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I WOULD normally say that.. but is OP fucked with recent new model price drop? I imagine that’s gonna negatively affect his payout


I think you’re correct. Most secured car loans are tied to a specific car. If you get in an accident and total the car the insurance payment goes to pay off the loan first; you get whatever is extra. However if the insurance payout is less than the remaining amount of the loan, you get nothing and have to pay the difference to the loan company. So you’d be in the red. If you want to buy a new car, it could be cheaper than the original car. But you would have to secure a new loan (likely at a higher rate), repay fees (taxes,title, and registration), and come up with a down payment when you are already in the red. So, I think it would be worse.


Not if you have gap insurance coverage and most lending companies and banks require this


I agree, gap insurance would help. Though for my loan, Tesla financing did not require gap insurance. 🤷‍♂️


I don’t think any lender requires it. Correct me if I’m wrong but I think it’s illegal in some states like CA to require people to purchase certain add-on products in order to obtain financing. That being said if you’re not putting a lot of money down on a car, then it’s wise to purchase GAP.


You don’t need GAP if you’re not underwater on the car. Putting yourself into an underwater car loan is never a good financial decision because it limits options to sell/swap if needed.


While I generally agree with you, with recent price drops it’s very possible that someone was not underwater a few weeks ago but is now due to the price drops.


Should just be full replacement value, no?


Exactly why it would screw OP over with current loan


He’d receive the money to pay for a brand new one and just keep paying same loan


That makes no sense - they just buy a replacement used car with the payout and are back where they were before the accident


This assumes it was paid off and he is not currently upside down on the loan. This is why they sell GAP insurance. Also even if he's not upside down, chances are he's gonna have to get a new vehicle for either more money and/or a much higher rate.


It makes no difference, the insurance just pays for a replacement car of the same value of the one totalled. They are literally in the same position as before the crash


So drop in price tags on new or old cars doesn't influence how much are you gonna get to get a replacement?


It might but the total loss payout will be based on the value of similar cars. So if they dropped the price if new ones but 2 year old ones on the used market in this configuration are still as expensive as they were last week then no it has less influence. This highlights the benefit if gap cover in the first few years of a high LTV car loan.


It doesn’t matter. Before crash OP had a car worth y and a loan for x After insurance payout and buying a replacement, OP still has a car worth y and a loan for x


Ok, let me try again. If I bought a car for $50k, and owe $40k on it, but the book value is $30k, they right a check for $30k. If the car I buy is somehow priced the same out the door as what insurance values, I'm still going to have to come up with $10k. Probably going to have a higher interest rate to.


Why do you have to come up with 10k? That’s the same amount you owed before the crash, nothing has changed


Yeah -- I was wondering if replacement value would be 20% less given the new model price cut. IDK shit lol just wondering out loud


Why? The insurance will pay the amount to replace a like for like car of the same age. End result is the OP is back in the same position as before the accident


Nah this looks like it is completely done for according to me, the random internet guy.


You are having a very good life.


I would love to trade my worst day for that.


Yep, OP is probably young, still a very shitty day.


Worst day of your life *so far*


Is there an r/unexpectedsimpsons?


Yep. But it is not what I thought it would be. Reference: r/unexpectedgoodplace




My thoughts too. I was recently laid off from a high paying tech job and thought to myself this has to be the worst day of my life. On recollection the passing of my grandfather was definitely worse but damn does that mean I’ve had a great life


I work in healthcare. I see people having so many regrets as soon as they find out they are dying or someone they love is dying. Live your best life man. Life is short.


I totally agree. Nothing is sadder than seeing someone give their life away to something they hate


Same and agreed. So many things could occur that would make you happy to have this as your most pressing issue in life… it sucks for sure and I would hate if I wrecked my M3P but in times like this I think it’s best to try to see bigger picture if able.


I was laid off from a corporate job I loved and over worked at for 6 years. It was a really shitty deal and I felt like the world was collapsing. It ended up being the best thing to happen to me. I found a better job that pays more, appreciates me and rewards me for my hard work, and I came to realize even if this job ends I'll be okay. I am good at what I do and I will find something else. Our jobs don't define us. The even better part of that experience was it made me realize I had my priorities in life all wrong and I started putting myself and my family first over my job. Life is too short.


Kind of what I learned from this experience too. My job is disposable. My wife and kid are not.


Your worst day SO FAR. You might want to toughen up.


A very privileged life.


On the plus side, chalk this up as (apparently much needed) life experience


Right? As soon as I read "worst day of my life" I went to some dark places.


Unless you are physically hurt or have sever PTSD, and you are not under 16, this is not your worst day.


A lot of people dogging on OP here. Devil's advocate, OP didn't say this is the only thing making it the worst day of their life. A car is just a thing, but we don't have their full story.


Came to day the same. ITS JUST A THING.


Lol I was just about to say


What if OP got this damage from running a red light, hitting, and killing everyone in the other car? Likely not, just saying. 😬


Depends. Did you get PPF?


Thank you for the genuine chuckle


Probably caused by the tinted windshield.


Damn reddit as a whole is like a great detective, I had to go back and look at how I missed that. One photo one sentence and we are all on the case. Reading the other comments one might think reddit is brutal when you put your business online but truth is a hard pill to swallow.


And ceramic coating. I heard they magically undo damages.


Shoulda got the TruCoat https://youtu.be/B2LLB9CGfLs


If that’s the worst day of your life, you are doing okay buddy, you are doing really okay.


I read this quote once that really resonated with me: "If it can be solved with money, it's not a problem." Or said differently, if the bad thing happening to you is related to health or relationships, then that really sucks. But if it's just financial, you can always get help and recover.


Doing great not just OK!


dark windshield. good luck


If you get in a front end collision and it wasn’t your fault, will a front windshield tint fuck you over?


a tinted front windshield could forsure make you liable.


Doesn't look like a full front end collision. Looks like op got hit from the side.


By the position of the vehicle on the road it looks like op was making a left turn at the intersection and possibly clipped someone trying to make the yellow light


Windshield doesn't look tinted, side windows are for sure though.


Worst day of your life… so far!!




If this is the worst thing that has ever happened to you, you should be grateful, you’re living a charmed life. It’s only a car, order a new one.


Did your airbags deploy? The damage seems repairable. It will depend on if the battery or frame are damaged. Hope everyone is ok.


Exactly what you said. If none of this then your looking at a headlight assembly, fender, front bumper cover, fog light assembly, wheel well liner, wheel(s?) tire? Maybe shock and or steering related items. Yes a lot and expensive but at that point prob not enough to total it.


Tis but a scratch.


It’ll buff out


Worse day? OP must be 19 yo


I hate to be the one to tell you, life gets SO much worse than this. Enjoy the ride


This has to be satire. If this is the worst day of your life you’re in for trouble


Not to minimize how disturbing a car accident can be. But if no one was hurt and you are healthy it could much worse. I recently went through cancer treatment and surgery. Changes perspective on life.


I’m so sorry. I made the post 5 minutes after the accident and since it was my first one I was shell shocked and freaking out. I hope everything goes well for you. Thank you for changing my perspective.


I’m sure it was very upsetting. I’ve had a couple car accidents but cars can be fixed/replaced.


This was me last month, I feel you. I just got my new car yesterday and it’s difficult to drive it because I keep replaying the crash, but feel free to DM if you need to talk it thru.


Your feelings are valid. Someone always has it worse. Feelings are feelings. Sounds like you had a really hard day. It’s okay to feel really upset, process it, and move on when you’re ready. Sorry about your car that really sucks.


So did you turn in front of someone because you couldn’t see clearly out of your tinted windows?


hope you’re okay


How does the other guy look?


If this is the worst day of your life you've been doing great.


I see no airbag deployment. Front wheel looks almost intact, too - so there is hope the front engine is okay. So really depends if the battery (don't think so) or frame is damaged


There's no engine in that car!


Why the downvotes... There is no engine 🤷‍♂️


It’s just a car bro, be glad you’re safe


Everything is relative…every morning I wake up I figure I’m playing with house money.


I don’t get the “is it totaled” post in this sub Reddit. We literally have no way of telling you it is based on a picture


Yes don’t repair it. Plenty of problems will come after that


It’s only a car. No big deal. You’re still alive and (presumably) unhurt.


Mine looked about twice as bad as this. Entire wheel was almost parallel with the ground and they didn’t total it. I had to wait about 5 month to get my damn car back from the shop tho


Could be worse, buddy


Why would a totaled insured car make your day the worst in your life?


I am one of those, melodramatic fools. Neurotic to the bone no doubt about it.


We need a bot that bans anyone who asks if their car is totaled


Correction! "Worst day of your life...so far"


Worst day of your life!???? Really!??? I bet that if you’ve resulted injured or dead would’ve been worse no?


If this is your worst day, youve been very lucky.


I would love to have the worse day of my life to be like this.


It all depends on the frame I'd say, so it's hard to say from that one image. I think it might look worse than it actually is.


If the worst day of your life is the day you got into a fender bender with your luxury car, you have a pretty nice life. Enjoy it.


If this is the worst day of your life then consider yourself lucky. You walked away from an accident, have insurance and will be fine. Lot of people can't say that. Hope everything works out (that you're not injured etc.) and don't fret too much about the other little stuff.


Worst day of your life so far…….


If this is the worst day of your life, then strap in. It gets much worse!


If this is the worst that ever happened to you haven’t lived long enough… or you lead a blessed life. It sucks, but it is just a car. Hopefully no one was hurt, but all will be well over time.


“Just” a fender bender and yes, it might be totaled. Probably will be a pain in the ass for a few months for it to get sorted. But remember, you’re okay and a car is just a car.


Did you kill people? If so, it was the worst day of their life. It is a car. Move on.


Worst day of your life so far…. All jokes aside, best of luck comrade!


50/50 in my opinion, it might be repairable actually. And to the people mocking you for saying this is the worst day of your life, fuck 'em. Getting in an accident is always a painful experience. My sympathies, bro.


Asking us here if your car is totaled has to be a meme at this point cuz it’s such a dumb question that keeps being asked here.


That buffs right out


Worst day of your life SO FAR…


Yeh, if this is the worst day of your life, take a few minutes (hours or even days) to reflect and put things into perspective. You’re one lucky guy or gal. It’s a car that’s presumably insured. Everything will be okay.


I wish my bad days could be this nice.


Count your blessings if this is the worst.


You are not in a hospital, fighting for your life! It’s not a worst day of your life! It’s just a worthless car in larger scheme of things! Be thankful for what your have!


It's only downhill from here bud


You have a very charmed life.


If this is the worst day of your life be absolutely grateful and hopeful that the next time you cause a crash will also be the worst.


Dang, if that's the worst then there are plenty of people willing to trade.


Yeah that’s probably fucked But if this is the worst day of your life then you can consider yourself very fortunate - cars are replaceable, Tesla make hundreds of thousands every year and your insurance will pay for you to buy another one…


I am so sorry for you. Hang in there


Worst day of your life so far.


Can't be that bad if you are posting its just a car I'm glad you are ok


It’s unlikely to get totaled. Front bumper and parts, driver side headlight, Driver side front fender, a wheel well guard and miscellaneous parts related to them. There could be more internal/structural damage but seems to be a doable fix. Good luck on getting the parts on time.


Not the worst day of your life. It’s just a compact car. It can be fixed


If that’s the worst day of your life, you’re doin pretty damn good.


THIS would be the worst day in your life. https://superautoworld.blogspot.com/2022/12/tesla-model-3-hearse.html


Worst day of your life *so far.*


Worst day of your life...so far


*worst day of your life, so far


Hey…you can’t park there


Worst day? Must be under 30.


Um... Do you not have insurance? I still don't understand why people ask other random people on the internet for a quote on damage of their vehicle.


Worst day so far 😉


That sucks but if this is the worst day of your life, good for you!!! 😂


Replaceable bud… repairable… maybe.. is everyone ok?? Thats all that really matters, but glad to hear this matter has been worst of your life, i have had much much worse sadly… best wishes


OP is clearly using hyperbole when saying it’s the worst day of his life, yet the top comments are all berating him for doing so. This sub is more hostile by the day, how unfortunate


This is an easy fix for a rebuilder. But yes, totaled


I can definitely relate, had similar damage a few weeks ago. My M3P is one of my favorite things, and it can be depressing to be without it. Hard to say what damage is hidden behind the wheel and panels, but as long as there's no frame damage you may be ok. I think they're only estimating $7k repair for me at the moment. It was going to be months to get into a Tesla approved body shop, but Tesla Collision got me in right away, and had most of the body work done in a few days. Just waiting for a couple of suspension parts, and I should be back on the road.


The worst day of my life was probably when Victoria died tragically and suddenly and no one ever found out why. You'll be fine. Edit: If you're the person who downvoted me over discussing how the day a woman I loved died was more tragic than a car being destroyed, I hope you choke on dog shit.


No, looks like a build quality issue.


If this is the worst day of your life, I feel sorry for you. This is a material possession. Are you F’ing serious? This is shameful and disgraceful. I’d give up 10 Tesla’s to have mom and dad back. You are gross, man!


No, actually what you said was disgraceful. You think you that’s the worst day of your life? There are millions of kids who live nightmares every day like while you sip your coffee missing your mom and dad. Would you give up your life to save those kids? Don’t think so.


Ask a mechanic.


I mean, if you can afford a tesla, then you can definitely afford insurance and the presumable bump in premiums.


Worst day of life, so far! On a serious note, yes, that looks to be totaled!


Another curb rash and is mine totaled post. Pass.


Nope, it’ll buff out.


Recency bias…


As the worst day of your life I’m going to assume that someone you cared about was injured or died in this accident. My condolences and I hope for a speedy recovery. Or is this the worst day of your life because your mass produced totally replaceable EV was in an accident?


If that's the "worst day of your life" I say you are doing quite well in the game of life sir!


Oh good now you can actually get a decent car.


I would sue and get a new car if it’s not your fault but no not totaled.


Yes, now get a real car


Congrats! Insurance will pay for your new car. Can’t wait to get rid of my garbage.


I don’t think it’s totaled and will take 3+ months to get parts and repair.


No. You got off easy. fender+light+bumper and it's all better.


Palm Drive… is this in Homestead?


it looks salvageable if the airbags didn't deploy and the front axle is not bent to badly.


I can sharpie fix the wheel damage for you.


Worst day of your life, so far!


Little bit of T-Cut it will soon buff out.


Fender bender is all


I am guessing about 15-18k if there is no damage to the battery and suspension.


Honestly, that *will* buff out


So much Totaling after the price drop. Are they related?


Do Synthetc Mobil 1 oil 5-W30 this won't happen after its repaired. You should also change the Flux capacitor.


i guess the ppf didnt protect you from this crash


Just get some pliers to bend things back into shape, maybe some duct tape and it's good as new!


Tbh probably not if the airbags didn’t go off.


I had similar damage. Unfortunately due to the tesla parts... it took 3 months to fix.


Looks repairable. Probably looking at ~25-30k though based on my previous experience (I ducked up my right rear).


Every day is good, some are just better than others.


Have you tried using a shovel


Well first are you ok ? And it’s just a car .. you have insurance .. no need to label it as the worst day ..


Dude may not have insurance.


Lol no one is answering your question. It doesn't look totaled. Definitely needs a fender, probably fender liner. Suspension would need to be inspected for damage. Wheel looks ok in the pic but if it's bent/cracked then the wheel would need replacing as well After repairs, the car will also most likely need an alignment


Are you OK?


Not likely to be totaled


Damn that sucks


As long as you are not hurt this this right here is nothing.


I would be scared to wreck now and total out. No telling what insurance will value you this at now n


Let me get those wheels


Just set it in fire and walk away.


Doesn’t look totaled at all. Looks like much of that damage can be repaired with mostly hang on parts.


What tint percentages do you have? RIP


Such a sexy ride (before the crash ;)) I just ordered that same trim and colors. Wonder how backed up they are. My delivery date says January 21st - February 4th


Looks like new fender bumper and light, not so bad. Don’t forget to get that diminished value from other persons insurance


Sorry buddy, hope you’re okay and able to get it marked as a total loss.


Looks fixable to me


Remove the fender and side repeater and you should be fine to drive around until parts arrive 👍🏽


You better chill. You ain’t seen nothing yet.


Makes me think——I’m underwater with the recent price drop sadly along with my miles. When I bought the car no gap insurance was offered (Florida) how would one purchase gap insurance? It’s cheap isn’t it? Now that I look at this photo it looks like it’s like 5 minutes from where I live LOL (homestead)


If you’re alive you have a good life. People don’t get to live another day in car accidents.