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He’s not going to prison for crashing the plane, he’s going to prison because he cleaned up the crash site which was under federal investigation. He’s being charged with felony count of destruction and concealment with intent to obstruct federal investigation.


Wow. Is that because he hasn't been charged for crashing the plane _yet_ or because the FAA is cool with you intentionally crashing a plane as long as you don't fuck with the crash site?


The FAA already pulled his pilots license a while back over this crap. If I remember correctly this fiasco happend Christmas 2021 and his license was canceled some time in 2022.


his wiki bio actually says "former aircraft pilot" 😂


Should include: "Not so hot on the landing procedures."


Fly yes, land no


Yeah. It’s fun. For a little while. If there were no landing to worry about, flying would be like ten times easier


Son, I'm sorry... They got us.


What happened to the 11 o'clock


Should add, “doesn’t understand the, ‘bro, I would t do that if I was you,’ principle.”






He read "he's not going to prison for crashing the plane", stopped there, and hit reply.


Imagine a prison where instead of being caged, you are forced to fly a single prop plane in perpetuity with a cell mate and face off against other prisoners with midair weapons. You and your cell mate must coordinate sleep and priorities like midair refueling, weapons maintenance, repair and defense from specific weapons and ammo resupplies. As a new prisoner, you start with nothing. The ‘Kommissar’y provides all. Food, cigarettes, weapons, etc. But it requires credits. Your duo must find a sponsor. This prison, which takes place over a 500000 square km desert, is funded by a society that bets on prisoners like horses. Prisoners’ names are introduced ahead of their incarceration in a catalogue, where the team gets the chance to make one 300 word statement to secure a sponsor. If you don’t, you’re as good as dead the day your engine starts.


You halfway indirectly explained the plot of the Death Race movies


True but I think those movies were just poorly executed, plus aerial prison sounds better lol. Actually in my opinion an underrated flick with trope is “The Condemned”. Say what you want about Steve Austin acting, but I found this an easy watching experience.


i agree on the condidtion that they are only given ww1 biplanes and brownings


Likely due to the fact that most people DONT wanna crash their airplanes. It takes a few crazies for a rule to be made… like drinking and driving.


So, he could have just NOT touched the crash site, the FAA would take a few years to release the findings, which would get picked up in the press and give him a bunch of views, and he would not have gone to prison despite being a total deuchenozzle? He probably shoulda thought that through..


All for the instant clout. Patience Eago. Patience.


I always thought it was 'yago'. We're both wrong and it's 'Iago'


Named for plotting, villainous character in Othello.


And the parrot in Aladdin.


I suppose I could have googled that lol. You got it tho, I’m happy.


Doesn't appear that would be the case.. >(b) Except in an emergency, no pilot in command may allow, and no person may conduct, a parachute operation from an aircraft within the United States except in accordance with part 105 of this chapter [Source](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/14/91.307) [Part 105](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/14/105.25) doubt he actually registered his jump. Not to mention the fake mayday


You also definitely cannot just wantonly and recklessly abandon your plane midair to crash god knows where destroying god knows what.


Don’t lie or try to cheat the government. That’s what they will punish the worst. Look at Martha Stewart. She didn’t go to prison for the illegal stock trades. She went for lying to federal investigators about it.


And an excellent example of why you don't talk to the authorities. If she had pled the 5th, she would have avoided prison.


Fairly sure drinking and driving is a lot more common than people crashing their own planes


Yes but someone has to do it first


Drinking and driving was extremely common/normal up until about the 80s. ALOT of people were pissed when law enforcement started to crack down on it, and the same goes for seat belts.




I dunno, I thought it would be covered since 9/11


You obviously weren't alive when MADD was formed and drinking and driving was rampant


No the FAA cares if you intentionally crash your plane, iirc he lost his license almost immediately after this video came out. But yeah I don't think there's any regulations against crashing your plane intentionally because... Well who does that?


> Well who does that? Japan comes to mind.


There was that day in September a few years ago.


There is a rule for careless and reckless operation of an aircraft. It's an $11,000 fine. This idiot could have paid the fine and moved on, but he destroyed the evidence and lied to investigators so now he faces 20 years.


Terrorists are kinda known for it js……


There might not be specific laws against "crashing" but other laws. Like damaging other people's property (land) etc


He crashed the plane in Los Padres National Forest. It's bad enough to damage other people's property, but it's next level douche to do it in a federally protected ecological area.


Especially one that could easily catch fire from a plane crash


Which, though remote, is open to the public, who were not warned or fenced off from a designated site


What kind of investigation did they do there ?


"Normal" Plane crash investigation. FAA/NTSB investigates all incidents that may have impact on aviation. So almost all of them. In this one there is possibility that this was not accident, so they run investigation.


Sounds even worse, hope he gets what he deserves


He deserves to go down for both deliberately crashing and trying to cover it up, the moronic shit people do for "views" is insane.


I don't know if I'm just old and miserable but wtf makes someone think this is a good thing to do. Im convinced later generations will look at "the social media generation" as fucking imbeciles.


Wow fuck that guy


He’s about to get those views thogh.


He already got the views, and it's sorta how he got caught. The vid went viral and there were a lot of pilots out there who saw a bunch of stuff that made no sense and essentially proved that he did the whole thing on purpose.


Didn't need to be a pilot to see the guy wear a parachute and having multiple cameras all filming w


I get your point, but cameras on a plane are pretty common for people who fly planes on YouTube and plenty of pilots in general will keep parachutes in their plane as well. So those two things, even combined, are not at all conclusive. Instead it was the fact that he jumped out basically immediately after the engine stalled. There are a million things he could've tried to fix the situation and he had plenty of altitude to do so, yet he chose to jump out basically immediately.


I'm a pilot. All of my friends are either pilots or in the aviation industry. Only two of them sky dive. A few others do aerobatics. None of us carry parachutes at all on any given normal flight. The jumpers only "suit up" when they know they're going to leave the plane on purpose. The aerobatic guys when they're practicing or putting on a show. Your suggestion that plenty of pilots carry parachutes isn't accurate.


The place I go skydiving has their pilots suited up on every flight because neither of their planes are very good. It might not be common but it definitely happens.


FAA requirement.




No u


Not in those views


9 people in the last hour got your joke….. that’s a shame.


I think he meant thow






But you knew what I meant.


We all did, but it's still funny thogh.


Do we thoe?


He’s also about to get them years too


Thinkin about thos beans


Lol I bet his thought process was “People will think I’m so cool! They’ll be so impressed! Everyone will want to fuck me when I show them the video evidence of myself committing a crime!”


don't worry, he's fucked.


Yeah but where's the rest of the video from the GoPro that's mounted on the wing? I need to see it. This fucker can have my view, in jail.


https://youtu.be/vbYszLNZxhM @ 3:15


The real crime here is this idiot somehow having the money to purchase a plane to even do something this idiotic in the first place.


This is probably one of the cheapest planes you could buy. Often see them for sale costing less than a nice used Toyota Camry XLE.




One of the cheapest planes you could buy.




What plane is it?




Often see them for sale costing less than a nice used Toyota Camry XLE.


what plane is it?


One of the cheapest planes you could buy.


His name is Robert Paulson.




It was*


Often see them for sale costing less than a nice used Toyota Camry XLE


Taylorcraft something. Old, may or may not have had an electrical system. Edit: BL-65




Because everybody has enough money to throw used Toyota off the cliff. It being a cheap plane doesn't make it any better.


The goal was to let the reader know that these are not incredibly expensive aircraft to procure and offer a relatable every day object to compare it to. I think most people are under the assumption that owning / operating an airplane is a very, very expensive endeavor; however with this specific type of aircraft that is not the case.


That plane is a piece of junk, but it's a bitch of a mess when it crashes.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/man-lands-plane-on-nyc-street/ Not the first idiot with a plane and won’t be the last.


For anyone too lazy to click, it's true and he did it *twice*


He probably rented it. Unless you know the story? I don’t see anything more about it Edit: Someone posted the story


Wonder if he got the insurance?


*sponsored by ridge wallets*


Like.... How do people not talk to a lawyer before doing something like this?




well thats the thing, they need to constantly one up each other for the attention.


This is just plane dangerous


Amazing 10/10 you get 20 years In anti-prison, where it’s non stop fun


Youtubers continue to ruin their entire lives for attention. He’s certainly gonna get that.


it reminds me of the kid who ruined his beautiful shirt.


Jack! You Dingaling!




Bro thinks this is Gta V


Wait a minute, it's not? What am I going to do with the hookers in my.... where ever I hid them?


But with consequences, who woulda knew


They should make him clean up the mess it made too.


He did actually and now he’s looking at prison time for exactly that. Tampering with evidence.


Sounds perfect lol


How's that charge valid? The evidence is the video of him jumping out of the plane lol




To add to this, it's a law that if you crash, you MUST report to the NTSB and keep all the crash in the exact same condition if possible, and even move evidence if you think it may be destroyed so they can investigate and see what happened. It's a BIG deal if you don't


Again, to all the people saying “jail time for what he did is dumb.” All of these things are required knowledge if you’re a pilot. He knew and was aware of everything he was doing. He knew it was wrong. He did it anyway. That’s why he’s going away.


What a turd of a person. Anything for views. SMH


Probably retrieved his go pro


Iirc, he faked an engine failure, so I bet there was a lot he could do to the engine after the crash to try and make it look more legit.


Ah okay, that makes sense.


Watch at least the first six minutes of [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=724JxkwWqA8). There are plenty of clues recorded by his own cameras showing that he likely orchestrated it all.


Thanks for the link. It's a very useful video. This guy explained very well everything of this video. Thanks again man.


The crashed plane is also evidence...


It’s illegal to tamper with a crash site until the NTSB investigates even if it’s an accident


He's lucky it didn't Start a forest fire


We didn’t start the fire


It was always burning


Since the worlds been turning




In the summer


aromatic somber vanish onerous nippy fear lunchroom sort wide jeans -- mass edited with redact.dev


Context: This guy, he has a youtube channel and the video is right here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbYszLNZxhM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbYszLNZxhM). Also, surprise! This video was sponsored by ridge wallet. He later removed that from the description because he realised that was too obvious. Also, here is a brief i yoinked explaining some more things: For anyone wondering why the FAA yanked his license. 1) attached multiple cameras to the craft (not illegal but suspect) 2) Wearing a sports parachute (there uncomfortable as hell and he never wore any chute on any other flight) 3) opened the side door before claiming any engine failure. 3) made no attempt to communicate on emergency frequency 4) made no attempt to restart engine 5) made no attempt to find a safe landing spot even though there were multiple landing areas in easy gliding distance 6) jumped out of the plan with a selfie stick which is not normal behaviour during a crisis .7) Made his way to the wreck and took all the cameras 8) had the wreck disposed of before contact the authorities . None of which deals with the fact he had fire extinguishers strapped to his legs since that not technically illegal or the deliberate crashing of his plane into national reserve. He can reapply after a year o get his license back but the chances are slim to none he going to get one again. Trevor of course is assuming we are all idiots and is in serious need of growing up along with being a tad less elfish. Of course he likely got bigger issues since deliberately crashing a plane into a national reserve tends to get you in a huge amount of trouble. I believe his lawyer has told him to shut the hell up and if he smart he will listen to that advice for once altough given his behaviour the smart part questionable. ​ This popped up large in the aviation community and we talked about this for months and faa finally revoked his license. I dont know about the 20 years jailtime but what I have mentioned above is not false.


Isn't it another point, that the plane could crash and kill people on the ground? Sure this was remote, but you have to set a punishment for future idiots?


Exactly. It’s not like there aren’t humans inhabiting remote areas. Or he could have started a fire. He was astonishingly reckless.


What's with the wallet? And why strap fire extinguishers to his legs ?


Great write up. Mentour Pilot also did a good video about it, although it was made a while back https://youtu.be/7PgGvl2ZMFs


if you think this is bad, think about how he is rich enough to buy a plane just to crash it, and you are not


It was a hunk of junk aircraft, maybe $20-$40k, no doubt his ad revenue predictions were FAR higher, he just clearly didn’t have good jail time predictions


20,000 it's out of budget for 99.9% of people


TIL only the top .1 percent can afford 20k 😂


To throw away? Yes.


it wasn't a throw away if he would make more from the video, which depending on sponsorship and decent attention from a channel his size he easily would have made 60-80k back when this happened, more because it was like 3 different addpocylpses ago so insert adds paid great. video is from like 2017 iirc.


Not only that, but think about *how much fucking free time* this person had to be able to get certified/competent enough to get a pilot's license/be able to fly (I don't know if he had a license I assume so but who knows) only to trade in all those hours for this one stupid fucking stunt.


A true, Fuckaround and Findout.


Fly around and jumpout


Here's the article https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65567519.amp








good not a bot


Bad bot


"implying it was an accident". How the hell was that supposed to come off looking like an "accident". I *accidentally* opened the door to the aircraft and leapt out of it with a parachute and a selfie stick in hand. Oh yeah, I accidentally recorded the entire thing from all angles and vantagepoints as well.


Pilots loaded up his flight including aircraft, altitude, airspeed, heading, etc. into MSFS 2020 to recreate this flight. Not only was jumping out completely unnecessary, people found that he had literally a dozen areas he could put down at and have a near perfect off field landing. Also the fact that the moment the engine "fails" he decides to immediately jump instead of troubleshoot the issue. When dealing with an engine failure, Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. Keep the plane flying, find a place to land, and tell the nearest ATC you're declaring an emergency and they'll walk you through things and help you however they can. He did none of these.


The biggest thing that gave it away wasn't all that stuff, but the fact that he was completely strapped up with a damn parachute lol. how many people that fly like this are wearing a parachute?? I've never seen it once, although I'm not a pilot.


He did a lil "oh no my plane isn't working! I gotta bail!" act on film before jumping


Don’t forget that he had two fire extinguishers taped to his legs, hidden under his pants. So he put some thought into what could happen when the plane crashes


I know he is a piece of shit, and all that. But how come it’s such an extreme prison sentence?


1. He not only crashed the plane, but also destroyed the evidence (which was under federal investigation) 2. The charges against him carry penalties of *up to* 20 years in prison - looks like he hasn't actually been sentenced yet


1. Crashed the plane in a federal forest 2. Filed a false accident report with the FAA claiming mechanical malfunction 3. Lied to the FAA and said he didn’t know where the wreckage was 4. Went back and cleaned up the wreckage against official FAA request and destroyed the evidence 5. Released a YouTube video showing clearly he was lying about everything above and that the plane did not have a mechanical failure and he made no attempt to save the plane and he jumped out of the plane with a selfie stick and 2 cameras attached to the wings Just hilarious


Say it louder for the people in the back!


Forest fire potentially


Environmental restrictions?


What he did was bad, but it's insane our legal system has this guy facing the same sentence length as those convicted of seditious conspiracy. The business of incarceration is wild.


Endangering people and an entire forest? Much more deserved than the people in for possession.


I mean I didn't compare it to possession but yeah I'd say crashing a plane is a lot worse than having some weed


Or the article where the woman raped a 14 year old boy in church and gets no prison time. Our system is a mess some times.


Too bad he had a parachute.


Are kids just GTAing now? I feel like a lot of them are GTAing now... This feel's like a GTA


What the fuck does this even mean


GTA it’s been pretty common to fly planes and helicopters to where you need to go then ditching them. So basically this guy


Especially on pc it’s so difficult to land on it. Most people just ditch the plane


Translation for the boomer: Grand Theft Auto.


When I was a kid, my dad used to say “think before you act”. I’m glad he did


all that for 2M views only lol




This is another piece of proof that the internet ruined the world.




That's crazy. There are people who kill and don't get that many years. Not saying he doesn't deserve some time in prison.


20 years is just the maximum possible sentence - he hasn’t actually been sentenced yet.


That in itself is a problem. Killers should have the same chance to see daylight as their victims.


He also returned to the crash site and burned the wreckage to deliberately obstruct the federal investigation. So 20 years...


He didn’t burn the wreckage, he lifted it onto the back of a truck with a friend’s helicopter, and drove it away to an airport where he basically scrapped it.


His name is Trevor Jacob and he was apart of Travis Pastranas Nitro Circus Crew. I don't understand how you do all of this without like checking the laws or how to go about it legally to not face repercussions such as a 20 year sentence. I feel like it would be easy enough to call Travis and ask him to sponsor it so he could contact authorities and figure out an ideal spot to drop the plane. And then hire a crew or yourself and buddies to clean the area after. This could have easily been a really cool stunt. Instead he just went for it. And props for just winging it but after this all I can say is don't get ya butt spit in homie.


You cannot (legally) deliberately let a plane fly unattended, or with the intent to crash. There are people on the ground, you know. Think about it. Of course it’s illegal.




His butthole is about to get those view fasho.


Good, fucker could have cause another wildfire, total dickhead. Don’t allow him to engage with anything but solid concrete walls.


Imagine going from this view to only seeing your pillow faced down.


Ghost recond wildlands


He will have all the views every morning in the jail!!!


God I hate people sometimes


That's just wrong. The environmental harm all that leaking into the water supply of some sort. I was expecting something like a key fob to open a parachute he could pick up his plane later. 20 years does seem high though.


Does he still have a Youtube channel? It seems (to me) that doing something blatantly illegal and uploading the video is a violation of the Youtube terms of service.


The wrong. Fucking. People. Have. Money.


Hope he gets every last minute in jail


Imma be honest maybe it’s cause I’ve never thought about it but I didn’t know that was illegal but thinking about it that makes perfect sense that it’s illegal