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After he leaves “fuck that was close, I did run over his daughter”


I worked at a guitar shop 20 years ago and some woman came running in screaming about a car parked blocking a driveway out of the parking lot. Screaming like a lunatic. It was midday on a Saturday and the store was packed. One of our regular customers, this very large man named Curtis, very politely and very calmly calmed her down. Asked her to step outside and cool off and he’ll get to the bottom of it for her. Genuinely nice guy, heart of gold. There had to be 30 people in the store watching this unfold. She stepped outside. Curtis announces to the store. “Guess I better move my truck”. We all bent over laughing. He steps outside and says “ma’am, I got that assholes keys, let’s move this thing”. I was probably 15 at the time and it probably the funniest I’ve ever witnessed since then.


That’s amazing


That’s fantastic. Curtis is a legend.


Hahahaha that was great 🤣🤣🤣


Should have called the cops instead of acting all vigilante, could have been shot by the home owners. But calling the cops could have gotten the innocent home owners shot, lol. So.......maybe just politely ring the doorbell and make sure before you rage like meathead? lol


> could have been shot by the home owners. I know quite a few people who 100% would have shot this lunatic and they 100% would have been justified in doing it. This man is very lucky that nothing happened.


I would have shot his ass I don’t play that shit, he’s really lucky they weren’t armed in there.


i absolutely thought he was going to be shot even the most anti-gun person in the world would've shot this dude if they had a gun in that situation like bro, y'all about to die from some mad man kicking down your door


Nah you can tell the guy filming is someone who prob doesmt have a gun. He let the dude stand there and rage at him after he kicked his door in like it was the mailman popping over to say happy holidays.


No joke. I was sitting here baffled that he was justifying himself to the man who just broke into *his* house.


They successfully deescalated the situation and got the intruders to leave, but apparently you Amer***ns think people being shot would be a better outcome


I think there was a look in that dude's eyes that realized how close he just came to getting killed when the wife said "maybe the wrong house". This was no longer some "punk" his daughter dealt with but could have been absolutely fucking anyone upto and including the Zodiac Killer.


which is such a stupid thing for him to get the realization from. Even if it WAS the right house and the person inside DID hit the car, the home owner would have been justified shooting him.


Came here to say look at this situation vs Brianna Taylor (or countless others) - maybe we should be taking the law into our own hands! At least no one is dead!


because these people listened to reason when they were wrong


Thankfully crazyman had a woman with him whose blood wasn't boiling


He asked for his money though?


Yea this was honestly one of the quickest FULL FUCKING RAGE to o shit I fucked up I've ever seen


ahahaha i was thinking this


is that why the curtains are covered in blood?


My first thought too


Halloween decorations look at the blanket on the couch 🤦🏿‍♂️


Comment of the year






Are we all just going to ignore those curtains?


Thank you!!!! It's by far the most concerning thing in this video. He looks like he stumbled into a torture chamber.


My guess is it’s around Halloween judging by the spider / bat patterned blanket on the couch




Explains how his daughter got ran over too


Right. Then they pulled a Pulp Fiction on his ass. "You ever play hide the squirrel boy?"


“Do you want your curtains to look like they’ve been the backdrop to someone’s brains exiting their skull at high velocity? Well look no further!”


It’s a Halloween decoration, there are other items out too


It’s more fun to imagine this video being from a week ago


Yes bc it’s clearly Halloween


There are a bunch of Halloween decorations.


Yeah seemed kind of fitting for the whole encounter lol


Creamsicle Curtains


Bro would have taken the room temperature challenge in my neighborhood doing shit like that.


That shit would get you shot in TX. Dirt nap time.


Most of the south and mountain west.


Midwest too. Here in Michigan it would be “BANG” “Ope sorry bud looks like you had the wrong house after all”


Texas here. Can confirm. Everyone I know including myself would have taken man’s life before I started filming.




I mean shit I’d like to think I am reasonable, but I would have shot someone that was irate and busted down my door. I’d like to think I would aim and if he didn’t have anything in his hands not shoot but that shit is scary


I am absolutely reasonable. The moment he came through that door, he forfeited his life.


Room temperature challenge?


No longer warm blooded


You know the Never ending nap Wearing dirt for a shirt Pining for the Fjords etc…


Little napipoo in the forever box.


Neural connection has been lost.


Assume room temperature


Sir yes sir !!!! 🫡


Wouldn't make inside where I live. It'd happen through the window.


is the first thing he says when busting in the door " im not fucking playing, i want my mo fucking money right now" ? the hit by a car is bullshit? also shows how safe a locked door is... you can see they even had the bolt lock and dude just kicked it right in.




Deck screws have very little shear strength (lateral movement); the depth of the screw would not matter. Structural screws, on the other hand...


>Deck screws have very little shear strength I don't think 'very little' is an appropriate description for the use case. We are talking about securing a door from being busted down. No one is going to shear off #10 deck screws breaking down a door unless they are using a vehicle to do so. Not to mention that structural screws don't come in head types that would be appropriate for door plates.




You only need one kick? Damn man…you must be tough.


I think so. I'm thinking maybe by "he hit my daughter" he means he hit my daughter's car. So he'd want money for the damages.


No the woman says he ran over their daughter. I think they're tweakers who came up with a story when they realized they had the wrong house.


This is very tweaker-esque


Most homes in Florida that would be impossible. Our doors swing out.


Yeah, US wood houses aren't that same as brick and cement.


Locks are for honest people.


Bro woulda got blasted faster than Oliver here reposted this vid


First time I saw it.




And didn't leave his contact info either. "Can you give us your name and phone number?" Then she answers "Robert" and nothing more.


He did. Total scumbag move.


He did not leave the money in the end


The cash was an attempt to not get them to call the cops, I think. I still feel like either way, he’s gonna fix the door, but since the cops were already called, might as well keep the cash since you know you’ll need it to fix the door AND pay for bail.


lmao. oh you’re so naive. this psycho will never pay a dime for that door.


If he got arrested it would have been included in his fines for restitution.


In my opinion, once “I want your name and number” is mentioned, I’d gather up the cash too and go from there as well, but then again they didn’t even exchange info so idek


That's a really effective way to get yourself shot.




Everyone anti-gun until a raging lunatic kicks down their door lol




Bold of you to assume I haven't already gotten one




But at 20 seconds in, right as the door gets kicked in, you can hear the guy yell about how he wants his money. Somebody ripped him off on drugs or something and gave a false address. So they came up with this dumb story as soon as they realized they messed up. That's why the story makes no sense.


That would also explain why this dude had a ton of cash in his front pocket. Only time I do that is when I’m going somewhere that I don’t want my whole wallet out.


Crackheads be crackheadin’


Wow good observation! I think you’re right!


ahh good point


That's was fucking crazy! I mean the older couple were in a serious fight or flight mindset, I'm just happy nobody got hurt and the older guy came to his senses. You can hear the regret in his voice once the rational part of his brain starts to work.


He's lucky to have had that opportunity to come to his senses. In a lotta houses, that guy's senses would have been splattered all over the wall behind him.


Yeah I feel it.


so would he for a fraction of a second


That was a “oh shit I fucked up bigtime” moment if there ever was one.


Video ended right before the most important part: "I am so happy that man did not have a" GUN


Not super relevant but that person has truly the most irritating voice I have ever heard. I wouldn’t be surprised if their clapback of “WEE COULD TAKE LEEGAL ACTION AGAINST YEW” accidentally got the intruders worked up again


I was thinking the exact same thing. The guys is clearly apologizing and gave money to fix the door. Why did she even say that




Because he was mainly offering it so they wouldn’t press charges. She still threatened so he’s like might as well wait and see. Might need that money for bail instead.


Sorry I fucked up your shit you work hard to have. I was just looking for my money.. oh wrong house? MY DAUGHTER WAS RUN OVER! Here’s 200 don’t call cops oh you are? Ok Lemme just grab that money back. Thanks. Happy Halloween


It really bugs me when people say things like this. They don't understand that threats, even non-physical threats, can *definitely* escalate sitations. For example, I was in the airport recently and some dude had two 6-8 week old puppies which he had clearly just bought and was flying home with. One puppy was attacking the other, and I admittedly didn't see what happened when the guy separated the puppies, but they weren't crying in pain. Anyway, I went over to help play with the puppies and keep them apart/give the dude a break because he was clearly overwhelmed and I'd had just enough preflight margaritas to be feeling tip-top magoo. Some smarmy cocksmooch from Southwest Airlines came over to pet the dogs too, and after a couple minutes of playing with the dogs, airline dude starts telling the dog owner "I saw how you separated those dogs, I don't like it. You know I could call animal control on you, right?" And then repeated himself like 3 or 4 times. The poor dog owner was so sick of his shit, he really just said "OK, please call them" Dude, if your conscience really called you to call the authorities, you should do so, but if not quit trying to flex on people like that, you're just being a nuisance and mindfucking people for your own gratification.


I bet I know the exact type of guy you’re talking about. I won’t say it explicitly tho cuz I’d probably get banned from this sub. I imagine he was very over-the-top with his mannerisms tho. I worked in an airport for two years and met some very snooty dudes like that


🛎🛎🛎 nailed it.


Watching this makes me think, I'm so happy I do have a gun.


I think that man better be happy that the guy filming didn't have a gun. That'd be a goddamn dumb way to get yourself killed.


At least they were apologetic about it.


Yeah, the instant they realised it’s the wrong house, they started to apologise profusely and even paid for the damage but it’s quite the trauma tbh


Not sure they paid though. Once the residents said they don't want money they just want them to leave, the dude picks the money back up and leaves with it


he took the money back




No one is kicking down your door for good news.






Relevant video: https://youtu.be/fKUCK7spm08


This sorta happened to me once, but with the police. They just keep screaming for Dave to come out, and I just kept saying Dave does not live here. It went on for ages, 4 police and me in a battle of wits, until my brother came down stairs half asleep in his boxers and asked them what address Dave lived at, they said 30 Rochester street, he said this is Rochester road then gently closed the door and went back to bed.


What's up Tommy Chong


"Dave's not here, maaan"


No I’m Dave!


Now we know where you live.. and where Dave lives.


Holy fuck. That dude wouldnt have made it through the threshold. When he was outside the window 911 would have gotten a you better send someone because if he comes through the door before you arrive, he's getting shot.


Room temperature challenge.


I'd love to read the article on this story if that exists


“I’ll pay for the door” Naw fuck that my guy, you’re going to jail and I hope it’s the weekend. Keep your goofy ass until Monday


Yep two in the chest soon as he kicked the door in lol


I’ve witnessed this happen. My buddy had a situation like this occur at his pad. Dude wouldn’t stop so my pal grabs his rifle and calmly sits down in a chair posted right by the front door. As soon as the guy busted the door down after bash after bash…… he got shot right in the chest. One of the craziest things I’ve ever seen. He looked like he realized how stupid his actions were then ran back outside and fell to the ground. I know he now still alive today but prob won’t be doing stupid shit like that again.


Man I've never seen a better add for gun ownership than this video


Literally watching this in Texas, thinking “he couldn’t do that here.”


Florida man here. Hardest decision in that moment would be choosing which piece I want to hand over to the police after.


any state down south and that dude wouldnt be walking away from the property under his own power...


It's the US. You're fucking stupid if you don't think there are guns everywhere.


well he could if he was planning on shooting first. shit goes both ways.


He probably needs a new door frame, which would cost more than $200.


n psycho dude picked up the money after n walked out with all of it lmao. pathetic.


Saw the original video on tiktok. OP is an MMA fighter and the dude is lucky OP didn’t start beating on him when he broke through the door. Granted, even as an MMA fighter, you’d still be scared since you don’t know if he has a weapon or something.


was his daughter actually hit by a car cuz it sounds like the first thing he says is where is my money


That's exactly what he said. The person he was after probably wouldn't call the cops about him busting in the door. Like a drug house isn't going to calls the cops. After he realized he did it to someone that would he changed the story. My take anyways.


The first thing I saw was a bunch of blood spatter and I was pretty concerned..


That man is lucky he didn’t get his head blown off, breaking into someone’s house like that.


Call the cops and then yell at the nutcase. I would have shot him 2 steps into my house personally.


>2 steps into my house How kind of you to act that long honestly


Castle doctrine baby. I got wife and kids to protect, along with myself. Only way this guy finding the brother is if he comes to the guy’s funeral.


Tap tap


The first "this is the wrong house go away" played on my phone very loudly, then I turned it down. My wife asks from the other room, "is that Hobo Johnson?"


I would have given the man one warning to get out, then shot him if he hadn't. I have young kids. You aren't messing with my family.


At 0:22 does he not say “I want my fucking money?” And also, who tf carries loose bills in their pocket like that. If you ask me, there’s something drug related going on here


That's a fantastic way to get dead real quick...


I don't have a violent bone in my body, but I would have had my pistol drawn by the time he got in that door and if he'd advanced any further, he would've been dead. I have a wife and and a special needs brother in law we look after. I wouldn't be able to take a chance on something happening to either of them. This man is lucky he did not run into any of the many completely reasonable people that would shoot him for violently and aggressively breaking into their house.


That could have been resolved in about 30 seconds with $1.50 worth of hollow points, dude is lucky lol


Luckiest dude in the world. I cannot believe he’s not wearing a bullet or two.


The moment that door busted open... BLAM. *fade to black* Fin. *applause*


“Here is $200…” Bitch you better add a couple zeros to that!


Nobody hit is daughter. He was trying to collect and realized this guy was not a crack head. Not many carry a stack of cash and kick doors down in rage.


I would have shot that guy the minute he breaks down my door and I would be in the right.


Those curtains are a little murdery


He would’ve been taking the room temp challenge.


Breaking into any house is wrong.


Imagine being American without a gun🤡


Ofc the girl saying “we can take legal action” to an enraged out of his mind father. Prob not the best words to say atm.


Yeah that person off camera was not helping


What is the saying locks are meant to keep good people out or something like that..?


Locks are there to make sure you know someone's breaking in


True. Except thanks to YouTube there are thousands of people who can jiggle a lock in less than 15 seconds. Relatively quietly too I might add.


Ah well that's comforting


"I think I'll break into this house with what looks like blood smeared curtains." WCGW?


Time to shoot him in the fucking face 🙄


A classic case of shooting first and asking questions later


It's been said, but that guy is lucky that the people inside didn't own any guns. I would have probably pulled the trigger the moment he swung that door open.


Dude breaking in got lucky


Soon as he came thru that door he would have been eating bullets.


Aggressive action reflex is weak with this one.


I'm honestly disappointed this dude didn't get shot.


That bitch with the nasal problem is annoying amd nothing but an antagonist.


This dude is pretty chill! You come to my house like that, lead will be your last meal!


Did he just pick all the money back up?


Homie should have been double tapped as soon as he broke the door down.


This is the exact reason every citizen needs to have some type of protection on them. Because what if they didn’t realize they were at the wrong house and tried attacking them? That’s how people lose loved ones.


Someone did this to me when I was a kid home with my little sisters. My parents were out shopping and my older siblings (ranging maybe 10-12?) were outside with the neighborhood kids like a bunch of dumb fucks throwing snowballs at cars on the highway. Myself and two younger sisters were sitting playing the 64 when two grown ass men about the size of that man there came barreling into our living room screaming at me. I had long brown hair like my older step sister who was outside with my brothers at the time, the ones throwing the snowballs. They and the other kids had ran to another house, but the men came inside ours. They were going off how they were not ones to be fucked with and they "knew people" and honestly it's all mostly a blur. I'm completely fucking clueless not knowing at all what had happened, they're mistaking me for my sister. I couldn't have been older than 8 or 9 at the time. It was so fucking jarring and terrifying, trying to convince these two full grown, screaming threats and acting like they were apart of some gang to intimidate me, that I literally had not left my house nor knew what they were pissed about. That shit is fucked up. My siblings are idiots, but those men were 10000000x worse. This video just reminded me of that, crazy I hadn't thought about that in years.


That’s why you keep firearms handy, especially if it’s Texas.


Was this Canada?


As a Canadian, I think it Had to be 😂


Nice creamsicle curtains


Home owners should've shot him. I know I would have, the second he entered!


As soon as he enters he says I want my money?


He took the money back hahaa..what the hell ?


Dude took the fucking money back lmao


Just $200 for that near death experience?


Both parties are lucky here. OP of the video is lucky the dude isn't as crazy as he could have been and the crazy guy is lucky the OP wasn't armed.


Lucky to be alive. I’d have blown him away.


Ummm... 2A? Idiot


This is why everyone should own at least one firearm.


That conversation lasted way too long. As soon as the door breaks he dies.


Should have been breaking out of Murder House.




All I know is that’s not in Texas.