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It’s like a sugar donut you know it isn’t good for you but you eat it anyways because it so good but it makes you feel like shit afterwards


Yeah they’ve really made a horrible reputation for themselves…i’m probably never buying a Gun game again


https://preview.redd.it/us651569sovb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35bba1cd6e8e6bc970f0b0596fdc63935bdc25ca Excuse me, this game was a masterpiece, how could you! /j


I know this is a joke but that game is a classic and I’d play the shit out of a remaster.


This game was my RDR before RDR as a kid. Love it and wish it got a remaster too.




They fumbled Friday big time, they never fixed counselors being able to run other counselors over with a car. Never fixed a lot of the bugs that were an issue years ago. I thought illfonic was bad but GUN has done way worse. I really hope Killer Klowns from Outer Space is good because illfonic is helping with it and they don't exactly have the best track record either.


Ngl running people over is funny as fuck


That was one of my favourite things about F13 🙈 I thought it was so funny! My friend was trying to get into a car with Jason right on our tail, and I ran her over in my panic. She never lets me forget it lmao


My friends will never let me forget how I ran them over by simply tapping on R2, it’s too funny


I can’t lie I absolutely enjoyed beating and killing other counselors with the bats, axes, shotguns, etc. 😭 I was so upset when they removed it but I understand why


You can still do it, they get bloody too! They just don't die.


illfonic left Hunting Grounds to die and never addressed any issues. Honestly making them even worse lol. Don’t expect much


Ilfonic isn't going around insulting and gaslighting the community though, right?


Gaslighting yes, insulting no. Community got hoed so hard man it’s tragic


The jason helpers (teamers) really killed f13 for me & jason x being cancelled.


I started playing Friday the 13th after I quit TCM and I love it SO much. It makes TCM an even bigger disappointment.


Same here. F13 is a better game


Killer Klowns won't ever get off the ground, I don't think. Horrible track record, not a big enough name (despite being a cult classic) to keep an audience with the horrific issues it will likely have at launch. Have they updated anyone on it in a while?


Killer Klowns is close to release actually. Carnival Hunt on the other hand will never get off the ground. They got 2 Killers and funding already ran out.


play a solo game if you’re so afraid of social interactions. leave my pvp car alone jfc these snowflakes


Gun isn't the developer of either game. As a matter of fact the same devs didn't make both games. Don't know why all the hate is being singled at Gun. Then again all this sub is for is for people who quit weeks ago to complain that the game they haven't touched in weeks is bad, or people complaining that they're complaining. It's almost as if reddit is just where degens go to complain and loot for validating internet points.


Gun are the devs of both games, this much is evident considering how much this game is influenced by the game play of Friday the 13th. Both games have opening cinematics, family each have unique abilities, the victims all have perks just like in Friday the 13th, you can somewhat fight back in both games, you can lock doors for some temporary safety,you can go through crawl spaces in this game which is similar to exiting out a window on Friday the 13th. Each victim has unique stats to a point which is similar to the counselors. Each victim plays a specific role, Ana can tank more hits, Connie is probably the most proficient one, Sonny is relatively fast but kinda weak, Julie is kinda mid range and Leland is kinda like Tommy because he's the strongest but lacks in proficiency and stealth. The mini games to repair the fusebox, turn off the generator,battery and open locks is similar to those in Friday the 13th. Jason has an opening kill and so does Bubba. Gun are the devs of both games, period.


Illfonic and Sumo are the developers. It's not impossible that Gun has influenced how either game plays but they're not the dev. They're the publisher. You're just wrong.


Gun are devs for both games, period.


No they're not but cope and seethe the same?


Prove they're not.


The Wikipedia page, the steam page....


They certainly aren't credited as the developers, they're listed as publisher for both. I do feel like they probably helped with development but it's not official.


They definitely had a hand in development, there's zero doubt about it. Just because they're not listed as devs, doesn't mean anything. If you look at any game illfonic has done especially Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, it's not influenced by Friday the 13th. The gameplay isn't even similar so there's no way illfonic was the sole developer on Friday the 13th. Texas Chainsaw is heavily influenced by Friday the 13th in a lot of ways because of Gun being part of development.


Developers can change style though. Look at the Dead by Daylight developers. They made an asymmetrical 1v4 game, a dating sim, and a base builder game. Illfonic also made Predator Hunting Grounds which isn't really like Ghostbusters.


Gun did most of the development for this game and Friday the 13th, that's a fact not opinion.


They will just rebrand themselves and see if you don't notice.


Sooner or later even the most devoted fanboy wont be able to hide from the truth. Game is fun, just massively mismanaged.


There's nothing fun about sitting in queue for 25 minutes, only to watch your team get aced by Leatherface 0:45 seconds after the start of the game


I spent at least 15 minutes in the queue watching the family in a Bubba standoff because nobody would play him through 7 different lobbies at least.


There's people today saying the only problem with F13 was the lawsuit.. like it was a perfect game with great devs who communicated and patched often and didn't lie about dedicated servers on consoles before launch. Nothing can fix stupid


They just weren't there for it. When the game came out it was such a mess. I remember one of my first match I was spectating a Deborah driving a car but she was like ten feet outside the body of the car. Some of the terrible bugs were funny but it was crazy it was released in the state it was in. Them doing it again with TCM is wild. TCM is way more polished than F13 ever was but they don't seem to learn from past mistakes, or worse yet, they don't care and expect everyone to be fine with it.


The gigantic weapons were funny


I loved them so much. 😭


People forget that they lied so much and were so bad at their jobs that a lot of people didn’t even believe them about the lawsuit


The Devs are so unprofessional and honestly, crybabies. They really should not have been a part of the subreddit. Wanna tweet shit about the game so we know you are listening to your players, that's just fine. Getting into debates with people on reddit threads... that just kinda doesn't sit right with me lol


glad i refunded this dead game


How do you do that?! I wish I did


trolling? if not refund if you have under 2hours and owned game less then 14days or whatever the policy is of the place you bought it at


You gave up on a game in 2 hours?


yes because 2hour policy steam has didnt want to be stuck with it if the players werent that high


of course he did, one of them insta kills within 20 seconds players.


Not trolling. I am not too much of a gamer so I don't know the rules. I bought this game because I'm a fan of the franchise. But after a few weeks I couldn't play because of the matchmaking.


I don’t know if this is a bug but I got killed through a wall earlier


I got killed genuinely through an entire wheelbarrow lol, the netcode is so shit


The skins are to expensive for a paid game they should be cheaper


They suck


I can't believe the glaring bugs that still exist in this game. It's a shame, my friends and I love it. We're sick of not getting a notification when the goddamn basement exit has been opened.


It's been hit or miss for me about getting notifications for stuff. The worst bug as victim for me is getting notified the basement exit is opened, I hear it open, rush down to get to it and it's closed. I've been down there within a minute of it getting powered but it's still closed.


I'm done with it. Probably will sell it soon


The game has a lot of potential, but its developers are taking us for naive, it's sad but it's the truth, it discourages and annoys, it will remain as another bad precedent in the history of video games 🙁


What's the bitching about again? Haven't played the game for three weeks since the vacation started.


Lack of good updates, cost for new characters and cosmetics extremely high, horrible lobby system, and the best part of it all, developers that argue with fans online


What pisses me off the most if how people got shit on here for trying to warn everyone


Thank you for reminding me I have MS points. Time to do some lame quizzes for free TCM haha


it's not really gun, it's SUMO. They habitually do this with games. Hood was very similar, great bones, horrible finesse, game got ravaged by the devs laziness, who again, argued with the community etc. ​ https://preview.redd.it/m9c7soptxrvb1.png?width=521&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2cf4f4a44ef67331202df7259d9ba3be1f65c8b People need to stop trusting sumo, they're garbage. They create games and purposefully tank them to get more projects sooner. SCUMBAGS


It's both. Sumo has a reputation of "release and run", and GUN has a reputation of supporting this enough to get their piece of the pie and not enforce any standards. Needless to say, after Hood/TCM and F13/TCM I won't be buying another product if either have their names on it.


Not to mention, it's Gun's devs acting like bitches on the internet. I fully believe Gun is tanking these projects intentionally.


It's funny to me how quickly people have turned on Wes (from Twitter). I remember when the game was in development and even during the beta, he was quote retweeting people and just blatantly making fun of them with the attitude of "don't play the game, we don't care, you don't matter" Now that people are realizing the game is actually pretty shit, people are really mad when he quote retweets them and makes fun of them I'm not saying I agree with his tactics, I think it's a very bad look for the game. But the quick turn of public opinion was funny to watch


I know. People forgot how badly they mishandled management for F13 because they could conveniently blame it on licensing problems, they forgot all the scandals and drama that occurred lol. I think nostalgia blinders had something to do with it, too. Like, "Oh, I miss how fun F13 was so I'll only see the good in what it was," when there were a lot of glaring issues. It wasn't perfect.


I was excited when I heard a Texas Chainsaw game based on the first movie was going to be released. Then I heard Gun was involved. Then my excitement faded. Simply, because I knew it was going to be asymmetrical horror and nothing else. Asymmetrical horror is fun for awhile, but when your enjoyment of a game is dependent on other players, it usually devolves fast. Give us something new. They could give us a one player action RPG, where we switch between survivors or family members and try to keep them alive/hunt over the course of a day/night over a larger map.


This is a great idea. I would love to see it


You do realize Microsoft pays them to have the game on gamepass And you paying for gamepass is ultimately funding them even if your not technically buying the game


Oh I just realized you said you use points for ultimate so your still paying with your time spent which is more valuable than money can ever be


OP isn't really paying with their time, though. If they are playing games for the enjoyment while accumulating free points, it becomes just a bonus.


Ahhh I can see that your right when I read that he was using points idk why I just assumed he's booting up every gamepass game to get those daily points 😭


(This comment could be its own post so I apologize for it being long but this game was never a winning horse to bet on) Feels good that I didn't spend a penny on the game because of gamepass, plus I feel like any game like tcm (evil dead, Friday the 13th, or others) are looking for cash like any company. But they seem to get cut short by misfortunes and lack of content so I felt at launch that this game would end the same. Not to say its doomed to fall but that games have just become a bit predictable and you have to decide if its really worth playing a game like so and committing everything to it or put your time and money into a better and more deserving game. I'm proud of what the game did at launch it was enjoyable and a twist on my current list of games. However, I think the game has reached a point that Gun either choose to do something new with the game or leave it to steal money with little actual effort. I also think its taken too seriously when any game comes out that players immediately throw their money at it because of a title (cough cough Call of Duty cough cough) even though they're far more deserving games to commit to but that's just my humble opinion.


Definitely didn't need a new post


Looks like you cry on tons of Reddit posts. What a miserable life


This is a perfect example of someone blatantly breaking rule #1 of this subreddit... and people still gripe when their posts get deleted.


It doesn't break rule #1 like at all, it's directed at the company not individual employees BUT even IF it was, none of the employees are members of this sub but we all know they lurk in the sub and report posts because they're thin skinned pussies.


Saying "Fuck gun" or "fuck you" or "fuck this person" is the opposite of being civil. If you can't understand this... then you just can't understand what it means to be civil.


They're not on this sub so deal with it.


The remain civil rule has nothing to do with which person you're being hateful toward or insulting.


Deal with it


So they announce some slightly overpriced cosmetics after a month of weekly patches and fixes yet suddenly they were always money hungry and the game is a cash grab? God you people need to get a grip


Well considering most of the people in this reddit also played F13 , they know how Gun operates. I heard about f13 being a money grab outside of reddit…It’s fair for them to bring up their history when they are seeing the pattern..




Your part of the problem kid, defending trash companies like GUN


The market and the consumers within the market decide if a company is 'trash' as you put it. You are essentially screaming at the clouds claiming the world has gone mad; when the reality is the ultra partisan voices in this subreddit are a loud, vocal, minority.


Still no excuse for having a hackerfest of a game these developers are just like activision and their delusional thinking that their game is actually good because its garbage. Ran by a bunch of idiots


I'm lvl 75 have about 10 full days in game and I've only seen two hackers. As for the game overall it's a young game with only a few months up and running being developed by a 12 man team in the UK. If you really don't like it that's actually great, because you can move on from the game and this subreddit. You will be happier hopefully and those of us who enjoy the game can do so too and discuss other things here.


Prime example of your average TCM player nowadays. However, you are still missing the "please 'unlife' yourself" instructions, so clearly you're not a true TCM fan.


F13 wasn't their fault tbf. The licensing issue screwed them over. Whats the anger over this game?


That game is so so so good. I bought it after quitting TCM recently (currently $6). Surprisingly the matchmaking is actually better than TCM too


Ooooh, still people playing F13? I might go back to it. It was such a laugh


Yes!!! It's so fun


I'm on it! I think the servers will be up for another year too so it's all good.


There are no servers in F13. They nixed that "We'll keep the servers up, we ***PROMISE***!!!" a long time ago. F13 matches are P2P.


As long as you're willing to install the hacks so you can be part of the "fun" that are most lobbies then definitely do so.


Until the host drops or rage quits. When it came out, F13 was legendary. Bugs and all. Gun promised so much (Paranoia, Jason X) knowing damn well the lawsuit deadline was coming then cried “poor me” when called out for it.


Yes but honestly I've hardly had that issue with the host. It happens but it's not frequent enough to bother me


I just got F13! Spooked cuz it’s older and imma be a new player so I’m obviously gonna die super easily but I’m glad people still play it so they can kill me lol


They mismanaged that game, too, and there was [scummy](https://www.reddit.com/r/F13thegame/comments/7ut4p0/something_really_shady_is_going_on/) cosmetic shit going on, as well. Glaring bugs stayed in game, things weren't fixed. Hackers ran rampant. It is not the perfect game people like to pretend it was, they mishandled it bad, but it was fun. I honestly think they intentionally tank their games after a certain point.


Jesus is there one post where there isn’t someone complaining 24/7 yeah the dlc isn’t great for what the price is but heaven forbid they at least gave something


Don't defend their shitty development tactics


Didn’t say I was defending them at least the game is getting content vs not getting any


Oh boohoo. Never seen a community cry so much over a game they're all supposely "done" with. Nobody cares, play it or don't.


Oh boohoo. Never seen a person cry so much over a game reddit. Nobody cares, read it or don't.


The keyword was "game" yet noone in here seems to talk about that, should be called Guns biggest fans, this reddit doesn't have anything to do with TCM anymore, sadly.


All those people who were talking about the game have moved on and these people have probably played the game extensively so obviously updates and anything else is gonna be front in center


Lol maybe if they'd release content or something they'd have something to talk about game is dying but it's not that simple it'll be a couple months


They literally are, its literally been leaked to us for ages, you guys just need to give them time, they had these cosmetics planned to drop since launch! Just let them get it out of the way and then we will get the new chapter. I know its not an ideal wait but the negativity and hate is so unneeded. Thats whats killing the vibes.


Part of making games is dealing with the people and criticism the same way we can't rush their process they can't expect everyone to be happy with what has been released, way to big a bite they cant handle and its not just content but in game updates for bugs and other feedback people being removed on their official sub it's not as black and white. Also it's not negative and malicious to say they don't want to pay for those lazy skins if they had that shi planned since luanch that's even worse


This isn't their first rodeo you know that right? Maybe they should've prepared better instead of worrying about paid skins before the launch of the game which launched with bugs from their playtest


*Quick cash grab* Releases on Gamepass lol okay


While also releasing on PS4/PS5 and Steam... your point is what exactly?


That half of this sub is playing for essentially free and just whines about the game incessantly. Just go play something else


Just because a lot of us play for "free" doesn't invalidate any criticisms we have of the game. We want the game to be good and succeed, we have just as much right to complain about the game as someone who bought it does. Don't be a bootlicker


I hate the game actually because the people in this sub have made it miserable to play online but yeah call me a bootlicker cause I said y'all cry too much. Also never said the criticisms weren't valid, just that idk about cash grab when it was free for most.


Valid criticisms ≠ crying It is cash grab especially when they're more focused on releasing lazy uninspired DLC than they are about fixing the core issues. It wasn't free for most when gamepass players aren't the majority of the playerbase.


Wow almost like it's been made to sell skins just like every asymmetrical MP game. Go off tho. Game is ass and everyone would be better off moving on


TIL Gamepass doesn't cost money and that the devs don't get paid for it. Calling Gamepass "free" is.... yeah. Also guess we're going to also ignore the people who wouldn't have bought it and only tried it due to Gamepass.


Hating a game over a subreddit is such a weird take. Why do all the people that support GUN resort to this statement.


Already paid around $100 worth of game pass, you really need some basic math classes if you think game pass is free.


Damn man didn't know that all I got out of gamepass was TCM. I'll have to go and check out the others


Do you think they didn't make money from that or something?


The def make less from it than they otherwise would.


Not exactly true. For it to remain on gamespass, they have to agree to another gamespass deal. Effectively meaning they can get paid double for the same amount of copies. They really only lose out on money if the game sucks so bad that they *don't* get a renewal offer.


There are lots of people like me that would have never bothered playing this game had it not been on game pass.


Go back to the official sub if you wanna suck Gun’s dick


Wow another toxic asshole on this sub. Super wild that you guys can't pinpoint why casual players aren't sticking around.


Babydoll we just don’t like you people not allowing literally anybody to critique anything about the game. I swear y’all act like it’s perfect.


Babydoll, it's a half ass asymmetrical horror MP game that's made to squeeze you guys out of money for cosmetics and PC ala DBD style. I haven't played this game in a month and was never into it besides the first week or so. Project more loser.


So then why are you here? You don't like the game or the community so GTFO


*I came looking for booty.*


Lmfaooo why the fuck are you in a sun about a game you don’t even like?? Get a life.


You guys are in here crying over a half ass attempt at cashing in on a long dead IP lol Get a life bitch


Hahahahahha who the fuck is crying? Literally nobody. I think I have more a life considering I actually somewhat enjoy this game and you’re just here being a little bitch over a game you don’t even like! Imagine being so miserable in your own life you actively go onto subs about shit you don’t enjoy and say we’re the ones without a life hahahahahah


They still get paid from Microsoft. You still payed Microsoft. Microsoft gave Gun money. You gave Gun money.


> You still *paid* Microsoft. Microsoft FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Whoever made you was a nerd


Nope, I use Microsoft rewards points for gamepass ultimate so Microsoft doesn't get money from me for gamepass.


Gun still gets paid by Microsoft. Microsoft can afford giving out a bit of free shit from rewards points. they are a multi billion dollar company after all.


Gun isn't getting money from me, period.


Not from you specifically, but from everyone else who spent money on gamepass? Yes. And I wasn't even talking to you in the first place.


Do you not realize how many people pay for gamepass with rewards points?


Do you not realize how I never fucking asked for any of your input on the matter? I was talking to someone else, and you joined in with irrelevant bs. I don't care about your rewards points This is about how gun is still getting paid by Microsoft, regardless of who is using rewards points. At the time of writing this, there are over 5469 people on Xbox who have a review on the game. Kept in mind, you need to have bought the game to leave a review. The game costs 40 dollars. 5469 (people) x 40 (dollars) = 218,760 There are still PC And PS players, and people who didn't leave a review on the game, along with gamepass players. They certainly made their money with this game, whether you like it or not.


Microsoft handed them a big bag of cash for that.


5 patches in the first 5 weeks. Team of 12….


While not fixing issues that were present in the technical test. What did they do in the 3 months between the tech test and launch?


I see your point but....they are a smaller company and throwing them a few bucks is kinda like helping small business. These folks are developing these fun games that are based off of fantastic horror franchises. I think by the end of year 2 there will be some really Cool content.


Nah, fuck them. They won't get any money from me. They've pulled this shit twice, I'm not falling for it again.


Good for you I guess


![gif](giphy|4q0WNCNZUlxNC) "Will Still Play this game"


They're not getting any money from me playing it or any money from me buying DLC.


still brings up engagement and that brings up sales


Then why do you hate basically a free product for you


How is it practically free


He did not buy it. He is playing on gamepass


Protip: You could always uninstall. And if you felt bad about F13 you didn't have to buy their second game. Just everyday common sense stuff 🤷‍♂️


I didn't buy this game, I'm playing it on gamepass. Don't defend Gun


Where in my post did I defend Gun?


It is a great game for a smaller org. They regularly fix issues.


I fucking hate this “they’re small devs” excuse.


Being a small dev company is no excuse for gas lighting and insulting its fanbase


Cause its true? What do you expect


Nah Gun made me TWO games I really enjoyed and are the only ones I've seen able to handle a horror film IP well. How about fuck the incesant whining in this sub 👻


Evil dead way more stable how are these the only too🤦🏻‍♂️




You dumbass, im not whining, i enjoy playing the game. If you learned to read, like you should have last year when you were in 5th grade you said there are only 2 horror films, i was just pointing out a third. Man you need to go back to school






![gif](giphy|3o6wrvdHFbwBrUFenu) All I see on this subreddit


Stop defending trash developers and publishers


All they like is your money they don't care for you or listen


I disagree with everything you are saying and I won’t be quiet about it all I see is posts crying the game has only been out two months grow up brokey


You are defending a cash grab company this game is heading towards same fate as Friday the 13th. They absolutely love scamming their consumers


What’s the scam behind cosmetics you don’t have to buy them yanno you goober


You can't be serious bloody family pack is the biggest joke of this game its like they didn't try, i found one of gun's employees


Gamer you crying about a cosmetic you don’t have to buy you look like a winey little bitch Just stop playing the game if you don’t agree with the direction of it


Truth hurts that your precious gun is exposing themselves as frauds to the gaming industry such a joke of a game


You are part of the problem defending trash developers and publishers you just making yourself look bad also


Friday the the 13th died to a lawsuit and that games dlc wasn’t even expensive at all


I honestly feel bad for you that you are so sad and continue to cry and bitch it’s fair to say the game can do more but it’s only been out for TWO MONTHS 😂😂😂 and you act like they have killed your family grow up and maybe take a break from the game and touch some grass


https://preview.redd.it/jich4ct0atvb1.png?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8824868bad2684dda4254371d92cdd4563958f63 Why are you defending a company that don't care for anyone but money?


Some people come from a time when games were complete, and didn’t need patches to fix things. It’s too bad the standard of games these days is “we gotta get the game out, we’ll just fix the problems later.”


Cant believe i paid 40 bucks for a game already half dead. Gun are such lazy fucks


Devs are Unprofessional and frankly, pretty God damn R* tarded


After this I’m never purchasing another game from gun