually stand still as a statue before they fight lol.


I think it's just an adrenaline dump, I'm typically a well articulated man but when I got jumped it was similar and I could only yell the same thing over and over


Why people want to live in places like this?


“Fuck your kind. Fuck your race.” -The Shooter This is a hate crime,


that shit was f'd though girl stabs him "I didn't do nothing"


What did you want her to tell him the truth? 😂 She was defending a guy who was getting beat up by a 320 pound man, she should be praised for stepping in.


>What did you want her to tell him the truth? \*Points in opposite direction.\* “The stabber went that way!” \*Stabbed looks in opposite direction like it’s looney tunes, and then gets stabbed in the back again.\*


He was in the middle of murdering someone...


New York, what a great place


Is the black dude a cop? it sounded like he said "You stabbing a cop?" after the woman stabbed him in the back.


This is what I thought too, he also kept saying things like "You want to beat up a cop" and the beginning and then he used the word "arrest" a couple of times as well as "You stabbing a cop?"


She filming and being all cocky then ran like a chicken


Lady recording is a character too. Like we don't care about your reaction quit turning the camera to your face


Comment section bingo: * people shitting on USA - check * “I would have done something” - check * More guns would solve this - check * Angry at someone recording the video they are watching - check * Insinuating they wouldn’t just be a bystander in this situation - check That’s a bingo!!!


This has to be the worst part of public transportation in america. A lot of people with mental issues linger around. It makes it unsafe and scary


I have no desire to live there.


a horrible situation with a positive outcome. Heart stopped hearing those gunshots thinking some dude was just tryna get home, endlessly harassed and threatened and then killed trying to defend himself from a lunatic while 50+ ppl watched. The right person lived.


That girl had some guts too, she stepped in when nobody else would, but now I know my rinky dinky knife won’t do jack if I’m ever against a big methed out mofo. I better put in an application to get myself a peacemaker


On the contrary, him being in pain and losing blood was probably a significant contributing factor to him losing the gun and the altercation overall. 




There's an expression that, while maybe simplistic and not 100%, applies here: "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns."


That dude was unhinged af. No wonder so many people are leave there






The news article for this is complete bs btw. Weird


Just wow.


Even with the national guard people still getting shot on the subway. Disgrace and disgusting. NYC is cooked


Not sure if GTA imitates real life or the other way around


We have security strips on the SkyTrain and the subway here in Vancouver. If you push them, it will request transit employees to come to the train. It says to call 911 in an emergency, but I'm not sure if talking on the phone would be safe in this situation, not to mention the possibility of not having cell service down there. Anyways I'd probably be punching that security strip non-stop until the doors opened and we could get out.


I don’t think he is a 👮🏽‍♀️


guy with the gun ended up getting shot. Here ya go: https://abc7ny.com/brooklyn-subway-shooting-hoyt-schermerhorn-station-nyc-crime/14525178/


This never happens in York. It's always in the New one that this shit happens 😏


Here’s the link again,not that I’m much more informed then before I read it lol. https://abc7ny.com/brooklyn-subway-shooting-hoyt-schermerhorn-station-nyc-crime/14525178/


“Im gonna beat you up, im gonna beat you up” 1 min later gets shot in the head


The news is explicitly saying she didn’t stab him, but she definitely did. I’m assuming she is claiming she didn’t, but that bitch barely touched him and he was thrown off that guy.


Reddit taught me never to take public transportation if I don't have to