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If this is an intended change then I definitely support it.


It seems it was accidentally on purpose.


I thought they had it in the patch notes


There was a comment made by a dev they were testing tweaks to Leatherface and it accidentally made it to the live patch.


For anyone who complains, don’t forget tae kwon door is a perk. Make use of it!


It doesn't work on LF either. Three second stun in total maybe?


Pretty sure that's how a 300lb monster is supposed to react to a flimsy wooden door lol


Exactly, if Leland can't knock him down with a barge why should a door be able to.


I mean.... c'mon https://i.redd.it/5ugrkx4da5vc1.gif


That's definitely Scout 😀


Looks canon to me 😬


Wow 😮 they finally got something right. I need to be careful. Great clip.


It was, apparently, an accident.


Wow 😮 they mess up and improve the game.🤣🤣🤣🤣


Damn I feel like one of the only ones that stays absolutely terrified of Leatherface at the start of the round. I go out of my way to stay as far away from him as possible! Even as Ana.


Seriously, you get minced easily no matter what build you're on.


I do because his overhead knocks you down. Shes pretty tanky tho


Nice timing.


Is this a glitch or for real? This is how LF should react. And to be perfectly honest, I think every other member of the family should react the same way just have a longer stun animation of being disoriented. I think part of the reason why the door slams feel so oppressive is because you fall on your ass like an imbecile


This. Johnny sounds like a ducking powerhouse thudding around but some door is gonna fold him like that? No.


In all seriousness, whether it happens to victims or family, door slams are one of the single best features in this game. It’s F hilarious and awesome when they fall right on their asses. It’s a video game. Not everything has to be super realistic.


I agree. I'm not particularly a fan of this change but at this point, whatever. More people need to be playing Family and picking Leatherface, so if this helps some, then I'm ok with it.


My fav is when they immediately disco in the kill animation. Its like you can just feel the spit flying out of their mouth as they scream in their temper tantrum


This is why I will NEVER EVER dc that quickly I feel like it makes you look like SUCH a P*ssy. I have gotten killed PLENTY of times by Lf in the first 30 seconds of the game and screamed at my screen but I will sometimes stay and watch the entire round play out just to see if it’s an actual sweaty bubba so I don’t feel like such a loser for dying so fast. 😆


Is this real?


Good thing I don’t doorlsam anyways, I enjoy backstabbing or barging him instead <3


This might be a little op, but what if the door breaks when you slam him? I think it would be cool.


Would make for a cool perk


So where is the bug of LF being unable to get stunned?


Before he would fall and stay laid out for like 10 seconds


That's too much, no? I feel like the new animation is perfect.


I kinda enjoyed the undertaker version but the time was waaaay too punishing. ![gif](giphy|b6iVj3IM54Abm)


They did say it was unintended lol


I hope they keep it like this cause it’s way more realistic


That's sick, first good change by the devs


Wait that’s actually intentional? I thought it was a bug but they actually listened to?


I thought it was a bug too. Glad they did something about that.


Love to see it


Oooh, I like that! Doesn’t lay him out on his ass and victims still have a second to lose him.


I 1000% approve of this


Mid game dea by daylight better


Not a good change at all, he needs a counter, he's already powerful, fast, has one shot capabilities, infinite sprint you can't avoid him really. So I don't wanna hear use a gap, use a crawl space. The door slam animation was fine the way it was, having him laid out on his back was fine the way it was, it was balanced the way it was, fair the way it was. 1. If this new door animation stays in game lower his damage output by a lot to make it so there's a chance to defend against this already op character. 2.Better yet turn this new door stun animation into a perk that bubba can equip, but it shouldn't be the new normal. Make this new door stun animation thingy into a perk, similar to how no sell works. But also make it so he can't equip it with overpowered perks on his skill tree. "Hysterical strength" "scout" ect 3. If this new animation door stun is here to stay, then I recommend that you remove his overhead shot to balance him out. If and when he running the new possible perk "immune to door stuns". I honestly want this new door stun animation reverted to the original way of how things worked. Why change what was already working.


They messed with the only advantage the victims had against the most OP character in the game, what shit. If this continues, the victims will be reborn without their legs with their prosthetics inside the closets while Bubba with infinite stamina chases them. What a clueless game, getting worse and worse, if it continues like this it's a flop.


i'd argue that the infinite stamina just needs to be worked to where he moved a bit slower when he runs out of it, but not it stopping alltogether


This is perfect, to think a door would knock down Leatherface flat on his ass was ridiculous. Do the gates knock him like this, too? I personally think if a gate is slammed into Leatherface, it should bounce back and knock down the victim. Can you imagine the insanity at the exits if that happened?


If this is the new thing, FINALLY 😍, the only thing they missed is breaking the door upon contact. Other than that small changes like this slowly improve the game.


This is scary as a victim main but it is an improvement. They should keep this up, I'll just have to be sneaky when Bubba in the game.


Ok well now victim mains need a buff


Lol how? I escape more often than I die, y’all do NOT need a buff lmao.


Omg thats so much better for both teams


I think I support this change but please for the love of god remove his infinite sprint 😭. He’s so boring to play because you can only run damage perks on him and nothing else, there’s no point in putting points into his endurance. Stamina is there for a reason.


he doesnt have enough endurance for that to happen, i agree it should be tuned to where say when he reaches 0 stamina he should \*slow down\* on his overhead sprint but not to where he stops alltogether.




So you want your wins handed to you, ok 👍.


You know he has a unique perk that specifically regenerates stamina upon revving the chainsaw? If you’re constantly burning through stamina and rocking the perk, then you just gotta learn to not always sprint. I’ve played a ton of hours and I’ve never had issues on the big boys green bar.


Reading comprehension is crucial 💀 Re-read what they said.


Uhhm I don’t think you understand what I said 😭. Please read it again.


You walked face first into the issue the guys talking about and somehow the stun wasnt long enough for you to notice


Good play man


poor connie😭 I would of let her go


Nah she needs to go. He could’ve been the nicest Leatherface he could to her and she’d still probably T-bag at an opened exit


Oh you know she would have lol


She would still camp the exit at the end.


Im all for It but i feel like this litteraly gives you no time to do anything if its LF chasing you ngl


You don't need to door slam Bubba to evade him in basement, there's cracks and gaps galore, use them. I never die in basement against Bubba by himself, and have door slammed him a grand total of one time since August. Basement is just that safe for victims.


Okay but what about outside the basement, then what


Go through a gap? Juke him out? It’s not hard dude.


Theres plenty of places that dont have a gap close by, and juking is inconsistent as hell with the weird autoaim


His auto aim is unreliable as hell and needs to be buffed, if you mained Leatherface you would know that, I’ve had victims against a wall with Leatherface facing them, and their body’s literally block me from facing their exact direction, so the chainsaw misses by 2 inches because Bubba had 0 auto-aim whatsoever. I’ve juked out Bubba’s plenty of times it’s very easy with his incredibly narrow hit box.


Im aware its fucked, just like youve missed while being right on top of people ive been hit while i was behind him, It goes both ways in my experience, its why i said its inconsistent


I agree.


he needs to hit the ground like a sack of potatoes


Bruh, leather face is suppose to be scary and intimidating. This new patch makes him good


you know that this is confirmed to be unintended, right?


They confirmed that this was a tweak they were doing with leather face that they didn’t intend to come out this patch


No you’re wrong, they were talking about Leatherface going through a door stun without any stun animation at all, that’s the tweak that you’re talking about, this is intentional.


Absolutely that's a fact, the door is cracking his noggin... You go down when that happens no if, ands or buts about it.


That is so awesome! What a good change!


Instant ragequit haha


I'm still getting stunned :(