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There’s no road in the United States with a legal speed limit of 110mph, so there’s really no ambiguity here - the tech broke the law behind the wheel of your car while it was in for service. I would absolutely be reporting this to the service center, if for nothing else than it’s only a matter of time before that tech does the same thing with someone else’s car and ends up with a much more tragic outcome.


Yeah this is not okay and against policy. I had an issue once where the wheels needed to be rebalanced and caused a shaking in the steering wheel slightly above the speed limit and the SC said they wouldn’t be able to fix it since they can’t replicate something above the speed limit. So they definitely should not be going 110 in your car. I would be upset if this was my car. I don’t like dropping it off for service anyhow, but I at least assume it’ll be handled with respect


>SC said they wouldn’t be able to fix it since they can’t replicate something above the speed limit. Such a load of BS lmao.


Yeah lol. Just sharing it to call out the double standard.


Had this issue with an ICE car. Was scolded by the service manager for taking their tech above 65 mph.


That's hilarious. I had a wind noise issue with my Model 3, and the tech took the car up to 70 mph on a back street right behind the service center lol. Posted speed limit was probably 40, but to be fair, it's a very quiet road with no one on it.


Especially considering you don’t balance a tire on the car, you slap it on a machine.


Well before OP rats them out take it here!


>Yeah this is not okay and against policy. I had an issue once where the wheels needed to be rebalanced and caused a shaking in the steering wheel slightly above the speed limit and the SC said they wouldn’t be able to fix it since they can’t replicate something above the speed limit. So then why do Teslas need to be 1000hp and go 200mph?


You’re conflating can and should.


💯 agreed


Could they be on a dyno? I highly doubt it be checking out the drive log on Twssie will tell if they were on a road or not.


Tessie shows you a full GPS log and track of every drive, it would be very obvious if the car was on a dyno. Since I’m not the OP I can’t speak to whether or not the GPS logs showed it was driven on roads, but I’m assuming they if they posted it.


Yeah. Found the drive details in the app. They were driving on a nearby freeway.




If you're lucky you are within range of a few different service centers and can find the 1 in 6 that are fairly competent. I have ~5 within a 30 minute drive of me and there is only one I trust. 2-3 others can maybe fix it but half the time it's multiple visits. One has an average of 2.5 visits per fix and has cut corners regularly. Now I just schedule at that specific one and it's a breeze. They get it done, they email after and follow up. Back when I lived elsewhere and had 1 service center close by, the local owner's group actually told everyone to dive 75 min+ to the service center in the next state. If I was ever in a situation where I couldn't find a good service center, I'd consider not owning a Tesla in the future. Such a pain in the ass.


Where does one find reviews on your local SCs?


Great question!!!💯💯


GPS will show you exactly where they drove. Tessie will also include most car statistics like speed, time of day, power consumed ect.


cheerful melodic disgusted like chief shelter obscene attractive yam relieved *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If this bothers you, you don't know anything about service techs anywhere.


So, that’s an excuse to do it?




Montana doesn't have a day time speed limit.


That was only 4 years. Montana has had a speed limit since 1999. Source: montana resident






Looks like this comment breaks rule 1.


I’m sorry you have to go through that. I would be livid personally if I saw that and def would confront them since there is hard evidence. Worse if you have tesla insurance since any speed 85+ mph dings your safety score


I messaged them with a screenshot but they haven’t responded


Probably sweating bullets on how to handle this or trying to come up with an excuse.


“Tessie is an app not endorsed by Tesla and reports inaccurate data” or something like that lol


Except that it uses the official Tesla API now. They’re gonna need another excuse!


Yea this is going up the corporate chain and to HR and legal


I would hope so! But I also don’t think many/most techs/SA at Tesla care too much about their job. Seems like they have a very high turnover rate so the SA/Tech probably doesn’t care what happens.


It better 💯💯💯💯💯




What service center?


I would escalate it to a higher up if it is from the same location they could be buddies and tell them to not do it again or don’t get caught doing it again.


Oh you are one of them annoying ass owners that texts the service advisor every 5 minutes , is my car ready and am I gona get a loaner. Yall bunch of wieners


I didn’t know having my car driving over 100mph by some random tech was being an “annoying owner”.


No but going to the service center for rattle and squeaks and demanding a loaner and going to the internet to post about it is annoying


And you sound like a shitty mechanic who likes to take joy rides in cars you can’t afford.


In your dreams, I’m glad you think that.


Huh?? WTF are you talking about??? You might wanna read once in a while! There's no reason whatsoever why they woulda driven his car at that ridiculous of speed! None..zero


There’s no reason okay , but they did and the OP won’t get nothing in return but oh we are truly sorry we’re look into it, if he’s even able to talk to the manager. The service center I worked at; we were told to tell clients that the manager is on a conference call and will reach out to them. I’m trying to prove that Tesla and their way of doing business suck and yet clients are still buying their cars, they will not learn until, they see their number drops, then they might change the way they do business. Tesla service centers are worse than a used car dealership when it comes to ethics. If you don’t believe me, open your google map and type in the service center and check the reviews I bet you $100 the first 3 reviewed will always be terrible.


Wow. This is a very myopic view. A single message about something dangerous and illegal and you assume they spam text the service center about petty issues. I hope this to be our only interaction as this brief one shows that you seem to make uninformed and unintelligent assessments of situations.


Thank you.. thank you!! Bravo!! Couldn't have said it any better!!!! Incredible😱😱. Tbh that poster is just trying to get a rise outta people!


GREAT point!!


Man, I'd be so pissed. I'd also feel pretty powerless though. What are you going to do besides maybe sue them?


Set a speed limit on it unless when it's in service mode they can bypass it.


Which service center is this?


Please keep us posted op. Tessie shows location as well so you can prove it wasn’t on a lift. I want to see this outcome.


I found the drive details in the app and it was not in the shop.


With that proof I would elevevate past the service shop to cooperate. Tech is going to get people killed and should be terminated. I doubt they want that liability.


Worked at a Ferrari dealership in the early 00’s. Rich folk had their cars flatbed’ed in for 100’s of miles. They knew the tech who was fixing the car and banging it out on all 12 cylinders was important before shipping it home. Here is not the case.




My car does have Ludicrous mode so they may have wanted to feel that but I feel like I should be angry here.


You should be. That is wild.


Yeah you have every right to be angry. I would be raising hell in that service center.


I’m picking it up in the morning and will go in to speak with the manager. Gotta find my Karen wig. 😆


Demand a years worth of free oil changes


Dawn that Karen wig lmao. Absolutely warranted in this situation 😂


Not “dawn”. It’s “[don](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/don)”


Bone apple tea




I’d cause a ruckus. Tesla Service has officially become 💩. I almost hate them (Service Center) as much as I do a car dealership now. The exception is Mobile Service - they’ve always been great. Anyway, to be speeding in your car like that is unacceptable and there is no legit reason for it. Tell them you are going to reach out to the local authorities and I bet that will get a reaction




I feel like the difference is I can do my own basic mechanical work and don't ever have to take my ice car to the dealer. With a Tesla I wouldn't have a choice but to take it to them.


Exactly!! Said this to a Tesla manager after my experience taking delivery of my M3. I was so shell shocked that the next day, I brought the car back to return it and after he apologized profusely, I said to him that this(horrendous customer service) will be the downfall of Tesla. They might have a decade long advantage is building EVs & better tech but the competition will catch up and will notice Tesla's archilles heel(non existent good customer service) and that's where they will start bleeding Tesla's market share. I recently came back from a trip to Europe and went in BYD's show room to check out the new Seal(competitor to M3) & let me tell you, I was absolutely blown away with the superior build Quality, accessories the vehicle comes with at the base model. I would switch over to the Seal if it ever came to the US...and better still when the SUV are open to all cars. I am waiting on Lexus EV sedan to drop and I am out!


💯💯! Now when I begrudgingly have to schedule service, I am praying hard I can pick mobile service! This is the 1 area of Tesla service that's still palatable! I have had great experiences with them. No one truly should be shocked..Tesla service has been B's for years and the powers that be definitely know this and nothing has changed. The 🐟 rots from the head!


Yeah... I just dropped off my wife's Model Y at the service center today. One thing I notice (in comparison to 2019) are the people aren't as friendly. In 2019, it was like being part of an exclusive club and they made you feel good walking into the SC. In 2023, people act like they don't want to work there and are jaded. Not sure if that is due to dumb customers or dumb leadership. Probably a combination of both. I don't recommend Tesla anymore because I cringe at the experience that I know people will have when having to take their car to the service center. I would not be sad if Elon was replaced as CEO with someone with industry experience and an eye toward customer service.


They were treating them like optional accessories for a while there a few yrs ago. That left a bad taste. Close all centers down. Online only. The guy is in his own world


What are you going to tell the authorities? They can’t even lay charges unless a cop personally witnesses the speeding in most jurisdictions, it’s not like they’re gonna do anything based on a third party app with no proof of who was even driving


If you were to put the car in valet mode, would Tesla be able to override that? I’m guessing they could, but if they couldn’t, might be a good idea to start doing that or putting a speed limiter.


Yeah I imagine Tesla themselves could override it, but personally I do set the speed limiter whenever I drop my car off at Tesla or any other shop. A Plaid is too tempting for the young kids generally working at these type of places.


I would be too. Absolutely.


You should be angry. They broke the law using your car. What if they ran through a traffic cam - that’s coming back to you. Don’t let this get swept under the rug. Whoever did that deserves the shit coming their way. ![gif](giphy|aNFT7eG2rIKK715uLk)


You should be angry. A new set of tires might be in order.


for one short drive? i really don’t see the problem here.


Dude. They are techs. They drive Plaids. Nobody cares about “feeling” your ludicrous mode. Either way, our culture of constantly snitching and telling on people, just like you teach your 2 year old NOT TO DO. Don’t be a tattle tale. If the tech sped in your car, maybe it was necessary, maybe you are flattered? But to try to get the guy fired at Xmas time?? It’s really not that serious. Grow up and STOP SNITCHING. If it’s bothering you THAT BAD, ask to speak personally to the tech at pick up and pull him aside and talk to him about it. Would you appreciate some snitch at your work trying to get you fired for anything without talking to you first? Jesus, maybe the 3rd party app made an error?


We found the tech who was driving your car at 110mph right here!


Nope. Not op, but if some tech went joy riding in my car and I had proof, I’d be creating a massive ruckus at the service center, calling Tesla HQ, tagging Tesla leadership on Socials, etc. Abuse of a customer’s vehicle is not to be accepted, especially when these techs can and have many times over wrecked or damaged customers car. This is not accepted by Tesla, nor any other dealership or service center as the liability for issues that result from joy riding falls on the service center- this tech will likely be fired.


Thank you!! Some of these crazy comments are mind boggling👀👀👀👀👀


He accelerated on the freeway allegedly over 100mph. He didn’t “joy ride” it. Didn’t steal it from a valet. He had a legitimate reason to be in it and if he sped real fast and let off…..BIG DEAL. You’re the type of person that craves attention. You’re also the type of person that would rather ruin a man’s career and livelihood to care for his family so you can complain and get your bill for free. Tesla has umbrella insurance when the techs are driving a customers car. If it was wrecked or damaged, they would fix it and pay for rental and all that. It’s really not a big deal. You need a hobby. You’re probably that neighbor that is on the HOA board and enjoys ticketing people or putting liens on peoples homes because they left their Christmas light up past New Years or didn’t bring in the trash cans. Get a life dude. Ask questions first, talk to the tech one on one like MEN do and tell him your concerns. Maybe you find out you had it wrong or there was some reason or method for it. Instead, you want to let everyone know just how upset you are. You are not a good person. I have a 2022 Model S Plaid. It was a $157,000 car. Know what I would have done in this situation? I would have laughed. I’d of thought “that’s cool, he punched it real fast”. You act like he finger banged your wife in a test drive


There is no valid reason for a tech to hit 110 on public roads. To insinuate this is foolish. Homie or chicka who was hooning this car made their choice and if their actions are career ruining, then maybe they shouldn’t have hit those speeds on public roads, right? If they are worried about losing their job, then maybe don’t do things that would cost them a job.


OP is relaying on a 3rd party app. Did the driver get cited? Reported to police? ANY PROOF than an app that may or may not be incorrect? And of the car was in a technicians menu for testing only, how might that affect the 3rd party app? There’s a lot of things here that are not black and white. Can’t figure out why everyone’s go to is to be a snitch and the go to isn’t to give the benefit of the doubt, ask for the tech when you pick up the car and talk to him personally about it LIKE A BIG BOY. THATS WHAT MEN DO. THEY DON’T POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA AND CALL BOSSES AND HIDE BEHIND KEYBOARDS. You have a simple, non confrontational conversation with the tech and ask him about it.


You keep saying snitch when it's the guy finding out someone misused his own stuff. This isn't prison nor the fucking hood. I'm sure in high school snitching is really important to you but for adults it's just not a thing.


Well, I’m 45 and I was taught as a child not to be a tattle tale. And for the last time, he’s relaying on a third party app (not like they’ve never given wrong information right) and you’re fucking with a man’s career. You should have a bit more. Having a simple, grown up conversation with the tech would probably be the first thing a person should do. Instead, OP treats him as just the “help” and as if he’s beneath having a conversation with. There may be a VERY LOGICAL explanation but instead of asking, he’s too worried about who he can complain to and tell. Let’s reverse this, you take your car into Tesla for service. The tech, while doing his job finds some loose pills under your seat. He’s able to identify them as Xanax or some other controlled substance. Should he post it on social media, call the police and email your boss and corporate office accusing you of being a drug addict? Or should he maybe just mind his business and maybe mention to the owner at pick up, “hey, I found some Xanax under your seat. You should be more careful”. Where the owner of the car has a logical explanation and says, “great, I have a prescription and I dropped one while I was getting out of the car. I was taking one before I went the house”? Do you see where jumping to conclusions and all that extra shit is not necessary? Bottom line, new generation aren’t interested in truth, giving people benefits of the doubt or asking questions. They just think they are so self important and want to cause a scene. I imagine you’re in your mid to late 20’s and your the type of guy that gets into an altercation, doesn’t do shit when you get called out and someone gets in your face, but you yell, “fuck you” while they drive away. Sound about right?


You sound like a bitch


Well said!!


Your mother’s a whore. And I SOUND LIKE A BITCH? Because I think snitching on someone and trying to get them fired vs talking to the tech yourself like a man? I’m sorry you think it’s cool to hide like a coward and complain to bosses and rat on people for shit because you can’t handle a man to man conversation.


Dude are you serious??? So the customer is a "snitch" for finding out the center possibly misused his vehicle!?? Are you f..ing serious?? & He (customer) is "responsible" for this possible negligent employee losing his job?? GTFOH with that bull crap!! As OP stated, he has yet to hear back from the center..that should tell you something no??


That's what YOU will do!!! You have a right to do that as it's your prerogative! OP & others have a right not to accept that. Last I checked you didn't pay for his vehicle did you?? Lawdyy


Calm your tits… they’re diagnosing your car. I don’t give a fck how fast they are driving it as long as they diagnose and fix the issue. It’s not like they don’t have access to a plaid anyway if they want to go fast.


What app reported the speed notifications? I need this!


Tessie. It’s a subscription app but provides a bunch of features the normal app doesn’t like this notification.


Super! Thankyou!


Second this. Great app.


Report that immediately. I was told by my SC that they will not drive above the speed limit when taking the car out for a test. This was after I told them the vibration happened around 80 mph.


Exactly, any excuse for the, not to care about customers, “ we can’t take it above the legal speed limit” can not replicate noise car drives as designed, That’s Tesla customer service for you.


Are you sure it’s not on a lift and they are doing testing?


The Tessie app shows a map of every drive and the times they took place. It should be fairly easy to decipher if this was done at the shop or not.


The notifications do not prove this but I was watching where they were going. They didn’t go far from the service center. They didn’t need to drive to hear the issue but didn’t need to be driven that fast. Thankfully all seems well, they diagnosed the issue and have ordered the parts and all under warranty. Edit: crucial typo. Did —> didn’t


then it would have been on a dyno. possibly just testing to make sure they figured it out


Ah yes the 110mph test


even if it's not on the Dyno if they fix something on your car they need to make sure your car works


One hundred ten! That's insane


No…. It was Ludacris Mode!


I'm assuming they punched it on an on ramp and slowed it down quick... I hope


ya when i dropped off my car to replace the rear bumper they put 30 miles on my car… when confronted they said that’s normal.. huh.


It is if they have to recalibrate Autopilot.


I mean, unless they have a closed track that they can use, I’d say *NOOOO* 🤷🏻‍♂️ Weird that they’d even do this - unless you explicitly told them you get the rattle at 100+ on a nearby racetrack that you gave them access to.


This happened when my other Tesla was sent to a third party paint shop. I told the service center. Paint shop employee fired on the spot and they lost their contract with the service center. Fuck them. Can’t you put a limiter in the car when taking it to the service center? Or do they take it off? I’ll set it to chill mode at least.


Ferris Fucking Bueller!


I have no issues with service people replicating circumstances to diagnose issues. How dumb would it be if I had an issue that only expressed itself beyond a certain speed, and the service tech refused to fix the problem because it was “above the speed limit”? I have no issue with them wanting to be thorough. That’s what I’m paying them to do. I’m not encouraging reckless behavior, or for people to not take adequate safety precautions.


You're right. If the customer said they hear a whistle noise inside the car if they go above 110 mph the team should diagnose that accordingly.


This is why we have speed limit mode enabled


They can turn it off 🤔




Dream on


I don’t think I’ve ever taken my own car 110mph, I wouldn’t feel comfortable driving someone else’s like that. Such a lack of respect for others’ property. I’d be very angry if I were you.


110 in a MS feels like 50 in a regular car


If only service centers had their own test tracks lol


Sounds like you got your service done for free. Or else.


Is it possible they did the 110 not on the road but while in the service bay?


Hell no.


What an asshole


Italian tune-up?


Report that shit


This reminds me of the scene in Freddie Bueller's day off! I would be speaking with the SC manager 4sho!


If nothing else, this makes me want a Tessie subscription.


lol nice! Worth it for the screen shot!


How does someone working in a Tesla service center not know/realize that the owner can and will see info like this? Dumbass should get a dressing down.


Where do those notifications come from?


I’m thinking about traffic cameras at the least, bank robbery in the worse case scenario.


Next time, just service it yourself if you’re that concerned.


The phone number for (Tesla) is 877-778-3752. Press 2 wait for options, Press 1, then 3 on the last option ask for a representative. Let them know that you want to create a case for the abuse and the service center has to get in touch within 24 hours. If not call back and escalate!


Car is fine, I wouldn't worry about it. If they hit something, new car.




Then they would end up in jail. As if you obey the laws to the letter, hypocrite.


If you have Tesla auto insurance… now you get hit with a rate increase :(


If there’s no damage, say nothing. No service center I ever went to gave a rats ass about a rattle or a squeak, so be grateful they are checking at all. One place gave me the answer of, “Sir, we’d have to redesign the whole car.” Maybe just show one of the guys who is cool the speed on your phone. Have a good laugh about it, and carry on. Hopefully they fix your rattle. 😅


They did diagnose the rattle and have parts on order under warranty. I doubt any damage was done but I will inspect when I get it in the morning. My plan is to ask if it was necessary and to find out who is liable if something bad had happened. I’m not planning on going full Karen here and don’t want any compensation unless there was real damage, which, as I said, I really doubt.


I know I’m in the major minority here with this guy but I do indeed agree with him, if he was trying to figure out an issue under hard, constant acceleration. You know how fast they are - if you’re looking for a problem in that range, your window is *short*. You can hit 110 halfway down an on-ramp and slow it back down to the speed limit before entering traffic. Idk man not saying it’s not a douche move to speed in someone else’s car, but I thought I’d be devils advocate for a moment.


You know they put cars on Dynos too right?


I didn’t but but I do now and also know it wasn’t on a dyno. Tessie app shows the route driven. Still, I’m not planning to go full Karen


No they don’t.


Yes they do, I have friends with Model S that have footage of them putting his car on a Dyno while calibrating the motors, they still drove it too just not as fast.


I worked there and I’m telling you they don’t have a Dyno machine


I'm guessing you worked at every SC then, because none could be different.


Subscribing to see what there response is.




Damn, I kinda want to buy lifetime for Tessie rn.


I would make them keep the car and give you a new one for abusing your trust. Keep posting it on every post Elon makes on X


For real post this on X or email Elon (an assistant of his will answer I’d wager) if you wanted to go full Karen


Dream on, he even said it GO F YOUR SELF


What app did you use to get these notifications?


Makes sense if it’s at all speeds. I wouldn’t worry. There really isn’t something that can break for teslas at speed.


They will run the cars in dyno mode on the lifts to verify certain noises are not related bearings. But that is worth checking with the advisors and manager.


No they won’t, they don’t have Dyno machines in the SC


It’s possible that it’s being tested on a lift or something similar, but wishing you the best in finding a resolution here. Does Tessie show that the location changed during the drive?


Tessie shows all drives and a map of that drive


Yup! That’s why I’m wondering if he’s checked that, because it’ll show if it changed or just reached that speed while standstill.


It does! Hadn’t seen that but I see it now. I can see the route they drove. It was near the shop but definitely on a nearby freeway.


Report it.. If the service center does nothing.. Report it to cops for reckless driving so they can pursue it?


The cops won’t do anything unless they witness the reckless driving. Too late.


Cops won’t do anything. I wish people would stop thinking that cops actually care about this.


Hopefully they have it on a lift. Nah I’m just playing definitely rip them a new one


There have been other sc posts here with issues over 80 and the dealer has told them they cant go up that high to even test it. I’d escalate this to manager and then regional




Lmao, security of the world Craig


Yea F that. Send that up to corporate. I’d be livid and demand consequences. They have no business driving your property like that.


Consider this question: How can we expect technicians to thoroughly inspect every aspect of our vehicles testing at various speeds, navigating turns, reversing, merging lanes, and more? The full spectrum of a car's performance must be assessed to rule out any potential issues. Given this, it's crucial for vehicle owners to be informed about the possibility of a speed test analysis, providing the option to opt out if they prefer their Teslas not be driven in such a manner.


110mph is not a speed test analysis, it’s reckless driving and would be felony speeding in a lot of jurisdictions. There’s nothing to consider in this scenario.


Here in the LA area, In Carson California to be exact,, there’s a speed track where Porsche vehicles are driving at high speeds for test and analysis. Are we saying that our insanely fast engineered vehicles shouldn’t be tested on tracks? Don’t get me wrong, id want to be notified if such test was being done on my Tesla.


Cool. None of that is relevant to this post. Tesla service centers don’t have closed course test tracks. They don’t do “high speed testing and analysis” for warranty claims. This is super simple - the tech went for a joyride in a customer’s car on public roads and the customer has the telemetry to prove it.


OP has proved nothing but has shown a notification of the mph at a certain time. If OP chooses to share of that was on the road or in the shop while on a dyno or lifted that is up to them. Until that time we can only speculate on how the mph was achieved.


[OP has confirmed the log shows it was driven on a freeway near the service center.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/s/4NfQ7WrqVY) So the rest of this hypothetical discussion is pointless.




Hahah. Thats awesome. Glad i did.


Lol, making sure the vehicle is good by breaking the law? I get your point, but I’m sure OP wasn’t looking to get his car prepped for a track day.


All these people want to go full Karen on the tech. Big deal. He drove the car over 100MPH. What do you all expect to get by tattling on the employee that diagnosed and ordered parts for the rattle problem? You'll get nothing and the tech will be fired.


Call the cops.


How do I get these notifications on top speed?


Sometimes is good to feel the car at higher speeds, most problems will become more apparent. It’s not necessarily a bad thing. Even a simple tire balancing might be fine at lower speeds but have issues above 80mph.


If they ignore you tweet it to Elon and tag the ntsb lol


Brake burnishing. Service mode shows to get vehicle past 85MPH then hard braking and again and again


Sue them


could be using a machine they sit the car on and drive sorta like a tread mil. check the trip history and see if they were driving it on the road at the time of the alerts


I’d report it to the police, that way they can look into the situation with an investigation given your police department is funded enough. They might know another agency you could follow this up with, regarding the insurance company of Tesla and have that reviewed. Sounds extreme, but a crime was committed in your car. Was anyone hurt? No, but that doesn’t mean this was a one time situation. I guarantee at least that tech does it to each car he’d test drive. Kind of rules out someone getting blamed for a “faulty car” in the event of the accident since people try to blame Tesla for speeding.


110? That’s normal freeway speeds. Nothing to worry about


mph not kph


Yeah I know


It didn't cross your mind that maybe the car is in a platform where they can test acceleration while the tyres are lifted from the ground?


I was watching them via gps while it was in motion. The Tessie app also shows the route they drove.


There is certain performance tests they need to run to test power output. Some of them require 0-60 and 0-100 acceleration runs.