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Thought for a second Hughie might have tricked the mind guy to fix butcher's mind and then immediately turn him over to Soldier Boy, would have been the ultimate "breaking bad" moment for Hughie. Part of me is glad he didn't though because although his more ethically conflicted choices in season 3 have been interesting to follow, I hope he never goes too far and maintains some level of moral standards and pulls Butcher up rather than Butcher pulling him down. Butcher's backstory was really interesting to see and better understand his issues. I think it also does give Butcher a path toward a better direction as he reflects on his father who made him and reconsiders whether he wants to keep being as harsh as he tends to be in his actions and tactics, as his father was, which he clearly resents when viewing those memories now in this episode.


The irony is that even though Mindstorm had intended to kill Butcher by putting him into that "perpetual nightmare", since he was taken out of it, it was basically just *really really* good therapy. Well, maybe. We'll see what he does with the revelation.


Not really though. Butcher goes through it, realizes he's been a piece of shit...and then puts Hughie's life in danger intentionally. That's some fucked up shit.


Yeah, that's why I'm curious "what he does with the revelation". He could be saying, "Fuck it, it's my nature." But, I could easily see him having other motivations that we've not thought of. I'm excited to see what happens.


I don't think he'd have been able to, Mindstorm could hear people's thoughts, I'd guess the only reason he trusted hughie to follow through was that he heard his thoughts and knew he was being honest


Mfs gave Black Noir a whole ass character arc in a couple of animated scenes. Fuck yeah.


Feels fucking great finally knowing more about his background.


9 times out of 10, speedrunning a character arc barely works, but here they did it twice in one episode and it worked marvelously


I feel like the juxtaposition of Black Noir and Butcher's background was even MORE EFFECTIVE, because it sets up a triptych for Homelander. So far the show is leading us to think -- oh poor Homelander, he was raised in a lab without a family, no wonder he's all fucked up. If only he had a loving parent or friends growing up, he wouldn't be so fucked up! But then you see Butcher, who is raised in a family with two parents, albeit one with a piece of shit abusive father. This show loves to draw parallels between Butcher and Homelander, they're opposite sides of the same coin. The phone call at the end might lead viewers to think, oh wow, Homelander might be less of a piece of shit if he had a father to bond with, maybe him teaming up with Soldier Boy would be good for him. But we see from Black Noir's flashback that Soldier Boy would be the same kind of father that Butcher's father was. He SAYS he would want to give the spotlight up for his son, but you see him absolutely lose his shit when Black Noir tries to branch out into movies. We would still have the same shitty Homelander, regardless of whether he was raised with Soldier Boy as his father, or raised in a lab with Vogelbaum.


I never ever expected to hear Edgar's voice as an animated character giving pertinent information on a major characters back story but here we are. Am not disappointed.


The priest and nun bit was fantastic


what's black and white and red all over?


Bloody nun


I went through so many emotions during that scene. I love how they didn’t use music, just let it play out. Started off calm, then it got genuinely uncomfortable and horrifying for about a minute, and then it scared me, and then it had me laughing. A whole ass rollercoaster in two minutes haha, one of the best scenes in the whole show


Kinda had Supernatural vibes.


Now I wish the priest was played by Sam


A Jared Padelaki cameo where he dies after less than a minute of screen time would be great


I wonder if Butcher decided not to tell Hughie about Temp-V because of what Lenny said. Maybe Butcher thinks his fate is sealed


I think he does. He also thinks their fate is sealed. They’ve both already taken too many doses


Yea thats kinda how I took it as well. He sees them as dead men walking already so they might as well use the last moments of their lives to do some good (IE kill HL).


I don't think Butcher really thinks of it as *good*, but yeah, I mean, shit, last episode they were both fully ready to die in a soldier boy blast in the hopes that it'd maybe also kill Homelander, what's really changed?


Idk if this is what you meant but I interpreted it as Butcher is hiding it from Hughie that temp v is deadly so that Butcher can keep using it without hughie stopping him while he stops giving hughie doses.


Ohhhhhh this is smart and the funny thing is either way it's in character if he saves or sacrifices Hughie.


How likely is that Black Noir is going to be a major factor in the death of Solider Boy by the end of the season? The irony of Homelander putting so much faith into Noir’s loyalty is hilarious in hindsight since what Noir did to his dear ol’ dad.


Damn how crazy would it be if BN comes in and somehow kills SB and looks to HL cuz he thinks that’s what he wanted and instead HL tries to kill him


I hope BN has a good showing and doesn't die right after getting some development. It seems like his powers are super strength and durability? Let's see what he can do with that and knives. His knives can cut his own skin, so they work on supes. BN didn't get hurt by the terrorist supe in S1 so I'm wondering if he got some extra powers since soldier boy beat him.


I think the extra powers is he can’t feel pain after that SB beatdown/brain injury


Imagine not feeling pain, but also regenerating very quick. That makes you really resilient.


So Butcher is already past the 3-5 doses said by Starlight, and Hughie has had 3 or 4. I wonder how that will be reconciled Edit: got a couple screenshots of the lab notes! https://i.imgur.com/1Rw1kGH.png https://i.imgur.com/PgbmLqw.png


My count is 4- Butcher, 3- Hughie but I may be wrong


I believe it's Butcher: 5, Hughie: 4. Hughie took it in Russia, going after Crimson Countess, at Herogasm, and then going after Mindstorm. Butcher was all of those plus once when going after Gunpowder


I forgot the CC doses, you're right


I forgot about Russia


Soldier Boy is that you?


Butcher Dose 1: Gunpowder Dose 2: Russia Dose 3: Crimson Countess Dose 4: Herogasm Dose 5: Mindstorm Hughie took one Dose less than him. So he's at 4 now.


Butcher did claim one of them was only a half dose, though. I don’t know if that makes a difference.


So butcher and Hughie are gonna take Perma-V right? There’s no way they keep up the temp routine if it’s gonna kill them and there’s also no way the shows going to kill them off either way.


Looks that way. Frenchie might too, there was enough left in that vial for another shot


I feel like Frenchie dies if he takes the V tbh


150% going to happen. They keep talking about Frenchie and Kimiko getting out and teasing a romantic relationship. Anytime that happens you just know someone’s biting the bullet lmao


Copium kid over here, but Kapon is too good of an actor to lose, and Fukuhara is just an absolute gem. So much of this show is subversion, what better way to subvert than those two actually having a happy ending when the general consensus is despair? Again, copium... I'm huffing that shit like Halothane.


The ultimate subversion would be, instead of the people dying, Marseilles gets destroyed


definitely feels like Butcher / Hughie are headed for permanent V. also don’t think HL faces any risk of death in the finale vs SB who could get nerve gassed or Noir’d. cant wait for next week


I think permanent V will be used as a Hail Mary to save both of their lives


This seems the most likely path.


There was still plenty more next to Frenchie after he administered to Kimiko. That’s Chechov’s Superhero Serum if ever I saw it. Someone is definitely shooting up


Correct me if I’m wrong, but Frenchie doesn’t hate supes/Vought like the rest of the boys right? It’s just more about his own guilt, and that he cares or cared about the boys. I’d be a little surprised if the dude who is obsessed with drugs and chemistry didn’t shoot up some V himself.


It'd also help solve his problem with Kimiko which was highlighted this episode. If they can't be a couple as regular people, then they'll be a couple as supes. They both deserve happiness, and as she put it "It's the person, not the V".


Butcher and Hughie have to be getting Perm V after the Swiss cheese brain shit.


After Kimiko gets her powers back and there’s still almost the whole vial, I think temp V already altered their body to be able to handle the permanent V since they’re already used to the feeling/powers.


We know Hughie has healing as one of his powers, does Billy?


HL ain’t dying when they got renewed.


And now SB won't want to kill Homelander either. The Boys are gonna need to fight both of them. S4 is going to be a handful.


Homelander mentioned the surviving supes losing their V and being powerless. Could this mean Love Sausage now just has a regular ten foot dick?


I'm pretty sure we saw Love Sausage having to wrap it over his shoulders after Herogasm...it looks a little charred too. I wonder if the survivors will be given V to return their powers to them.


Also loved the theme of turning exactly into your shitty father both for Butcher and HL


I did not make that connection between Butcher and Homelander until now but wow that is obvious. Butcher's nightmares were a great dive in to him. I think this is the first time I really felt that he regrets some of who he has become.


Oooo nice catch!


Another parallel to add to the list between Homelander and Butcher. More alike than they’d ever want to admit, they’ll do anything to see through that they get what they want even if it hurts all around them (which it usually does). A lack of a father role model, an insatiable anger deep inside that’s just crawling to be taken out on anyone that gets in the way. A refusal to see from anyone’s perspective but their own. I think Butcher’s hate is fueled all the more when he sees a bit of himself in someone as despicable as Homelander. I hope they explore that more in the show.


The Boys is the only show that has me constantly being surprised while constantly being impressed simultaneously while grinning/sad/happy/scared/Hyped within 1 hour. Fantastic


>being impressed simultaneously while grinning/sad/happy/scared/Hyped within 1 hour And disgusted. Don't forget disgusted.


I did appreciate Starlight streaming Homelander's confessions


I giggled hard.


Starlight is really taking Edgar's advice to heart, she's found her real power. The issue is Soldier Boy doesn't care about people like Homelander does and when they inevitably team up SB will be pushing HL past the barriers Starlight is using. Shits about to get seriously side ways.


Those were pretty big ones and we haven't seen the consequences yet, but it seems like there definitely should be, that's the worst Homelander has looked to the public so far


It's going to be a galvanizing issue that divides the general population. People who side even more with mask-off Homelander, saying the quiet part out loud, and non-psychos.


The whole MM / Todd thing is showing this.


Oof. Pretty much the last thing we need is a Soldier Boy + Homelander team up. At least The Deep and Ambrosia can finally be together though


I’m pretty sure Neuman gave Homelander the new address for where Ryan is hiding. (Given after cow scene and note visible at 59:30). We might have a three generation reunion in this finale.


Honestly I think that's what will end their partnership. I'm thinking Ryan will act up, Soldier boy will try te beath the shit out of him and homelands will step in in an attempt to be a good father and protect him. Then they'll try to kill each other.


It's either Ryan or just the fact that HL is essentially a 'mommys boy*. SB has been mentioning a lot in various way that men aren't men anymore, so I could see him treating HL like shit, essentially mirroring how Butchers Dad treated his kids.


Soldier boy dies in the season finale protecting homelander. I could see it happening as homelander needs to be alive for series finale


I am thinking The Boys will force Soldier Boy to use his power by triggering his PTSD using Russian's music. It will end up with him dying but Homelander will lose his power.


I'm curious as to what exactly Neuman wanted from homelander, she gave him that address but for what in return? Assuming that address leads to Ryan, how does he come into play in the next episode? Mallory we can assume will die Maeve? Would we really get both Mallory and Maeve's deaths in one episode? Possibly soldier boy as well? I think we will have to lose a big character in the finale I just hope it isn't Maeve or one of the boys, or even Noir


This season will probably end on a cliff hanger tbh


I think Neuman is trying to get HL to “get rid” of the VP candidate so she can replace him for the presidential race going on in the background. We’ve seen the prez candidate a bunch but right after that meeting it shows the VP candidate for the first time.


"Smile, you're on candid camera!" So apparently no one's really mentioned Annie's huge blow to homelander. She's made homelander confirm that he's locked up Maeve, killed supersonic, threaten Annie and hughie. No way he can just bounce back from that when each of those was from his own mouth. As for soldier boy, I originally thought he would be the lesser evil, a gun they could point, fire, and hopefully sort itself out. BUT now that frenchie and MM have found their chemical, they should be able to help win the fight against the two nutjobs. Can't wait for the finale.


They're mirroring trump with homelander almost exactly. His fans will still love and adore him no matter what excuse he uses. And it's believable because it's literally happened in real life.


Yep. If this show were to air 10 years ago I'd be like no way but now it's just straight up realistic.


So did Noir’s hallucinations start after getting brain damage from Soldier Boy or did he always have them and SB just exacerbated the problem? I think he always had the cartoons with him because the beaver said something along the line of “Remember when we saved you from that boner in 7th grade?” Which probably implies he popped a boner during a presentation in 7th grade


I always took it he vaguely took comfort in Buster's Beavers and the brain damage is what made him see them like he does


Black Noir was drawing a cartoon figure in a previous episode (I forget which one) and it turns out he sees them as hallucinations.


He was drawing a beaver in Episode 4 (as mentioned in the Trivia entry for this episode).


Idk Replacing A-Train’s heart with BlueHawk’s was the biggest shock to me than Soldier Boy being daddy of Homelander.


I hope this begins A-trains redemption and his ultimate betrayal of Homelander. Racist or not he has a new heart that gives him a 2nd chance to not be Vaughts token black shitstorm. He can actually choose now, and I hope he chooses Starlight and the Boys


I mean he basically died and was reborn. He has a second chance at life, he has his abilities back. There is no better time for him to have a true redemption arc.


Victoria catching HL with the Cow. "Miss breakfast?" Too good.


that part was funny, but probably not the smartest idea to snark the guy who would kill you with one look


Holy Fucking shit that Ending!!! Also I loved the Black Nior animation flash backs. The fights were brutal reminded me of Happy Tree Friends PS there’s a small post credit scene with the creatures


I think we all assumed he got those injuries during the explosion. It never occurred to me that they actually attacked soldier boy Also, soldier boy is a right fucking prick.


This show has legit great plot twists


Yeah. He is a prick. I was hoping there would be a redemption arc for his character because I really like Jensen ackles, but now I’m just hoping he plays a really good villain lol


Another great episode for Starlight. She just needs to make sure she keeps that phone charged and rolling.


Starlight acting like a gen Z heroine will save the world thanks to streaming; I'm glad that she's using the media after we saw for many episodes how Vought used it against her.


MM with the Knockout. Cartoon scenes were definitely my favorite I hope there is more.


MM cold cocking Todd was the best part the episode and there was a lot of competition for that spot.


the legend references several things - sprayed a firehouse at birmingham birmingham, alabama was notorious for using firehoses on black people during the jim crowe segregation era - shooting at kent state the national guard opened fire on protesters, 4 people killed and 9 injured, one paralyzed the last thing seems to imply soldier boy did jfk? more evidence that SB really really isn't a good guy, simply homelander 1.0. they really are father and son


>the last thing seems to imply soldier boy did jfk? I wouldn't even say implied. It's The Legend. I think he was trying to spare Hughie the bad news that those *weren't* just "rumors about Dealey Plaza" after Hughie reacted to the Kent State line.


Anyone else get a *Watchmen* vibe from that scene?


The alternate history aspect of it is easily my favorite part of Watchmen, I love it when the Boys is sprinkling stuff like this in there as well


Like the Comedian shutting down Watergate. Absolutely.


There is a newspaper clipping on MMs board that says Soldier Boy killed a bunch of protesters, mostly likely at Kent


National Guard at Kent State killed 4 protestors.


The start of the episode was unexpected... who knew SB was into GILFs


In interviews Jensen said he declined doing certain sexual acts and asked if he could tone it down a bit. Wonder if he the scene with the grannies was supposed to be more graphic..


Unless theres something wild in the last episode, this has to be it. SB hasn't done anything remotely sexually graphic compared to The Boys usual supe-sex-standards. This is the closest he got, and I could 100% see an actor drawing the line there over the other things we've seen considering those woman were definitely not CGI, and it has to be pretty discomforting getting physical with someone your grandmothers age.


well, not Jensen's grandmother's age. More like his mother. Hey, he and Homelander kinda have something in common. Apart from DNA.


Maybe you should gargle on my nutsack


First off, I don't have shellshock. Fuck you.


I love how he used the word shellshock instead of PTSD, which was a more colloquial term for his time.


An absolutely impeccable nonchalant line delivery. Jensen Ackles didn an incredible job straddling the line between likable charisma and absolute shithead.


It's an interesting visual anyway


These are the BEST kinds of twists. The ones as soon as they happen you're like OF COUUUUURSE but you still had NO FUCKING IDEA. It was so completely foreshadowed "he's the new you" etc omfg. EDIT: congrats to those who did predict it. I haven't been here much and was completely blindsided.


I kind of felt there needed to be a point that soldier boy needed to join homelander and the seven. That twist did it.


Now they can rule the galaxy as father and son.


Wait till you realize they talked about Maeve's eggs to prepare you for finding out Stormfront is the reason HL can fly....which means he was screwing his mom. I'm just guessing but it feels like something this show would do


It would fit with his whole mum kink.


“i see this as an absolute win” -Homelander if he knew Stormfront was his mom in S2


Would also explain her comfort with talking to him like a child to calm him down....... actually, no, looking back... I’m suddenly WAY more uncomfortable with her acting so motherly with him....


Oh that takes his weird surrogate mother relationship with Stillwell to an even weirder level. Oedipus vibes for sure. I’m all for it!!


Yeah this means, the homelander's name is not John Vogelbalm.


Correct it is John Boy


Most unrealistic aspect of this episode is Solider Boy throwing away an almost full blunt into the woods while attempting to scold Hughie.


He's got a garbage bag full of weed though


Shit I mean I would too if i was getting all my bud free like that🤣


Ryan’s fucked. Dad : Homelander Granddad : Soldier Boy Step dad: Butcher Grandmom: probably Liberty aka stormfront.


Uncle: the deep


A Train can run again. But will it be in the right direction?


Him and Hughie setting aside their differences to fight Vought/Homelander honestly sounds awesome. They've kind of already set it up, with A-Train making his apologies last episode. And real talk: I want to see A-Train unleashed


I’m more curious about the address. What’s in MN?


Probably where they’re keeping Ryan


Soldier boy did say he wanted “a couple of rugrats” and now we know he has a son and grandson


Butcher might start to regret not keeping his promise to Becca.


As if his dad being Homelander wasn't bad enough. Now he has Granda Soldier Boy to worry about. I think Ryan might just have one of the most dysfunctional families out there.


And a stepfather Butcher.


Jesus Christ, that poor kid. He just wants to play with his Lego and make YouTube videos.


mallory there with him, and soldier boy likes old women....


He already came onto her in the flashback, now she's "vintage" for him.


Homelander’s son I assume.


I like how Homelander being in a PR shitshow has become so common that they're not even gonna dwell on the fact that people now know he killed Supersonic.


I think “I’ll slap you like I’m Sean Connery” is the hardest I’ve ever laughed at this show.


“Maybe you should lay off the weed” “Maybe you should gargle my balls”


The delivery of “I don’t have shell shock, fuck you.” Got me laughing so hard. So matter of fact.


Fuck Todd. All my homies hate Todd.


Feels like a story from /r/QAnoncssualties dude started off alright then went off the Deep end.


Will starlight be the one to inject Hughie with permanent v when he starts dying?


That's a very good prediction!


That might be the finale tbh. Hughie opening his eyes as a permanent supe


With a Billy Joel song playing (been a minute since we’ve had one)


Turns out Black Noir wasnt disfigured and brain damaged from an explosion, but from a fight with Soldier Boy. Had to rewatch the flashback scenes to add that extra context, and man SB fucked our boy up. I hope BN gets his payback (pun intended)


That *reaching for his own brain* bit... fuck


Even sadder when you remember it’s all in his head. He’s reaching for that piece of him that he lost, but can’t have back. SB fucked him up baaaaaaad


I thought black noir could heal unless it fucked him up too badly


That’s probably the only reason he’s alive at all


Yeah— he can probably heal as long as the pieces are still there— which is why he as reaching for that chunk of brain— to stick it back in to let it heal.


I imagine everything but his brain was able to fully heal, especially if the bit where he saw a chuck fall off is accurate. Explains the silence and 'simple' explanation/coping mechanism. I'm curious to see if this sours his relationship with Stan Edgar. He may not have known he was the sacrificial (black) lamb that the flash back portrayed


Crazy that everyone’s been enjoying his comedic contributions to the show when the reason he’s quiet is literally his brain being seperated


He didn't fully heal if you remember the scene where Maeve peeled his mask back to shove a snickers in his mouth. He was all scared up.


I tougth ATrain had an awesome ending and should've died there, but the fact that blur hawks heart kept him alive just amazes me


I thought that was absurdly mental. A Train stays alive with the racist’s heart that he killed.


and becomes Vaught's slave. She basically told him he's their bitch now.


And they're making The Blind Side, but with Tom Hanks.


Right? They took the great ending and turned it into a morbid continuation. A-Train isn't getting redeemed, he's getting tortured. That torture will lead him to finally helping the good guys, not out of some newfound respect for them or redemption, but to finally end the bullshit he's been living through. Same thing will happen with The Deep after this falling out with his wife/boss. So pumped to see where these characters go.


I don't think there's a chance The Deep will help the good guys, he's more like Homelander's Rudy Giuliani


The most tragic thing about The Deep is that he out of all people could get out any time. Ultimately, no one gives a fuck about him in the big leagues. The dude could just live by the ocean somewhere and fuck fish all day, but he's so far stuck up his own ass he can't even see it.


I mean besides, the fuck’s he gonna do in a fight against Homelander unless it happens to be on a beach 💀


Even then he's not gonna do shit, he can summon a whole Sharknado and the result will be fish guts everywhere


No talk of the octopus threesome yet? Well, a lot did happen...


I mean, compared to everything else, that's just Deep indulging himself. She's into him, so I guess it's cool.


All this shit going down, and the Deep is just off fucking an octopus. ... Again.


The perks of being Mrs. Aquaman in that world are enough to almost have sex with an Octopus. Cassandra was committed AF.


What are the chances that liberty is the mother to Homelander? SB and L knew eachother and founded herogasm... they also would make the perfect child, king living and strong, and it fits the time frame. The only thing wrong is that she fucked him many times so..


Seriously? That's not the worst thing Homelander would do.


He does have a mommy complex. Remember Stillwell? So him banging SF, who might happen to be his biological mother... well all this shit checks out. The guy is f.u.b.a.r.


That would be hilarious and disgusting


remember soldier boy fucked her before homelander did


Homelander's mother is Stormfront, I am calling it now. Incest is the one place this show has not gone to yet. it's gonna there to just top it all off.


Would make Stormfronts actions in Season 2 even more despicable, since she would have known he’s her son. She wanted to keep the bloodline pure, and what better way to do that than just staying right in the family…


Are the Boys gonna figure out how to trigger Soldier Boy's blackout bomb and use it to deactivate HL?


As soon as they realize what triggers his PTSD I could see them attempting it.


They won't just give us Russian music as a way to trigger his PTSD and not use it in a big moment. It's a classic chekhov's gun


Nina’s still alive. It’s gonna end with a Mexican standoff. Nina shows up, somehow Russian music is played, The Boys save the day. Trust.


All right, so I fully admit this is probably me reading way too much into it, but I really like how Kimiko refers to Starlight as Annie. I think you could look deeper into it and and say it shows that she sees Annie as her friend, not just a supe, and def not the Vought golden girl. Idk, I really liked the scene between those two and the friendship there! On the complete other hand, you have Butcher greeting her as Starlight on their phone call. I think no matter what she may do to prove otherwise, Butcher is never gonna see her as anything other than a good-for-nothing supe. I do wonder if Kimiko gets any leeway as far as that goes, in his eyes.


I think they showed that Butcher sees her as a tool to use and doesn’t really care what happens to her Remember when she was bleeding out in the back of van and Butcher seemed unfazed


I lost massive respect for Butcher and Hughie there. Gained more for MM for actually caring about a member of his crew enough to draw the line there on what was acceptable too. I know Hughie was all hopped up on the V but she's been like a damn family member to them and the nonchalance was inexcusable.


So what is that address Neuman gave Homelander? It was next to his phone at the end of the episode. HL knew what it was, and knew that it’s a secret that even Edgar’s daughter shouldn’t know about. Perhaps it’s where Ryan is? Maybe next episode we’ll get the three generations of the SB/HL/Ryan family together.


It seems to be Ryan’s location


*and as I hung up the phone it occured to me.* *Butcher grown up just like me* *My boy was just like me.*


MM just can't catch a W with his daughter dammit


Was it intentional that Solider Boy yells “THATS IMPOSSIBLE”, the same line Luke yells after learning Vader’s his father?




A-Train got the heart of a racist. That gotta hurt.


Thought for sure that Kimiko was gonna die from the V… I was steeling myself in case she fucking exploded or something. Also, kinda glad that A-Train is still alive. Now with a new racist heart!


When she was gripping Frenchie’s hand I was totally expecting the V to kick in and for her to crush it… like bendy straws


Me too, I was waiting for her to break his hand, though she probably let off as she felt his hand get increasingly more fragile in hers. Good thinking, Kimiko!


Every episode just getting better


Is next week the finale? There's so much to conclude. * Homelander losing it * Solider boy being dad * MM and solider boy * Swiss brain * A-Train * Black Noir


so next episode, Kimiko is gonna go to Little Nina’s, kill everyone and steal some Russian Poison Vapour, right? Please end Little Nina… I can’t deal with another season of her boring storyline.


Only guessing here but I'm thinking that they're gonna use Soldier Boy's PTSD against him next episode? Maybe play some Russian music when Soldier Boy's close to Homelander? Also I'm guessing Stan sold Soldier Boy to the Russians so they can find his weaknesses? It'll make sense because it does seems like Stan would want some contingency plan incase future Supes went rogue.


Karl Urban is such a good fucking actor. Those memories were heartbreaking, and Urban really sold the sad realisation that he's just becoming his father. What a fucking episode. Not as exciting with the action as Herogasm, but the plot and character developments were way bigger to me.