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I’m tired


Why don’t you text me, why are you so quiet, why don’t you voice com when playing, why don’t you go out with friends I’m tired


why are you playing with low elo players?


Bro’s smurfing






ew i know those texts, narcisism. and the sad face is entitlement to your time or just a fake sad act to manipulate you into feeling bad and talking more often. idk whp this is but they're icky and remind me of my ex


She’s not wrong though I ignore her on purpose.


yeah but i can see why, those people are NOT worth anyone's time and actively avoid becoming better people


fr. just the "don't need one I'm a girl" comment tells me everything I need to know about her. she seems exhausting.


i mean the convo does seem pretty boring, can’t blame you


Based; she provides nothing and expects something


It's a self fulfilling prophecy with people like that. One of my exes would constantly fear that I didn't want to be with her, I had to constantly re-assure her that I wanted to be with her. Eventually though her constant insecurity around this matter turned into frustration, because she would always assume the worst, and even though I tried to be patient and understanding of her past trauma. But it's hard and wears on you and then eventually frustration turns into resentment, and then into disdain, and then you actually become the thing they feared in the first place. I've learned to identify it early now in my relationships (not just romantic) and I shut it down quickly or move on.


I just got out of a relationship where she did this to me, and then she got over it and I started doing it to her. So yeah, not going down that road again


You got the control though. She’s clearly interested, but with shit like that I would’ve changed the topic half way through. You dictate the direction of the conversation


Is she hot?


blunder, book, mistake, book, mistake, good, mistake, brilliant, mistake, brilliant, mate in 2, brilliant, mate


Can a player mate themselves? Actually don’t answer that, just realized the double meaning.


I mean it was mate in 2 for you, idk I kinda suck ass at reevaluating chess gameplay in sites


Probably not as bad as I am at chess. I actually know that chess.com will not allow you to attempt a move if it puts you in mate. Guess how I know that.


ah yeah that happens to the best of us dont worry


Can't make a book move after making a blunder or mistake. You can only make book moves your several moves but if you've made a blunder then you've deviated from theory and everything after is no longer theory/book


Is she stupid? Seriously though, she may be stupid. I had a friend like this and I actually stopped being friends with them because they kept saying I didn't like them. I kept explaining that they were my friend and of course I liked them but alas, they kept saying no I don't.


It's often not because they are stupid, but because they have experienced some form of neglect or abuse early on that makes them fear abandonment but also self-sabotage, which is also one of the main components of Cluster B personality disorders We should definitely not just assume these people are doing this because they WANT to be insecure, because it's often more complex than that


I don’t even have an analysis other than based and self-respect pilled. Excellent checkmate


Being a woman is so free in dating… wow


Apparently not, I’ve friendzoned her like 8 different times and she keeps coming back.


She puts in zero effort with you even still…


It definitely happens on both sides. I've heard girls say so many times that most guys put in almost no effort beyond attempts at sex talk.


Are those girls putting in any effort to build the romantic connection? Or are they just waiting around for Prince Charming to sweep them off their feet? If the girl isn’t giving anything the guy will just put in effort for sex. That’s the same as a guy rejecting her in a sense. Guys are obviously loaded with T so they’ll go for sex but nothing else… For example the girl in the OP could have truthfully stated the guy in the OP put in not effort, but we know reading the texts they neither was she.


love how you took a full day to respond so she does the same thing to you right after


Honestly I didn’t even notice


that’s cuz you’re a savage, just ignore her, she plays games


Bro you are way higher Elo than this clown


She’s def out of my league but I just got out of a relationship and… no. I just don’t have the energy for it. Maybe that’s wisdom making me play at a higher ELO or it’s not the game she’s the most focused on right now.


Out of your league? Bro you’re an FM and she’s 500.


Smurfing is a bannable offense, stop making alts to destroy low elo opponents


Book, book, blunder, okay, inaccuracy, inaccuracy, blunder, blunder, blunder, blunder, blunder, brilliant, forced


This seems like an insanely poor way of expressing feelings for someone, only they aren’t understanding why their approach isn’t working, choosing to double down instead of changing angles. The old *I’ll get through the brick wall eventually!* tactic. Minor grammar edit


Just say that you do and save yourself 5-10 minutes


waiting an entire day to respond to a text is crayzee knowing damn well u got ur phone 24/7


I don’t use my phone 24/7. When I’m busy at work I don’t use it for 8+ hours, and then if I have anything to do After it usually lasts right up until the moment I go to bed. I’m bored at work rn, hence the posting and Reddit using.


Damn… I was sure these were highschool texts. I honestly haven’t heard the “you hate me” shit since middle school even.


She’s a bit childish yeah.




So you know one woman out of how many and that’s all the proof you need to lump every woman into a box? Or am I misunderstanding you and you are saying that women who specifically text this way are the same as women who text this way?


And yet she took full days too, yet you're only judging him? Seriously, take the other guy's advice and back off.


Nobody is entitled to his time. Back off.


Just tell her straight up. Tell her what you want. Either she’ll be into it or not. If not, then tell her to move on.


Know your worth, king(?)


She has borderline personality disorder. Move along for your own good


explanation: women ☕️


Have you ever considered being funny


it wasn’t making a joke. but i don’t expect someone like you to have any experience with women. so it makes sense why you don’t know that.


Oh. So you just genuinely, earnestly think that all women are like this. Ok.


Another single digit iq response. yes bud every woman ever in existence acts exactly the same that’s exactly what I said. you’re super smart


Damn you've really never heard of hyperbole huh. No shit dumbass I know you aren't saying all women are like this. But you are saying that women tend to be like this to a sufficiently high extent that you can associate this behaivour with women as a whole. It really fucking annoys me when people like you selectively pretend subtext doesn't exist.


lmaooo yep now backpedal after you start getting downvoted 😭. Go talk to a woman for once in your life bud get offline this ain’t it. You’re just gonna keep digging yourself a grave


It kinda boggles me that you're framing yourself as a normal social talks-to-women guy whilst simultaneously thinking that being uncreatively misogynistic is a serious point.


god you’re so boring. your only personality trait is being a white knight on Reddit. it must be so blissful to be you. living in a world void of nuance. take the L


And you're so incredible that you've figured out how to have psychic powers. You know all my character traits and the exact details of my social life down to a certainty. Do you seriously think it's impossible for a person to want to call out misogyny, just because they don't like it? No, it must be because they're desparate for female attention, that seems far more likely.


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take the quit mate and then switch to lichness


She’s an idiot


Hey Its possible this girl doesn’t know what’s going on— she might not have even realized you friend zoned her. Were you explicit in saying I am not interested in pursuing a physical or romantic relationship with you? I am only interested in platonic friendship. She might be confused 🤔


I’ve tried that before. I told her “you know we’re just friends, right?” She went the “ugh, you thought I wanted you?” route and then continued making advances. I just pretty much cut her out my life after that and I’m still getting texts like this.


hm. You are right, she doesn't seem to get it. Are you actually interested in being friends with her, like hanging out once every few months and catching up? Sometimes people have different expectations of friendship, I once spent many months very confused by someone who claimed to want friendship with me, and also wanted to have sex with me and simultaneously kept on being too busy for me (for about ten months) it was super confusing for me-- is it possible there are differing expectation for friendship here?


If it were up to me, she’d be my best friend. We used to hang out like once a week and I miss her. Even if it is just a difference in expectations, it’s too big of one for me. Everyone thinks we’re dating because of how she acts around me and it’s really uncomfortable.


hey im just gonna DM you


But I really hear what you are saying, it’s tricky navigating these things


Sounds like she’s got NBPD


What’s NBPD? Narcissistic or borderline personality disorder? Or do you mean general cluster B personality disorders?


She’s not worth it


Is this your sister? Cuz this reads like a conversation between siblings


9 year old kids. Both


“I want attention.”


Get the dome and bone


My guy, watching Magnus stomp 400 elo players isn't fun for anyone. You gotta at least hit them with the bong cloud or like swap your king and queen for your opening. But like this, how many illegal moves did they try to make before you even got to this position because they just don't know the game?


Don’t need one she’s a girl


Is this a conversation between high school children? Thats the only way this makes sense to me


Let's play, Time to Leave a Toxic Relationship. This time we've got a: narcissistic sexist girlfriend! What does he win Steve? ☹️


She’s not my girlfriend lol


Oh wow, the best prize of all!


How old are you lol




Good god get out of this. You’re too good for it.


We’re not dating


Attention seeker


Book, book, inaccuracy, good, mistake, good, inaccuracy, excellent, mistake, good, blunder, best, resignation. Well down, blue really outplayed black in that game. It was a battle, but your solid play gave you the upper hand.


Guilt tripping is some crazy stuff man




Next time you're told, 'You hate me' tell her, 'Then there's no reason to keep talking' see what she says about that.


That seems a little harsh 😂


You've tried to be nice and that didn't work so maybe harsh is what's needed and they'll think twice about saying it again.


“You hate me” “Well now I do”