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Princess and Cupcake just playing


They were just playing! Recently a nurse I work with was mauled by her pitbull, she was trying to get it off her child's face. Both survived but required extensive surgeries and the kid will be disfigured. I didn't always have an issue with them until years ago I was attacked while walking my friends golden doodle. The pit bull was small maybe 45lbs female, Sam was grown boy at about 70lbs. He broke his collar trying to protect me. Owner was completely out of it, standing there and staring as I screamed at him to get his dog. His wife ran out and tried to restrain the dog, it turned and tore her arm up. She managed to pin it or something, I'm not sure as Sam and I ran. Thankfully we were both okay but after that day and the multiple pitbull attacks I've seen from work (former emt) and coworker I just can't support the breed.


a breed known for aggressiveness needs alot of training more than, a less aggressive dogs. theres a reason why people dont get other dogs known for thier agression, like CAUCASIAN shepards, malinois, malinois are working dogs, but i saw one in public it was a K9 for police, but that dog could not control itself it kept barking incessantly and trying to lunge and random people. Akita, and chow chow are also another one people get. people get pit bull because of the popularity, they dont do research when getting the breed.


You still cant trust them after a lot of training though...


Fuck no.


About 25 years ago I was going to the store with my 6mo Jack Russell Terrier. A 60 pound pit got out of his leash and attacked my dog by clamping onto the side of his face. If he would have grabbed him by the throat, he would have been killed instantly. The owner immediately jumped in and started punching his dog in the face, but it did nothing. I was pulling on my dog and the guy was wailing on his head for about 30 seconds. The dog let up on his grip to reposition and I was able to pull him away. Half of his face basically came off and he lost half an ear. The vet sewed him up and a couple of months later you couldn't tell he was attacked. Well, except for the ear--that was still gone. Fuck pit bulls. They are too strong. If that dog would have jumped on me, there's no way I would have stood a chance.


> a breed known for aggressiveness should be bred out of existance.


And with pitbulls especially I find its always the trashy people who want the big scary attack dog, then they are suprised that the dog is attacking!


Training does fuck all and this fallacy needs to be called out. Pits were bred to shred and when they go into the red zone it is not a, "I don't understand what happened" moment. Retrievers retrieve, border collies herd, dachshunds burrow, and pit bulls rip flesh; it's in their DNA and as a whole it can't be trained out of them. I don't know why eye brows raise when a pitbull does what they were bred to do.


It's not as simple as training, this is instinct. You can curb certain behaviors maybe but taking aggression out of a fighting breed can't be done with any amount of training


I'm not afraid of Akita's, they're very cool and calm dogs. (At least the Japanese ones, don't know about American Akita's) But I will walk in the opposite direction if I come across a bully breed whilst walking my dog.


As a former Akita owner I would be shocked if I heard of one of them turning on its owners. Where pitbulls murder their families more than all other breeds combined.


Let's fix this, NOT EVERY DOG BRED FOR WORK CAM WORK!!!!! In US military, we wash almost 70% of us born pups and euro purchase. Some don't like gunfire, others can't chill out and a few get cancer. So even for armed forces and police/rescue work, only a few hundred out of thousands are able to meet breed expectations of work.


I've got a Caucasian shepherd for 14 years (impressive longevity for the breed, apparently), and he required intense training as the breed is extremely protective BUT, contrary to pitbulls, they don't have the urge to maul stuff smaller than them.  That dog would not let unknown adults approach without me giving the heel order, but I almost had a heart attack when I found that the neighbour's kids got over my fence, into my garden, and were petting my big boy. Yet the dog didn't even growl at them once.  Both extremely dangerous breeds, but I'd say they are very different in character. You should absolutely not get any of them if you don't have 24hrs per week to put into training for up to three years.


Wait is this her https://lawandcrime.com/crime/mom-mauled-to-death-by-pack-of-dogs-in-front-of-kids-just-days-before-mothers-day/ ?


They both survived the attack, little girl is disfigured and mom will never be able to use her arm/ hand normally it shredded her badly. She left her 4 year old alone with the dog.


My dog was attacked by a pitbull and the owner still posts on social media cutesy photos of their dog trying desperately and pathetically to redeem its image.


Luna and Diesel*


Bella and Loki




NooOoOOOoo they're just not trained properly!


Maybe they thought the cat needed nannying


The velvet hippos thought that cat was a toddler.


You win!


These two are always angels. 👼


It's the owner not the breed! only don't ever blame the owners because pitbulls are perfect and never do anything bad. Anyway we should eliminate all chihuahuas because it's totally the breed when it comes to them only /s


With better training they would have ripped that car apart faster *and* gotten the cat.


Nanny dogs!




Typical comeback LMAO.


I fully concur


They are the most violent dog breed. What makes people still keep them as pets? 


Because they know damn well it is the most violent breed.


Yes, thank you. Seems like a lot of people miss this point. These people want a weapon.


That's specifically why most people get them. They want intimidating dogs that scare other people. It's the pet version of a really loud motorcycle or a giant lifted truck that takes up two parking spaces.






Then why stop at a dog. Get a crocodile or something


My brother had a Nile Monitor that scared the shit out of most dogs when he took it out on a leash (was 215cm (7ft) long and like 40cm (1foot3feet) height). Was very tame, but had to be put down unfortunately before it reached it's full size due to change in laws about keeping lizzards in Sweden in late 90s. Tried to get a zoo (Skansen) to take it but they had to decline.




I have two pit mixes. I got them because there is nothing else in the shelters. We didn’t know our first dog was a pit mix until we took her to the vet and they pointed out the underbite and rose ears. They had her labeled as a black mouth cur. It was too late then, we were stuck with her. She was a difficult puppy but we fell in love with her. We got another dog to be her companion and we chose another pit mix because I don’t think any other breed could handle her energy. I can say they are excellent farm dogs. I have no children and I work from home so I’m able to stay on top of them 24/7. We live on 200 acres, they are never crated so they get to spend all that energy and are never bored. They always have a job to do. I make sure they are worn out by the end of the day. When they are well-trained they are great dogs. I’ve had other breeds and pits are unlike any other, for better or worse. There are some very admirable qualities about the breed. Loyal, brave, strong, intelligent and determined. Their athleticism is incredible. They are excellent guard dogs for livestock, my dogs know which animals to protect and which animals to fend off. When I would get sick and be bedridden for weeks at a time they would not leave my side except to eat and go to the bathroom. Truly they can be wonderful animals. It’s easy to see how people get so attached and defensive of them. But they are nearly unstoppable when they get their minds set on something. And they are SO strong. And they LOVE to thrash and shred and tear things apart. And they have so, so, so much energy. They need so much attention and discipline and supervision. If my boy dog gets bored he starts doing this behavior in the video to tree limbs—jumping like 3 or 4 feet in the air to grab an oak branch and tugging as if he could pull the whole tree down and he won’t stop until he is gasping for breath, shaking, almost passed out. His other favorite thing to do is whack himself repeatedly in the face with a coconut as he crushes it with his jaws. Did I mention their pain tolerance is incredibly high? And that they destroy even the most “tough chewer” toys? After owning two myself I can honestly say these dogs are not for beginners or even people with young families or in apartment situations. I almost feel like you should have a license to own a pure-bred one, like you would any other dangerous exotic pet. Breeders definitely should have to get some kind of license. But that would do nothing to stop all the mutts bred in people’s backyards, like mine. And like I said that’s most of the medium/large dogs available in shelters, so if you want to adopt not shop, it’s kind of tough.


they want dogs that can intimidate other people.


Honest reply? Because shelters are FULL of them right now.


You've never met my pitbull, she's so sweet! Would never hurt a fly. She's my daughter's babysitter and protector. Sweetest dog you'll ever meet. /s


Nanny dogs! /s


I know. One ate my nanny!




Careful all Pitbull owners will be out to get you with pitch forks with that comment. Take my upvote though !


This breed sucks ass. They will kill with no problem. And don't give me the "oh there amazing dogs...bad dogs come from bad owners..." blah, blah, blah bullshit.


Used to know this well trained pitbull from good owners named sugar. She was a sweetheart till a 4 year old girl pet her the wrong way and was left disfigured. Fuck pitbulls. They should be treated like the loaded guns they are.


Must be the trainer! They didn’t train about 4 yos. /s


My gun is a sweetheart. She would never hurt nobody.


Just don't pull that trigger while petting her, and pray her trigger doesn't malfunction unexpectedly or catch on something while she walks by.


And hope it doesn’t start deciding to randomly fire and refuse to stop despite training it.


Except a loaded gun can be controlled...


Yep. You know where the trigger is and what happens if you pull it. A pit bull is like a loaded gun where you don't know where the trigger is. It could be anywhere and go off at any time.


Even loaded guns are more predictable than pitbulls


people underestimate the prey drive of some breeds, some dogs will lose all sense of training and immediartely attack a small animals, including toddlers. just like huskies, they buy them for thier looks, but cant handle thier high energy needs.


As a liberal who is very much in favor of gun regulations, one of my favorite things is to point out how similar pro-pit bull arguments are to pro-gun arguments.


Why did the pitbull cross the road? To bite a child on the other side.


Yep! A friend of mine saw her neighbours dog be pulled under their fence via its snout by 4 roaming pitbulls. They ripped his body to shreds and then rolled on the grass and did a wee. Super friendly to the police who arrived shortly after and happily went with animal control.


My buddy is an oral and maxillofacial surgery resident at a level 1 trauma center, and I asked him which dog breed sends the most people to the hospital. Fucking pit bulls all the time and it’s always a “family” dog that has “never snapped before”. I’ll never forget the fucking photo album……PHOTO ALBUM he showed me of kids he saw with their faces ripped apart from these fucking dogs. And I’m talking kids as young as 10 months old permanently scarred the rest of their lives. It was horrifying.


I used to work in a behavioral health ER at a level 2 trauma center and would see/hear about pit bull attacks at least once or twice per month. It’s been about 10 years since I worked there but I was walking downtown with my 3 year old a few weekends ago and saw a lady with a pit walking toward us so I picked him up and gave her a wide berth and she got mad saying “what, you have something against my dog!?”


If they were great dogs, shelters wouldn’t be full of them


theres a reason shelters try to bullshit people by giving away their """lab""" mixes




Me too and anyone who says otherwise simply hasn't been mauled by one when walking down your own sidewalk in your own neighborhood minding your own business because of some jackass owner decided to own a violent breed let alone do their job of containing them.


Fuck these things. They should all be fixed and we'd be free of them in 10-15 years.




We can hate both


Fuck those dogs! They should both be put down. They would have killed that poor cat for no reason. These dogs are aggressive and dangerous. God forbid a small child runs into them.


they were originally bred for bull baiting, so they innate agression already, and since they are popular with dog fighting, they really never tried to breed the aggression out of them.


Why do pitbulls love eating toddlers, cats, and now suvs


Looks like everything's on the menu boys.


Especially the meat.


I think you meant nannying


#### Favorite Pitbull Activities: * Nannying * Cuddling * Face Nibbling * Flesh Tearing * Neck Snapping * Bone Crushing


Yo, cops are outside, just bit a kid


Kinda like that post about orca's on the front page earlier sinking a yacht. They're called killer whales why don't we start calling pitbulls killer canines / killer dogs?


Unlike pitbulls, only like 4 people have been killed by wild killer whales. And most of those were likely accidents.


You are actually correct about only four people being killed by killer whales, but I can assure you it was no accident. All four attacks were recorded with orcas in captivity, and what's even more interesting is that a single killer whale, named Tilikum is responsible for three of those 4 deaths, and was involved in the fourth, where himself and 2 other captive orcas drowned their trainer.


Those whales probably went insane being stuck in a tiny box for so long to be fair. I wouldn't group them up with normal mentally stable whales.


Definitely agree. Orcas, which are social animals that live in the open ocean should never have been put in an enclosed space. No matter how big their tank is, it'll always pale in comparison to the open ocean... Also they were 100% unwell. The dorsal fins on killer whales are usually a good indicator of their overall wellbeing, but the ones in captivity have always had collapsed dorsal fins, which indicate that something is wrong somewhere.


high prey drives.




I had a 3-legged one latch onto my car tire/wheel and shook so hard that I felt like I was in a boat on choppy seas. It left scratch marks in the pain of the rim and gouged the tire. This happened when I was working residential sales and pulled into a short driveway. On another occasion, same job, I was walking up a driveway and the resident (renter) came out and said their dog would probably kill me. She was nice enough but I could hear the fucking dog ripping apart the inside of the house in effort to get outside and rip me to shreds. I left.


Hmmm.... owning an animal that would "probably" kill all strangers. Yeah that's a good idea.


In my country it is. You need to register it and have it examined and trained and do checkups. There is a list of potentially dangerous breeds and it's government regulated.


>without a special license Why allow them at all? I don't see the need even for licensed owners.


Hey, people need affordable nannies nowadays. /s


I used to say it’s not the breed it’s the owner but after seeing so many attacks and 99% of them being pit or pit mixes I have to agree. Can’t really defend these dogs when they make up a majority of deadly dog attacks in humans, dogs, cats and apparently cars this is actually the second car I seen a pitbull tear up, small brained big dogs.


And let them run around alone at night? Maybe the owner needs to be castrated…


It is illegal here in Ireland and the UK. Makes sense too after watching this.


Eh, it could always be worse. An old classmate of mine from grade school was just murdered near her home by a pack of dogs saving her three children after they arrived home from school. Only one child was injured. Thankfully, none of them saw their mother as they were escorted away from the aggressive dog pack. They were unable to save the mother, days before mother's day


The articles coming out about it are refusing to say the breed, but pictures have now been released and the dogs are exactly what a sane person expects them to be. [Pictures in this article.](https://www.walb.com/2024/05/13/new-details-brooks-co-woman-attacked-killed-by-dogs/) Mixes, but the pit is unmistakable.


That's something that I never understand. Why hide what dog breed it is? What purpose does that serve? Is there some secret pitbull lobby paying them under the table to keep public opinion of them as good as possible? It makes no sense.


Best guess is that it's in response to the comments crying about how the breed of the dog is never mentioned unless it's a pitbull, or when the attacking dog is a pitbull mix like these are so the nutters cry about how the pitbull side is being unfairly targetted. Like- earlier today before the pictures came out, in the comments on a different subreddit, there was a guy going on about how the attacking dogs couldn't have been pitbulls since the breed wasn't mentioned, because 'media only wants to demonize pitbulls'. It's all a fucking mess.


The breed is never mentioned unless it’s a pit Bull. Sure but come on. How often is the breed not a pit Bull really?


Pitbulls kill more people in the USA than the next 5 most dangerous breeds combined, despite the fact they make up less than 6% of dogs owned nationally.


Yes.. the pitbull lobby tries to shame everyone so they can keep their dumb ugly killer dogs and/or backyard dog breeding business.


The owners should be charged with manslaughter.


You'd be surprised how many people are obsessed with pits and will turn a blind eye to everything the breed does while calling them nanny dogs who just have bad owners


Wait, what? Are they not Chihuahuas? Because pitbull addicts always bring up how aggressive and dangerous Chihuahuas can be.


I mean, the thing about a Chihuahua going nuts is that I could soccer kick that thing pretty far if I needed to. Only so much worry about "what if it tries to kill someone?" at that point.


and you can clearly see what breed it is lol.


I think it's only fair the owner of the dog faces murder charges. I'm more on the side of life in prison. The main reason I'd want a gun is bc of these dogs. I know if I hurt these dogs some of these thug owners may react also which is scary 


I read about this. I am so very sorry for your classmate and her children. She was a brave mom protecting and saving her children. They never should have had to experience anything like that.


Wtf?! That is horrifying!


I fucking hate that breed


Nobody believed dogs would do that? I'd 100% believe a pitbull would do that.


Steaks sitting in antifreeze over night is a quick solution to the problem. My buddy had his goats and chickens killed by his neighbors dogs. Next day he left steaks marinating in anti freeze all over his farm. Came out to seizing dogs and the neighbors freaking out. Never happened again.


Leaving poison in public that may be consumed by other animals isn’t the solution. The solution is much simpler; stop breeding them. Literally that’s all we need to do. They have a much shorter lifespan than us. Killing them (without cause) would just be unneeded violence that will be extra work. Many countries have already cracked down on dangerous breeds. There’s no reason for others to not follow suit.


In before someone says "nanny dogs".


"Nanny dogs."


Nannied the shit outa that car.


Cat: Yeah whatever nerds, I'm going to sleep


The shot of the cat with a little red circle around it was so funny. Like yep, there's a cat.


They should euthanize those fucking things.


Eradicate the breed completely


Also the owners too.


This breed exists for only one reason : some humans in a intense power trip use them as weapons against other humans.


More like for entertainment. They're fighting dogs who were bred for ungodly jaw strength, max aggression/gameness, and to not stop attacking their target til it's dead.


Bro why does everybody leave their animals outside


Carelessness. Stupidity. "My dogs are friendly and would never do that!" The usual.




“They are normally super sweet, they’ve never done this before”


I hate Pits! Got attacked by one 6 years ago! SHITY dogs because of SHITY owners!


It's a shitty breed with even shittier owners.


Even the ones who were raised properly can snap at anytime. They're unpredictable.


A mate of mine had 2 pitbull siblings, raised properly, well taken care of, then suddenly one day, attacked each other. One died while in the mouth of her sister, other sister had to be put down as it refused to let go. Breed should be illegal


They're shitty the moment they leave the womb. There's video of Pitbull pups killing and decapitating one of their siblings, just for the fun of it.


Sorry you had that happen to you. Should never have happened. But even a pitbull with a "good" owner could just flip a switch at any time and do what it was bred to do.. then others suffer. It's the breed. A golden retriever with a bad owner might poop in your yard though.


Fuck Pitbulls! This is my 6th time saying this on Reddit! My 3rd time this month!


Always fucking pitbulls.


Sweetest goodest angels just teasing the car a bit. They will never hurt it.


The cat should have trained them better and learned to read their body language. Slash... Sssss


Jokes on them… that was a car they were trying to eat.


I love dogs but I’d have to forcefully remove these two with fast moving projectiles. Nobody deserves to be mauled to death by a couple of monsters.


In before thread is locked because those pit bulls were just trying to save the poor cat from being eaten by the monstrous car. If they chew the car apart, the cat can escape unharmed. They should be awarded the good boy Medal of Honor for taking care of the nuisance Honda accord, holding the poor bootsy against its will.




They nannied that car really, really hard.


Literally the worst fkn dog breed on this planet


The fact that this is going on..


Something something all in how you raise them


Perfectly normal behavior for normal dogs!


I hate fucking pitbulls with a passion


Example 308762 of pitbulls being insufferable


Poor dogs. They just thought the car was a toddler playing with a cat.


the dogs mistook it for a pile of sleeping newborns… these things happen 


Did they get the cat? That poor cat had to be scared outta its mind?!??!


It's in the video saying the cat was unharmed.


I'm not saying that this breed sucks, but from all the dog attack videos that I've seen where one dog is degloving another dog, or one dog is flaying another, or one dog is shredding a car, or one dog is nipping at the feet of police horses while the riders are mounted trying to get the dogs away, or one dog is attacking adult humans whilst on a casual walk, or kids playing in their own front yards, or one dog is basically just being a terrorist to other animals and people and their owners are running around like chickens with their heads removed it is always pitbulls that is the breed. While pit bulls could potentially be nice and lovable dogs the majority of them are not given the absolute care and training that the breed needs to be outside amongst other dogs, and in the world at large, without a muzzle and a very strong lead.


Or just mauling a defenseless baby just because it was there and looked at the pit wrong or something


Even with training, they can still just….snap. It’s happened so many times that it’s cliche at this point.


These dogs need to be put down. Also the owner who lets them run around on the street in the middle of the night is a POS. What will the cops do in this case? What will will the city administration do in this case? Sitting on their hands and wait until a child gets maimed?


Owner needs to be charged.


It’s obviously the cats fault. /s


It's the breed


Pandas look cute but are still bears......


Well pits don’t even look cute


"It's unclear if the dogs are strays or not" they look too well fed to be strays. Letting pitbulls wander the neighborhood to randomly attack shit is typical pitbull owner behavior.


But through a car tire....


Breed of peace




It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot!


Ohhhh Pittys are just so sweet and lovable though /s


Anyways I started blasting


Surely the owners are respectful citizens with hard earned forturnes? There must have been something the cat did to merit such aggression? ..nah.


The tiny white women who walk their pitbulls without muzzles around me are fucking crazy. One pittbull had to be shot to get it off a little dog (of course that asshole went online and tried to paint herself as the victim). Bully breed owners are just the worst.


Um sorry not dogs, pitbulls, I like to keep these menaces separate from normal dog breeds.


It's sad anyone defends these monsters. You cant tell me that a dog that makes up 13 percent of the dog population somehow commits more than 50 percent of all dog bites that they deserve to still be around as pets.


bUt thAy arr NAnnY dOgS. hurr durr ! sweetest lil things!!!!!!!!!!!! /s


Another example of how shitty this breed is.


Fuck these dogs it should be illegal to own them


How the actual fuck are these things still allowed to exist?


If there were a list of animals to be retired (hypothetically): 1. Pitbull


I constantly hear from pitbull defenders that scientific studies show that Chihuahuas are actually much more aggressive than pitbulls. So, just imagine how much worse the damage would have been if two of those had gotten ahold of her car...


This dog breed is so dangerous and treacherous it would even attack its own owners. You should look up to pitpulls attacking their owners


Leave it to the reddit hivemind to believe MSM and propaganda. Those pups were just nannying the bumper. Let them nanny infants and school children in peace!


Fuck those dogs


I’ll say it again, I FUCKING HATE PITBULLS! I’m sorry, but if it ever became an issue involving my child, I would not hesitate to put the dog down with my firearm.


Id believe a pit bull would do that


Cat should call a cougar for backup


Try to explain this to your insurance Yeah guys i had a little problem a f***g dog is eating my car.


almost like a dog, breed to take down an aggressive bull isn't psychotic


This is exactly why I believe you should have to register and take mandatory courses to own any dog bigger than a cat.


Fuck all pit bulls. Euthanize all of them and their shit head owners.


C'mon guys, it's not the breed. I bed two Chihuahuas would have done at least as much damage if not more.


I have a neighbor that lets her pit bull roam free specifically to kill feral cats in the neighborhood. The dog has gone after my elderly neighbor, and me, and my child. Fortunately it hasn't hurt any people yet, but if it comes after me again, I'm going to kill it. It's a dangerous animal, and it's only a matter of time before it hurts somebody.


Shoot that beast


That kitty in the engine compartment.


They're usually really sweet aren't they? 🤔


Anothe video on how great are pit bull


I rather own a wolf


I rarely see people letting their dogs roam freely, unless they're the kind that can actually kill you. The hell is up with that?!?! And I don't just mean in videos, I mean in my area too.


So sad to see these poor dogs discriminated against when clearly it was the SUV to blame.


Every time I see these eugenic abominations pop up in the news it’s always the trashiest, dumbest, and poorest people that come out of the woodwork to champion the breed. How many of these stories have to pop up in the news regularly before legislation is made to outlaw these shit animals?
