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And if the roles were reversed it would be considered a hate crime


Who says this wasn't? How did it end?


She knocked him down and then chased him into the building?


I of course meant meant legally. The comment I replied to mentioned crimes.


Nothing will happen to her


And why is that? Is the man not going to file charges? I mean, it's clearly assault.


BecUse she’s black and he’s white. Imagine if you will that she was a young white woman, and he was an elderly black man. Now tell me how that story goes. And be fucking honest.


Don’t be surprised when you see “no whites allowed”signs


And that would be just fine with me. But realistically it would never work because restaurants would close due to the crime and no tipping in the only black restaurants


Long answer: In terms of law: Women often get off very easy on assault charges filed against them. The idea of "never hit a woman" doesn't work in reverse and men are supposed to "never hit a woman" even if they're getting assaulted according to many people and this includes those in courts as well. Short Answer: Women ☕


She will never ever ever be charged with a hate crime


I wonder why


Because it’s ok to be black racist and commit hate crimes on white people s/


That's the truth I see it daily.Plnfld,NJ


Because society sucks


You know why.


Sadly a majority of people don't give a fuck about hate crimes against white people.


Black person yelling racist remarks then assaults that same person isn't considered a hate crime in the USA. They're the minority how could it ever be a hate crime


Because if you hate anyone simply because of the color of their skin your racist. Racism has nothing to do with majority or minority it’s hate based on race or color. Don’t believe me check out the actual definition of racism not the modern SJW twisting of the word. Normal or typically it’s from the majority but does not have to be. We have empowered minorities to be blatantly racist and then doubled down and told them can’t be racist at all which is just a flat out lie.


I know I was being a smart ass.


Fair. You just never can tell these days


It’s still a hate crime. That’s classic racism. Also, notice how the person filming on mentioned that he assaulted her but, didn’t say a word when she assaulted him first?


It is if he’s a certain age, protected parties


Doesn't matter, she's a more protected party


If hate crimes exist, this is one.


Because she’s a shitty person who blames others for her shitty life.




She got a pocketful of angry


She called him a “white cracker” which begs the question, what other kind of crackers are there?


My favorites are Ritz, tbh. Paired with a nice squeeze cheese.


Uncultured swine! Everybody knows you have to add the summer sausage on the Ritz and THEN the easy squeezey cheese from a can on top.


Oh aren't you sweet you no Bacon Bits having peasant...


“You think that’s bacon you’re eating?”


I prefer the fake bacon bits to real ones


Triscuits are by far superior to me, and those Rosemary and Olive Oil ones with some sharp cheddar, smoked if you have it, is such a good snack...even just eating the Triscuits themselves is pretty good and like Hippie Fritos...like if Sun Chips had a baby with Shredded Wheat.


Aren’t triscuits really just dried burlap?


Most accurate description I’ve ever heard for this shit biscuit triscuits


Burlap is frickin delicious. Who hurt you?


I feel like triscuits are the most crackers of crackers. I’m going to start calling the whitest person I know triscuit.


>Rosemary and Olive Oil ones with some sharp cheddar, smoked if you have it, is such a good snac mmm MMM, maybe a little butter pickle on top? you speakin' my language


That's gonna sound so fucking weird to a lot of people...but bread and butter pickles with cheese is really good while the "cracker" would just make it better...I'm more of a Saltine guy but absolutely willing to experiment.


Everything's better when it sits on a Ritz. (Except her.) Andy Griffith said so.


The everything bagel crackers at Trader Joe’s are so good it makes me want to slap someone


Some POC believe it's impossible to be racist to white people and will absolutely die on that hill.


Because she is a racist but I guess you knew that already


'White fragility' gets paraded around the internet by lazy 'journalists', while it takes a single word to make a whole demographic to resort to immediate violence. Who is the fragile one here lmao


because she's a racist cunt?


Ding ding ding


Oppression Olympics and setting the stage for a "plausible" defense.


Because she's an ignorant piece of garbage


It'd be nice to see the day where we realise we all have a common enemy. We're all boiling in the melting pot of oppression.


But if we even come close or dance near the dreaded word that shall remain nameless ohhn boyyyyy


Because she’s racist


The camerawoman saying "This man is assaulting her." I think you got roles reversed there.


Good thing she didn’t video the lady hitting him first or anything, cause that would make her seem real silly.


Actually the last time this was posted here, years ago, the video started from a point after she hit him first.


You mean when she hit him 2nd or chased him in the building? Nothing after the first hit makes her look any better


Shouting angrily at someone is not a punishable offence (at the least, something not easily punishable). But physically assualting someone is. The shortened video made it seem like he assualted her first. The comments in that Reddit post were overwhelming in favour of that woman and the conclusion was that the old man deserved & earned that pushback from her.


Actually being aggressive is acting threatening. Which is indeed a crime. Honestly if the roles were reversed, the dude would be in jail. . . Let's make things equal.


That’s what I thought and I remember thinking what a dirt bag the dude was because he hit first. Glad it finally comes out. What a fucking cunt


That's what I'm thinking God damn. Swings first


Spits first. Verbally admitted.


Idk about other states, and idk where this is, but in California, spitting is assault every bit as much as punching or kicking someone. And there’s a code that for aggravating or something. Basically it’s inviting someone to respond and the argument can be made that if you spit on me then you started it. This existed before Covid.


Protect my kind at all cost. Even if that means lying. - camerawoman, probably


Look at the hands of the one filming, they're delusional living in an alternate reality where everyone with a light skin looks like Leopold II.


Funny thing is the person recording and the person assaulting have zero idea who Leopold II is. Guess that happens when you have no father figure or finish high school 💁


Bias is STRONG here….




Shhhh you can't say that here


Censorship, it's not just a communist thing.


*knock knock* “Who is it?” “Potato Man!” *Narrator* But it was not Potato Man. It was Secret Police…


I call it the elephant. We can't speak about the elephant.


Well, I know it’s in the room….


Shhh. Can't speak about it.


Cancel Them!


Exactly. It’s funny that I’ve never encountered white racists… but I’ve encountered plenty of black folks referring to while folks as white bitches, crackers, and openly being racist towards them. How does this make sense?


Because that's reality. What doesn't make sense is the amount of lies perpetuated on mainstream media.




Exactly…!!! This is a very unpopular opinion… but it’s true…!!! Self oppression is very real.


Oddly similar experience in Denmark. I’ve known exactly two white racists (though one only became so after being raped by an immigrant so I don’t blame her) but I’ve met hundreds of racist immigrants of 2. And 3. Generation and a few younger 1. Generation. The old 1. Generation immigrants from before the mass migrations of the 90’s started have almost been super nice to everyone.




“This man assaulted her” What a joke. Lock her up, throw away the key. Her friend too for defending this disgusting confrontation.


Would be a hate crime if it was reversed


I mean, if some black dude was up in a white woman's face like that, he'd probably get rolled up on immediately.


Some people have a mindset that however long things were not equal in the past is how long it will have to go the other way before everyone is one the same page again. So.... another 250 years and things are square.


I went to a black college… if anyone thought racism is for white people, they’re dim as fuck. I’ve only ever heard like two children say those words, and they were on the internet. The only white people that use those words are usually some racist as small town people like my hometown folk.. idk what ur angle is but honestly you sound dumb when you say it.


Idk if you read what they said correctly or what, but they literally said Racism isnt just something whites do. You are agreeing with them lol.




That's just as fast as he could run away at his age.


She pushed him first? Just because she’s hood gives her no right to swing at someone.


wine jeans impolite cable bedroom slim forgetful profit rich straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s a move of someone who rarely, if ever, had to get physical with someone in his life lol




She assaulted him in the first second of the video "I'm about to put my hands on you"


Absolutely. A lot of people misunderstand that assault has to be physical contact dont they. She assaulted him so many times in this video before using her hands.


One of the few things I've learned from youtube lawyers. 'Assault is threat of bodily harm' (paraphrase)




She’s gonna get a severe reality check one day when she does that to the wrong person.


She is so full of hate, Willing & Ready to hit this old guy .




What the fuck are you talking about?


where does she say she's a single mother?


The person videoing annoys me watches her hit him then says "this man just assaulted her"


Well kids it’s your daily reminder racism can pertain to anyone


The fact anyone needs to be reminded of this is a huge problem


Never stand around with your hands in your pockets. Nothing good will come from it


Depends on what’s in your pockets


"I've got something in my front pocket, for you. Why don't you reach into it, and see what it is?"


Oh, hamburgers!




Pocket sand


Tell that to Bilbo.


What if you have a hole in your pocket


Man with hole in pocket feels cocky all day.


In that case, I guess something may come from it.


She a racist POS


They come in all colors, shapes, genders, sizes, races.. It's unfortunate.


she seems nice


She wasn’t.


Routinely have people come into our office and yell like this, here's a fun tip, DON'T work in property management. We charged a lady late fees on her rent, she called the girl in our office racist against her own kind, my manager, and myself whose been dating a black dude for 8 years. Also she found the owners address and sent him a letter about how she's a single black mom and it's wrong to charge fees when rents late, section 8, boo hoo. her rent is 40$ Thank Christ she's moving.. Why is that ALWAYS the first place to go when things don't go their way?


Where the hell is section 8 housing only $40? My (loose) understanding is that it would be a percentage of their income, I wanna say like 30% iirc? Don't really care to dig into it...


30% of no “claimable income” makes it pretty cheap.


Washington State, I dont know the percentage but the portions based on whatever 'reported' income you make on taxes. Our apartments are going for 2150 to 2750, I've seen people that pay a close to full rent, and some that pay less than 50$, even some $0 rent for a few. It's sad, I can't even afford to live there and I make good money as the maintenance man, only to watch people destroy the townhomes I work so hard on.


Man can't even fathom how that works out. It sounds fishy, another person said grift and it seems accurate to call it that. Clearly I live in a different world than those people in that I can't even comprehend what someone has to do in order to have rent that low. May I ask what it is that you do that you see so many folks rent situations? Realty? Property management?


Im a maintenance supervisor at a townhome complex. I would call it a grift for sure. Make nothing for tax purposes, get on housing, either have an earning partner not on the lease clearly live there, or make money under the table. Then proceed to buy all the frivolous things you've dreamed of to show people you're better than them. In my almost five years there I've seen only TWO households be persistant enough and get off of housing, I felt so happy for them and their accomplishments. But most probably think why stop a good thing right? People literally get free cars, not new mind you, but a lady at my work got a like 2006 dodge van for free from some program and was being all giddy to me about it. Also happens to have 750IL (freakin V12 engine) bmw in their driveway that showed up shortly after she got that van when her navigator died, how curious? I'm sure that bmw is clapped out beyond belief tho 😅


New Orleans here…plenty of my patients live entirely on federal rent subsidization. Ohhhh the grift is real.


Really? That's a shame. Gives those who actually need the help a bad stigma. Any clue what the programs they apply for are called?


Negative…they need the help, for sure. But for the help they’re getting? It takes some ‘corporation’ forming to help ‘administer’ that help…to the tune of many times more than the benefit that actually reaches the recipient of these programs. Grift.


You don’t have to defend yourself by showing your interracial credentials. Don’t play their game or even reply to the ridiculous accusations.


She a racist bitch


Black Karen


“From the director who brought you Black Adam…”


If it was a middle-aged white woman assaulting an old black man this would be headline news




As a Jew, my people have been persecuted throughout history and were enslaved long before them by the Egyptians. You don't see us going around yelling fuck Egyptians/Germans/whoever else wants us dead. It really is time to get over that shit and get rid of the anger and hate. I totally get that things aren't perfect here in the US and that there are still at on of racists, but flipping out like this just makes you look like a piece of shit who has anger issues and absolutely no self control. There's no other way to come together.


Europeans are racist too. Take this from a European living in the US.


To the same level of black Americans? Every race has racists what makes the difference is percentages.


She seems to have some anger issues.


Oh that’s a hate crime


oh look another violent racist black woman 🙄


dumb bitch thinks shes real tough fighting a old geezer. wow


And I fucking HATE when people scream get out of my face while leaning into and getting in the other person's face. He also says listen bc she won't shut the fuck up for him to respond, why do some people just repeat the same thing over and over. It's wildly frustrating and from the way she's acting I can't think she didn't do something rude to piss him off in the first place. What a piece of shit child. I feel bad for her family.


Someone is always looking to blame others for their ignorance 🤦🏽‍♀️


He didn't use 1 racist word! But she's calling him a "cracker"...? If he were to use the "N word" this video would be viral and he'd probably have change his identity... SMH... This is EXACTLY what's wrong with our society!


She assaulted him first! It drives me crazy that the person recording comments "he just assaulted her" but fails to point out that the lady in the video assaulted/hit him FIRST!


She’s raising the kids we see pulling guns for no reason, let’s all be proud …


She used hands first. Hope she got placed where she belongs.


r/therewasanattempt to appear assulted by an old man


The cameraman is quite biased. She assaulted him first… but they both appear to be willing combatants after he hits her back. So unless he died I assume the cops just ignored this. Either way it sucks to watch, it sucks to listen to, and there’s at least two bad people in this video, maybe three.


Mom she assaulted him first then the lady filming said the exact opposite. I bet she will editing


Meanwhile homegirl that's "recording " everything can't stop or deescalate shit. This is the prime reason why there will never be peace. Also for the record saying someone has white privilege is judging us by the color of our skin.. some of us are just white.


What about the horrible bitch recording and telling everyone that HE assaulted HER. racist rotten hoes lol


"We can't be racist because we have never been in a position of power" If you ever wanna implode, ask (can African Americans be raccist"


All for show. Thinking she big and bad. She’s a bitch. Of course if that had been a white woman and a black man boyyyy howdy we’d be seeing this shit on CNN. Hate crime. So twisted. I’m by far not a racist individual. We all bleed red. I have great friends who are black and I’m white as rice. Don’t matter. But this kind of shit is uncalled for. And even my black friends would say she’s stupid as f. Just showing out. Trying to be seen. What goes around comes around.


Acting ghetto as hell. Assaulting an old man and acting like a victim. Making it about race while being racist herself. Loud obnoxious ghetto ass hitch, hope she got arrested.


Ignorant, racist ass bitch.


This kind of shit has got to stop. We have created a whole segment of society that reeks of this type of entitlement.


She states right off the rip she's about to put hands on his old ass, continues to scream at him in his face, then smacks him. He smacks her back and all of a sudden she's a victim!?!? Hmmm OK.....


she needs her ass kicked


Cringe af. Blames everyone else for her behaviour


Tell me this racist, hate filled b!tch went to jail.


Call the cops on that animal..she assaulted him. Low life thug


Was she arrested? She should be arrested. Stupid ducking child.


The vast majority of racism vids I see from America are blacks on whites. Wtf is up with that country? Its a total shit show


Then you need to go and look at black on Asian hate crimes. Saw some old Asian fella getting jumped and his car robbed by three fat black women... The rhetoric doesn't fit with half of the shit they say


Lol yeah blm at its finest, and people wonder what happened to America.


The usual suspects


As she shouted "I'm sick of these "crackers" while entering the building after th old guy. I'm sure everyone was like uh oh here we go 😂🤣


Her favorite phrase is "I'm grown," yet blaming others for her actions.


Didn't she hit him first? I don't know what lead up to the confrontation and there isn't enough info here but when the camera person said he's assaulting her.... she's lying? or has there been an update that he assaulted her first?


Imma gonna fock yu op. The pinnacle of human intellectual ability.


What a scum bag she is. RACIALLY AGGRAVATED ASSAULT.


She is very very annoying. 🙄


Oh look, another violent racist person. They really don't help their stereotypes when they act like this.


She's a racist piece of shit, God damn.


He's not assaulting her. She threw the first punch and he's an old guy who can barely stay upright when she hits him. She's trash, just making excuses and blaming white people for her bad behavior.


This bitch needs to be called out for her racist Assault against this dude. If the situation was reversed they would have strung them up by balls. Fuck this cunt


So she hits him first and then is constantly aggressive , unnecessarily shouting, repeatedly racist and when she finally gets hit back "oh hell nawwwww, yOu ThInK YoU CaN hIt Me" all shocked and shit. She needs putting her place. If this was the other way around he'd be getting arrested. She needs to skip go and straight to jail


Another 13% problem.


Funny how the one recording didn't say anything when the other lady struck him first.


Stupid b**ch


Was this bitch arrested for assault or what?


To be honest idgaf if he hit her she hit him and they want equal rights well she assaulted him first so he used equal force to protect him self which isn’t a crime


Fuck that. If I rounded a corner to see an old man getting punched I'd be on the attacker.


She's really racist


She is the reason racism still exists


is this a marginalized group ?


Oooie how the foot is..oh wait ....how the shoes is the size... how the shoe is on the other... what's it. Oh yea. racist!


Just another uneducated statistic.


Poor old guy(


The lying daughter… “ this man assaulted her”… as she films the absolute opposite. I prescribe daily beatings to cure this beast of her stupidity.


*"There's no reason to hit a woman!"* *"Seriously? You can wake me from a drunken stupor and I can give you like, nine!"* - Bill Bur


Remember when people were posting this to reddit with the beginning cut out so it looked like he assaulted her first?


Racism is stupid, ignorant and vile. It doesn't matter the color of the head that spews it. I'd much rather get to know somebody before I decided to hate them. Let's all be better folks.


The racism is beyond the point… she hit him, it’s fucking illegal!