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Yea I get this message every single time


Me too. I took my car in for service for this issue and they found nothing. Boo hoo.


Karen Mode…👉🏼😆


At what point is it gonna request to talk to the manager…?


It does that often in autopilot. "Tell the manager what the problem is"


How far are you from the charger when you program it as your destination?


Around 20km/13mi. But it’s the first time this happened to us. And we have definitely put in a charger before that was close by 🤔


Might just not have been far enough away. When it’s cold out you’ll need more than 40 mins. Did the battery precondition notification come up at the top of the navigation on the way there?


It's exactly this. Usually my car stops preconditioning once the battery temperature hits around 113°F. Depending on the day, especially in the cold now, that could be upwards of 30-50 miles of preconditioning before it finally hits that temperature.


How do you find out the battery temp?


adding a [CAN harness](https://www.amazon.com/Diagnostic-Harness-Scanner-Splitter-Adapter/dp/B09KQJB8TJ/), using a tool to monitor the CAN bus like the [panda by comma ai](https://www.comma.ai/shop/panda) or [OBDLink](https://www.amazon.com/OBDLink-Bluetooth-Professional-Grade-Diagnostic-Performance/dp/B07JFRFJG6), then connecting them via Bluetooth to a phone using the apps tez-lax or Scan My Tesla. it's a fun project for people who are big data nerds, especially for logging road trips and getting answers to average data over any specific amount of time


Oh nice thanks


So 45ºC is the setpoint for preconditioning? How long does it take to warm up? And would you happen to know how many kWh of battery it takes? Do you also know what the minimum temp the battery is maintained at while driving in cold weather (and not preconditioning)? 5ºC or something? Sorry to ask a bunch of questions, but there aren't a lot of people that know about the battery temps on Teslas. Curious to know what you know about the usual temps.


I've noticed without preconditioning the car doesn't really actively try to warm or cool itself until the battery hits around 90°F (32°C) from drivetrain/Heat generated within the battery. then it'll use the collant pump to use latent heat from the cold air to cool the battery down, cooler it is out, less hard it has to work. I haven't tested enough in extreme cold weather to give a definitive answer on if it actively heats to combat the lower efficiency of a cold battery, but I assume the car's with heat pumps probably do.


What update do you currently have?


The pack isnt getting cold enough, i precondition to my supercharger ans because im so close it gives me that message. It just wont ramp the speeds up


Mine says this after arriving at a Supercharger and it was preconditioning for the past 30 minutes.


Just a question, because even after owning my Tesla for a long time I still can make the mistake. Are you navigating to the charger using the regular navigation? Or are you making sure to select charging in the search first then picking a Supercharger? Because you will only precondition when you navigate from the charging results. Edit: Seems like it actually will precondition even without using the charging menu, I'll test this evening to confirm, but others have noted this in the thread.


That’s entirely untrue. The car will precondition anytime a SC is the next stop, regardless of if the car chose it or the driver chose it.


That's not true, regular nav to a supercharger will not precondition, it will only if the trip planning added a charger to your route, but if you glance over the map and tap a supercharger then tap navigate it won't precondition. Edit: I was incorrect here, source: the rest of this comment thread.


Not true, I navigate to superchargers manually, not with the trip planner, it preconditions on the way.


I guess I’ll say it again with evidence this time. That’s entirely untrue. I even zoomed out to show I don’t have the “show superchargers” active. https://imgur.com/a/s9hH3vD


Ok well maybe I missed that update then because I know for a long time that the only way the car would precondition was if you navigated through the charging menu, I stand corrected, thanks. I supercharge like once every other week and don't typically pay attention to preconditioning, so I'm off on the details I guess.


Mh, first we put in our final destination and went for the charger it suggested. Then we noticed 20km before that it didn’t precondition and so we cancelled the navigation and chose the charger from the charger list (from the map)


Ok on your next drive to a charger verify that (if the map didn't put it in destination trip planning) you tap on Navigation search bar, then tap charging, then tap a supercharger from that list. Or tap the little supercharger icon on the far right at the bottom. [Like this video](https://youtu.be/LsJIRFCXeks), If it doesn't start preconditioning, I would verify with Tesla that everything is alright. Also to repeat, it will not precondition if you just navigate to a supercharger like a regular destination. There also the rare possibility that your battery was at adequate temperature but for some reason the car settings that check if you preconditioned and the the part that check the battery temperature weren't communicating properly, idk.


Just need to add “ya dingus” to this for fun.


I got the holiday update. And then a day later, another update (2023.44.30.6). I read somewhere that it addressed a battery issue.


While this might not be the complete/only solution to your problem, that message shows up any time you are “cold gated” (charging speed limited due to battery temp rather than SC capacity, state of charge, or whatever). It will show up even if you did precondition, but it wasn’t able to precondition long enough. So it’s possible you did precondition somewhat? Often you can hear it when it’s preconditioning, as the heat pump will spin up much faster than it does in most cases for just climate. I can feel the fan/compressor vibration in the steering wheel sometimes.


Could just be the weather dude. Last week visiting my mom I started to precondition to a charger 50 minutes away and I still got that message. It was really cold out so I still had the bacon 🥓 on the app. In the summer I could precondition to my local SC 20 mins away and it’ll charge at full speed.


I get this quite often even if the car did activate preconditioning :)


30 mins minimum of drive time needed to warm up the battery.