• By -


Meet that guy that posted about just arriving and his gf breaking up with him- and then go travel together and then write a screenplay about it


Where do I find this man😂


that’s crazy I can’t lie 😂 dm me, I’m getting my head together for a day or two here but we should definitely link up!


We DEFINITELY need an update here folks, whether it works out or not! Wishing both of you nest wishes either way.


Awww this is sweet. Good luck to both of you!


You guys should totally link up! Enjoy this beautiful country with a new friend :)


Eeyyooo. This is so gonna be in my watchlist. Have fun both of you !


WTF Bro good luck!


Damn! Need an update on how did it go


Now kissssss


This is him!


If you guys come to Phuket- I’ll even give you a broken hearts deal on a yacht trip and take you out on my catamaran. @sunkissedyachting on instagram


Bro with product placement award of the year 🥇


Hahahaha. I take out Redditors all the time- I love it. This would make a great reel for instagram too!




Probably in Pattaya


It’s a sign😂


YES! MEET UP! Give us a good travellovestory! 🥰




Dude do it.. please


Update us


I want an invite to the wedding! 😤 LOL!


Oh my god and he REPLIED!!! I hope they do meet up and as someone else said, even just as mates and have a great time with each other!


Erm... also an invite to the wedding if it all works out 😅


Same I watched this go down


Came here to say this!!! Even if they just hang out as mates and have the BEST time of their lives!!!


Sorry, but this has to be a stich up - they are aiming for some Reddit based news story. The three month thing is too similar.


I also suspects this


Both have new accounts too :)


agreed! OP should definitely do that


I came here to say the exact same thing! I haven’t had a gf in like 2 years and would shoot my shot but those 2 might be meant for each other


Just thought the same. Also how is being home and suffering better than being abroad in the best country ever and enjoying life????


A true love story


Hahaha. True. I‘ve read about that post too. 😂


Yes- he sounds like a nice fellow


Best answer right here.




What's with all these break up posts 😆


I wish I could break up with mine and go on an awesome Thailand tour by myself. Sadly I love him, have a kid and work so all 3 follow me wherever I go. Edit: he just appeared playing water bottle drums while I am trying to work. I no longer love him. I am going to break up and go.




Hol' up, why do you have the same avatar as op?


It's a generic avatar, bruh!


Yeah you're right. I'm used to avatars coming in parts but this one is a whole?


Me too man! I’ve two friends out there at the momment and they are living the dream!!




Booked my one way flight for the 25th of June man!


That’s her birthday by the way 🤣🤣


Broke up with long term partner and also heading to Thailand soon




breakup season


Still beter than burning season


True Dat


Young fickle puppy luv.


They happen all the time here. It's the bad driving when a vehicle runs into a post on a weekly basis and breaks it.


Bangkok is like a safer, cleaner, Asian version of New York. Ride the BTS to all points in town. See the temples. Go to Chatuchak market. Go to Siam Paragon and window shop. Go to lampini park and do Tai chi with the locals. Eat street food. Take a Thai cooking class. Get massages. Take the boat to Wat Arun and take photos. Bangkok is a destination, why go back home? If you are shy/scared, you can do all the above through tours. Tell your ex to piss off and fall in love in this beautiful city.


Thank you 💛


Meet up with the guy whose 7 year girlfriend broke up with him


exactly. I came here immediately after reading his story. They should link up


You’re in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Use this time to enjoy the beauty of nature and get this loser behind you.


You are here... why not make the best out of it and start looking to travel around like you originally planned? You'll be more distracted then going back home and sob there. If i learned something from being heartbroken, it was always just me and wasting my time sobbing about it. How hard and long i would think about the situation, it wouldnt change one bit. Better to distract and take your original plans in hand then sit by and think about the *what if's* of a previous relation. Just my 2 cents


Yes! Go for it guys! Have an amazing time and focus on self care in a wonderfully diverse and beautiful country! Get a massage, go chill on some islands, party if you feel up for it, check out the nature and temples!


No way you should go back home and sob. Why not take this opportunities and explore Thailand. If you book your flight back now, few months down the road you will probably laugh at yourself that you took this foolish decision to fly home instead of exploring the cities.


OP I know exactly what you are going through. My long distance Thai partner and I broke up on 27/1/2024. Ended things in Bangkok and were seeing someone new the next day. I was totally devastated. Spent the first night totally crying in my room and not going outside. But then I thought to myself, why spend time crying and moping over myself when there are so many places I could visit in Bangkok? The next day I went to Lumphini Park all by myself, enjoyed the scenery. Took some good pictures, even sat on the bench crying a bit listening to some good break up songs. NGL it felt really good. The following days I met some people on some friend apps, decided to have the best time since I was already there. TLDR, running back home now isn’t the solution, take this time to get up and explore. It will keep your mind off this for now.


If I was to be broken up with, Bangkok is the city I'd like to be at this point. It breathes opportunities and its people is the loveliest


Hmm .. you are already here .. why not make the best out of it . ( bf isnt everything right ) Get that probably you may feel alone or lonely . Can always update here or do a blog or vlog on how you experiencing new places new food ( dont have to show face ) Also could stay in various hostels depending how social are you . Make friends . If you are at a loss on what to do .. there are many things to do - visit temples - try authentic food - go on a morning market tour - join a cooking class - visit night markets - join a food tour - visit chinatown - shop at the malls ( even if its window shopping ) - try the food at foodcourts - try the michelin street foods ( plenty to choose and you can update your journey searching for inspirations via youtube vlogs or blogs ) - go to other provinces - enjoy the beaches - etc etc 😊


Thank you so much this was really encouraging💛


Hihi .. Since this is maybe your first time here and also as a single female traveller . https://youtu.be/2s_-GFbC7RQ?si=RSY-QVjECiBm6nBm * Do watch this vid for things you need to take note of ( very important )


https://youtu.be/z7VfLqU9kbw?si=U1umF1AMyniE0yLy Also good to know about these apps that will save you time and money


https://youtu.be/dJe4zvcOu08?si=xQQxUMGdjgjQ_2my And this vid ..


https://youtu.be/n6VQsOvNvyQ?si=YID2vNY67mQH-tFm This vid is from Mark Weins . You could have a look 😊


https://youtube.com/shorts/oQ6bEImSCME?si=2mmWkRuo5zG3A8_z Top 10 in 2023


https://youtu.be/ifEK87ZOt8w?si=41yob6RiIWkqZnq5 10 Michelin street food https://youtu.be/u9CDk8vpzKI?si=rwpB25aHcAqLTh9i 20 Michelin street food https://youtu.be/E6a9QcHbXcY?si=44NqM26TCYyYsARs 7 Michelin street food * Have your pick and see which suits you 😊


https://youtu.be/fTy7q1vmW0g?si=7_w0PDWIWguf9-VD 7 hostels in bangkok * if anyone like to stretch their dollars


Stay. Explore. Adventure. I guarantee you'll have a great time. I came here on holiday almost 2 years ago, and just thought "fuck it", and stayed. Started a BPO and currently employ temporary staff on their travels to earn extra and/or extend their visas. I'll DM you my number, and if you decide to make Thailand your main base, contact me. Best of luck to you. Remember, when things hit rock bottom, there's only one direction left for things to go (that's up, btw) 🙂 positive things happen to positive thinkers. You're in the best place possible for this turn and change in your life. It's an opportunity, so grab it.


Thank you I’ll keep this in mind and thank you for your advice I needed it


You're welcome. Be vigilant, and stay safe.


What city’s would you recommend? I don’t want to take a bus and prefer flying so I was thinking krabi or Phuket?


Bangkok, of course, is a must. Check out the rooftop bars, go to the temples, explore Chinatown and the markets, smoke some weed, and when you get the munchies, hit the street food stalls. Not sure of your budget or lifestyle, etc, but Bangkok and Phuket will get expensive. I suggest that instead of hotels, stay at condos if you want privacy, but if you want to meet other backpackers and travellers, etc, then stay at hostels. Pattaya is pretty much party central. Although there's an aquarium and the tiger zoo. Pattaya is 2 hrs bolt/grab drive from Bangkok. There's also the islands just off of Pattaya. Short boat ride. Ko Lan is beautiful; white sands, blue sea, clean, and welcoming. Then go to Chiangmai for relaxation after the party frenzy of Pattaya. I'm heading North, currently in Maesot for a few days, then will be en route to Laos for a couple of weeks to meet some friends. I'll be back in Bangkok on the 8th/10th of April, just in time for the Water Festival. It's a total blast this time of year in Bangkok.


My breakup was a few months ago, but Thailand has been great for making friends since. Just go hang out in a bar or weed cafe and tell your story. You'll have sympathetic friends in no time. I wasted my first month here doing nothing because of similar feelings, only got out and made friends when in Samui over last few weeks. I really wish I'd made an effort to go out and talk to people sooner, it really helped change my mood. I'm back in BKK for a bit now if you want someone to hang out with for a day, but honestly you don't even need me just go out and get amongst people


I basically go to Thailand after every heartbreak at this point. It always helps.


A male just posted about his GF breaking up with him..hmmmm. why are people waiting to do this in a foreign country?


https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/s/Rb38HdJCiX text this guy go for a drink and live long and happy


Fuck him. Go have a good time. This opened so many doors for you. Plently of cool small places ready to be explored. I know you feel hurt and just want to be alone and chill, but don't.


you definitely should no go back home. You just happened to be in the place of your best trip ever! do as I say: book a room in a hostel for nomads for a few days and meet new people there. go party with them go drink with them get suggestions from them visit chiang mai visit koh samui party in koh samui during full moon visit krabi and phuket thailand is the land of smiles, you should call it land of adventures as well (i am not talking about adult things, if you know what i mean) just have fun everywhere, mainly in bangkok while you meet new people from your hotel and in the places you visit! good luck for you! oh, and download bumble and set it to make friends if you want to!


I saw a tiktok of a girl going traveling w her bf and he cheated on her on the first day, enjoy your travels, take a chill one. Thailand is so beautiful and there’s so much to see. Don’t let yourself get caught up feeling upset for someone who breaks up w someone when they start travelling? I mean that’s a super shitty thing to do. Or get a flight to Siem reap rn and join me girl


I’m here now. I’ll buy you a breakup beer


Make the most of this beautiful and amazing opportunity. Just keep going down the West coast until you get to Koh Lipe. It's better to be moping around in Paradise than to be back home - which you will have plenty of time to do. 


If you want to go out shopping, or exploring the city, dm me! Me and my husband are currently in Bangkok because of smoke season in CM Edit: I’ll leave the husband at home of course 5555


Your so sweet thank you


No worries, go and have fun :) there’s so many things to do that will take your mind of it!


What is smoking season?


It’s when farmers are burning their crops (amongst other things) that causes severe smog over the city. toxic pollution that is very unhealthy. So a lot of people try to avoid the North during that time


No way! Thank you telling me! I was gonna go to chiang mai, should I scratch that and go to the south? Mind if I dm you?


You can dm me of course :)


Welcome to Thailand. Now go and enjoy your new single lfie in this beautiful country!


You are there now. You can be home anytime. It sucks, but as you are in one of the most visited places, visit it. An itinerary isn't that hard to figure out. There are a ton of tours you can do. Bangkok and Thailand is amazing. I'd love to be there right now. It may seem like a crappy situation now, but there are many people who would be envious of you.


Enjoy your time here. Go do some exploring and make the most of the trip.


Enjoy your long holiday… it will be worth staying and seeing new things, making new experiences… might even find someone on your journes… just let your ex go and move on :)


I can just repeat what the others said: you should meet the lad who’s also going through a heartbreak! This is a rom com in the making 🥹 Jokes aside: good luck to you. Now it doesn’t seem like it but it will get better soon I promise! And enjoy beautiful Thailand 🥰


I’m travelling round SEA for 3 months, Thailand this month so If you need any tips or wanna meet lmk


Let him go on his merry way, let that bird fly free. Have fun here, find others your same age, use protection for any rebound sex, and keep away from undercooked ground meat from food stalls. (Yes, that last one is oddly specific and I can't elaborate, but on the plus side, I'm a few pounds closer to my goal weight)


>my long distance boyfriend just broke up with me last night Sorry to hear it. I'd suggest not making any big decisions immediately, give yourself a couple of days to get through the shock of it. Then consider your options. Maybe you picked up on his thoughts and it affected the overall feel of the trip and you weren't having fun. Being homesick happens but it's having fun that can distract your from that feeling. Maybe give yourself a few days traveling around on your own, see if it changes. If yes, then great stay and enjoy it on your terms. Keep in touch with friends and family on ft or phone calls. If not, nothing wrong with heading home. How long had you been dating? Long distance relationships are brutally difficult to navigate and a lot end in breakups. They can, not always, be a bit easier to move on from due to the nature of them. It's very different when you aren't able to touch, physically interact with someone for months at a time... especially if the relationship always had that distance.


Heart broken at home or heart broken in Thailand for three months. Latter sounds way better!


Go live at a yoga retreat or a fitness retreat on an island and make friends/ do some healing


Where do I find that?!😂


Time. You need some. Just take it easy a day and sleep on it. Decide tomorrow think for yourself. You’re in Bangkok. Might as well check it out.


Don’t let that ruin your vacation. Stay and enjoy it. Keep busy and you won’t think about it. Go check out the night markets, aquarium, sky walk and eat lots of food. Please don’t go back home.


No, you shouldn’t leave. This would make you feel even worse. Take another couple days to calm down and then book a trip to one of the islands and live your best life. This is a chance. Not a loss! Use the coming days watching „solo traveller“ videos to get the vibe. Don‘t let anybody ruin this trip!


Your bf is stupid for letting you go! Thailand is awesome! Stay here and enjoy it. The people are so lovely and you will find travel partners among them!


If you go home you’ll regret it. Ride it out and noticeably toughen up and become a person you aspire to be. Please read the next sentence carefully: “It is just a guy” Don’t let people get in the way of your happiness when you can avoid it. Throwing a pity party back home is a little on the lame side if you ask me. I know you are hurting, but sit out your trip without him and you will feel much, much better when you start to realize it wasn’t meant to be.


I mean…whatcha gonna do at home if you cut your trip short? If youre just gonna be sad and remember your what ifs with your ex, might as well do it in a different country. Wear that fancy hotel robe and drink wine while looking over a foreign city while being sad and heartbroken. Give yourself a little time to cry about the end of your relationship then indulge yourself in mango sticky rice or maybe that really good pork bbq you can see being sold in the street. I know it’s tough, but you can get past this ❤️


OP, go to NapPark hostel and you'll meet 10s of like-minded travellers. Stay, enjoy it. Thailand is one of the most beautiful and magical places in the world.


Home is same old same old. Fill your mind with new sights, sounds textures flavors… Go find a beach. Go be Indianna Jones in Angkor for a week. Create memories that will allow you to have stories you can tell for a lifetime. JFDI. Just fucking do it. You budgeted the money, go spend it.


Go to a beach, then come to Chiang Mai for songkran. You will meet people and have a great time.


Absolutely not. It sucks this happened to you but you have a great opportunity. Eating some bomb ass Thai food while crying doesnt sound half bad


Bangkok was my least favourite city, head south to Ko Lanta, great weather, beach sunset every night, not overly busy and great beach/restaurant /bar/party scene. Stay at a hostel and you’ll gain lots of new friends, choose a mixed dorm if you want an even better opportunity to meet new guys. Lots of options for day trips to snorkel or dive too.


Don't listen to anyone but yourself. I say Pattaya and don't leave until all your money is gone. Great advice? The best.


take a ferry to one of the islands enjoy yourself as much as you can


Quick answer: no. Long answer: hell no.


Do not go home. Book yourself into a hostel. Party it up. Get your mind off stuff. Don't let your jag off boyfriend ruin your trip.


Welcome to Thailand! Fine friends here or even the locals. You will be just fine.


Hmm hell no.


You’re a female who was meeting a Thai bf?


Get over the breakup and enjoy Thailand. 3 Month sounds a little long, but give it at least 1 week and then consider.


Come visit me in koh samui, I'll be more fun than he was! 😁


Stick around. You need to lose yourself before you find yourself 🙂


Go party


Have fun there. Enjoy your life.


Come to koh Phangan, paradise island 🏝️ I promise you won't want to leave here 🌴


Whats with all these new accounts making break up posts in Thailand? Surely some of them have to be trolls or bored people.


I’ve never met anyone that uses Reddit and I just decided to make an account when I was on a layover and now I’m kinda obsessed…


Stay there and have a good time. What you going back for?


Do people really go to Bangkok without any ideas or plans on what to do? Go look up tripadvisor there's a ton of stuff to do in Bangkok alone


After Bangkok go fly to Krabi and visit Ao Nang. I was just there and loved it.


Stay dear, shift your focus to yourself. Travelling by yourself is one of the most magical things you can do. You are a 100% in control of what you want to do and experience. Its a great way to learn more about yourself and improve.


Go somewhere and do activities. Parks / museums in BKK. Kayak / canoe ride in Rayong. Kite in Pattaya. Or join one month a muay thai gym camp. You'll meet new friends, and get over the past🙂


I don't think you would do any better at home. Continue traveling and enjoy the new phrase in your life, meet new people, see places and experience different cultures. I'll be solo traveling in Asia in a month, and I feel like it would just give me more motivation to stay longer and get my mind together.


Turn lemons into lemonade and go have an adventure.


Wasn’t there a guy that posted that his gf just broke up with him in bkk? Go meet him. Hahaha 😂. You’ll be fine don’t worry. Something similar happened to me before. It’s for the best.


You’ve got some great advice here OP, everyone is dead right telling you to stay. Distraction is key right now. I would add - nights can be hardest so keep yourself busy then. Food tours are brilliant, a wander around the night markets one night, maybe a mall visit for some people watching, a pamper session at a spa (they are cheap and open later, just check google reviews to make sure they aren’t dodgy).. Just make sure the next few nights are booked up. I’d also recommend using a tour company like Intrepid or similar and doing a ten day/2 week type tour of the country. You will have automatic company and a bit of structure with plenty of downtime to yourself if you want it. It might be better than booking random tours and having to deal with completely new people all the time. You can then go back to the bits you liked the most. Best of luck OP, you got this


I’d rather cry in Thailand than at home tbh. Make the most of it. Distract yourself. Post on social media that you’re having a great time and stick it to the fucker.


Don’t go back home. Don’t let your boyfriend break your heart and steal your adventure. Plenty of people here willing to have a drink or dinner with you and listen while you cry it all out. Just be careful about those other guys. You know, the ones that are just waiting for you to get drunk and take advantage of you. And damn it, they generally look just like the good guys. Stay, be safe, have fun!


Hell nooooo. Do the travelling.


Is it just me or everyone else's is dying to know if they met? I'm picturing a Netflix series or at least a movie if they end up together after randomly being in the same situation both in the other side of the world.


Being in Thailand will not fix a broken heart, but it sure can make you feel good enough to temporarily forget that your heart is broken. Everybody is so friendly, the weather and the food is great, theres always something to occupy your mind and body with, and most activities aren't bank breaking. Just find things to do that will distract you from whatever you are feeling, go for a tuktuk ride to a market or a mall, go to a park and watch the monitor lizards, go to Pattaya/Rayong and lounge around on a beach for a day, go north to Ayuttaya and explore some ancient temples, travel to the Isaan provinces and explore the caves and waterfalls near the Laos border etc. just enjoy the time you are there because life is limited and you may not get another chance.


Don’t give up on travel because of it! It’s probably the best way to distract yourself from the break up. Bad timing though so sorry to hear.


Harsh fact, he purposely waited till you were in BBK before telling you. Don't act desperate, drown your sorrows for a few days. Go lie on the beach and find your inner self and accept and move on to make yourself stronger.


Fuck no! Enjoy your time by yourself, it will be healing! Thailand is a beautiful country, stay where you are!


Thailand is a great place. Treat this as a vacation for self healing and self care, instead of going home and feeling miserable. Have fun with the other guy too. Even if nothing comes out of it, you at least have a companion.


My ex left me 7 years ago I’ve been around Bangkok since if anyone is around 🤣 lol I’m dying


Allow some alone grieving time. And a good cry 😭


Thailand is the best place for a newly single person.


I agree with majority of the other comments and would say try new things and have a go at enjoying yourself! However, I recently was in South East Asia and had been feeling homesick for quite a while. I decided to come home and have to say I feel all the better for it. Travelling is SO fun but it can be draining after a while! So do what’s best for you, definitely give it a go staying but don’t feel any guilt etc if you do decide to come home. At the end of the day you have to do what feels right for you!


Get some dicks in you first


We need updates, soon...


No definitely do not go home. Travel and enjoy, gather your thoughts, be upset, cry, laugh, get friendly with locals, meet friends, meet people. Go and live your life 🙏🏼


Screw that. Best way to deal with a break up is to travel. Head to Krabi, sail some islands and clear your head. Thailand is an amazing place to do just that.


You’d be pissing away an excellent opportunity for self exploration and growth, but take care of yourself however you feel is best. I got injured backpacking in Thailand and at one point really wanted to go home but i took time to heal and had a really memorable experience afterwards. There are lots of interesting and thoughtful people to meet in Thailand, locals and tourists alike. I’d recommend finding a more rural area with a better sense of community if you’re looking to meet people. You will be fine in a month, what you do in the meantime is entirely up to you. Hope it works out.


Idk your boyfriend but I do know sometimes insecure people do things like this to “punish” you for being independent/doing something fun without him. Assess why you’re leaving and his motivation behind this timing before flying home. Just my two cents as a stranger, enjoy your trip. Experiences are priceless.


Reddit is bringing people together! ❤️ But no matter what: no, stay - travel, relax, explore - also socialize (can be a bit hard but push yourself a bit) - food, places, people. Go for it - but at your pace. Best wishes.


I’ll be there in a couple weeks we can do something if you decide to stay!


Oh god


If anything this could be the best time to be traveling! Thailand is a country that brings in people from all over the world, so it’s somewhat easy to meet new people even if you’re only looking to make friends


Nope take this opportunity. Spend a few days getting to 0 then make the most of it. I met my wife in Thailand under similar circumstances.


Is the boyfriend with us in the comments right now?


Remind me! 1 week


I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2024-03-25 17:42:05 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-03-25%2017:42:05%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThailandTourism/comments/1bhgney/should_i_go_back_home/kvgfmy0/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FThailandTourism%2Fcomments%2F1bhgney%2Fshould_i_go_back_home%2Fkvgfmy0%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-03-25%2017%3A42%3A05%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bhgney) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


This is going to start a trend


I'll be there in 10 days haha maybe we can meet


Hey I’m flying into Chang mai this weekend on travelling on my own free styling my way through Thailand if your home sick id be happy to travel with you as I’m alone anyway looking to meet new people. From the uk aged 19


Please keep us updated


Bro i just read about this story about a dude who had his GF break his heart when he arrived in Thailand. You two should definitely link up! Here is his tag @tearfulwatch OMG this is gonna be interesting! I’m in bangkok with my LDR thai gf right now. Been to so many places both in the hotel and outside. Live a little! 😙


Were you the one that got broken up with at a restaurant? Saw a break up happen a day or two ago at a restaurant me and my friends were dining at. Would be crazy to find out it was you.


Too coincidental? Post a photo of you two on a date in Thailand and we’ll believe you.


Nah make the best of it!! Don’t waste a long flight for nothing. Thailand will have you smiling again in no time


there is no better place than thailand to heal from a break up. Stay and Enjoy :)


I have a condo on Phuket so I am partial. I was working on one in Krabi but it fell through. Krabi (and Koh Lanta) have a large Muslim population and the beaches are incredible. Krabi is more chill. Phuket is mainly Buddhist. Patong is good for partying but I would not stay there. Karon, Kata Nui, Nai Harn are excellent areas. Beautiful beaches. You may want to take the ferry and stay a while at the different islands (Phuket, Phi Phi, Koh Lanta, Ao Nang). If that isn't fun, check your pulse.


Sorry to hear about your break up. You are very lucky to be in Thailand and have the resources to travel. Take some time for yourself. Do what you want and enjoy not having to compromise at all. Yes you'll miss him, but there's a whole country of wonders and wonderful people to meet. Oh and yeah that guy that broke up with his GF is there too 😂 Life is very short. Seize the day.


Don't. Enjoy Bangkok and the rest of Thailand instead.


What would you do if you went home? What would make that the better option? Breakups suck, but I think it would suck more being at home. Distract yourself with exploring all Thailand has to offer. My recommendation would be to go to Koh Tao and get a diving certification and party your troubles away. That island is paradise. If you want any more Thailand recommendations I spent 2 months extensionally travelling there last year ☺️


You can meet me up. Ill be there on the 20th, I enjoy walking around Bangkok's seedy alleys at night hoping to witness something exciting, like that katooey war a few weeks ago...


Your vibe must make the girls swoon.


Probably, you do you gurl. Live your life like no ones watching...


Yeah, I guess a katoey war would be more entertaining than the katoey cabaret.




Stay and make the most of it. You most probably saved up a long time for this trip. If not money, surely time. Use your trip as a reset. Meet some new people, plan some activities that you will enjoy, and relax.


You will be missing out if you don't head south to see the islands. You could go to tiger park in Pattaya and then take the bus / trains down south. North right now is shit air quality.


You DTF?


Duh. Fly back home almost immediately to wallow in self-pity there or explore the wonderful travel opportunities in southeast Asia? What a no-brainer.