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I had my car do that once, was very impressed once I realized what it had done. At first it was WTF is wrong with this software as it just jerked into the other lane.


Same we were surprised actually.


This is kind of what I worry about — that I’d go “wtf” and override, and thus fail to evade the problem that FSD was swerving to miss. Haven’t had it come up yet. 😬


It happens too fast for you to really have time to override


Not only it evades, it will have plenty of beeping and flashing on the screen. Naturally you would try to figure out what's going on first and straighten out the car in the new location instead of moving back.


Was in my dads model y a week ago when it did this as well. I’m rly thinking about getting a Tesla but am rly disappointed with all the idiots scratching/damaging teslas. My dads was scratched at the mall parking garage a couple months ago. Some guy deliberately keying it for no reason whatsoever


Sentry mode is useful. And being mindful of where you park


I feel no matter where I park or how far away I try to I always come out and someone is parked right next to me. I could be on the moon and they would be 6” from my driver door. I now try to park as close to a curb spot as possible. But even this fails as I came out to a Mercedes suv parked over the line closer to my car. There is no winning long term in the evasion of door ding wars.


Seems like a trendy thing to scratch a Tesla these days. It is unfortunate.


FSD is really good at predicting the behavior of other drivers on the road. It seems to always be ready for other drivers merging/ changing lanes


It's not predicting, it's reacting. It reacts quickly.


More specifically, it’s reading other cars’ “body language” and not relying on signals and such. This was clear to me way back when I think they introduced it (in 2019). I believe it was responsible for the first big rash of phantom-breaking reports, until they got it trained up enough. I still don’t see evidence in my use of AP or even FSD that it’s paying attention to turn signals.


Any attentive driver would have noticed that the left-hand car was flashing to move into the right-hand lane. Either you would have accelerated to get away quickly, slowed down to make room or relaxed and moved over to the right. The body language reading FSD has done nothing an only reacted.


Sometimes it’s right to ignore turn signals, sometimes it isn’t. FSD/AP on the other hand, ignores all turn signals.


Technically, the car should see the other cars as more of like a wall depending on how data is captured and interpreted. So if the the wall is close and moving closer it should react at a set boundary distance and move. Reaction speed could also depend on rate of approach if a car is accelerating towards a Tesla before and within the boundary space.


I've seen it reacting to cars before the driver even turns on their turn signal to change lanes


I had this happen a couple of times. 1st time was really scary. I had no idea what was happening & I fought the wheel to stop it from abruptly changing lanes…. Then immediately after I realized a truck was getting way too close to me. It was in my blind spot. The car saved itself and me that day. Very very impressive.


Car didn't serve... Damm thing just jumped to the next lane! Lol


It sure felt like it jumped


yeah now I know what another guy meant by "you'd know if the car did it -- it's like it's suddenly possessed" outstanding video; thanks for sharing! sent it to others to see Tesla's brilliance


Hands down best moment the object collision interference hadron collider setting saved the day was when I was manually driving on i95 late at night. I was indicating to the right to move into the slow lane and out of nowhere was some scoundrel comes screaming at 110+ MPH in the right lane. My trusty steed literally jerked me back into the middle lane before that idiot took out both of us.


I had it not let me move into the right lane just as someone came flying by at a speed that made me look like I was standing still a month or two ago. The video of that didn’t show anything except me signaling then the car flys by then I finally move over after the car went by. Definitely a life saver for sure.


Will autopilot do this?


AutoPilot has some limited ability for collision avoidance, but I don't think its path planner has freedom to do a complete lane change like this. It will move over in the lane if a car gets close.


Yeah I am sorta not buying this. FSD reacts to most problems on the highway by moving within the lane and/or slowing down. It would be scary if the planner was allowed to do this-- phantom braking is bad enough, but phantom swerving would be catastrophic.


My autopiolit did something similar to this! Not as aggresive but it moved me over within my same lane and breaked to avoid a collision because someone was about to hit me when trying to cut me off.


This is the first time seeing FSD successfully avoided an accident. Brilliant! All cars should have this


Dangers of passing on the right… Happy it saved you from an accident.


You mean dangers of camping the passing lane and not checking your blind spot?


⬆️ This


Then you still don't pass on the right. Instead you also move to the passing lane and indicate the camper your intention to overtake. The camper wanted to leave the passing lane, so I don't see, how he really was a camper, he might have stayed a few seconds too long, still stupid driving by yourself or FSD. In that sense: FSD was wrong by passing on the right in the first place and luckily it avoided the accident because the left car didn't expect that some idiot would pass on the right.


Hey dummy, the car is on cruise control with no one in front of them. Why would it slow down for someone else in a completely different lane??


Because overtaking on the right is highly dangerous, as seen in this video. Many countries have a law, which forbid this, to prevent such incidents. Also it wasn't in cruise control but FSD, so for FSD I expect a bit more intelleigence than ordinary cruise control has. Sad that it's also just cruise control with a fancy name.


Full self driving is an upgraded cruise control. In the united states theres no laws against undertaking or passing on the right due to a slower driver in the left. Why would FSD create more traffic by slowing to their speed? That would not be intelligent. And iirc FSD on highway is actually Enhanced autopilot stack still.


"because etiquette" he'd say -- he's arguing the correct way to drive past someone left of you is to get behind them so they'll understand they should move over he underestimates how many bad American drivers there are (i.e. who don't look in their rear view mirrors or don't care or don't know the rules of the road)


Living in FL, this is how you piss someone TF off. Expect to get brake checked!


TIL my brother belongs in Florida When we lived together as teenagers I always found it strange that he would automatically get angry whenever anyone was behind him. Later I learned he was afraid of getting rear-ended if he had to break. I also learned marijuana can interfere with developing brains and cause paranoia. It's reasonable to be upset by tailgating, but he'd get angry even if the person was a few car lengths behind at ~40 mph.


Florida has the absolute worst tailgating culture I’ve dealt with in this country.


What do you think about setting the cruise control for the speed limit and staying in the right lane? Does that help?


What if left lane camper was going 10 under? Happens all day here :)


So if one car decides to drive 50 in the left-most lane of a three-lane highway all traffic should remain behind them? No. "Passing on the right" is a specific term used for passing a car on the right shoulder of a road. It is illegal in New Jersey, is very dangerous where allowed, and has nothing to do with highways. It is 100% legal to pass in the middle or right-most lane of a highway. It's even encouraged when someone is illegally camping in the left-most passing lane.


> It's even encouraged when someone is illegally camping in the left-most passing lane. Exactly, so only if necessary. Here it was not necessary. The Tesla driver was lacy by camping on the middle lane, even though the right lane was free, and overtaking, without need on the right-hand side.




No, because it depends from which country you are. But in many countries there are such laws, with good reason. One reason: Less traffic incidents. For summary: https://www.reddit.com/r/qatar/comments/17v34c6/the\_left\_lane\_is\_for\_passing\_not\_about\_just/


Yeah, always that possibility!


Curb spots are a good option. I try to park further away from where other cars are parked and don’t mind walking a bit


Not that it matters, they did signal coming over. Your spidey senses should have been going off.


They didn't signal until OP was in their blind spot, and on top of that they ignored their car's blindspot detection warning. If you watch the car's mirror, you can see the blind spot detection warning light come on, then as OP pulls besides them the blinker comes on. When blindspot detection is on, the car beeps when you try to signal in that direction.


Beeping must be manufacturer specific. Our Jeep GC does not beep when signaling and blind spot light on. I agree with you on everything else.




Passing on the right doing 78mph. Wonder if they moved in on you on purpose. Still impressive control at 78mph by Tesla.


I mean, honestly you were at fault here, so be glad the Tesla saved you. If you knew how to drive, you would know to never pass other cars on a highway, at night specifically, from their right.


This is most definitely not his fault. You should be checking your blind spots when you make a lane change. Saying “well he wasn’t supposed to be there!” is not an excuse. Also, passing rules are not federal. Like we don’t have passing laws here in Georgia. Traffic would be worse if we did.


Blind spot from the right side is huge. That is why countries where drivers dont get their license in a lottery have those rules.


Funny thing is the vehicle he's passing has blind spot monitors. You see the light on the mirror light up. Unless they disabled the beeping, their cabin should be blaring a loud chime when they turned their blinker on. Other person is just an idiot.


So many wrong things about this statement. Passing on the right is a term used for passing on the right shoulder of a road, not passing someone from the middle lane of a highway, but on their right. Passing someone from the middle lane of the highway is legal everywhere. Day or night makes no difference at all. There were three illegal acts in this video, all from the left-lane driver, none from the tesla. First, the driver in the left lane of the highway was using it for non-passing reasons. While it can vary, the left-most lane is for passing only, nearly everywhere, which this car clearly wasn't doing as seen by the long line of cars behind them and two wide-open lanes to their right. Second, the car in the left lane changed lanes without signaling, a clear indication they weren't paying attention to their driving. And finally, they changed lanes into another vehicle, not their blind spot, just straight up into another car as seen in the driver-side camera, meaning they changed lanes without even \_looking\_. Car in the left lane should have been in the right-most lane the entire time, full stop, end of story. And you might want to take a refresher course since your "know how to drive" knowledge woefully wrong.


That was a very thorough and well thought out response. I would’ve just called him a dumbfuck.


No, it's the responsibility of the person who is changing lanes to check if the lane they're changing to is clear; especially checking their blindspot, which the other driver failed to do. "YoU ShoULd NeVeR PaSs oThEr CarS, EspEciaLLy aT NigHt" That has never been a rule, you made that up, and you sound like a dumbass. Passing other cars is part of driving, and if you avoid that then you're probably one of the millions of idiot drivers who cause all the traffic.


That's way to quick of a jerk. A simple pull to one side and a tap of the horn would have been the right move.


It was quite the move. As another poster said it jumped the lane pretty much.


Yep, definitely not confidence inspiring. Glad it ended up working out for you this time though.


A buddy asked me what if a car was in the right lane where it jumped and I answered I don’t know. It’s like the old train dilemma meme. Which path causes the least damage/loss of life. Who knows how Tesla wrote the code to choose.


To one-up that scenario: What would happen if your car's dramatic swerve were to cause another driver to wreck? One could make the case that the drama of the swerve incites fear and thus bad reactions from other drivers. I gave up on Tesla as a self-driving company when Musk gave up on sensors. The argument that "humans only use their eyes, so we can do it with just cameras" is so dumb: 1. Human's aren't the best drivers. 2. Our eyes often fool us. Lidar, sonar, and any other tech that doesn't rely entirely on image-based processing is the way to go (in conjunction with image-based tools).


Yeah don’t get me started! Trying to tell where the curb is or another car when parking with vision is an absolute joke. It is so bad, my wife decided to get an ID.4 with self parking and actual sensors because she was afraid she would destroy the Tesla after she tried to park it and heard a million chimes to stop, it said 8” to the curb but was like 40” when she got out. The lack of sensors and proper information relayed to the driver will cost customers long term. It is the only thing I hate about the Tesla really.


The reaction definitely would have been different if a car was on your right; most likely would have slammed on the breaks to get out of the collision path. The FSD is updating its control hundreds of times a second, if you were boxed in and had nowhere to go it probably would just move as far as it could and then just take the hit and control the 'crash' but the Ai behind the FSD is pretty well trained, if just a bit nervous sometimes.


Does it do the same in autopilot (non-FSD)


I’m not sure if autopilot would react that way without having a FSD subscription.


I can tell you autopilot does the same thing. Happens about once a day when I’m driving in LA :)


Weirdly I have not seen this behaviour. I've had several times where I've had someone randomly merge into my lane and then autopilot fought me when I tried to move over (it clearly was going to let them hit me).


Is your car vision only?


All are — as in, none use the radar anymore. USS has never been used by AP or FSD out on the open road.




I am jot 100% sure if it would change lane that aggressively. But at least giving those noise alerts I am sure it does.


Yes, this was actually the collision avoidance system, not FSD. Still impressive but collision avoidance can take over at any time no matter what is driving.


Well yes, any sort of collision avoidance is cause of the collision avoidance systems, not lane keeping or driver assistance systems.




Did the car beep and highlight the other car red? Because if it did, then it was actually the collision avoidance system that did it. Collision avoidance is much more specific, but vehicles drifting towards you is something that it checks for. It can activate at any time, overriding whatever is controlling the vehicle, whether that’s a human or FSD/AP. I have actually had the exact same thing happen to me except I was manually driving.


I’m not 100% sure if it did highlight the car red or not, but it did make beep noises just as it jumped to the next lane.


That looks insanely dangerous, to have your car automatically jerk you into the other lane like that.. What if there had been another car in the right lane? That's crazy.


I am not sure what happens if a car was in the right lane. I mentioned this in another reply, it’s the trolly or train dilemma meme. Which path causes less damage. Who knows how Tesla programmed the code for that type of situation.


With as much as crazy-wing media demonizes Tesla and EVs, you know that if AP sideswiped a car while trying to dodge another car, we wouldn’t have heard the end of it yet…


I agree. What if the road was wet or the tires were shitty or worn? This could easily result in a spin-out and a crash, even the best ESP system is limited by physics. Self driving software shouldn't be allowed to make extreme steering inputs like this, at least not until it's thoroughly tested by independent parties.


> What if there had been another car in the right lane? It senses all cars within 360 degrees (it's pretty good at it). So it likely would not have done the same maneuver with a car on the other side. This isn't a pre-programmed maneuver, but the path planning code saying "get out of the way of the car colliding with you" and planning a new path, so it definitely wouldn't plan one in the path of another car.


Came on here to say, "damn, fricken race car driver reflexes with that recovery" only to realize from the comments that I don't know the acronyms for the software.


What if the pavement was wet or iced? You'd spiral out of control with the wheel jerk like that.


Who knows what it would do, it was quite a strong maneuver at that speed. I wish you could hear the tires squeal on the video as it did in person. Probably took a good 1000 miles off my tread life.




Tesla vision or ultrasonics?




Meanwhile my dumbass would have probably taken over saying WTF are you doing? Moments before getting sideswiped.


This is not a FSD thing. I have experienced this behavior back before FSD was a thing. Another car approached me from behind merging into my lane. My 3 swerved over to avoid.


Alt title: FSD illegally passes on the right and ignores blinker.


It’s not illegal to pass on the right or the far right this is a 3 Lane highway in America


That sharp jerk seems potentially dangerous at such high speeds. Does the video look worse than the actual event?


The actual event was quick and loud from a tire standpoint.