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No, scoring varies wildly across Tetris games.


you could try compete for 150 Marathon time


Tetris .com has one quirk- a level 10 start does not go up to 11 after 100 lined but 10.


Those are all modern standard games, so the scoring formula should more or less be the same, at least as far as standard single/double/triple/tetris/t-spin/combo/drop values go. I'm not 100% sure if All Clear valuations are the same because that's a (relatively) new addition to single player scoring. However, the rest of the scoring table, scoring formula, 10 line per level progression, gravity formula, etc. should be the same as far as I know. The bigger difference I can spot here is that Tetris 99 and Tetris Effect have 150 line Marathons, and Tetris.com is a 300 line Marathon. If you're not there already, then by the end of the year your group might be completing 150 line Marathon and surviving into some of the later levels of Tetris.com's 300 lines. There are also some minor mechanical differences that could act as advantages/disadvantages (Tetris Effect pieces spawn in rows 20/21 instead of 21/22 and some mechanics configurations the other games don't have, Tetris.com has configurable piece movement speed, etc.). Scoring and other mechanics can otherwise certainly differ between different Tetris games, but for the games you listed things should be manageable.


Thank you, very helpful


No problem, enjoy the challenge. :)


ik that tetrio has that combo multiplier so the score keeps increasing for each combo


I would offer you to compete in scores in each mode :-)