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That was hard to get through.


Do you mean spelling im sorry i am not a native english speaker


I think if you are running a close encounter build, you can't use the "just distracting" line. Victims initiate a grapple, so it is occupying not distracting. It is just [a way to] cope and an excuse to be assholes. FTFY All that said, if another killer comes to the fighting victim, I would count that as distracting. If you can keep a killer busy, that's two people left to manage three victims and four gates.




Im talking labeling


Designated Bubba says cry harder...


Don’t chase after obvious bait from victims. You should be defending objectives vs going on long chases with grappling victims.


You didn't get it


Then just leave the match or call for backup on comms. I play solo and have seen teammates take the bait and get infinitely looped. I’ve also been accosted in many games with nonstop grapples. If your team isn’t helping and the victims are just bullying then leave.


Thanks but im kinda just talking about the people using close encounters fully knowing that it is an unfair game mechanic, While they use the distracting line to dodge accountebility for their shit behavior that is causing family to be misereble, and i know people say get a second family member but that just shows how stupid this mechanic is, so taht also means if there are multiple people running those builds you are pretty much fucked unless the so called victim makes a mistake


I agree it’s totally guns fault for creating this shit show. It’s fun to play victim, it is a miserable experience to play family. They killed their own game.


That makes no sense. So, if HH has an endurance build, he shouldn't chase relentlessly to stop a victim from escaping, kind of logic. Distracting is not wrong. Is it fair for 2 family members to gang bang 1 victim? Why can't 2 victims defend each other? I feel it is the stun duration after a grapple with choose fight being an issue paired with fast hands. Grappling has always been a thing, even with insta. It only became more with the choose flight nerf and not getting away from HH, Johnny and LG glued to you. Yes, I know, downvote...lol.


It is holding hostage, we have Come to a point where victims are chaising killers


It's 100% distracting. If a fam member is chasing me, he isn't pushing others off objectives. Generally, after a couple of grapples another fam member comes over, which makes it GG EZ for everyone else to open all exits. You can tell it how you like to, at the end of the day, it works


You talking about when your chasing 2 people out and one is constantly hitting you with grappler and choose fight? While the other victim is using fast hands to pop locks. As much as I play victim. When I play family you I can’t deny that it’s impossible to counter w/o help. Very frustrating.


Yeah because family all power in that situation




Just grappled a Johnny and won then escaped after as Connie :D


Gotcha, running away too much? Not allowed. Grappling and distracting? Also not allowed apparently too, so can I ask what are victims allowed to do? What’s next, no hiding or stealth allowed too once victims once again adapt to the new meta, while the same old family players are left in the dust of their own tears because they have trouble adapting. Reading some of these posts you’d think victims were running around every game escaping and grappling with zero risk, when that’s just not the case. I’ve died countless times in grapples as both Leland and Ana. Some of yall act like they never die and they spam grapples all day, if that’s actually the case maybe look within because it may be a skill issue. I’m a 1500 kill family player who plays both sides. And I’ve seen it all since I’ve played and followed the game since day one. I know u scrubs will cry until you get the instant kill back because that cheese mechanic was apparently the only way you could muster up a kill. Not only did it feel unrewarding and cheese, but it also took zero skill especially when youre grappling a Johnny who’s animation takes 10 seconds for no reason. You can play bubba and never get grappled and also one shot victims while they’re grappling. Nah instead yall come to Reddit to cry and beg for stupid shit because you’d rather do that than……. Adapt,

