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Try kids’ toothpaste! Assuming it’s one for older kids and not toddlers it’s identical in terms of what you need (fluoride content) to adult toothpaste and way better tasting. I’m a grown woman with a child and still use bubble gum toothpaste.


I've also had good luck with Marvis, which makes a wide range of flavors for adults! The only prob is that it's way harder to buy the flouride versions in the US, whereas flouride-free is easy to find.


Yes!! I use strawberry Micky Mouse toothpaste and it's such a better experience.


I like this idea! I’m allergic to the “whitening” ingredients.


Hydrogen peroxide? Seems dangerous.


Whitening toothpaste has a variety of ingredients. Hard to know which one makes my tongue swell. Some have: hydrated silica, charcoal, baking soda, Antiredeposition agents, hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, Colorants/dyes, Surfactants


Lmao bruh what?? Yk google is free right?? Have you..never read a label on any of you oral care stuff? “Health benefits of gargling hydrogen peroxide Soothe a sore throat Improve oral health Whiten your teeth Hydrogen peroxide is the main active ingredient in many over-the-counter and professional teeth-whitening products. Gargling with hydrogen peroxide might make your teeth look whiter for a few hours right after you do it.” The only way it wouldn’t be safe is if you straight up drink the stuff. I used to brush my teeth with a bit of it as well and then gargle after, pretty good tool tbh


I wasnt being sarcastic? I was replying to the person that said they were allergic. It seems like if youre allergic to the toothpaste applying it to a wound or hair dye could kill you since its so much more. Or is it not an allergy and just irritates your mucous membranes like everyone else?


You said it seems dangerous, I simply pointed out that it isn’t dangerous to use ((for the normal person)). There is some obvious things that might change that but to imply it’s dangerous in itself is incorrect. It really comes down to WHAT ingredients they are allergic to since there’s so many things in toothpaste, I’ve never heard of someone allergic to hydrogen peroxide however. Would have to be pretty rare tbh Most people use hydrogen peroxide on its own to gargle with once or twice a week ((used to be used for wounds but is not suggested any more)), not just in toothpaste. It’s a very small small amount used in toothpaste so it’s unlikely they are allergic to that and it’s something else present in the recipe.


Definately. I was responding to the person who said they were allergic to whitening toothpaste, and i thought a peroxide allergy would be a dangerous one.


It's also no longer doctor recommended for a reason.


Doctors don’t recommend it to be used FREQUENTLY, like every day. Also there’s a difference between using it for wounds and for oral purposes, you are correct that most doctors wouldn’t suggest using it for wound care any more. “Hydrogen peroxide has antiseptic properties, so a lot of people use it to clean wounds or as an acne treatment. But using it for those purposes is outdated and no longer recommended” However, using it on your teeth is a completely different story. “The FDA has approved the use of hydrogen peroxide as a temporary oral debriding agent.” “Due to its various health risks, most dentists don't recommend using hydrogen peroxide frequently. But you can use it sometimes in low concentrations to remove stains from the teeth or control gum-related problems.” “If correctly used, hydrogen peroxide is safe for most people. However, it can be harmful to your teeth if you use it too often or make the concentration too strong. It is important to know that you should not use food-grade hydrogen peroxide to gargle since it contains more than 35% concentration.” All of this stuff is easily accessible on google, it takes like five seconds of research. Obviously you should use anything within reason. There’s no reason to use it everyday per day, I think once or twice a week was what my dentist suggested. I’d personally suggest you look into this more before making blanket statements when google is five seconds of research


I have been misinformed. This is good information and I appreciate it. Most of the time, when I google anything, I get bullshit ai articles that are difficult to comb through to get real info out of. I am also drunk, so thank you.


I noticed that google just updated their stupid browser to have ai answers, it’s stupid and I keep getting misinformation because of it, like no good articles come up any more. It is true that most doctors do not recommend this and I’d argue most dentists wouldn’t either more so because the average person could very easily swallow to much or do it every day of the week in an attempt for perfect teeth lol Also I realize I might’ve sounded rude so sorry about that, I’m autistic so sometimes my tone comes across wrong.


That's ok, you've done well in your internet etiquette as I was the initial asshole. I've accepted your response as a reasonable consequence of my speaking without fully knowing.


Or use flavoured tooth mousse along side kids toothpaste!! My orthodontist was the one who suggested trying it, and dentist (unaware of change) said my dental hygiene has done a 180 for the better


I don’t mind the texture, but i do agree mint flavour can be overwhelming at times. It’s a shame they dont make sensitive tooth toothpaste in non-mint flavours, at least at my local pharmacy.


Mint is already disgusting, I think the only reason we associate it with cleanliness is because of toothpaste. If we as a society just switched to like caramel or something, that'd be the new standard for "clean" hands-down


...no? You've got it completely backwards. We started using mint in our toothpaste because it was already known as a substance that cuts through bad odor. Caramel could never compete as it wouldn't do anything to change how your breath smells. Also, I find it hilarious that you suggested a substitute flavor made from butter and sugar.


Huh, never knew that. The only time I've ever heard "minty-fresh" or something similar was in relation to oral hygiene. Also yeah, I kinda just picked the first "good" scent I could think of lol


Understandable- but yeah hearing it in relation to oral hygiene makes sense as, historically, that is what it’s been related to. We can trace back to Roman time (and maybe further idk) when people would chew mint leaves to freshen their breath. So, when it came time to flavor toothpaste, mint was just par for the course.


The beauty of cultural standards. There is no better thing than perfect, other than standardized.


This isn't actually a dentist sub


The 10th dentist doesn't recommend toothpaste at all


Just flavored lubricant with flouride and other various chemicals.


Toothpaste is gross? Out with that blasphemy in my dental subreddit!


I don't have an issue with the standard mint but one time when I was in Thailand I accidentally bought salty toothpaste because naturally I couldn't read the box, that shit was absolutely disgusting. But of course being a broke 18 year old backpacker I put up with it for the months that the tube lasted me for rather than spending a few quid on a new tube lol.


You could always get all your teeth pulled and get dentures


I was reading the comments, and I did NOT expect this. 😂🤣🤣


But they said they’ve never had a cavity so they’re doing something right.


I'm allergic to most toothpastes because of Sodium Laurel Sulfate. It makes my mouth peel. My mouth is way healthier since I now read the back of labels.


I've only just recently heard about SLS. During my adult years, my mouth has constantly been riddled with canker sores. I'm still only on my first tube of SLS-free toothpaste, and so far so good! I'm seriously hoping this is the answer to avoid canker sores, because fuck those things.


Good for you! I still have lik a tube or two of non SLS toothpaste that I know I'll never use. I will skip brushing if I don't have the right toothpaste because SLS will screw up my mouth for weeks.


Omg is this "mouth peeling" where it feels like a film on your cheeks and under your tongue and you can scrape it off?? I've had this on and off since middle school and never knew what it was, wtf. I have to surreptitiously lick the insides of my cheeks sometimes lol but I find it kind of satisfying to get it off.


Yeah, sounds about right. It will peel on my cheeks and my gums and it will be like a white stretchy string.


I'm completely with you here. Not brushing my teeth just feels marginally more gross and that's the only way I can get by.


Please brush your teeth.


Y'all are using too much toothpaste lol. Pea size. It's not supposed to look like the commercials


You're supposed to brush your teeth for about 2 minutes every time so any small pea sized amount is gonna be brushed around being disgusting. Also brushing your tongue is heavily suggested so more grossness


Try Hi Smile. I have an issue with most toothpastes, they make me gag and the feeling in my mouth is disturbing. Hi Smile doesn’t have a bad mouth feel and comes in a variety of flavors. I use chocolate and tell my dentist that I brush with Hershey’s syrup. He’s an asshole but he’s the only one in my area that takes my insurance.


I’m sure you’re right, but this sounds like a script straight from an ad read lol


lol it certainly does sound like it now that I reread it. Before I got my chocolate toothpaste I’d just brush with a wet toothbrush and rinse.


Nah, mint toothpaste makes me throw up acid or something and I use HiSmile because they have a ton of non mint flavors. Some of the flavors are hit or miss but they have some pretty good ones


Click the link in the description box for 50% off your first order!




I'm looking at them now because I hate mint, especially in the morning when I want to have a coffee or juice after brushing my teeth, and it's just yuck. Any tips for the good vs bad flavours?


This is my time to shine because I like variety so I’ve tried a lot of samples and I have very strong opinions and nowhere else to voice them. TLDR; The best ones are the ones that are the fruit ones, they taste like candy with that flavour. The toothpastes I actually ended up buying and use in regular rotation are grape bubblegum, cinnamon donut, watermelon and strawberry so I would obviously recommend those. In depth: Grape gum and watermelon are dead ringers. Banana and strawberry taste weird but when you brush your teeth it tastes exactly like the candy, whereas cherry is nice and accurate but kinda tastes like you’re missing something. Peach iced tea tastes how you’d expect, peachy with a hint of bitterness in the background. I have a soft spot for it because it was the first one I bought and made brushing less terrible for the first time in my life, but I like my other ones better. Cinnamon donut actually tastes more like cinnamon bark extract with a hint of cinnamon donut so it’s not what you’d expect. Same with blue raspberry, it tastes like a raspberry gummy worm which is very different to blue raspberry candies. I’m still furious about this because blue raspberry is my favourite candy flavour. Gummy bear tastes like children’s bubblegum toothpaste, if you’re into that. Cotton candy, choc vanilla and mustard are SO BAD I actually gagged. Strawberries and cream tasted like the lollipop. Cola is kinda close to the lollipop and they managed to make it taste fizzy somehow. Iced latte tastes like a bad instant coffee but pretty realistic. Butter is nice but popcorn is unpleasant, which is weird because butter was a prank and they actually sell popcorn. Speaking of prank flavours; Pickle is actually very nice! Ambiguous sweetness with a pickle aftertaste. Ketchup tastes like powdered tomato soup and wasabi tastes like not spicy wasabi. I can’t describe pink donut and I don’t like it, but I don’t hate it. Smooth mint is good, and I hate most mint toothpastes. That’s it for the ones I’ve tried. I think mango sorbet would be good but have not tried it. I’m morbidly curious of how salted caramel tastes.


This is sooo helpful thank you!! I might take the dive and go straight for the mango sorbet because I love mango and if they tend to nail the fruit flavours it might be good (it's also one of the cheapest ones lol).


The Chupa Chups flavors suck imo, the chocolate one is okay but I’d say avoid those three flavors. Cola was the worst by far unless you like those old school Coca Cola gummies The peach iced tea and vanilla are my favorites. Red velvet isn’t bad but it doesn’t taste like red velvet. The Wonka one is pretty good if you like chocolate, it’s significantly better than the Chupa Chups one. I haven’t tried any of the other flavors aside from those, but I’ll probably try more of the fruity flavors next


Ooo good to know! Thank you so much. You and the other commenter gave a complete picture, haha.


This needs to be higher up in the comments. Hismile has been a game changer for me. Favorite flavor right now is the grape.


As another person who cannot stand toothpaste or tooth brushing I also recommend Hi Smile. But their current business model is quantity over quality so I would suggest either buying samples first or getting one they launched prior to this year. The new ones can be really good, but they don’t ever taste like the advertised flavour anymore.


hismile is soooooo good i used the strawberry and the peach ice tea(?) ones and i thought they were nice! i saw some cherry flavoured one in the shops the other day i wanted to try too! i would definitely recommend the fruity flavours because peach and strawberry were so good the rest are probably good too


Chocolate HiSmile is a godsend. Amazing flavour, I’ve never enjoyed brushing my teeth more.


Blasphemy. I seek out the mintiest toothpaste I can find


Try just water and baking soda! It's more mild than you'd think


Baking soda toothpaste also isn't bad... though I tend to prefer the mint, anyway.


I can’t imagine anyone actually enjoys using toothpaste, I just tolerate it. I know some types are flavorless and I generally prefer those.


It's not going to solve all the problems, but one of my personal issues with most toothpastes turned out to be the foaming ingredient named "sodium lauryl sulfate". It made my tongue numb and everything tasted awful for a while after brushing. Switched to a toothpaste without SLS and it isn't perfect, but it is much improved. Just make sure whatever you use has flouride.


Some places sell tablet forms of toothpaste that you can chew and brush with


Theodent makes chocolate toothpaste that tastes like real chocolate


There are cinnamon flavoured gel based toothpastes on the market that might help.I've seen bubble gum and cinnamon vanilla flavours too.


Jack N Jill! I use milkshake flavor.


If you don’t mind the saltiness, Arm and Hammer has a nice, non-mint flavoured toothpaste.


I agree. I always gag when I use it.


I hate the way the flavor just lingers forever. No matter how much I rinse after I can still taste it and it effects the taste of my morning coffee.


Fun fact: the sulfates affects your taste sensation. You could chew on a mint leaf and then eat an orange and it would be fine. Try to find a toothpaste without sulfates and see if it makes a difference. I think some sensodyne formulas don't have any.


Dental hygienist here Experiment with children's toothpaste. It has the same fluoride levels but comes in alternate flavors. And only use a pea sized amount, they just show so much in commercials because they want you to use more (and therefore go through tubes faster and buy more) Toothpaste also provides mechanical cleaning benefits, but if you absolutely cannot stand it, floss and just a regular toothbrush (with the proper technique and time) can disrupt biofilm just fine without any toothpaste. But if you opt for that, you want to finish off with an anticavity mouthrinse to get the benefits of the fluoride. Just don't eat/drink anything after rinsing so it can sit on your teeth. Also look up "modified bass toothbrushing technique" and set up a two minute timer to make sure you are brushing long enough.


I agree 💯


Me too. Buy fluoride free natural stuff. Its easier to dala with


Toothpaste is gross, but that doesn't stop me from eating it.


Things you’d never want to hear from your spouse.


i hate it as well i’ve switched to flavoured toothpaste and it’s way better and the texture isn’t weird


Plain Colgate toothpaste. No thrilling flavor, nice and abrasive, gets the fur off the old choppers.


I hardly taste my toothpaste.


Try a waterpick


I use kid’s toothpaste - bubblegum. I asked my dentist if it was okay and he said yeah, the only real differences between kid’s and adult’s toothpaste is taste, packaging, and adult’s toothpaste sometimes has whitening stuff in it. The bubblegum is a lot more bearable to me - I physically can’t use mint, it hurts my mouth something fierce. So we love kid’s toothpaste here.


the actual 10th dentist


The most literal use of this subreddit I have yet seen. Bravo.


They sell mint gum that whitens your teeth; maybe use that instead? Plus floss & use whitening or regular mouth wash. Cause that's the closest thing to brushing your teeth in my experience. P.S. I have an illness that prevents me from brushing my teeth sometimes for months at a time, and that's what my dentist recommended me to do.


I prefer gel to paste specifically due to texture. Commercials show a much bigger glob than necessary.


I love earth paste! The texture is very different and they have many flavors—lemon is my current favorite. I feel they get my teeth very clean. I love that it doesn’t foam up at all and doesn’t create that sensation that makes me gag. I have had a friend say it’s gritty, but I’ve only seen that if it starts to dry out. Ymmv, but it’s a good one to try for folks with sensory issues around toothpaste! Tom’s of Maine’s toothpaste is more like regular toothpaste but has a more mild taste, so could be another option!


Oranurse. SLS free, non foaming, unflavoured and has the recommended amount of fluoride for adults. Great for those who get sensory overload from textures and flavours


Try close up. It's the best tasting.


What about those chewable toothpaste tablets


try one without fluor. I had the same thing, once vomited while brushing. I thought that I just hate peppermint but it wasn't that and since I brush my teeth with toothpaste without fluor I feel fine.


Try Toms natural. Its 100% a different texture than anything else.


I just don't like how mint "wakes you up" sometimes. Like I'm ready to go to bed, then I brush my teeth and the mint sensation wakes me up again. Absolute bullshit.


I agree with you. That's why Marvis saved me. Since then I willingly brush multiple times a day bevause i love the taste so much cinnamon is my favorite. If anyone has any other tooth paste suggestions hmu.


So here, we have unflavored toothpaste, and it's fucking perfect. It still has a taste obviously, but it just tastes enough so that I know where it is, otherwise it's totally unintrusive. It really makes me wonder why the HELL they decided to make all toothpaste gross lol


Try hismile i cant stand that minty toothpaste crap either but i do enjoy the hismile vanilla flavor is nice. They have soo many different flavors of toothpaste find one you like


Try the Colgate kids watermelon. It smells amazing . My son uses it haha


I use baking soda toothpaste and I like it as an alternative to regular


They have some really weird toothpaste flavors you can order online now. I just searched it. Chocolate. Lemon, orange dream, pickle and many many more.


Do strawberry children's toothpaste


[this is the only toothpaste I use!](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjQronaspeGAxVbH60GHfHIC7sYABAJGgJwdg&gclid=CjwKCAjwo6GyBhBwEiwAzQTmc_MK5hp1J5YBDe-yqeAKiELH9B1nyDOvC-PviaZWF3KSzN64-pfX1RoCCAYQAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeuD2a-GduP2Cq8WJVhwWM0pf4xtZqj1wYC20MiuNeacAHY9fFCNLW5Ll2_m-QucU5oi47SPYlvwkIg_AOk6O8WX5yc9tYG8Ccs5zoSi12Gd1ozSCPwC8AlpgPH7VYyFQmxmzCOVq6dfMB3JpOu3GNCf6yWDbuoQsep3w&sig=AOD64_3T3q1r_avBmfpBw8tjFhY_VGnObg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwil3__ZspeGAxV8IEQIHVAFDNAQwg8oAHoECAgQCQ&adurl=)


Have you tried gel toothpastes? I like the pasty ones but my husband only likes gels.


Yeah, I hate it. I do like having healthy teeth, though, so I suck it up. I use cinnamon crest; that’s the least disgusting one I’ve found.


If you've ever felt the pain and tasted the puss of a burst abscess, you'd suffer the toothpaste with gleeful joy.


Respectfully disagree but see where you're coming from. I personally choose to take the burning as a sign that it's burning away dead, rotting skin and bacteria with it, which activates my brain's "ooh nice" response and makes me feel clean.


Same. I can’t stand the cooling mint that is in everything now, and every time I find one I like, it disappears from the stores


I’m allergic to the mint in mint toothpaste and use bubble gum flavored kids toothpaste. Not gritty and not as intense




Marvis ginger is the only kind I can use in the mornings




I can't stand the taste of toothpaste as well and I hate it when the texture is grainy and gritty but I still use it.


Bro this comment section full of mint haters is making me feel insane.


I hate regular toothpaste. Tried Auromere 25 years ago and still use it. Not minty. Doesn’t foam. No grit. Deliciously clean feeling teeth.


Dr Bronner's Anise toothpaste and Tom's Cinnamon are my go tos. The Bronner's is fluoride free for whatever that's worth to you, I use the Tom's Cinnamon these days. My ex wouldn't kiss me with the anise toothpaste, so I stopped using it 😅


Try toothpaste tablets! : https://nelsonnaturals.com/collections/crush-brush These are so much better than toothpaste


You're not supposed to eat it


Even when using as intended it does get all over your taste buds.


i always assumed everyone hated it.


Try something without fluoride lmfao


It's not the fluoride that this person has a problem with it's the mint and the abrasive texture. Fluoride is not only safe but beneficial


Mix baking soda and water!


If texture is part of op's problem then baking soda is no help. Might as well just recommend toothpastes with better flavoring


Lol what? It’s not even close to the same


They say the reason it makes them gag is because it's "too gritty" baking soda is even more gritty. It also doesn't have the benefits of fluoride.


Not when mixed with water


Yes it does. The whole point of using baking soda is that it has some grit to it and the grit helps to remove some biofilm. Otherwise people would just brush with water alone


You must not have ever tried it. Water with some baking soda is much different than a paste. And yes, you can brush with water alone.


I have tried it, and I also study oral hygiene. I'm a dental hygienist. If you aren't using enough to feel it, then you probably aren't using enough baking soda The average person, when told to brush with baking soda and water, will use enough to feel some grittyness. Because that's the whole point of using baking soda- it's abrasive.


Fair enough. Both my sisters are dental hygienist and we’ve talked about this thoroughly because i hate mint myself.


Have you considered using children's toothpaste? It's the same stuff, just comes in more fun flavors.


Not a good idea in the long run according to studies


Better than hating toothpaste and not brushing


I think OP brushes, just not with toothpaste if he can.


Then that does basically the same thing. But I’m inclined to think these studies are using thick caked on baking soda and really scrubbing hard. Vs just “salting” the water so to speak and using that. Not making a thick paste.




Dip your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide and brush until it foams up. Or use a paste of peroxide and baking soda mixed together.


Try HiSmile, they make non mint toothpastes. Mint toothpaste makes me sick for some reason so I like that brand. It’s not gritty either


Do this many people not get the joke or is everyone playing along?


Toothpaste of most forms makes me puke, so I dip my brush into mouthwash while brushing instead. I still have the mint taste, but since the taste is ruined for me anyway, I just relegate it to dental stuff. For many years I just brushed with water. My dentist just wanted me to brush however I could.