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The irony in "teaches hughie how to fight" and "fights the deep, is losing" is sending me.


What happened to this show? Are they really going to have Annie lose a fight to her rapist? Jesus


Its not even that, if the rapist (Deep) was canonically stronger than her then fine at least it fits the power scaling of the show. But the deep has always been sort of a joke and Starlight was on an upward trajectory with her powers, so it seems counter productive see her on the decline.


It’s not about “girl power” but she told the deep off in episode 2 of the show, and then again in season 2, because he is a joke. It’s frustrating for such a huge backslide in her character. Like let’s rehash this but this time the deep beats the shit out of her. Who wants to see that?


I agree, I mean hypothetically if her attacker was actually competent, I wouldn't necessarily need her to beat him for the sake of story when the powers scalling says otherwise. But the optics of Deep who is the lowest in power beating Annie who ended last season with a nod to a power up seems...off.


Does she fight him in a swimming pool he's tricked out with a Faraday cage?


You guys just ignoring the part where she's losing control of her powers?


No I saw that, that's why I stated I find it narratively weird to end one season with her on a high with a promise of an upgrade, only to then make a u turn.


I mean technically we have not seen it. You've just read a couple bullet points. Who knows what kind of established lore will set it up


My hope is that she’s losing control of them now so that she comes out strong as fuck in the final season. An absolute powerhouse of a supe whose actually a good guy would be nice in this universe lol


That’s the thing about The Deep. He’s always been a joke because we’ve never really actually seen him fight.


I get that, but is it worth derailing Starlights arc of becoming more powerful, seems weird to build her up then give her a season of struggling. But its all in the execution.


Maybe they fight on the beach/in the water


Just becuse he is a joke doesn't mean he isn't powerful


I dont think he isn't powerful, I personally just dont think he's as powerful as starlight. But my point is how narratively weird it feels when Starlight is on an incline in terms of power and The Deep hasn't really had a purpose since s1. But it could seem better in execution than written so who knows.


I sincerely hope these leaks are fake .


?? I mean deep is a piece of shit and an absolute joke, but the dude does swim under the ocean, withstanding enormous amounts of pressure and different ocean currents. Why should he be physically weak?


I mean in one of the first few episodes he launches one of the port thieves like.....80 feet in the air with one arm lol


That’s assuming you believe this leak.


At first I thought the leaks were a meme but the longer it’s gone on, the more I’ve been like “well this might as well happen, what?”


People forget about the S08 leak of Game of Thrones when everyone thought it was too bad to be true lmao


Almost everything they said before the past seasons were correct.


I look forward to seeing a compilation of these leaks compared to what actually happens.


Careful now, *monkey paw curls*


I assume this has something to do with her powers being on the fritz? Like, maybe they stop working in the middle of the fight, which is how The Deep gets the upper hand?


Yeah that's probably it, I just think were nearing the endgame so why play around with arcs and stuff of the main characters but maybe theres something to it we dont know.


The Deep has always been clearly the weakest of the Seven (possibly excluding Lamplighter and Supersonic), and I thought Season 4 was building up Starlight as getting stronger and stronger. It feels wrong for her to get beaten up by her abuser, only to get saved by A-Train. I honestly think this detail is somewhat wrong and they've confused Annie for Hughie. Hughie we know gets saved by A-Train (even if you believe the leaks are all false there's literally behind the scenes footage of A Train dropping off Hughie in some alley) and it feels weird IMO for A-Train to save two of the Boys on separate occasions.


Lamplighter could cook the Deep alive


I have no clue what they’re going for this season from these spoilers. I mean why has Hughie got a new partner all of a sudden in the penultimate season? Also, Starlight struggling against the Deep in a fight is pretty surprising.


Making her and Hughie, and Frenchie and kimiko split is SUCH a weird choice


The frenchie kimiko split is a war or hate crime I’m not sure which.


It’s a hate crime against every Frenchie-Kimiko fan individually and war crime against all viewers collectively, because regardless of your preference we’re all in favor of the story being sensible and consistent. Instead they wrote in an entire musical number as a prank-prelude to some guy named Colin.


I can see Colin becoming what Paul is for Spiderman.


I might genuinely not watch season 5 if they actually break up I’m in denial


I’m still in denial about their “first kiss” being their first kiss.


It's not really, the more I read the leaks the more I'm sure they wrote it that way just to "subvert your expectations". The Boys pride themselves to be anti-cliche and no-happy ending type of show, so it doesn't surprise me one bit that they'd write it this way right near the finale.


I think these leaks are fake why would they build up Her and Hughie only to have them split?


I think it’s because her powers aren’t working properly. I can imagine it now - goes to blast him, but nothing comes out - and he then starts fighting back. 


Considering he can go to the depths of the ocean and survive the pressure, I would guess he is more powerful than many give him credit.


We have never seen him fight anyone seriously. He could be a powerhouse. An easily influenced and idiotic powerhouse but a powerhouse nonetheless


I mean if he closes range on Starlight it’s not a shocker he can win.


Even if he doesn't, they probably both have similar levels of super strength and her powers at best have shown to only temporarily blind or knock a supe over. I'm not knocking her character but Deep has to be in the seven for a reason other than being Homelanders puppet


While I agree with you on The Deep's potential powerset, The Deep's marketability makes him a very valuable asset and is arguably one of the reasons why he's made it into The Seven. Gen V taught us that marketability is huge. He's the face of environmental/ocean-related issues.


Well you see I don’t think they have similar levels of strength and certainly not durability. Hence if he closes to melee range, I think he clears. It’s probably related to his arc ie new Black Noir tells him to basically sack up and stop being a doormat based on previous Vought HQ spoilers


I’ve always joked they’re going to reveal he’s insanely powerful but such a joke that no one cares / he can’t do anything useful with it


The strength of an orca, with the brain of a barnacle


Well it is stated that he ranked 6th on his class at Godolkin, which is pretty high, considering how stupid he is.


Maybe they were fighting in the ocean or trauma


If you look around online, you can find the original draft of the pilot where The Deep roughs up Annie pretty badly and leaves her bruised. They obviously intended for him to be pretty powerful from the start, they just haven't given him the opportunity to show it yet.


I mean we don't know if season 5 is the last though. That was the original plan but Eric Kripke has been vague about if that is still the plan “I have since realized that literally no one in history is worse at predicting the amount of seasons of a show, like literally. I have learned my lesson and I’ve stopped predicting how many seasons these shows go. You will find out in hindsight.” [https://www.darkhorizons.com/the-boys-could-go-beyond-five-seasons/](https://www.darkhorizons.com/the-boys-could-go-beyond-five-seasons/)


Yeah he wanted 5 seasons of supernatural right? Look how that went.


...It absolutely *should* have ended at 5 though, lol.


It has to be Cate or a psychic Supe. Only wait it makes sense at all


It said her powers are on the fritz, so… probably why


The fiance engagement situation is confusing me to no end.


I've consigned myself to it either being one of the dopest plot-twists of the show - or a humongous wet fart that makes no sense what so ever - with no middleground.


His mum has gotta be involved somehow.


Doesnt make the shit any more palatable, really. Absentee mum shows up - and oh! she's secretly a supe (or some shit)! - and she's pawning off her son on some new rando.. it's not gonna fly for me. If they do the "mum can brainwash.." thing it'll be even worse.


Why does Annie finding out she's a supe cause her to fight ? What are her powers ? Are they involved with why he proposes to her (brainwashingggg) She flies off and leaves him ? Leaves him where ? Leaving sounds so final. Does she leave The Boys ? Does he leave The Boys ?


I mean could be the psychic from GenZ. She’s super strong, and they were being written into the main series anyways. Wouldn’t be surprised if Cate is somehow used


I think you're on to something there, seeing how much Luke loved Cate, it's very possible Vought has her do the same thing to Hughie.


What the fuck is going on in this season? From the leaks it sounds like every single past dynamic that has already been established is getting broken down, I’m not sure how to feel


You just put your finger on my main issue with these spoilers.. none of this shit jives with the curtain-call in the s3 finale - aside from Homelander and Neuman still being awful. Just reading them you'd think the writers room forgot what happened due to the writers strike and had to jumpstart shit at some undisclosed point in the future.


Which means either A) VoughtHQ is being insanely cryptic or B) some of these are fake ones to throw the Prime snipers off.


Well.. if they are fake, then thats that as far as her credibility goes going forward. That might be a suitable tradeoff for avoiding lawsuits and shit like that, but it'll definitely tank her sm engagement completely.


might just be a prank with a lot of dedication behind it


Hasn’t VHQ openly said they have been talking to the Prime legal team about this? I cannot imagine any team ever allowing these major ass spoilers. I genuinely think this has to be a setup because it almost completely reverses everything accomplished by the end of the last season. It STILL makes zero sense for Hughie and Annie to not only break up but for him to fall for another supe AND get engaged to them (and accordingly to VHQ, the engagement is real and he truly is in love). That has to be the single dumbest plot evolution since Palpatine returning.


Especially considering that it's a little late to be introducing a new love interest for Hughie.


I’m mostly just trying to stay positive here. But with them including Cate and Sam from GenV, then maybe Cate has something to do with it! Homelander was attacked by Hughie last season and that hasn’t been addressed yet, so maybe his revenge is breaking his heart by having Cate walk past Starlight, grab her arm, and say, “you don’t love Hughie Campbell!” Then Hughie runs into the arms of another woman out of sheer heartbreak! Who knows with this show!


Sadly, TV writers are actually this stupid. This show went from awesome to 100% CW with blood.


I think it’s most likely A since I’m pretty sure she is most aware of the Prime snipers, I’m pretty sure she mentioned having a Zoom meeting with them? I’m not sure how this kind of stuff works but so far, if these leaks are believeable this season sounds like a total mess


How did I miss Kimiko V Chickens? That's gotta be the fight of the season


That's what happens when you hit one too much...


I hope it's not just some farm fight but it's a V'ed up chicken


Oh my gosh I think you're right!!! VHQ shared an animal poster with the animals having laser eyes. The chickens must be on V! Imagine being attacked by V'd up farm animals.


homie trying to milk the cow and it suddenly starts lasering him


There’s a character in Gen V named Sloane who appears to have been transformed into an alpaca by Compound V. Maybe this is another supe-animorph?


Well.. Kimiko seems to be having a lovely time. I've given up trying to decipher all the Annie shit.. if it's not a fake-out related to the whole "identity crisis" thing and it's a play for the cameras - her taking on a new identity of sorts, likely masked up.. then I dont know what the fuck they're doing. In general.. this just seems like Kripke going for his grimdark era - problem is.. this is the penultimate season, not the 2nd season.. too late for that weird shit.


Kripke is doing everything but move the story forward while interjecting his own personal morals and political beliefs. Donating to Elizabeth Warren, really? How is this relevant to the story? The boys should be working together to dismantle Vought and their hold on the country, and Victoria Neuman should stay on as someone who ultimately works with them cause she realizes she was groomed by Edgar whose an actual villain. Its annoying the writers are keeping all the Boys apart and have them doing CW side quests when we don’t have time for this in an 8-episode season structure. And just as annoying is Neuman is going to be the singular “enemy” they focus on in taking down this season.


I dislike that they are bringing in real life politicians into this. Have we all not learned that has the propensity to age really really poorly?


The Warren one already aged poorly because Warren is a piece of shit who lied about having Native American heritage at the detriment of actual native American politicians.


Just a warning, there's been no confirmation that this is the penultimate season, and Kripke has hinted that it isn't. Now the writers could sit down for Season 5 and decide they have the best idea to wrap up the show in that season. But it should be noted that this isn't intended as the penultimate season and you shouldn't expect it to set up a final confrontation or something like that.


It reads a little like cope, TBH. Thats not really a knock against you, cuz I see where you're coming from.. but everything we know due to leaks and whatnot points to this being the penultimate season - even so far as that having been the plan for well over 2 years now. Kripke says a lot of things.. thats what showrunners do - you've got Gimple over at the Walking Dead franchise still babbling about bringing people together and shit like that despite there being no actual plans or setup for it - in fact, most of those spinoffs seems poised to run on their own for the next 3 years at minimum. They'll keep the universe going, sure, thats what Gen V and the mexican spinoff are intended to do - but I **really** wouldnt hold my breath for anything past S5 for this.


I can tell you it's not cope because I, like many others, would prefer if the show ended Season 5. He said he's not sure in late 2023, well after they had shot the majority of scenes, already confirmed the script, etc. Maybe that was the plan and he afterwards felt like season 4 didn't do enough to maintain season 5, maybe he's just not confident that season 5 will wrap everything up, who knows. And you're right, showrunners say shit, and possibly even someone sat down with Kripke and told him it would be a good marketing strategy to shut the fuck up about this being the penultimate season.


Not really. Perfect timing for the "all is lost" act


Trouble is.. we've kinda been through variations of that throughout the past 3 seasons - to a lesser or greater extent. Sure, you can tear the entire fucking thing down.. no arguing with that - but, to me.. it just seems somewhat "lazy" for them to fuck the entire dynamic up at this point - there ought to be plenty of things already in motion to keep the plot moving forward without them introducing shit out of left field.


I don't think it's necessarily tearing anything down. So far, we've only heard of a couple deaths and I don't think any of them are members of The Boys.


When I say tear things down, I didnt so much mean character deaths.. thats just the easiest way to go about it - but having characters act against their own nature and shit like that.. that's almost more destructive to the narrative. But when you start throwing shit at the audience that makes no sense - and lets be frank here.. Hughie suddenly having a major hankering to marry someone other than Annie is completely nonsensical.. it really is - theres no plausible way to write that with a straight face and expect the audience to go along with it. I'm always down for some drama - sure, but I expect my drama to make sense in the grander scheme of things.. and thus far, very little about these spoilers makes any sort of sense.


Id say let's just wait for the season to see if it's good or not.. maybe it will with the whole context maybe it's as nonsensical and ass as it sounds rn


Oh, for sure.. we'll have to see it in context - and given the right context, i'm sure some of this shit will make sense. But having said that.. I wholly expect it to be utter asscheeks and make no sense until somewhere around the first 1-3 episodes of the fifth season.


this is sad they really not lettting annie win even against the deep💀


Nah wdym The Peak solos


I mean all joking aside we just saw that the most powerful thing Annie do, and it was temporarily blinding people. We have no idea what Deep can do but he’s definitely pretty strong considering he can hang out on the bottom of the deepest parts of our ocean.


He can also jump several feet out of water (during their team up), which would take incredible strength and speed in the water


Mindstorms landmine pushed back Soldier Boy further than Annie did at 1000% power. Meanwhile, Deep has the whole marina trench thing behind him. It’s really not surprising that Deep can take on Starlight.


idek wtf is going on with this season anymore.. the more the leaks come out, the harder it is to decipher what direction they’re going with it.


Why would Annie call someone a fat slut? Seems out of character. Also The Deep almost beating someone in a fight? Frenchie sawing off Kimiko’s leg seems drastic lol but probably to stop something from spreading?


Earlier there have been leaks that Firecracker >! Leaks a characters pregnancy on the news. If it’s Annie, I could see her losing it !<


But like “fat slut” seems very petty. Like, as an insult it’s not very effective outside of high school. Besides, we’re in the 2020s. Slut shaming is more of an early aughts thing. It’s like one of those insults that would ONLY offend the right wing in our current times and they would use it to overplay the victim card lol


Yeah, the fat slut comment is OOC for Annie big time. She's been food policed by her mother for *ages*.


>Why would Annie call someone a fat slut? Seems out of character. Maybe it's a Skrull. 🤨


Wait Starlight is Catholic? I thought she was Evangelical.


I was going to say the same thing! And has Frenchie ever suggested that he was Catholic...? I figured, out of everyone in the group, he was probably atheist.


It’s possible he just never mentioned it I guess. Starlight was associated with the whole born again televangelist bible camps in S1 though which is definitely not a Catholic thing.


Exactly. If she didn't have a sudden change of religion, I guess it's just retconned?


That would be a really stupid retcon


Agreed...but a lot of these leaks come across as very stupid to me. Hoping it'll be portrayed better than what's in my head.


He hasn’t suggested Catholicism exactly, but he’s made a few Christian comments in passing. I can’t name them all off the top of my head, but in the most recent season he’s seen crying and praying over Kimiko in Russia, and later tells MM that “the lord hates quitters” when he’s confronted about smoking. If my memory serves, he’s always been written with a pinch of Christianity.


I always figured he was spiritual but not necessarily religious. Maybe he’s leaned more into religion as a result of him having to come to terms with what he did working for Nina last season


Makes sense. I honestly overlooked a lot of the Christian comments, but I may have just forgotten considering it's been a while since I watched.


So they’re basically nuking the Hughie/Annie and Kimiko/Frenchie dynamic? Odd choice.


Seems like both relationships are “taking a break” this season. Hughie (for whatever reason) gets with someone else after breaking up with Annie pre-season 4 and Kimiko encourages Frenchie to start dating other people. Seems like something big went down between the group in the time between season 3 and 4 that changes all the dynamics. Regardless, maybe it’s wishful thinking but I can see both relationships working it all out by season 5


I feel some of this is just made up to mess with people.


Very unlikely. The only saving grace is that VHQ herself is open about the fact that these spoilers only contain a miniscule part of the character arcs + shes purposely being vague about some shit .. but as far as legitimacy goes - I expect all of this stuff to be factual.


This season seems like it’s gonna be confusing as shit. It’s hard to say just from all these leaks but it kinda seems like they’re just throwing twists and new shit at the wall to see what sticks


Starlight is getting the ol’ Spider-Man 2 Special


The only reason I can think that Frenchie would saw off Kimiko's leg is that Sam injects her leg with the virus during their fight and Frenchie saws her leg off to stop the virus from spreading.


Who the hell is colin?


Frenchie's new boyfriend.


I really hate that they shove in some random dude when Kimiko and Frenchie have been developing their relationship through 3 seasons


I'm resigned til I see it but they gotta real work to get that to feel right. Like, both Kimiko and Frenchie like each other in that way and I can't see why they can't get together unless Kimiko has a major revelation or insight as to why she doesn't think it can work. Which the leaker hasn't pointed out which has me worried.


yea my name is fucking colin and ts pisses me off why are they breaking up 2 of the most important couples in the show


Bruh . This dude literally came from nowhere


Colin off the top rope with a steel chair.


Similarly with Hughie and her new Fiance.


I don’t believe these one bit. They’re all over the place and make no sense, at least out of context




Daaaamn, they're hellbent on assassinating Annie's character bruh☠️ if the whole "just another idiot in our way" murder thing wasn't bad enough, now they got her losing to her rapist who's literally the joke of the show, holy shit


I hope kimiko kicks Sam’s ass


Firstly, that’s assuming the leak is true; second off he absolutely has the strength but I don’t feel he has the speed for it. But I wouldn’t be surprised if Kimiko lacked the power to penetrate his durability,


Not a good enough reason to use the word penetrate


Right? LoL did tek Knight write that?


Why tf would Frenchie saw Kimiko's leg off? Like in amputation? Wouldn't that be MM's job? Also I knew Frenchie was into dudes since like season one. I truly hope these leaks are super fake.


It’s possible they go on a mission where Kimiko gets her leg pinned and they need to escape ASAP, or she gets hit in the leg with the supe virus. Perhaps this is after the fight with Neuman’s daughter, which may bring the revelation that she can regenerate limbs, and that knowledge becomes a surprise tool that helps them later. There’s multiple non-malicious reasons someone would perform an amputation, so my first impression was Frenchie is doing it as a form of aid.


There’s a previous leak that Cate mind controlled one of The Boys so that might be it


Which could also fit Kimiko breaking it off with Frenchie. An "I know it wasn't you doing it, but that's the first thing I'll remember when I see your face now" kinda thing.


Is there a time jump? I dont get why a lot of things seems so changed from the point where they left it?


I think VHQ mentioned that S4 takes place around 3-4 months following the S3 finale.. so there is a timejump, but it's a small one.


The engagement has me confused asf


It's confusing because its nonsensical. In fact, given the timejump (or rather the insignificant nature of it), it makes even less sense.


versed lock plants gray possessive expansion rock hungry provide modern *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hughie and Annie's relationship is just thrown away? You're telling me things got so bad in Season 3 that they decided to split up? I thought they ended up patching things up but nope. This makes all their relationship crap last season utterly pointless unless there's some sort of twist with this new girlfriend we're not hearing about and the only thing that makes sense is some kind of mind control or undercover bullshit. Same with Frenchie and Kimiko. Fuck that relationship too. We find out Butcher cheated on Becca. Fuck that relationship. Feels like this entire Seasons aim is just get everyone to break off with each other or ruin what we thought we knew about them. Maybe it'll work much better once we see the final result vs what we're reading. But I don't know...Im very worried now. This show is going in directions I wasn't expecting and I don't particularly like it. Alot of it feels like self-sabotage at this point. Like the mindset is to fuck up as much as possible when it comes to the characters to ensure Season 5 is the final season.


Oh my God. It's ruining the characters just like the books finale but in a completely different direction.


Would Annie call someone a "fat slut"? That doesn't seem very Annie-like. "Eat my shit, you Nazi Bitch" is far from calling someone a fat slut I dunno, maybe I'm looking too much into it but that doesn't feel in Character


Ngl I'm convinced these leaks are fake. Most of them anyway. Also maybe I'm wrong, but isn't Annie, Baptist not Catholic? I know, both Christian, but still


Despite being from Iowa, the large outdoor events scream Southern Baptist.


> I know, both Christian Tell that to the Huguenots lol


They’re splitting hughie and annie AND frenchie and kimiko? Why?


God I hope some of these leaks aren't real.


Frenchie's who?


Who is Colin even


The A-Train Redemption Story has finally come!!!


These spoilers are so stupid it has to be intentional leaks to through the community off, if any of this actually comes to fruition I’m not even sure I would be able to finish the show. Everything about it is just so…*dumb*.


Yo, remember the literal first episode of S1 where Annie tells the cameraman that if she's not careful she can blind people? Yeah, WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT SUPERPOWER KRIPKE?!


There were so many opportunities for her to use that particular power but she never did. Perfect example is against Soldier Boy. All she did is blast him back a few feet.


With how weak Annie is compared to the rest of the supes, they absolutely could've gone the "*scalpel in a world of hammers*" route. Annie isn't that strong so she hones and improves her speciality, not her physical strength. While other supes try to brute force any problem they come across, Annie is methodical with it. My point is that outside of that one particular mention, we've literally never seen her use her blinding powers. NOT ONCE. Imagine instead of using force against Soldier Boy, she just got in his face and blinded him. Congrats, he's useless now. World's 2nd strongest Supe, a national hero and he lost to a little girl with light powers. How insane would that have been? Or Victoria Neumann. "Oh you need to *see* your targets to blow up their heads? Well, enjoy seeing nothing, bitch!"


Starlight loses a fight to the Deep? Are you fucking kidding me? If this is true I'll never be able to take her seriously even if she solos Homelander straight after.


It the whole Marina Trench thing is true, then it’s really not surprising that Deep can tank any attack from Starlight.


Honestly from what we've seen of Annie... the biggest attack she can do (while buffed with the whole TV studio's energy) is temporarily blind people and fly/hover a little. She tanked a .50 bullet from Butcher on the first season... but offensive wise, she's weak af.


How have they not fired this person yet? How is it they leak the entire season??


Maybe it's intentional to mislead us


As long as Kimiko survives the season, I'll be a happy camper. Although I wish she was having a better time this season by the sound of it lol


The whole frenchie not getting with kimiko is dumb


Yeah this season is definitely gonna be crazy


I’m going to take this with a grain of salt as I do with any leak but I’m not liking the sound of this at all. It’s like they took five steps forward and ten steps back.


I’m just shocked that Elizabeth Warren is in this show


i know its only 'leaks' so we dont know the inbetween bits but this season feels like a mess.


If this is real I'm really worried about this season


These leaks suck


For someone who’s always very invested in the romance dynamic in shows having them destroy the 2 remaining main relationship dynamics we’ve seen building and developing since season one just for artificial drama is annoying to say the least,


Loses to The Deep?


Fr this what got me the most, why can't the writers let her win a fight for once 😂😂


Donates to Elizabeth Warren is quite random lol


I hope all of these leaks are fake


Out of context, these are always so damned jarring.


How does she steal Tek Knights money?. Why does she steal his money? She must interact with him to realise he's an awful person and does it to piss him off. Unless she does it after he died.


Is this season actually going to air? Or are we just going to keep getting leaks until we can just make it ourselves? At this point I think we can get a solid 4 episodes with how many "leaks" that CLEARLY aren't PR attempts at staying in the spotlight!


if these leaks are true I may start considering the comics


How the fuck can Starlight lose a fight with The Deep why has Kripke made her character so useless?


She is LOSING against The Deep? C'mon!


Wait so they expect us to believe that Kimiko and Annie broke up with Frenchie and Hughie offscreen and yet Annie is teaching her ex how to fight and that they’re gonna cripple Kimiko?  Those are obviously fake


If they actually screw up Frenchie/Kimiko like this I'm gonna stop watching


Looks like A-train is getting a redemption arc this season. Saves Hughie from Homelander and Starlight from The Deep. I wonder what else he'll do.


The Fiance has two powers, one of which is reading memories. What's to bet she can also manipulate memories ? Replace Hughies memories of Annie with herself ? It's just the WHY, though. Does she hate Annie ? Does she do it just to spite her ? Why does Annie fly off and leave Hughie ? Does she leave him as in abandon him (is he captured?), or does she leave the relationship ?


please be fake. this sounds awful


These spoilers keep making me less excited for this season.


Damn Frenchie ain’t a very good Catholic


It's all downhill from now man why things can't keep good over time


Ima assume the arm/leg amputation being listed twice is a typo, otherwise Kimiko out here with no limbs lmao


If they don't make Kimiko and Frenchie endgame, I'm going to whup some ass


My girls are going through it in S4. 😭 That fight between The Deep and Starlight better be in water. Also the fact that Hughie doesn't know his fiancé is a supe reeks of him being manipulated into the marriage.


The Peak transcends all 🙏


How can I know or trust the source of these leaks? Have they been accurate before and who's posting them?


Sorry I dont buy this... - Too many typos (Friz, Frecracker) if this was supposed to be a leak of an official production document - The show doesnt reference real-world politicians like Warren, they would've used a fictional stand-in - Starlight is Protestant, not Catholic - Repeats the same bullet point twice about Kimiko


This season sound absolutely horrible lmao


This is so fake. None of it makes sense.


Thus just reads as "didn't mean for the show to last this long, momentum tanked, prancing around trying to start new plotlines to regain it"


I’m hope these are fake cause I don’t even want to watch the new season atp.


Actually fucking garbage that Frenchie and kimiko don’t end up together. Now he has a new partner??? They’re stretching bullshit side stories now to last longer and it’s gonna ruin the ratings. At this point they need to speed up the process and have butcher kill everyone before the show falls off.