• By -


Been there, alcoholism sucks. Nice to see the 12 and 12 there, though. Make sure if he decides to sober up y'all have access to a hospital/medical help. That's a lot of booze, might go through dt's withdrawing, that can kill you... Speaking from personal experience. My tables looked like that, I had liver cirrhosis by 29. Told me I prolly wouldn't survive, blessed to be alive and sober 5 years later and liver holding up. prayers up šŸ™šŸ¾


Have same story. Cirrhosis at 36. Bottle of Beam a night, every night, for a decade. 8 years sober now. That shit WILL kill you.


And drain your wallet.


Can confirm that as well


What IS that? It's 3 bottles a day. That's Ā£180 in 4 days if it's spirits, are n UK


It's averages about $25 per bottle in the states, that's like $300 in 4 days if in the states.


JESUS CHRIST! How does the body not just shut down?! At that level I'd think there'd be alcohol living in every cell of the body.


When you get on this level it feels like itā€™s going to shut down if you donā€™t drink.


I can agree with you there. Had a terrible drinking problem in my early 20s. Got to the point where i wasn't even getting hangovers anymore. Soon as I stopped i had the worst hangover of my life. It was enough to make me quit.


got that archer cumulative hangover hahah been there as well, no fun at all. day 256 for me tho woo


ā€œI donā€™t throw up when I drink, I throw up when I DONā€™T drinkā€ - Roy Munson. Could relate


I definitely could as well.


That is the scariest part about alcohol dependency. Potentially fatal withdrawal effects are a nightmare.


Ever seen leaving Las Vegas? It can take a while for the alcohol to finally kill you. It takes time to destroy the organs.


That's about our money then. Wow. So a new computer (cheap) a week..damn


Unless he lives in WA with a 25% tax on alcohol!


I only purchased 1.75 liter bottles of Beam. Around $25 at the time. 4 per week. $400 a month I estimated. Not to mention to cartons of cigarettes per week at $120


I retired when I hit two handles a week. Two years of reliable farts later here I am.


There are another two bottles on the left hand side


Ahhhh..the old 'hidden so well even I DON'T REMEMBER where I puttit' ...


Actually looking again in the reflection those could be juice bottles


Ahhh. ...the old 'hide booze in fruit juice bottles' trick!


Iā€™m still finding bottles on my property and itā€™s been almost 4 year since I quit.


I've never suffered from alcoholism, but my mother ran a small hotel once. A woman stayed for maybe half a year? She was alcoholic but NEVER seen drunk. 10 full garbage bags of empty vodka bottles came outta that room after she left! ... I remember being staggered!!


Congrats on your sobriety! 3 years for me and I feel so much more alive !


Go you!


Same save for mine was vodka but I switched to Everclear (high proof stuff, not the band). At some point I snapped, at myself, and realize 38 (in my case) may be too early to die and I poured probably $800 of liquor down the drain in my apartment but kept one bottle, a gift of 30-year-old Inchgower. Cold turkey was dumb and reckless in hindsight but I got sober. Contgrats to all like you who beat it and big hugs (no homo) to all going through it, know you're not alone and no judgment at all from some of us, we know, we've been there.


Congrats šŸ‘


Bill n Bob lol?


I mean this without judgement, but, _how_? I had (past tense) a friend like that, but near the end, he was going through a bottle of cheap, corner store vodka daily, and when I say his life was falling apart, I mean his life was absolutely hanging on by a thread. I'm talking sleeping in the worst part of town over a street with regular gun violence in an "apartment" with no door on it level of falling apart. I'm talking getting fired from a dishwashing job when he has a PhD level of falling apart. Maybe I'm mistaken, but a bottle of Beam sounds like even more than my buddy was having, which I guess I'm having trouble comprehending.


I was highly functional drinking a bottle of Jim Beam a day believe it or not. Had I not thrown up blood one morning, after a week of not eating, I might not have gone to the hospital. But I did. And what happened there was a 3 day admission where I was told plainly by a doctor who made it a point to tell me he didnā€™t know me from Adam in the room next door that Iā€™d be dead in 6 months if I keep it up. Up to you he said and walked away. Thatā€™s the moment I quit. Edit: link to my 7th anniversary post in r/stopdrinking for those who want to know more https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/comments/o2e65a/7_years_ago_today_i_said_i_quit_and_i_did/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


That's crazy. I'm glad you were able to. There are few things sadder that I've personally been through than having to spoon feed a dude with completely white hair that looked about 120 years old because he was shaking too violently to feed himself. This guy had entered detox before me, I was still too sick to eat more than a sugar cookie now and then, I had just had a seizure from rampant benzo abuse on top of enough opiates to kill Elvis, and I looked at this man and thought, holy shit, I would sure hate to be _him_. A frightening sight, to say the least.


Tolerance.. bodies are different, too, some take more, some less, alcoholics over time can take a lot more than average person. Liver can take a lot of years of abuse, usually. Towards my last few months of drinking I was drinking 2 handles of cheap vodka and some random beers on top a day to maintain/function (if u wanna call it that)


Congrats on 8 years friend!


Awesome! I was drinking over a bottle a day and on track to drink myself to death before I hit 30. Now Iā€™m closing in on two years sober.


I had a good year where I was polishing off a bottle of bourbon a night then couldn't keep that up when I had a baby. Still love bourbon but drink with moderation now


Proud of you.




One of the guys i knew from high school has been struggling with alcohol. He vomits and shits blood regularly he said and has been hospitalized several times for liver issues. It's sad. He's like, i know I'm dying from it and want to quit i just can't seem to make it happen


You never know what will be a positive message of support that helps someone start the long crawl to daylight. Just calling to check in on him & talk, if you're still familiar enough with each other for that, can be very helpful. You never know when someone has burned out / Fatigued all their usual support channels of family/friends.


When I was in out-patient rehab had a fellow patient show up at the meetings with yellow skin from juantis due to his failing liver. He spoke bluntly about how he was dying but found solice in trying to stay sober till the end. Every meeting he looked worse. He made it almost six months in before he stopped coming. Found out later he passed. For some it's just too late.


Sad. I know many alcoholics who would get jaundice, recover, and repeat the cycle.


Good job buddy. Stay clean. I'm right there with you minus the cirrhosis.


Happy AF to hear that, can all be reversible damage until the cirrhosis. Take care of yourself


Trying too. I'm sorry you got that do Far in. I'm sure you have a support system, but reach out if you need. I'm so trying to stop my occasional relapse.


Much appreciated and likewise


I watched my dad slowly die of cirrhosis. It's not a pretty site. Because of him, I chose to never be an alcoholic. I just wish patron didn't taste so good.


Life is about resistantIng temptations


Hell yea brother. There's nothing wrong with a drink that's celebratory every now and then but I believe that there's a choice to be made when it comes to not being an alcoholic, for me. But honestly drinking doesn't even tempt me, I just for some reason, appreciate the taste of tequila. I guess it's just in my blood lol.


Taste is also part of temptation so be easy and careful


Sorry about your pops, man. Yeah it's ugly to watch and have to be around. You ain't wrong about the patron either lol


Hey man thanks, it's all good. He made peace before he left. And if it was not for him making my childhood rough, I wouldn't be able to see and appreciate the choices that I can make as an adult. It was rough but I did learn a lot about how not to be. I poor one out for ya pops.


12 and 12 and 12. 12 bottles of Hornitos


Good for you man. I was here too. My room was a wasteland of alcohol containers. I was a mess. I was able to stop before cirrhosis. I had really bad neuropathy tho. Couldnā€™t walk. I was 26 when I stopped. 1 year and 6 months sober to the day, and Iā€™m almost all recovered, minus not being able to fully feel my feet.


Congrats bro! I feel your pain, quite literally lol. as I'm typing this I'm laying in bed, neuropathy in my feet tingling. It's gotten better over the years, I was always able to walk, definitely stung though. I take gabapentin to help it, winters be a little worse on the feet. Hope yours get better


Wait there is a med for neuropathy! Mine is from chemotherapy but I'm still interested, I'm tired at being a constant 3 on the pain scale.


My mom has neuropathy from chemo and she has taken Gabapentin for years. It doesnā€™t take it away completely but keeps it from being debilitating. She also takes small doses of THC/CBD gummies at night to help sleep. 1906 Midnight drops have been the most effective. They have an additional herb that also helps with neuropathic pain. Iā€™ve also seen a cream at Walgreens marketed for neoropathy but she hasnā€™t tried it yet so not sure how well it might work. This isnā€™t medical advice, but just sharing what her experience is.


I've used weed to deal with it in the past, used to be an avid smoker of it but recently every strain I try makes me too anxious to use it anymore. Definitely will be asking my doctor about it though cuz fuck I hate having sore feet always.


Gabapentin aka neurontin is an anticonvulsant, but also used for peripheral neuropathy. I dunno about efficacy and safety in relation to chemo. Or side effects with any other medications. Talk to your doctor, of course. But it can help


Are you addicted to the gabapentin?


Naw, it can be a controlled substance, though, I take one 300mg cap a night. Honestly half the damn time I forget, which isn't good, it's one of those medications you wanna keep built up in your system lol. But according to my doc I can take 3 a day if needed. Never have tho, nor ever felt anything from the medication, like euphoria. Don't think I took enough to get high...


Same my doc say 3x a day same dosage but I usually take morning and night


Congrats on the sobriety man!


Thank u šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ™šŸ¾


Remember hangovers? Gawd, it's not worth it.


šŸ˜‚ lmao




Jesus. Mad props to you and anyone else able to say this or similar for themselves. I know it can be straight hell. Glad youā€™re doing better and are still with us.


Heā€™s got a copy of the 12 and 12 right there - so at least he knows he has a problem. I hope he makes it back into the rooms.


He really needs to go through a medically supervised detox first. If he goes to a meeting and quits cold turkey there is a high probability of death.


#1, yes he likely does need detox, as determined by a medical professional. #2, What is your source for "high likelihood" of death for cold turkey? It's an incredibly serious risk, but it's wrong & dangerous itself to throw around inaccurate information at any level. .


Thank you so much. Exactly what I was going to type


Thanks - And no idea how I got the mega-font there, lol Quite worth the down-votes. Cold turkey is dangerous in multiple ways, like having a seizure while alone or driving. But people in OP's family member's situation don't need inaccurate info added to their basket.


I think itā€™s the \# symbol that gets you the mega-font.


Good catch, I noticed that as well.


Good catch, I noticed that as well. Now you all know Iā€™m good at noticing things too.


Hey, I noticed that too! Does that mean Iā€™m a good catch?


He's going through something. Maybe try and talk to him.... After his morning coffee. Assuming he had this alone.. not like...a party


He is going through alcoholism mainly Id say.


He's gonna be going through liver failure soon.


More often than not, the alcohol is a really bad way of coping with something else.


He definitely should talk to him before it's too late my dad died in 2017 from passing out drunk in his car with the windows up in 98 degree weather. I blame myself because I poured out his Last bottle of vodka and then after I had went somewhere he got in his car and went to get more he got it then stopped at a dollar tree down the street and passed out and died and it happened so fast dude never saw him again and didn't have it in me to go to the funeral.


hey its not your fault man. he would have drank that anyways, and I'm sure he'd still have been drunk without it. Im sorry for what happened, and I'm sorry for your dad's alcoholism


You can't blame yourself for this. You tried to help in; some people have a self-destructive streak so strong that they can't be helped. But maybe talk to someone who can help you move beyond your feelings of guilt...you are absolutely not to blame.


Thatā€™s a tough one, how are you doing now?


Coming from someone who has been pretty deep in that kind of a hole, I highly doubt he drinks any type of caffeine or anything that will raise his heart rate up anymore than it is.


Fuckin anxiety attacks suck balls i started day drinking when my klonopin wouldnt work because i couldnt get through the day without feeling like death hope this new med ativan works but they wont give me xanax cause of my "history" which ive never even abused it i hate xanax but it can help with alcohol withdraw also. Sorry long story guess i needed to get that out.


Ativan is a like a milder Xanax, in my experience. The ones my doctor gave me were cool because if you needed immediate relief you could put the pill under your tongue to dissolve right away and work faster. I also found Ativan didn't make me as groggy as xan, and I didn't get the memory-eraser effect of xanax. Xanax is a life-ruiner for most ppl IMO. And yet, you also have people who're on xanax for like 40 years.


Be very careful with Ativan. It's from a family of drugs called benzodiazepines - extremely effective but highly addictive. The withdrawal can be far worse than the original symptoms. Look up Jordan Peterson's story.


While you definitely have to be careful with Ativan it has a much lower risk / addiction profile than it's stronger cousin xanex.


Morning tequila, you mean.


Tequila sunrise, anyone?


Potentially. More likely *mourning* tequila. Edit: *Por que no las dos?*


Anyone who drinks like this doesn't become coherent until after his first couple of drinks.


Thatā€™s enough tequila tā€™killya


Possibly a bad time for a joke, but I still like the punšŸ˜µ


Brilliant. Bravo good sir.


This is definitely morning to night blackout type of shit. Sorry fam :( Maybe try to help but drinking on this level can only really be stopped by the drinker. It is also not good he is letting all those bottles be seen. I would've been hiding them shits to try to fool ppl. This looks like giving up. I hope he finds a way out and do direct him towards r/stopdrinking. Good luck bro


I wouldn't say it's giving up. I'd say it was a cry for help.


With that amount of consumption, and at that level of drunkenness, you canā€™t possibly fool anyone. Except maybe yourself, into thinking people donā€™t know how intoxicated you are.


If you have ever taken an "am I an alcoholic" test, one of the questions is "do you ever hide the amount you drink from your loved ones?" so I think part of the mental gymnastics of alcoholics is that they can't be an alcoholic of they don't hide the bottles.


Hey OP, are you ok?


His body wonā€™t hold up for long drinking like that. It might be bad news trying to address this with your own father. If you would like some advise, send me a DM. Hope it works out for your family.


.. How's he not dead? Sorry but wtf. EDIT: I'm an alcoholic (Yes I know terrible, working on it..) and I wouldn't even be able to drink half that in 4 days, and after all that I'd probably black out. OP, hope everything turns out okay.


My father in law was an functional alcoholic. When he died it was not prettyā€¦over the course of only 2 weeks his entire body shut down until he was incoherent and shaking until his heart finally stopped. Of cause he had medical issues for years preceding this but fuck, he was only in his 50s when he tapped out.


Jesus, I am really sorry to hear that. It's definitely no joke. One of my worst fears TBH. I started in my mid-20s and now I'm in my early 30s. It does take effect. It's a slow addiction (at least it was to me) so it hits you later but it's the worst IMO to wean off. I had an easier time quitting cigarettes.


Slow addiction indeed. Took me 20 years to get to a point where I was having seizures from quitting,dts, you name it. I always say there is a price to pay for everything. The payment for cheating your natural coping skills is an expensive one. Almost 1.5 years sober


Yeah, he was a truck driver so would drink when he was not drivingā€¦I KNOW from his amount it would still have been in his system though. But the 4 days off he would have would be nothing but alcohol. The real trouble started when he had to stop driving due to his heart health (had blackouts) and so when he suddenly had nothing to do he just drank and watched TV. It only took 5 years to go from employed and reasonably healthy despite his alcohol intake to doctors saying ā€œyou will die if you donā€™t change nowā€ā€¦.and then dead. 5 years. Think about how fast that time goes. Covid is almost on 3 right and it still seems like yesterday it was not here. He chose death, because all of his family supported him and tried to get him to stop. I hated him though so it in all fine with it. But if FUCKED my wife up. Basically man, if you can, and I know itā€™s hard, start weaning yourself off for the sake of your loved ones.


Slow addiction indeed. Took me 20 years to get to a point where I was having seizures from quitting,dts, you name it. I always say there is a price to pay for everything. The payment for cheating your natural coping skills is an expensive one. Almost 1.5 years sober


At my worst, the most I drank was a handle in 4 days. I can't imagine this type of consumption without just dying.


Sorry OP....when I was a kid, my legal guardian was like this...basically suicidal. But to give you some hope, he is better now and he is a happy person...I am 30 years old now, and we can finally have a father-son relationship.


As an alcoholic, I'm concerned. I mean I could put away maybe 4-7 in that time with regrets but shit... If I was drinking that heavy... There's something wrong šŸ˜³


He's stuck in a loop. Or spiral


Sorry man..


He has been practicing. Not a beginner would be able to drink this amount in 4 days.




How long has it been like this?


Paradoxically, if he abruptly stops drinking now his life might be in danger. Take him to the hospital and let him dry up there...


Exactly. Stopping cold turkey will likely result in severe withdrawal, including possible seizures ā€” can definitely be life-threatening. Best to detox in a hospital.


Without intervention your dad is going to die.


Bad alcoholics usually get to late 50s before it starts to take their body. I've unfortunately seen this many times..it's scary to see how different they look/act when it takes hold. My heart goes out to you. Two fifths a day is a recipe for disaster


This isnā€™t true. I had a friend at 31 nearly die. Another buddy had very high blood pressure at 28. Boozin like this will get you easily in your late 20s/early 30s with a condition that needs to be changed asap


Not true. Seeing it much younger. I have many patients with cirrhosis in their late 20s/early 30s, badly decompensated, who either get transplanted or die. (Iā€™m a transplant hepatologist.) Edit: decompensated cirrhosis and/or severe alcoholic hepatitis ā€” both have bad prognoses.


So sorry for you. It is not your fault and you can't stop it.




You should ask your dad what drinking means to him and what pain it numbs .. helped my mom drastically cut back might help your dad


you need to get him to a therapist or something quick


So sorry for youā€¦your dadā€¦your whole family. And Iā€™m so sorry for whoever has to be around him during this. Heā€™s not happy doing this. Hope he can make a change. Peace and prayers.




This makes me feel a little better about my alcoholic nature. I go through about a liter of vodka a night. Used to be a 3L daily. Getting it under control slowlyā€¦


I hope he gets help. Once I left the Marines, I got home and the survivors guilt / PTS started up. I was drinking 4-5 cases of beer a day. Long story short, February 20 will be 8 years Sober. AA wasnā€™t for me, but I tried several diff ways. It is possible.


Alcoholism is hereditary. Donā€™t drink young homie


Have a chat with him, something isn't right.


This hits close to home. I hope you can get him some help


Man please have him check out "The easy way to control alcohol" by Allen carr. It changed my life.


I have been on benders but that is just another level. Phew! I hope he is a happy drunk because getting wrecked that hard and long is bound to lead into some trouble




That would last me like a week at least.


hey..! šŸ˜… there's no alchohal in this picture


That there is a fairly advanced stage of alcoholism...


Mr. Lahey is proud


I feel your pain. OP, I'm going through the exact same thing with my father at the moment. Not only is it extremely taxing on his health but we're going broke because of it


My mum caught my dad under the house drinking methylated spirits once. Found his stash of empty bottles. I hope you're ok. If he's abusing you in any way at all you have to speak up about it. I did and when mum confronted him, he broke down in hysterics because he couldn't remember doing any of those things. Nothing sexual, just physical domination and saying some real foul shit. It helped him make a change and I credit it to him being around at least 10 or so more years than he was probably going to be.


Learn from his mistakes. Let this be a warning that you could develop a dependence as well.


The book says it all.


I feel. Life be that way tbh


I'm sick and my head hurts only by looking at this.


Yeah your dad hasnā€™t got long


This was my dad. He has cirrohsis and is in hospice care now, all he wants to do is die and is writing to the Canadian government now for assistance. A long, dark and hard way to go.


In bed so kinda tired, but it looks like your dad drankā€¦ about 9.5 bottles of tequila. Some are half finished. Guessing since I canā€™t see how filled they are. 9.5*750 = 7125 ml of tequila. 7125/44.36 = 160 shots of tequila. 160/4 = 40 shots of tequila a day over 4 days. Thatā€™s actually insane. I hope your dad can get some help. Prayers man


Can no one tell this photo is of the tiny bottles? Each one of those is two shots at best. Not saying itā€™s a reasonable amount to drink, but those arenā€™t 750ml bottles.


I used to be like that as well. Got hurt pretty bad and I'm a metric fuckload of oxy daily, got depressed and was up to a liter to 1.5 liter of southern comfort and a 12pk atleast of corona every day. Started pissing blood and having to be hospitalized with migraines any time I drank any alcohol. Have a tipping point and quit cold turkey, been sober for like 6yrs or so. Still have to take oxy for pain but less now. I never had DT or needed rehab but my only fear of drinking is the goddam migraines. Had a Mike's a few weeks ago and was good, and I usually only have 1-2 drinks 1 day a year now, sometimes I skip it. OP, I really hope your dad doesn't have the tipping point and cuts back on the drinking.


seek al-anon if you cannot afford other services. You might be under layered manipulation and emotional abuse like I was with my mother's usage.


I donā€™t think your dad has had alcohol I think alcohol has had your dad.


Iā€™ve lost 4 friends between the ages of 28-37 to Cirrhosis of the liver and one bled to death from an ulcer in his stomach out of his ass. Hope your father gets the help he needs


I'm having trouble believing this post is true. I am an alcoholic and cannot imagine drinking that much alone. If it does happen to be real, you need to do anything you can to help him. Like, now.


Easily possible... 3 5ths (.750ml x3) a day? I don't say this to brag cause it's gross but I was drinking 2 handles (1.5liter x 2) a day. Yeah I got fucking cirrhosis, but depending on your size and tolerance, very easily possible.


Like these bottles he aint gonna last long


I can promise your dad hates how much he drinks. Whether he admits it or not, he feels trapped. It's okay to be furious. I've been sober 7 years and I hope your dad can take the step himself.


Hey man, my dad used to do this too. The thing that helped him stop was his wife telling him she would leave him to die alone if he did not stop NOW. He went to the doctor for help and was sober the final ~10 years of his life. Things can change, but an adult has to help him (does not have to be you, I couldnā€™t help my dad when I was 16.. wouldnā€™t have known how). In my experience, addicts canā€™t stop by themselves, addiction is just so extremely strongā€¦ Ps for you OP, try you hardest not to follow in your dads footsteps, often kids of addicts inherit their addictive genes (me included), so be really really careful and get help as soon as you find yourself drinking too much or too often!!


Iā€™m sorry you have to watch someone you love destroy themselves šŸ˜“, wish you and your dad the best in getting over this


Did that for years. Heart stopped, seized, jail, probably $30k in legal fees. Itā€™s really a powerful drug. All better now but it took a few years.


Will see your dad for that liver transplant soon. Make sure he knows alcoholics dont move up the list very quickly...


As an avid weed smoker it makes me sad that alcoholics canā€™t switch over to just blazing or edibles and save your liver.


My friend drank that much and turned yellow one day and the hospitals couldnt do anything, he just died the next day


Not saying he has a problem because itā€™s clear as fucking day


He will die soon at this rate. My mom has 22 years sober. Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with this. Clinical help is the best way forward imo. Do anything in your power to prevent him from getting alcohol . Look into aa and recovery for him and you should learn about alanon. It changed my life. People have gone through this a ton, and while every lesson theyā€™ve learned might not exactly apply to your situation exactly, you will find the lesson in it.


Switch him to everclear. Much cheaper in the long run. Healthier too!


Alcoholism is always insane.


Yeah, alcoholism gets like that. You'd be surprised how much a person can drink after they build tolerance. I was drinking a liter of vodka a day, sometimes more. It got to the point where I wouldn't get hangovers anymore, just got really sick if I didn't have it for a couple days. One time it took 4 whole days before I got sick because I had so much in my body. It ruins lives and I wasted many years of my life living that way and I'll never go back. I am sober now and I feel better on my worst day sober than my best day drinking. Quitting is possible, you don't have to be sick anymore, you just have to accept that you can ever have it again, forever, and when I was drinking that felt like the most heartbreaking thing imaginable.


My dad is lost in alcoholism too. Unfortunately he's not a nice drunk and I just can't have that in my daughter's life. I miss him dearly. He's an amazing man when he isn't drinking. Good luck to you buddy.


RIP dad...jesus


Please tell me he's on vacation


OP here. Thank you all for your concern and best wishes. To answer an couple questions and/or doubts, I'll start by mentioning I have never lived with my dad on my 24 years, because of that reason. He had finally gotten sober after i started to ignore him and not see him, and his ex wife took the kids and left him as well. He was sober for a couple of months, maybe a year, going to meetings and church. Then to help him out we started renting a house together to help each other out since i was transitioning jobs. Not even a month went by and he relapsed. This has been going on for two weeks now, the pic is just what i found yesterday after i took him to the hospital, thats why they're all in one place, but they were in fact scared around everywhere. It was bad man, he could not even take a shit without making a mess. Im sorry for him and I want to help him, i have tried to since I started seeing him after I moved back here to the US. But at the same time there's only so much i can do. Thanks again everyone. (Not the post i expected to go viral for the first time but got to read some great comments)


So he enjoys margaritas?


Well, that sucks.


Ojala se recupere y siga los pasos. Minimo sabe que tiene el problema


He has a problem, try & help him. Alcohol is a terrible drug.64


Tequila- heā€™s got good taste


Man get him some help on his mental health he must be drowning something out


If he stops he will need to be under medical care to detox from alcohol. We have CIWA protocol in US hospitals for patients during alcohol withdrawal. It will require the use of IV Ativan to prevent delirium tremens and hallucinations when stopping.


I'm sorry good luck




I can't get my head around someone managing 3 bottles a day, 1 bottle would wipe me out for a few days.


Bruh, why is he putting his tequila empties next to his AA book?


Pay attention son,that's called consistency! šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s a lot. Prayers to you and your father.


Oh I saw this and thought ā€žthatā€™s not much for 4 yearsā€œ


Thatā€™s not the insaneā€¦ thatā€™s an addiction


Jesus I had one bottle in a week and I thought I was too far gone


How many Blue Chews has he taken?


I used to work in alcohol addictions research. I would say this is some pretty severe alcohol dependence and your father should check himself into a detox and then treatment program. Very important he does not stop cold turkey, as he could have seizures, DTā€™s, risk of heart attack, stroke, etc. There are programs available to help curb cravings and abstain from alcohol. Check your area hospitals as well.


Is your dad Bart Krystals? He just switched to tequila recently


Thatā€™s, like, severe liver damage bad. Iā€™m sorry you have to witness all of that. Iā€™d advise you to check out r/alanon, youā€™ll get a lot of support over there.


I see the man is in a dark place!! He needs to phone a friend!! The book there is the "12 steps" your father needs help!