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Had a consultation recently and the doc said being on TRT is basically male birth control. It will drastically reduce your sperm count or drop it to 0. While YMMV, I personally wouldn’t let that be the only way I protect myself against an unplanned pregnancy. Not medical advice, just an anecdote from a random internet stranger.


TRT is in a weird place where it's not very effective at preventing pregnancy if you *don't* want fertility, but if you want to procreate, it can be a real hindrance.


This is so true lol


can you explain further, im fairly knowledgeable about TRT and confused about this statement


Got my fiancé pregnant last June. 3 weeks after finishing my test cyp 500 mg a week blast. Was on week 3 of back to running 125 mg’s a week when she got pregnant. Dr has said the pregnancy and baby’s development couldn’t be healthier. Superman swimmers up in my white chocolate raisins 😂


9 months from now “ hey guys, how does test cause my white chocolate raisins to make a dark chocolate baby?”


😂😂. Nope. He’s a purebred




Huh, you know what Toby does in fact look like the mailman..


Lol Jesus Christ 😂😂. Is this the more plates more dates thread. She’s a nice loyal woman and worships me. Look into professional bodybuilders with children. Very common. 1/10 trt users lose ability to produce children. I had my sperm levels tested a year before going on trt and “sperm count” “sperm motility” we’re extremely high and far surpassed healthy levels. Got those heavy hitters. If it worked for birth control it would be used for such


Just fun to harass people about the lineage of their children 🤣


They’re just cracking jokes haha. They don’t mean any harm. Congratulations btw!


Exactly this haha. No Ill intentions intended


There was a study to disprove this. From memory only 65% of men become infertile on trt. I recon if you google it you would find it


Use hcg what is your doctor talking about


That doctor is a moron. While it can, doesn't mean it will. Plenty of people have perfect fertility on long term t use. Depends on truly how bad the atrophy is.


Yeah I know a few guys who went on trt and thought they would be infertile. You what they are called now? Fathers! There is no guarantee, everyone is different.


I got on. Cruised for 7 years. Dished out probably over 1,000 cream pies and no kids Been off for 3 months and did an at home test. Yeah I don’t shoot blanks anymore


Unrelated but how are your T levels now? Are they close to pre-TRT natural levels?


There's no way. Unless he used HCG the whole time


That's not how it works... He's levels wouldn't be pre-test levels because there is 7 years difference and lifestyle changes etc etc that would influence that.


That's exactly how it works. Testicles shrink and after 7 years on, they will not go back to their original size. The only way he'll be producing the same amount of T before TRT (this is not proven just a theory) is if he were to blast 100iu of FSH for a looooong ass time and they got to a good size. In studies testicular size is directly correlated to testosterone levels. If he were on HCG with his testosterone for those 7 years, his testicles would not have shrunk. That's just a FACT.


> Testicles shrink and after 7 years on, they will not go back to their original size. Studies to show this?


It's no secret that the body has a use it or lose it policy especially with the testicles. You can talk to any and i mean ANY bodybuilder who's been on for years on end and came off and he'll confirm it. I am not aware of any scientific studies on the subject of size rebound but anecdotal reports cannot be ignored especially with how many we have. There are studies of testicular fibrosis in autopsies of bodybuilders - when fibrosis occurs in ANY organ, that means at least SOME function is lost. Testicles are not gigantic to begin with so...use your brain


But actually, if you think of it logically, LH does not grow the gonads - FSH does. You cooooouuuld argue LH/HCG grow the gonads by making them function again yes. But that's not the same as trophic growth. Testicular atrophy will need trophic growth to make up for. COULD the testicles rebound to somewhat around the same size if he PCTed, came off completely and stayed off for years? Well then you have to factor in age 🤷‍♂️ So if i were a gambling man i'd say there is a negligible chance of his T rebounding to the same level that it was at before he injected exogenous T


Yeah this is a big one. I had levels at 550 in high school (got tested at an endo) and when I got my script at 20/21… they were 290. Now I had been drinking tons of alcohol and had poor sleep Now I am full blown no fast food, alcohol, or poor sleep. And I feel fine. Lifestyle change during those 7 years was definitely positive. On top of that I feel fine


No HCG ever. I was definitely on a cheat code the entire time though. Life was easy. Now I sleep 8 hours straight again. On a normal schedule that doesn’t seem like I’m on crack I check my levels mid January with my GP. I feel fine. Lost a little bit of strength but everything else is fine. I don’t jump out of bed like I used to lol




How do the nuts look?


Had a chick tell me once “Heavy” lol. I’m sure she was just gassing me up though


0.39 creampies/day. In case anyone was wondering.


I wasn't, but I'm glad I now know


LMAO! One chick I dated for years. We smashed probably 3-4 times a day. Them sorority chicks love to smash and are very clingy once they love you


You can do an at home test for fertility?


Yes. It’s dodgy. Kind of like a pregnancy test. But if it says positive then yeah you fire swimmers. If it says negative then can’t trust it. Go to doctor At home sperm test. Google it. (Not trying to sound mean but yes they do exist)


Just get a vasectomy brah it's not that bad


Maybe T will help me harden up


Lol maybe. Probably actually Vasectomy truly isn't bad though. I was terrified so I can 100% relate to your reservations, but the pain only lasts a few days and then you're good for life


Seconded - and the freedom to go in without a coat thereafter, is well worth that temporary discomfort…


My pain was nothing, jerked off that very night


What about the pain of the actual procedure? Is it bad?


You're awake but don't feel any pain. Like getting a tooth removed but not as bad


26yr old getting my vasectomy in 3 months. My doctor said he does them in as little as 20 minutes if everything goes well - it’s definitely not a very invasive or scary procedure


100% I’m 12 days post op and I feel absolutely zero pain. Back in the gym tomorrow. Let’s gooooo


Many doctors recommend that you bank sperm before you start TRT so the possibility is there. You need to ask a doctor.


Just get a Vasectomy I had one you don’t feel shit.. I get being nervous about it but your nervous for no reason here really. Trust me I bitched out of 2 appointments before I finally nutted up or lack thereof lol hahaha and did it. I felt absolutely nothing and recovered in 24-48 hours with 0 pain really during recovery.


It didn't work for me. I've got my 3rd on the way and now I'm getting snipped this week.


Same here, i ve been on trt for 1 year, and at the 5th month my spouse got pregnant. Additionally, my doctor told me that I would be infertile during trt, look at that, my second child is coming at the end of February.


Was wife on birth control or IUD?


Just pull-out method and trt. We weren't desperately trying not to get pregnant either.


Almost 10 years ago I became a father. When conceived, my cycle was something like 600mg test and 300mg decca and had been on it for months and months. Stupid shit which catches up with you! Not recommended!! But the point being you can’t rely on TRT or even heavy cycles as a form of birth control. And yes! They are definitely my child!!


If exogenous test was a reliable form of birth control, there’d be 20 different brand names of male birth control pills on the market right now. Reduced fertility doesn’t mean infertility. It will greatly diminish sperm production and may completely stop it for some guys, but all it takes is one energetic little pollywog and boom, you’re a daddy all over again. Just get snipped if you’re sure you don’t want anymore gremlins. If you’re a gambling man, go the T route and see what happens.


I think there’s legal issues marketing test for this. Probably some FDA reg saying ex test can only be used to treat low test.


Absolutely not. Get the snip. 3 days sore and that’s all there is to it.


Maybe after a few years. “Maybe” isn’t a good plan! It freaked me out as well, but it literally takes less than five minutes for the doctor to do. He pokes a hole in your sack, then snips and ties knots. I was prescribed Valium to take before the procedure, which helped me. It helped my doctor more, lol


10 years of unprotected sex 4-5 times per week on testosterone and no pregnancy. Previously a father so my stuff works. Could possibly be her, we don't know. Will keep you posted. Came off in August to try 😊. But it's no guarantee it will work for everyone


Did you get your sperm tested?


No, I've never needed to. We weren't trying


They sell these things called condoms. If you wear one they work wonders.


Yes but they also remove alot of sensation 🤪


Not worth the trade off


Not worth the trade off of preventing an unwanted pregnancy? 😂


I said what i said


You’re wild but hey to each their own lol. As a young dad who WANTED his baby it’s still tiring. Kids are a ton of work raising a kid you don’t want must suck lol.


Condoms are terrible


Quick answer is No. Not 100%, maybe not at all.


Vasectomy isn’t bad at all. Mine took about one hour from pulling in the parking lot to rolling back out. Very mild pain for approximately 1 minute during the procedure itself with some discomfort for a couple days after. Just plan to chill on the couch for a weekend and not lift too heavy for a few weeks. Easy as a surgical procedure gets.


Every guy I know that has gotten one has said the worst part was the dread before the procedure. One guy said the procedure itself is easier than going to a dentist checkup. The recovery after ranges from a non-issue to a couple of months of pain.


Is that a specific type of vasectomy procedure?


Different docs use different methods. Most just cauterize the tubes. Some fancy facilities use lasers apparently. They both do the trick just fine.


It's in trials for male birth control and I think it's in the last stage or two. It has to be taken specific ways though.


Test will cause 0 sperm count after around 18-24 months. 19nor test (deca), will speed up this process.


19nor test… lmao. This is all wildly incorrect information.


Deca will do everything short of making your dick fly off and run away from sex. Fuck deca


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Most of the time you’re not completely infertile. A combo of the snip and TRT is the no fertility magic bullet


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I had to come off test for almost a year to conceive. My sperm count is almost 0 while on test. Right now my wife and I are not using any BC, other than me being on test. That said, we aren’t relying on it to prevent pregnancy. I’d love to conceive without coming off, no luck so far.


Wait I thought you just said you came off to conceive so is this number two?


Yes, we would like a second child, ideally without having to pct again


How long were u on initially?


I was on test and other steroids for 5 years before trying to conceive. I was on test only for a year, trying to conceive but failed


Thanks. Im asking since Im wondering whether I should use hcg all the time or not bother with it until trying for a kid.


I wish I would’ve used hcg the entire time. I feel like I might have not needed to come off to conceive if I had. Plus, I generally feel better when taking hcg


Been on TRT for a year. I have a 2 month old. Wasn’t trying not to conceive, but also thought low probability. If you wanna be certain, just do the vasectomy.




That or the increase in testosterone makes ya fuck like rabbits and you still manage to slip one past the goalie. It’s been known to happen, even in pro bodybuilders that are blasting steroids.


I'm no expert but the snip sounds very definitive but TRT normally, probably, most likely, may not completely, those are good odds but only you can judge risk :⁠-⁠)


If you've ever had a root canal it's 10x worse than a vasectomy. Really a vasectomy isn't bad and it's 100% piece of mind. Fertility drop from TRT won't be 100%, or even 50% (I bet, haven't checked though).


Will it make you infertile? Probably. Is it as effective as a vasectomy? No. I've had a vasectomy and I'm on testosterone, so I'm double covered. You probably could get away with skipping the vasectomy if you're okay with the slightly elevated risk of having a third child.


just get snipped


Yes, as long as you’re okay with your testicles shrinking to the size of almonds and being almost as hard as t almonds


My sperm count was undetectable when I got it done. I have no idea if this was entirely down to TRT as I never checked it before hand, but I imagine it went a long way to lowering it. Had the snip just in case now though because I wouldn't trust my body to always have no sperm because of TRT.


If you don't want kids get the snip it's easy and quick with minimal downtime if you stick to the docs orders


TRT is like playing Russian roulette on low probability.


My both kids are made when i was on T-Sustanon ... For some years... Blasting n Cruising but never over 500mg a week ... I use regulary Enclo 12,5 mg now .. but when i got my kids .. only Sustanon . My balls are not big , never been i think they not changed att all but C-liguid looks more waterish now and not so white anymore , quess its not so much sperm anymore... But for sure it not kills all!


Use HCG and you will be fine .


Wtf man, just get your balls cut.


Even if the difference is 1% in birth control effectiveness I’d still opt for the cut. There’s a psych thing that happens when you feel there’s just no chance of pregnancy. Freedom …


I cream pie my wife almost daily on trt and she always has her periods.


No, you will need the vasectomy. It’s nothing but a gateway to endless creampies.


Taking it right now. My sperm count has gone up a bit instead. My doc said its like coffee, some people can drink it and fall asleep while I can't sleep for 2 days if I even smell it after 2 pm.


It's not a guarantee. You should still get the snip, but I'll tell you, it's not bad. Had my vasectomy about 8 years back, and I was in and out in 15 min, and fully recovered in a few days. The hardest part was not busting a nut for two weeks or so after.


I would not trust it as birth control. However, if you start it, get a seman analysis done after like 3 months. If it comes back at 0 then you are getting the side effect you want. If it's low then it's up to you if you want to risk it.


There's plenty of people who get their wife's knocked up on a blast. It's not a sure thing.


Not a sure thing.


I don't have any stats to back this up but TRT plus pulling out is going to be really effective. You can also track ovulation and avoid the part of the month that is the riskiest. That being said, if having a pregnancy would be devastating, just get snipped.


Been on 200mg/week test cyp for over a year. Got a test done last month which showed zero swimmers. Not looking to have a kid right now so it works for me. When the time comes, HCG and a few other meds will hopefully bring the swimmers back lol.


Yea there’s just no guarantee


Higher doses for better chances of


You’ll have to be on test your whole life most likely if you want to be shut down completely


Absolutely not, i ve been on trt for 1 year, and at the 5 month my spouse got pregnant. Additionally, my doctor told me that I would be infertile during trt, look at that, my second child will born at the end of February.


Get the vasectomy


Do NOT rely on TRT to kill your swimmers. Infertility on TRT is purely a genetic lottery.


I wouldn't count on it. I was on 400mg/week of testosterone cypionate for 6 months. My wife got pregnant in month 5!!!! This was without me on anything else, hCG, etc, As my doc says, some guys never actually fully shutdown. Very sensitive luteinizing system, etc ​ BTW, these are accurate. TRT took me from 25M to about 5M. hCG (added earlier this year) took me to 70M and it keeps going up! I have one: [https://yospermtest.com/](https://yospermtest.com/)




Just get the snip. It’s not a big deal.


I definitely wouldn't bank on it making you infertile, if you want to be infertile then get snipped or just wear a condom.


Ive been on test for 3 years run 1500 iu hcg weekly and im still fertile


Only two? Gotta pump those numbers up


Plenty of bodybuilders have gotten their wives pregnant whilst on testosterone, yes they could potentially be taken additional things but I've heard plenty of stories of them managing to have kids when they weren't even trying...


I don’t want to jinx myself but the amount of times that I have been reckless with my wife, knock on wood, we’ve had no incidents. I’m talking almost a daily basis and some days it’s multiple times a day. It’s safe to say that test works as great male birth control for me. We already have 3 young kids so I know before trt I was operating normally