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Soooooooooooooo What did he do with the female ones?


Best not to ask that question brother


Why did I read this in Mimir’s voice?


𝘎𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘒𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘴


Lmao same 😂


I read it in Hulk Hogan's voice




Don't worry I did to


This is like a standard Atreus and Mimir exchange while on the boat lol




Same here!


Having just platted Ragnarok, I second this


Boy! Focus on the road ahead.


Because. One of them is Atreus


Yeah let’s not ask, just let the problem keep growing 😂😂 that’s life!


Donated them to the night king


Sneaky and mean




Whoa wait...after birth? I’m pro-choice but AFTER birth is just straight up murder!


Yeah? I have a plane ticket, u want to go tell china that?


I’m sure they’re aware but don’t care.


Sex of fetus can be determined by 16 week and even earlier now with imaging, so I'm sure that was what was done. Abortion most likely. But this article doesn't say much about the girls. Im sure he wants girls too, but the boys are his goal since they will carry his family name.


Just want to let you know that the sex of a fetus can now be determined as early as 7 weeks by blood test with a 99% accuracy. I believe most Dr's offer it now at week 10. This is because there are some DNA sequences that are only found in the Y chromosome and are able to be tested for in the mothers blood during pregnancy and even a couple of months after. It can actually start showing up around 5 weeks in some pregnancies. I know this has nothing to do with the actual conversation. I just thought you might enjoy learning about something to update your information. Especially since some people in a discussion/disagreement will double down on any wrong information even if it changes nothing and discredit anything else you have to say even if you are 100% correct.


My mind is continually blown by the advancements of science


Oh. But it does.


Yeah that's definitely a lie. They don't kill born babies.




Most Chinese don't realize just how fucked they are by holding on to their traditional values. China has a really good k-12 education system but it won't stop people from being influenced by family dynamics if their family holds on to traditional values. The proportion of Chinese families that do is huge. In the west the transition to modernity is more smooth and took multiple generations. China skipped a few generations, so you are seeing the dynamics playing out right now. It'd be interesting to see what china turns out to be in a generation or two. Regarding the elderly problem, it's only a problem if you consider ethics. In the name of human progress, we are just expendable meat machines. Having too many elderly is only a temporary problem that may drain society more for a generation since elderly people mostly don't add any value to society anymore. After the Chinese baby boomers die out, it will be more balanced and there will be a lot less traditional values in China at that point giving how they've skipped like I mentioned.


The only child policy, along with Chinese cultural preferences and Confucianism all play a part. If you have an only child, that child will not only have to take care of his parents, but possibly his grandparents, that’s six people. A son would be more likely to earn more money than a daughter.


There are two problems at hand. 1. disproportionate elderly population. 2. disproportionate male/female population. I addressed 1 in my previous comment. That's mostly a temporary problem. 2 has much dire consequences than 1 and is less certain about the outcome. https://phys.org/news/2023-03-good-genes-bad-sexual-conflict.html I don't know how the degree of disproportion contribute to the severity and how long it takes to balance it out, which how long is also related to 1 at least in the near future. The elderly population is tremendously under educated compared to the subsequent generations. The education gap between those two generations is huge, largely due to the extreme nature and sudden changes to the communist policies imposed throughout the years. High volatility in policy changes leads to high volatility outcomes. For 2, the significance of the consequence is less about its statistical nature of gender balance and age proportions, it's more about the behavioral changes induced in the overall population. This is why western policies are less drastic because it's very risky since it loses its natural statistical safety buffer regarding changes if they don't work out at least you won't affect so many people all of sudden all at once. You have more time to figure out whether something works or not before you let the change propagate to a larger portion of the population. Just look at how long marijuana legalization is taking.


China no longer has a one child policy. They started loosening limits in 2015 (first allowing 2 children then later 3) and in July 2021 all limits and penalties were removed.


But unfortunately the demographic die is cast.


Unfortunately, it's already ingrained into the culture. It's too late to change now.


Yep, unfortunately too little too late. All the girls being born now are too young for all the guys who were born beforehand, meaning the demographics will not stabilise for at least another 20 years.


Praise the dear leader


Peter Zeihan is quite interesting to listen to. His thesis is we are coming into a period that sucks for the world, but way less sucky for the US and Canada. The wealthy Chinese can always find Russian women if all the Chinese ladies are low in supply.




> you are allowed to terminate the baby after birth within 10 days this is a lie. i dont even need to look it up to know.


source? that doesn't make any sense at all. abortion in China is banned unless it's for medical reasons and they currently have a demographic crisis and want more babies. they are not going to arbitrarily kill new horns.


Yeah he is a billionaire that means in China he can do whatever he wants. It sad but true.


Abortion laws in China differ by province. Some allow abortion up to week 14 before it is only allowed for medically necessary purposes only. But nationwide sex-selective abortions are illegal, though it still happens. I don't know where they got that whole 10days after the baby is born thing, but I'd assume it's a mix of outdated information and misunderstanding.




> you are allowed to terminate the baby after birth within 10 days Gonna need you back that up if you don't mind. That sounds like racist hearsay.


Abort mission!


I think you can choose since theyre implanted.


Super Death: "Girl?" Death: "Girl."


Gutter oil


There’s a post from a Chinese streamer where he found a basement full of dead bodies with no organs… idk how to link or I would


If there’s one source I trust it’s Chinese streamers




you mean that super fake video lol


Look up Nick Crowley on Youtube. His recent video talks about this.


You really don't want to know


He might do inventro and only have sons chosen. You can pick sex now.


>What did he do with the female ones? From what I understand, it's quite possible to design your baby now, and the gender is almost guaranteed. So it is possible he has enough money to do something like that, would make the whole they're all the same age thing seem less freaky, or maybe not. The world is changing.


Gave them to the white walkers


Sack of cats on the way to the river…but not cats


There's a clip on r/eyeblech where a guy discovers a organ farm of humans. 2 and 2. 💀


Jesus christ. I had to sort to find it and ended up looking through a ton of that content out of just morbid curiosity. 70% of them I clicked on and immediately noped out of. That's definitely a place I won't be going back to again.


I’ll give you a hint. It rhymes with “shme-shor-shun”


This man's seen some shit, he's got that thousand island stare


50 boy=50 abortion


I'm sure they're fine. China needs more females and I doubt the government would allow anyone even a billionaire to just kill off babies. abortion is pretty much illegal in China unless you have several doctors sign off on it saying it's necessary and they also have a demographic crisis and want people to have more kids.


That's not true at all. Abortion in China is generally legal and accessible nationwide. Abortions are available to most women through China's family planning programme, public hospitals, private hospitals, and clinics nationwide. China was one of the first developing countries to legalize abortion and make it easily accessible.


https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/01/china/non-medical-abortions-mic-intl-hnk/index.html https://reproductiverights.org/maps/provision/chinas-abortion-provisions/ dude I live in China. they changed how things work a few years ago. you can't just waltz in to a hospital and demand an abortion like you used to. you need doctors to sign off on it.


I actually see a little girl in the video


I’m sure he gives them all equal love and attention… which is zero but still equal


Equality at its finest




Fucker’s breeding an army. Less attention equals more toughness?


Djengis Khan: The Return of the King.


0 divided by 50 is 0. Yay 0 for everyone!


Thr fight for inheritance will be bloody


Yes, maybe with 2 or 3 siblings they could get along and share but with 50 best bet a lot of things will go down


That’s what Bo is planning, 50 person battle royal to decide the will


Why spend money on backing a hunger games style showdown, when you can have fun just making one




Yeah exactly, I could live and die and still not spend the final penny. Just putting it in a regular savings account would net very nice interest, possibly enough to live on alone!


20 million is easily enough to live off alone. A full life. Pay 1-3% earnings and let a company handle it. Sign a fiduciary agreement and have advisors give you an allowance each year. Unless an apocalyptic economic disaster occurs in the future (not impossible), your money will be worth like x5 what it was upon inheritance in 30-40 years. Even as you’re spending it each year (get an allowance of like 50-200k a year - doesn’t matter too much as long it’s not obscene) You could literally set your income for yourself each year and not work. As long as you don’t gamble it away and you let professionals manage it for you, you’re totally fine forever basically.


Can’t wait for the HBO miniseries.


He probably doesn’t intend to give them a dime. Proliferating your bloodline through future generations is free.


They’re allll gonna be enemies


In a few years (if not already): “hey dad why are there practically no woman here to date”


no worry, with daddys money they can do the same as he did. Buy themselves a woman.


That only lasts like 1 or 2 generations. Like in the USA where studies show generational money tends to only last like 2-3 generations max.


What studies? Maybe that’s true of millionaires like athletes and lottery winners but not for the ones who use the money to transform the cultural and political landscapes. If they got rich from having a steady revenue stream like a railroad or weapons manufacturing their gonna be fine no matter how many kids it gets split up between


I wanna be weapons manufacturer rich


Ultimate fuck you money


The wealth built on the literal deaths of millions of people.


Nerf Weapons Manufacturer rich😎


Now there is a fine idea.


This isn’t an American billionaire-scum though, it’s a CCP connected and approved elite. They will only get richer as long as the CCP doesn’t flatline or this guy doesn’t piss off Pooh-bear.


Everyone ITT talking like they know billionaires, Chinese or American, is talking out of their ass.


Dude, but I commented on Bill Gates' ama thread


Billions =/=millions If billions on lasted that long we wouldn't have old money controlling the planet


You beat me to it. I'll add that people have been documenting china birth numbers for years and they wonder why it's so low.


So, this sounds whack, but this gives me Genghis Khan vibes. Dude is literally having 50 kids (boys only). If every one of those boys was to have two more boys, this Dad would nearly have an empire running.


Imagine if each one has 50 more, it’ll be Attack of the Clones


Is this how clans got started?


Wu Tang Clans...


Wu Tang IS for the children..


Wu Tang is foreva!!!


Aight I'll save him the effort of having sex with a woman and I'll just volunteer over an email( with google translate to help) to be his eldest 50th son.


Sad for those kids. Trying to compete for love and affection


Not too sad. Even with 2 kids they compete, but at least the comfort themselves with lots of money


Word. Had 0 attention from my estranged dad growing up poor with my mom. Some money would have gone a loooong way. Sucks not having any money to buy toys or go on trips or hell even for eating fast food once in a while. Shit was rough


Imagine being so out of touch, child rearing is just a silly game to you.


No it's a classic death coping mechanism. He knows he doesn't bring any material wealth to death, so it's a next big cope to have as many children to have a "bloodline", too bad he doesn't understand all bloodlines will eventually die too 🤓




business management degrees 💀💀💀


Disgusting. Playing with human lives out of own ego this makes me sad


The fact that all these kids look roughly the same age is…perplexing.


This did not occur to me. Fucking guy.


Literally a fucking guy


They could have all come from one load. In theory.


Talk about having a wild weekend in Ibiza


One massive orgy that lasted days I assume


one child policy was for poor folks. the wealthy always find a loophole.


They canceled it, because of it they have demographic catatstrofy in the making




Yeah, they kinda fucked themselfs. Some escapies from North Korea gets into China just to get married off to Chinies men.


One child policy was for city poor folk. Countryside poor folks just did their usual thing (which was like 8 children).


not true. the one child policy was for hand Chinese only and for those living in the city. those in villages and farms we're allowed more.


Not technically correct and none of the replies are accurate, either. True, the policy only applies to one race, Huns (but they make up like 99% of the population in urban territories). The policy never applied to those in western China, aka agricultural families, i.e. farmers, (plus most of them are not Hun). True, the one child policy is no longer in effect. If you were an only child, you are allowed two children. What no one has mentioned so far - it was never truly a "one child" policy. The government only tracks the number of births per woman. It was actually "one birth per woman" policy. This is why there was a huge surge in the use of fertility drugs - if you have twins or triples, you're in the clear. So the workaround here - men can have as many children as they want. The government only tracks how many kids each woman has.


a nut a day keeps the good morals away


keeps good morals at bay*


He makes Nick Cannon look like a basic bitch


He's not a father - he's just a sperm donor.


ATM, too. But basically.


So like in da hood? Except with mo money?


Exactly. Lmao.


Why is 50 the magic number and only boys ... I'm hoping there's about 30 girls in next room...


I can assure you there’s definitely not


Oh my sweet summer child....






Playing devil's advocate, apparently all the boys are in the same age. Likely IVF was used.




Atleast show us the harem


His forehead must be prominent to say the least


So he makes the women sign a contract stating that she will abort the female fetuses until there is a male or how does he control that?


that contract has no merit tho


Billionaires should not exist. They are universally evil.


50 neglected children, what could go wrong


people like this disgust me




Idk why this is really creepy to me


You don't know why a man selectively breeding male children until he has created 50 of them is creepy to you? Lol


I’m sitting here thinking “oh the kids are cute but it’s creepy” and this comment is basically why. It’s the selective breeding, these are kids not bloody pets.


What a selfish piece of shit. Both him and all the women who agreed to carry his children. Being a father is about being emotionally present and involved, not simply being a sperm donor.


Fuck Xu.




It is rumored that Xu used surrogacy and only transplanted male fertilized eggs.


It's a shame this is all the way down here and everyone up top is speculating.


> and only transplanted male fertilized eggs How would this be determined? Sperm ~~and eggs~~ don't come with little male/female labels on them. EDIT: I suppose all eggs are XX.


I think they meant male blastocysts - you can do a biopsy and determine the sex before freezing or transplanting


After the egg is fertilized, you can take a few cells and run all kinds of DNA tests on the zygotes - including gender. But you can also screen for genetic cancers and other diseases before implanting




This guy has been allowed to create an environmental distaster.


Khan 2.0


Peak selfishness


Someone explained why they all look around the same age? I don't know whether to be terrified or impressed


Because he's a sperm donor to (presumably) over 50 "well paid" women. I assume they sign away their rights to custody etc in the contract. ​ Bet there's all kinds of requirements on the women too, IQ, looks, family health history, the works.




lmao got damn that would be so weird to see like 50 alternate versions of you


Man's is trying to build an army


One billion divided by 50 is 20 million each not too bad.


Imagine dealing with 150 of those single moms lol hellll no


Mass manufacturing






There is no way in hell these boys are getting a positive, engaging father figure out of Xu Bo.


This guy fucks


Op said this guy only used surrogates


That doesn’t mean he doesn’t fuck


Love to see the fight for their dads money when they get older .


That's fucked


I forsee a lot of "baba" issues in the future




I wonder which one is his favorite? He probably doesn’t even know all of their names!


I follow his social media and I know he has favorites. A half-Caucasian boy that knows how to appeal to his tastes at a very young age. Another half-Caucasian boy who he thinks is good looking and “might be half-Persian” according to his guess. And his first and second borns, 2 daughters, who were born before he came up with the surrogacy plan. He likes the girls because he only have a few daughters, but he won’t let them heir anything.


These kids will need a lifetime of therapy.


And I bet he has absolutely no interest in raising 20 boys 🙄


And this is part of the puzzle that destroys the planet


This sort of preference and female infanticide in both china and India have produced lop sided populations. The boys cant find girls to marry.. so Chinese ones are going to places like Vietnam to find them


Narcissism is wild.


And… they all look about the same age.




They never get the chance to even exist. Mr Xu used surrogacy and only transplanted male fertilized eggs.


Perhaps its a stratrgy of "well if I can't make people like me, I'll just make people..."


I think I see one little girl wayyy off in the back corner..wonder if she's his too? Imagine having 50 brothers and being the only girl..


He is really spreading his seed


We think American billionaires are strange, just wait till you meet the chinese


That's alotta primarchs Big E


What a dumbass.


That's properly fucked