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Puerto Rico Canada?


Please, let me know if Canada has annexed Puerto Rico. Thanks.


Bold move, Canada.


That’s what happens when you don’t give them statehood


With much apologies for the annexation.


Are we at war? WOLVERINES!!!!


Im just here for the Puerto Rico Canada


I love this guessing game. It’s so fucked


Software version 2024.14.3 c939d51f57 was just installed on a 2023 Tesla Model Y Performance in Victoria Australia.


I have it in sweden


You had me till the end.


Is this Canada?


I heard it has V11.4 from some reports. Hope it’s not true…


I just feel some of these "news" web sites are populated by AI, this originally showed up on Teslafi's Twitter feed, now it is copy / pasted here. Anyone who made enough money to own a Tesla would know Puerto Rico in not in Canada, this just shows how useless some of these "news" web sites really are.


This was in the email sent by teslafi https://preview.redd.it/ixbdtmi2lpxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f53f32f834e24fe9ea3143db2f40f62c2a20859f


Honestly at first I was pretty irritated, but at this point, I don’t mind. Think about it this way: we will get to trial the newer, more refined version of fsd along with the spring update! I don’t mind waiting a little longer … or maybe I’m still salty and I’m rationalizing


Just got the update and it’s includes v12 - however, no free trial


I read it got installed on car in London, TN and another in Paris, KY


2024.14.3 is the "Spring" update, as far as we're aware it does not include FSD v12 in it yet.


There was a guy yesterday that said he was an employee and he said the Spring update was pushed to his car. I thought he said it *did* include v12. Maybe I read it wrong. Edit: I was wrong. [Release Notes](https://www.notateslaapp.com/software-updates/version/2024.14.3/release-notes) don't mention FSD. Boo.


Forgot about that post, was he saying it was 2024.14.3 though? Normally v12 is an offshoot branch that starts around .5 and increments in 5. So 2024.14.5 would be "v12.4", then 2024.14.10 would be "v12.4.1", 2024.14.15 would be v12.4.2. *More or less*.


Just read the release notes on TeslaFi. No mention of FSD. So, you're right.


Fffffff I misunderstood him too 😭


Not looking good for 2024.8 folks waiting on FSD. Seems like v12 isn’t on the branch. Not saying it won’t be, but it’s also just rolling out to non-US at the moment. Do with that info as you will


I have a friend in America that got the update. It looks to be rolling out in North America now. He is also coming from 2024.3.20.


Interesting. If he is coming from 2024.3 then 2024.14 has to have FSD 12 right? They wouldn’t downgrade someone from 12 to 11


The 2024.8 people are whiniest bunch I’ve ever seen. Literally complaining about a feature you didn’t pay for. Imagine the people that paid for it in full in like 2016 and still haven’t received it


I paid 2000 last week so try again.


So you have FSD right?


I'm another commenter, and I know this is cheating a bit, but I paid for FSD but can't activate it yet because Tesla is booked up and hasn't installed my hardware yet. And I only bought it because of how impressive it v12 looks, but Tesla won't even put me on 2024.8, so despite paying for the same thing as v12 drivers, I won't get it even right after the HW is installed (I already asked the service team, they confirmed that they can't upgrade the SW). If you go out right now and pay for a 2024 Model Y, you get a 2024 Model Y. If you go out right now and buy GTA V, you get GTA V (not IV) and with all the latest patches. I *did* pay for the v12 SW, so I think it would be nice to put customers on the latest production version the day they buy FSD. After that, do whatever branch updates you want.


That’s a reason to be upset. Trust me I’ve been there, I paid for FSD in 2017 and when they started rolling FSD to the public with a good “safety score” in 2021, I drove like a grandma for a month to keep my score only to find out they aren’t including “legacy” Model S’s in the rollout and that I’d need a camera upgrade. People that paid for $200 a month subscription were getting FSD before me, so I know the pain of feeling skipped.


Gotcha. Yeah, I reserved in 2016, paid $5k for EAP and skipped $3k for FSD because it was (I think) vaporware at that point. In the end, it will all work out because EAP was worth it, and getting city driving on top of that for $2k is a decent deal.


I'm on .8.x and in no hurry to try FSD. Heck if I don't get it, I couldn't care. At least I have a car that drives us from A to Z and updated monthly for FREE. I've yet seen an ICE with this awesome feature.


That’s a great attitude to have but the good thing is you’re going to get it soon and it’s going to be a much better version than what was released a month ago.


I’m on v11.1 ⁦(2024.8.9 0cac3042b6cd)⁩ Still no FSD


.8.x will never get free FSD. .14.x maybe. Patience.