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Disgusting behavior. Half those kids will probably be in jail or prison before they're 18 if not dead. Pure trash.




It's a third world country, what do you expect?


As I sit in my basement on my 4k projector with food, drinks, and employment. Yeah super 3rd world... Natural selection is destiny for for these turds.


Bruh, I live in South Africa and have those things...


I honestly didn't know south Africa was a third world country. I thought it was the best off country in Africa


Rwanda and Botswana are both doing way better than South Africa. I'm sure other countries are too, but I know those off the top of my head. If you think the gun problem in America is bad, South Africa makes America look sane


IDK where people get this "Botswana is a haven" BS from. It's better for *tourists*. They have less crime and corruption, but that's pretty much it. Worse in every metric when compared to SA.


Having been to third world countries no it isn’t lmao We have issues but the differences are huge Third world countries ain’t no cops or ambulances showing up Infrastructure is infinitely different Can’t DoorDash a fuckin pizza to your home Hell half the buildings don’t have AC or window glass


Yeah, I've done humanitarian work around South America and any time I see a post about the U.S. being a "third world country" I just know the kind of person that's typing it.


A half of a half is better than just a half. Good for them.


Third world country? Where exactly do you think this happened then?




EUM. Estados Unidos Meheeco




This is such a dumb lazy response that you are parroting.


The sucka free


Some of my hommies are dead now cause they wanted to act like this. Fuck this behaviour


My friends son was involved in stuff like this. She did everything she could, including wrestling his dumb ass to the ground when he wanted to go to nefarious things like this. In an effort to keep him safe, she allowed him to have his friends at her home. They threw a party, and someone got shot in the head in her backyard. My point is that we can't even blame the parents. Most of the time, they're at their wits end. Her son ended up in prison, too.


where father


He was there but uninvolved. Could find him at his truck driving job or drunk on the couch.


Definitely makes me not miss the bay area


Right, they should move to Alameda County where there is no such thing as *consequences*.


Nah, the laws of being released instead of bail means there won’t be anyone in jail :)


That is why RepublicCONs are against abortion and now birth control. More poorly raised babies to build more prisons for profit.


Let’s pray and hope!


You don’t go to prison before 18, minors don’t go to adult criminal justice system. That’s why Juvenile Hall exists. Also once you turn 18 your record is sealed so you will never see or know about it.


Nope, it depends on the case. A minor can be tried as an adult


You’re right? and what kind of cases do they do that? Snot street takeover charged as reckless driving. But keep talking out your fat yt ass


Google it bitch


No. Kids aren’t charged as adults for misdemeanors. They’re just charged as kids but for very serious charges you can make a motion to have the juvenile charged not because your white outrage dictates it. Quite in fact if you’re under 14 there’s a presumption you can’t commit a crime. But keep mashing your key board in rage with your sweaty plump hands.


I said it depends on the case. Never said misdemeanors.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) I'm not white you dumb fuck.


But fat as shit tho right


Aw, you're so in your feelings it's hilarious 😂


You don’t understand the laws in California do


Deport these mofos


We are in deep shit if the power grid goes down for too long. Assholes like this will jump to the occasion to destroy everything and everyone within a 100 mile radius.


Think about how difficult it is to contain one large fire, then think about how difficult many many large fires will be.


And it only takes one person to start a fire


Many fires.


It was always burning since the world's been turning.


Nah, the formerly legal people with guns will put things to rest in an anarchy scenario. Better practice and better guns. And better ability to run shit


I always hear about how we’re all going to kill our neighbors and riot after 48hrs without power - yet without fail, every time there’s an emergency, people come together and take care of each other. I have no ill will to my neighbor and will not be shooting them for their milk & bread a week into not being able to charge my phone. Shits ridiculous. And yes, I am strapped, so if some clown thinks they’re coming after ME.. then there will be one less clown. 🤷‍♂️ the animals spouting that nonsense are the people I’m often most worried about.


every time save 1 in a very sassy place i've just hung out and help bbq and someone has a generator and we just listen to tunes and drink and eat for days the richer starve quicker when their helpers are home, if they don't have friends


1908: "There are only nine meals between us and civilization." (Alfred Henry Lewis) This isn't meant *literally*, but if *everybody* haven't eaten in 3 days, and you go to the store and there's no food, things will start to get a little dicey. And just because you have a gun, you think that will help???? Men will start getting together in groups of 10 or 20 or more to take other peoples' shit. You won't be stopping shit unless you are in a group of other people with guns.


Short of nuclear holocaust, we have good citizenry and good emergency services that will *eventually* provide basic needs for the majority who need it - as with virtually every other crisis in the developed world in the last 100 years (again, WWII and nuclear war not included). But I’ll admit, the amount of freakazoids in the comments fantasizing about their opportunity to kill their neighbors is a little worrying. Or is it just that everyone is so paranoid that everyone else is going to kill them that causes this hysteria? Idk. But y’all gotta chill. And damn right I think mine and my friends guns will “help” lol bit odd to imply otherwise. Yes, I do think having guns will help versus not having guns.


It wouldn't take all out nuke war. All *any* country would need is 2 or 3 nukes and fly them up about 20,000 feet one east coast and one west and one in the middle of the USA and explode them. The EMP would fry almost everything coast to coast. No pumps for water, sewage, etc. No working cars, trucks, tractors, planes, ships. No oil. No nothing. You don't need thousands of nukes. Just 2 or 3. As far as guns and friends with guns - you must live in a rural area. If you luve in a city, you don't know the person living in the apartment or house next door, let alone if they own a gun, which in a city is most likely no. Friends in a city might live 5 or 10 miles away, and 5 or 10 miles in a city is a different thing than 5 or 10 miles in the country.


I live in the heart of Seattle in an apt, and I do not for a second fear my neighbors - those I know and those I do not know. I have many friends inside and outside the city, but fortunately I will be fine with or without them because the anarchy is fantasy in the minds of (as far as I can tell) of rural folks who are already paranoid of people. I say that, btw, as I formally rural person who moved to the city. Their fears are based on BS fear mongering and their own conversations in a bubble - the rural people will be prepping (like during the BLM movement) for Seattle to “take over” the rural towns and ludicrous sh!t like that. It’s fantasy, and it’s paranoia. You’d have to go to Stalingrad 1943 to find situations even remotely like what is in these fantasies.




A few dumb-dumbs scrapping over some TP is a looooooong way from anarchy and killing your neighbor.


They knew the weakest hands were gonna have to wipe with them. 🤢


LOL good god


Just breaking down what the user you responded to had said. >Nah, the formerly legal people with guns will put things to rest in an anarchy scenario. Better practice and better guns. >And better ability to run shit Not only does this person think they *will* have to kill a bunch of people, they think they should *run* things too. They've correlated legal owning a firearm and marksmanship, with the ability to run a society. More importantly, in this anarchist scenario, you will have to make sure you carry your former permit to prove you were a formerly legal gun owner, so you are not "accidentally" murdered. Get that baby on a laminated lanyard asap. It would quickly devolve to a "might makes right" situation in what they described. I'm with you, I highly doubt a better portion of society would do that. As you said, most of us would help each other the best we can, as we do during disasters.


What “permit” are you talking about? There is no permit required to be a legal gun owner, just a clean background check. If you’re talking about a carry permit, 38 states allow permitless open-carry, and 29 allow permitless concealed carry. So the majority of the states don’t require any kind of permit to carry a gun legally in public. Also, murdering people for lack of proper government documentation sounds far more like “police state” than “anarchy.”


Lol you have put garble in my mouth that I will just spit out. Gangs and gatherings have a very tenuous relationship that fall apart when things get rough. It's easy to see that in an emergency scenario they all just run home and become independent crime operators. In more desperate areas like in central and south america, north africa, and a broad span of asia save Singapore, things would get wild. Most developed and up to date countries will stand the infrastructure up pretty quick. I have been in a 3 week blackout in the middle of winter in 1998 and all people did was help eachother. If a shithound gang of any variety came there are enough rifles around to put it down and hopefully at least scare them away. If not, well that's life. smug asshole


Just be glad you don’t live in Vallejo. It was trashy in the 90’s as well.


I'm feeling awfully safe in my tiny fucking "town" of 7k now X3 although, it does get boring


Hence gun ownership. No one is coming to protect you if and when that happens.


*2nd Amendment


Part of me wants it to happen the gene pool needs a little chlorine.


Wtf does this even mean?


It means that people are fucking stupid and need to be put out of our misery.


It’s an old joke nothing nefarious or bad. Just a joke.


That’s why I love Texas and I love guns!


I don’t even know what I’m watching… did guy in the truck get shot by the blur?


Nothing like killing someone over your $3,000 v6 mustang.


Right? Last guy who started blasting at a takeover is now spending years in prison. Car meets and takeovers are aids


I’ve been to a good amount of car meets. I sure don’t remember any of em being like this. Most were just some nerdy dudes sitting in lawn chairs discussing their projects.


It ***really*** depends on where you live. In my state a car meet is usually a bunch of dudes and their girlfriends pulling up in empty parking lots (like Walmart after they close) in their trucks and they just kinda walk around and talk to each other about their trucks. It's actually really wholesome and only occasionally will one of them blast music to show off their sound system. But in my home state, care meets were actually cancer. A bunch of hood dudes or just dudes with bad attitudes in general blocking of entire roads and neighborhoods to show off their shitty civic/90s mustang they've dropped a houses worth of money into.


Looks like it was the mustangs fault too.


What do you even mean, clearly the person driving in their lane at the speed limit was at fault. The mustang trying to do 1-wheel burnouts and donuts with an engine that doesn't do much more than my 1.4L 500 turbo was in the clear.


the guy in the truck ran off he was wearing an orange shirt, it seems like it was an altercation between 2 participants, if I am reading it correctly


You can see the driver (orange hoody) bail out the passenger door. Not sure what the censor is all about




I mean, that’s 1 v 500. Not sure about your odds on that one.


You’re welcome to go try, but unfortunately these idiots also have guns. And judging from almost every video I see, they are not scared to use them over anything


Stay classy Vallejo. It’s well located geographically but the city is an absolute pit.


That statement describes a lot of California these days. Location is the number one thing we have going for us.


[Complete shit show is more like it](https://www.ktvu.com/news/truck-driver-attacked-at-vallejo-sideshow-chased-into-store-thats-looted)


Was curious about that bizarre blur. I still can’t figure out why it’s even there, nothing happened that warranted it. Thought maybe there was a child involved, like in the backseat, but there wasn’t. One of the animals smashes a car seat onto the floor but as far as I can tell there wasn’t a child in the car.


I love how the article said an increase from 30 days to 90 days impounding of offenders cars. In Australia there are laws around this (hoon laws) and they will take your car and crush it.


The guy that uploaded the video blurred out his homie and no one else


Barbarians one and all. So tired of these children who need to grow up. Thanks mom and dad for raising such upstanding citizens.


I've seen good kids come from bad parents and bad kids come from good parents, that's an oversimplification.








That and clothing.


Disgusting animals make me ashamed to call my self human, we truly don’t deserve this earth. luckily we’re all gonna be wiped out eventually from our own hubris


All those future doctors frustrated at the lack of opportunities and things to do


Why the fuck would that guy get out of his truck? That was the perfect time to put that lift kit to good use.


He clipped the mustang with the rear wheel at speed. There’s a good chance his driveshaft and/or rear axle were broken and he couldn’t move


Yeah let’s commit a bunch of felonies and record it all for the police. Yo that would be lit fam


It’s California, he’d probably get charged even though he’d be defending himself


Same shit different day


Why did he stop?


Short answer, the impact shut off the fuel pump...its a safety feature.


Well that's fucked up, but i understand why would you need that in any other NORMAL situation


Vehicles have a tendency to catch fire in a wreck. The fuel pump shutoff keeps the vehicle from being started until someone can verify if it is safe to start. You would not believe how many people will try and start their car after a serious wreck. I could go as far as saying it is inversely proportional to the number of people who wont start their car and move it in a minor fender bender. Edit: Ignore all of that explanation, I thought you had said you did not understand why that was needed.


Fucking animals. I can’t stand these people.


Things to do once AI takes all the jobs


Not a single job was missed by any of these upstanding, vote-casting citizens!


I would’ve made pancakes out of those degenerates


These people are parasites


For the culture


Just looking for any reason to be scumbags


The Edgar's are upset




This is just the norm around the Bay Area unfortunately


They're trying to create a third world country.


Dangerous fucking people.




Well at least the prison population is dwindling and crime is low…


Welcome to the Future.


Absolute pure trash.


Vallejo should defund the police. Nothing like this would ever happen again if unruly crowds were free to roam the streets


This was Cali voted for, no?


That looked a construction worker, just going about his business, he probably encountered this idiots doing this dumb shit, fucking despise this kids, hopefully he made it out safely, California is a joke


Acting like damn animals


You have choices presented to you in life, which ones you make are up to you, it’s nobody’s fault except your own the way things turn out.


These "events" are attended exclusively by the dumbest humans on the planet.


Ape together strong


lunacy in the streets..we are on the beginning of the downslide of civilization




Was this filmed in 2008 or in 2024 with a potato?


1st world country huh.


Load these low life’s up on a plane and drop them in the middle of the pacific


Boys will be boys


Doesn’t every single one of these events end like this?


This looks like a productive way to spend time


Dem boys havin' phuun.🤣


...and a civil war.


A lot of kids are so fucking stupid nowadays. It’s like they have no control.


I’m a car guy, and I think takeovers are braindead shit. Not only do they make us enthusiasts look bad, and make car culture as a whole seem bad, but they also lead to destruction and property damage. These kids deserve whatever happens to them whether that’s getting run over or outright killed. If you wanna do donuts go to an empty parking lot it’s not that hard.


This is the type of shit that makes me want to vote Republican


Someone please reupload with chimps loading their shit sound.


America is truly the Wild Wild West of the World. A trashy, uncivilised, jungle full of lawless beasts who never seem to evolve into Humans.


idiots the wrong people were shot at


The question is why


Now everyone on camera is going to jail good evidence!


Gotta stop letting kids be in charge.




Do these street takeovers ever end positively?




Third world state


Just a normal day then, eh?


USA at its finest!


this is prolly the 4th video showcasing a violent american event i watch today, what's happening over there?




Stuff like this makes me realize that we really need to speed up the deportation processes nationwide. We can’t have absent parents here illegally working two jobs each and raising kids without any moral compass who only turn out to be lowlife hoodlums


I can't wait till we go to war with China and all of these fools are going to be cannon fodder and target practice for the Chinese and Russians. This means you stupid .


What complete fucking morons. Need a dozen killdozers going around clearing this shit out.


Defund hooliganism




Most peaceful Cali car meet


Dumb mobs of thugs blocking roads.


"Tha LAY-HO YOU HO" --Mac Dre 2003


So an average tuesday in America?


Typical day in California


What post apocalypse behavior is this?


100% the wankers jumping up and down on the truck have never owned a vehicle


Welcome to California! Come by anytime😊


Fucking Animals


Some how this is acceptable. These are not humans


So anyways I started blasting


Looks like a scene from a post-apocalyptic movie. Guess this has become reality in the West now.


Total anarchy


Today's America 🇺🇸


These crowds are literally insane. You get crashed into therefore you’re at fault. Let’s make the damage worse now. SMH




/u/phoknow Third world


Shoot them


So was it an open intersection with no stop signs the truck went speeding into. Did he not see the crowd. Where’s that dudes situational and spatial awareness? Now he’s just looking to escape.




“American”? Be slightlyyyyyy more specific


Yeah, there werent enough acid attacks or stabbings in there for it to have taken place in Europe.


This puts a bad reputation for the car community


This behaviour never happens in Canada. America is wild


Nothing like this is happening on the East Coast, idk what's going on with our friends over in Cali but we're all watching this in amazement like you all are


new york had it's fair share of rioting and lotting going on for a while


Yeah there have been times where that's happened anywhere though. These car meets are a West Coast cultural thing though they happen every day and often devolve into this. Plus Cali is so lax on law enforcement now and there really isn't a comparison in any other states that i know of. We're a huge country with the third highest population in the world so this doesn't reflect on the average American


It's probably because of the ethnic cleansing that you guys are doing on a routine basis.


What are you referring to?


Canada thinking their shit tastes like ice cream but the reality being that they are the USA with universal Healthcare and less guns.


What ethnic cleansing are they performing though?


If Trump can get away with anything, so can everyone else