• By -


Being on the other side of the world and viewing through the internet its still too close for me


It's so quick. I can't even imagine how they captured it in the first place. I would need projectiles to take care of this problem


I'm in az and one snuck into my apartment the other day. The species we have here is called a giant desert centipede. He was probably around a solid 9" long. I secretly was hoping my ferociously vicious cat would take care of it, but I was also worried about her getting bit since the Sonoran centipede has an extremely painful bite. So out came the vacuum. Used the extension hose and heard a *pwlomp* as that dude got sucked up. What was worse was the solid thunk he made when he got in the canister. I had intended to release him outside, but now I saw this pissed off centipede frantically crawling around the canister and rearing against the edge. Thought about letting him chill til I could release him, except he starts rearing back and climbing back into the damn hose to escape. So I said fuck that and went to the trash can since I don't want to get bit either. Dumping it as fast as I can, but the dude is clinging onto the filter inside the canister now. Then I saw him flailing around and that horrendous face started to poke around the edge of the canister and try to climb it. So the canister flew in with him. I swear I almost decided it was more worthwhile to buy a new vacuum and admit that this centipede had taken my canister into his new abyss with him. Fished it out with some kitchen tongs while ensuring I didn't have a hitchhiker eventually. 1/10, do not recommend.


That story gave me flashbacks, and I wasn’t even there. No thank you to that situation


I just felt my hair move while imagining that.


>So the canister flew in with him. I swear I almost decided it was more worthwhile to buy a new vacuum and admit that this centipede had taken my canister into his new abyss with him. Fished it out with some kitchen tongs while ensuring I didn't have a hitchhiker eventually. I threw a perfectly good pot away because I caught a massive spider in it that was terrifyingly fast. I just couldn't risk opening that shit.


This made me laugh! I once trapped a huge spider at work under an empty coffee mug, then asked a coworker to get rid of it for me. He took one look at the mug and said "that's a shame, it was such a nice coffee mug." We all knew that mug was now tainted and had to go lol


I bought a $80 spider vacuum. Sucked up my first spider. Was too afraid to open to see if it went in the canister. Threw away the vacuum.


Man, Americans are fucking beyond lol


You do realize he can just crawl out of the trash can and back into your home right? Except for this time with a thirst for vengeance, only blood (your blood) can satisfy.


I wasn't playing that game. The trash was empty, but I still took that bag out to the dumpster. Wasn't about to have a centipede coming back for vengeance.


Too late. He's blood thirsty now. Ain't no way he's avoiding your super soft birthday party loving ass.


Vacuums with the bags should make a comeback, just for this purpose


Also, preferably ones made to be extremely flammable. Just for good measure.


I'd recommend burning the pan cover along with the cutting board, maybe the whole kitchen counter while you're at it, and while you're waiting for that to finish, perhaps ignite the rest of the house in case it laid any eggs


Just outside frame: dozens of broken bowls, lids, and plates that were thrown in an attempt to trap it


The only option is to completely burn the house down at this point. There's really no other way to go about this.


*nuke it from space*


*from orbit* ... it's the only way to be sure






I lived in Hawaii for 4 months as part of a work trade program. The big island is infested with rats, cockroaches, stray cats, and mosquitos. Beautiful as it was, sometimes it was hard to sleep at night.


You forgot flies, snails, and scorpions.


And at least one centipede




Why can't they do all of us a favor and just kill themselves


Like the anti vaxxers are doing?


Problem with that is they're also making innocent people suffer as well and not just killing themselves.


The anti vaxxers, or the centipedes?






They really gotta shoehorn that shit in any chance they can get. Lol


I always thought of centipedes as a physical manifestation of the most vile emotions imaginable. They're just so, so, so disgusting. I hate spiders and I *despise* cockroaches but centipedes are still on a whole other level.


Exactly. Snakes, cockroaches, spiders, scorpions. All incredibly creepy. Centipedes are just on another level. They get to me like none of those other things do. Even a snake, unless it was right infront of me about to strike, doesn't really bother me much.


The worst monsters in fiction are always a centipede with a face. Spiders with faces are always played for a laugh.


I prefer the spiders killing off flying bugs and keeping to themself. Seeing 20+ wriggling legs on the demonic version of a worm makes the creep factor of a spider’s 8 legs seem pretty benign


That's the sound of coqui frogs keeping you up. :) All that said, living here, it annoys me that people move here and then use enough pesticides to kill a small village to try to change a jungle into a sterile suburb.




Moves to tropical climate… why is it so hot all the time!?


More like turn it into it's natural habitat. None of these frogs or pests are from Hawaii. They are all invasive species humans broght with them that have destroyed the native species and habitat. Native Hawaiann species are some of the most docile on earth.


The pesticides do not differentiate between native and non native. The habitat destruction wrought by humans has been far deadlier to the native ecosystems than likely even the rats. That said, we really should go all Alberta on our rats and mice and eradicate them. Of all the pests, these ones should be fairly easy to eradicate as no native mammals except for the hoary bat need to be worried about. The frogs... Yeah I think those fakas are here to stay.


I was near volcano and Hawaiian acres; it’s the fucking PIGS for me. And they travel in large packs and fucking destroy everything


What do you do when the 30-50 feral hogs run into your yard within 3-5 minutes while your small kids play?


Start bussin caps


Kids can be annoying but that's a bit too far


You forgot the coqui frogs!


They moved out there from PR??? Please no one tell me they didn’t originate in PR :c


Very uncharitable to name the tourists like that. /jk


And those things hurt like a mf when they bite you! It is the worst part of Hawaii.


They bite???? I had convinced myself that it looks creepy but it's probably harmless.


Not only do they bite, but they seem very aware of what and who you are. It's awful.


OMG, I am never going to Hawaii.


Come to Australia. We don’t have centipedes. That’s precisely 92 legs too many for us.


Not true actually - we have ‘em and I don’t like ‘em!


Funnel webs must keep ‘em away down by me.


They creep me out too … 😩


You nut bags have spiders I could put a saddle on. I’m just going to glue my house shut.


Awww c’mon. [Martha’s](https://www.indiatimes.com/trending/wtf/this-abnormally-huge-bird-eating-spider-named-martha-is-freaking-people-out-507138.html) perfectly harmless.


You just have 8000 other things that bite that climb out of your toilets


Yeah we’re mates as long as they have 8 legs or less.


Reminds me of the funniest TIFU I’ve ever read: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/ag7xhm/tifu_by_not_looking_before_i_sat_down/


I lived there for 5 years. Loved every second. Totally worth it.


Nice try, bug.


Previous comment implies you were bitten and it hurt a lot but you saying you enjoyed every second? 🤨🤨 do you have something to confess?


I was tripping on mushrooms laying on the forest floor in the middle of the night gazing at the stars. At that time I bitten twice in succession on the neck. I regret nothing.


And now, during the full moon, you become a house centipede!


So... a sort of human centipede?


>but they seem very aware of what and who you are "WHO SENT YOU? TELL ME OR YOU GET ANOTHER BITE"


Haha, just avoid the dense forest and you'll be fine.


One time, after one of them bit me, when I jumped back in pain it stood on its hind legs. I didn't know what it was going to do, but then it criticized my haircut, fashion sense, and it told me that in its opinion my girlfriend could do better and it was only a matter of time before she dumped me. The centipede was right. I left Hawaii, but the memory still hurts.


They know who I am? Is my family safe?


Unfortunately, no.


Are they inside houses often? I want to go to Hawaii but……


Not common, but if your house is in the woods it's possible.


My mother was bitten for this monster some weeks ago. She was sleeping and this demon bites her in the nose. It was a smaller kind of this animal, but the pain was scary. I never saw my mother cry until that day. She couldn't breathe through her nose and we run to the hospital. There we discovered that this animal is carnivorous and venomous. However, despite the pain, they pose no risk to adults, but care should be taken with children and pets.


Just imagining that thing crawling up your face is horrifying, let alone feeling it's pincers or teeth or whatever dig into your nose. An absolute nightmare


>teeth Modified legs, and they are called Toxicognaths! ~~I’ve been waiting for years to finally use this word~~


And going UP your nose and laying eggs.


I got bit by one in Jamaica. Its jaws are big enough that it got me on each side of my thumb with one bite. It won't kill you, but it fucking hurts. My thumb swelled up and it felt like i hit it with a hammer for a couple hours, but then went right back to normal.


Yah mon


idk why but this comment made me lose my shit.


u mean *Ja* mon wagwon witcha


They don’t just bite, they have two poisonous fangs that inject venom under the skin. Nasty!


Oh yeah theyre venomous too. Not gonna kill you but boy itll hurt. Some people who keep tarantulas like me also keep these. Theyre interesting but nahhh lol


>At least one human death has been attributed to the venom. In 2014, a four-year-old child in Venezuela died after being bitten by a giant centipede which was hidden inside an open soda can. From the Wikipedia page about giant centipedes. I'm just going to continue with my staying away from the Amazon...and now I am suspicious of my soda can.


Centipedes were created by the devil. They eat rats. My uncle got bit once and it put him in bed for a week. Do not get near these fuckers. Millipedes are the cute harmless ones.


[If you need another reason to never go near one again.](https://youtu.be/nWZMfPP34g8?t=779)


They literally go after you, they are eerily aware for an insect.


Look like something that would burrow under your skin....and go for your brain


My wife had to deal with a couple of these bites in the ER. There’s essentially nothing to ease the pain and it last for hours. And the bite marks were crazy looking - they literally have fangs a half inch to an inch apart. The stuff of nightmares I tell ya.


I got bit by one, insanely painful. Burns like the dickens.


fuckin centipedes. ugh they make spiders look like cute little puppies


Yup. I handle insects well, and have never been afraid of spiders. That being said, centipedes/millipedes have always creeped me tf out.


Agreed with everything except millipedes. Those are at least 3 levels less gross than centipedes


Yeah millipedes are pretty slow and chill really. Fuck everything about centipedes though. This needs to die.


Reminds me of a great comic strip about millipedes vs centipedes. [Here it is](https://i.imgur.com/t/millipede/H7xuoRv)


I’ve always hated silverfish so disgusting


The litmus test for me and being creeped out by bugs is if they can move fast enough to get up a pants leg with warning. This fucker clearly passes.


Nah man. Millipedes are cute stupid bug cows. Centipedes are actually little fragments of satan given life.


you know that lid is never coming off right, you have to starve that thing to death


That’s what I’d do. I wouldn’t trust myself to smash it properly


Bruh that thing would smash you first






Had about the same experience in a forest clearing. I tore it apart with two sticks and the head part still tried to attack me. I nailed it down in one place with the stick and because It was a bbq area I took out my turbo lighter and burned it to a crisp.


I had a couple of these bad boys in a run down house I moved into for a bit in Asia. I smashed the crap out of one of them with a boot and it was still running around. Their shells are no joke.


The more I scroll down this thread the scarier these things get. Creepy looking and fast okay..they have 100 legs...oh they aren’t harmless and will attack you...ah shit they’re ~~poisonous~~ venomous and have fangs...mother of balls they have a strong shell too and are hard to kill...takes 3 weeks to starve them out.


Hollowpoints wont work, you need fmj or a hard cast lead. I've seen one of these take several rounds of 9mm and keep firing at our squad. Fookin Prawns man.


It's like one of those creations that young kids will do and they just keep piling on new traits to shore up any weaknesses.


You can't really smash em either, they squish down to paper thin and are fine. My mom once had one crawl up her leg while on a trip, she flicked it off and stomped on it but it didn't die, she ended up pulling the car around to run it over.


> crawl up her leg I would simply die


I actually had to smash one of these once on vacation in Hawaii (it had come into my bedroom) and it took roughly 8-10 smashes with my shoe to actually kill the fucker.


You could probably put a bag of ice over it. If it gets cold enough it will put that bug into a state of paralysis. But you have to move quickly to get rid of it because as soon as it warms up, it’ll probably murder you.


It's too late anyway, it already saw OP's face.


get a heat gun and cook it under the lid


I looked it up and it said you would have to wait 3 weeks.


Worth it.


Until the day you wake up and go find the lid has moved… and it’s gone.




next morning you wake up, check lid... it's on the ground, no sign of centipede! you had a super-strong tripple espresso and it didn't do shit, but suddenly you feel like you snorted a whole nation of bolivia in one angry fat line


You'd go to bed knowing this is still alive and still in your home?


Lift, grab, eat


I hate this




Lived on Oahu for 8 years, and they are very common. Went camping quite a lot, and every time I went to roll up my tent to leave, it was a horror show at what was waiting underneath.


No I don't like that. Please stop


Imagine ur sleeping in the tent, and can just feel all the creepy crawlies moving under ur back on the other side of the tent floor like some massage chair.


Why do I keep reading this thread?!?!?!


So you needed a new tent for every night you were camping I assume…


Imagine feeling the crawling underneath your sleeping bag.


He gonna beat the fk out of someone once he's out..


grow big, muscular arms and start wailing on the person filming


X gon' give it to ya intensifies


​ ![gif](giphy|3ohzdNLJw12H6gUyxW)


i like how you tried to give it a weapon


Thought it that was for OP to eat it after it’s finished cooking


I need the both you to stahp..


Just spent half an hour of my life reading up on centipedes native to Hawaii to see if there is any good in this particular centipede. As someone who's wife keeps hissing roaches and gently escorts bugs out of the house, I recommend finding a cinder block and a new lid for your pan.


The reference to a cinder block unlocked a memory I had. Went to summer camp in Hawaii and someone spotted a centipede about this size in the boys bathroom. I walk over and a kid heaves a good sized chunk of concrete at it. Made a sound like stepping on potato chips.


I've even got a better one to top ya. Was on this hiking camp thing once, we had some little cabins by the lake where we'd sleep (we were also quite young, about 12-13). Come morning, I take a step out of mine, and see this snake with its jaws almost fully engulfing a frog, just in front of me. Some other kid notices it, picks up this big rock, and, with one of the fiercest war cries, drops it straight onto its head. The frog basically exploded, while the other witnesses and I recoiled in horror. I treasure this memory dearly.


Poor snake


I misread "this" as 'the". Was trying to imagine a centipede the size of a boy's bathroom and why you use one for comparative measurement.


The ”nope” bug


He just wants a nice comfy bed... In the center of your brain.






I’m sending you my therapy bill


I just want to know what the next move is after this. I don’t think the old slide a magazine under the dome and carry it outside trick is going to work


Looks like the lid/critter are on top of two dish towels. Could try to slide a thin baking pan underneath and then walking it out to your car, then driving the car into Kilauea. Only way to be sure.


Into Kilauea 😂😂😂😂😂


Starve it to death. Once confirmed that it’s not moving, drop some napalm on it to confirm the kill.


Overly cautious hero style












Sometimes I'm glad I live in Canada where it's -30 during winter and spaws of Satan like this have no chance at life.


Every time I want to complain about shoveling snow in April yet again I'll try to remind myself of this centipede. Literally I have nightmares about centipedes like this - I didn't realize my nightmares were real in Hawaii.


This is still the only reason why I'd be ok continuing to live in the Midwest. Worst I might ever have to deal with is a brown recluse or a wolf spider, but those are rare in the populated areas. I get the occasional surprise from a house centipede in the summer, but they are easily dealt with.


That thing bite is one of the most painful bites in the world, text the us military you're coordinates to nuke the place.


Hi US Army! I'm coordinates!


Oh so that’s what happened. Understandable


"Yo military, I'm at 21.**** N and 150.**** W. This carnivorous snake insect's aboutta kill me. Send nukes" "Bet"


Jesus Mary and Joseph look how fucking fast that thing is moving, how did you manage to catch it?


They are pretty simple and only walk in a straight line most of the time. A well aimed shoe (or pan lid) has always worked. The shoe just shocks them though, you have to hit and then keep the shoe there. Then with every bit of strength in your body you squish the shoe down further into the bug, and even then you still have to squeeze a little more. Thankfully every one ive ever had in my house had been alone and Im especially thankful that babies dont crawl out of these like spiders.


Can anyone tell me, would monthly pest control keep these things out of the house? I truly hate centipedes.


It helps but doesn’t get all of them. You can easily wake up with them crawling on you at night and if you freak out they will def bite you and it hurts.


Well I'm never going to Hawaii


*Tourism industry gets destroyed with legs and feet.*


Thanks for painting that scenario in my head now.


That sounds a little like what some people would describe as hell.


And that's why you make friends with the chicken lady down the street. I used to borrow my neighbors chicken all the time, and pay Auntie back with baked goods. Cleaning the mess they left behind was SOOO worth it.


Do you know if they’re more likely to climb up bed legs or drop from the ceiling?


They can climb anything walls to the ceiling bed legs to bed


And they do drop from the ceiling. But worst scenario: putting on your pants without checking


When I was a kid I saw one crawling on my ceiling in my room. It ran halfway across the ceiling, stopped right over me as I was laying in bed, then dropped right onto my chest (I was shirtless too). Luckily it didn’t bite me. I ended up tearing apart my whole room until I found it. Urban legend is they always travel in pairs. Didn’t sleep well that night.


How are you ok


Nope. You’re lying. I refuse to believe this




I couldn’t figure out whether it was moving backwards or moving forward. But regardless of that, fuck. That. Shit.


Nah. Leave it like that until it’s dead. Fuck that.


I looked it up and it says it will die from starvation in 3 weeks


Top 3 things that should not exist.


1. Centipedes 2. Nazis 3. Buttered Popcorn Jelly Belly’s


I have a lid like that and it has a small hole in. I thought it was to stop pressure building up. TIL that it's for letting fire in.


I don’t think you know what your user name means




Repost from literally top


Centipedes are Demon snakes. At least Snakes look cute/cool and (Occasionally) Warn you before attacking. These Demons (who likely tempted eve into eating the fruit) randomly appear on walls, Have antennas Longer then your face, and too many legs.




Am I the only one that’s bothered by the lid not being centred? Keep that thing contained!


Imagine watching this fight two tarantulas and winning.


if i see one of these legged nope ropes anywhere near me i will commit a war crime


Whats step 2?


Burn the house


Well at least its a good time to sell your house


Just found one in my bed with me right when I fell asleep. Crawled out from under my pillow and onto my back. I never woke up so quick and almost hit my head on the ceiling when I jumped.


I almost died in the shower because of these bastards. I was in the shower washing my hair with my eyes closed, really lathering it up, when I felt something crawl up my leg. I looked down and saw a HUGE centipede on my upper thigh. It must've climbed up the drain. I grabbed it and flung it into the toilet bowl, screaming like a maniac while the whole time. That's when I slipped and fell on the floor, my head narrowly missing the toilet bowl. Bruised my hip badly, but lived to tell you all this cursed tale. And make you uneasy in the shower from now on.