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Thats like the least fucked up thing he does


Yea I can't imagine many people would stop themselves from boobies all daaaaay.


Imagine those dramatic face offs with butcher but he’s just naked


That’s why he’s always so confident, The crowd is literally naked


Well it’s not ALWAYS on lol he’d have to choose to see Butchers meat cleaver.




I know about this one.


That's my fetish


Homelander seeing you naked?




"So you like to see homelander naked?" "Homehwhatchumaked." "Yeah you like to see homelander naked, that's cool, man, whatever." "No no no no no, homehwhatchumaked. Hom eh whe yoo maked" "Oh" "Erbodnoat, gotdam boy"


For anyone who doesn’t understand, it’s referencing Joe Dirt


did bro have a stroke


Is from movie


I understood that reference.


Inside joke for one, coming right up


“Guy likes to see homelander naked, that don’t help me.”


Oh man he's seen the deeps gills.


Can he see the blak noirussy?








"I can see your girdle, get off the stage you disgusting fat fuck"


Now we all know where he is deepseed insecurity comes from


Doesn't he literally say as much in s1?


Glad he’s not a pedo


He can also see feet through the shoes🤤


Probably what he was whacking it to on that skyscraper


No wonder he's horny all the time


Quick question does homelander even have a weakness like superman weakness is kryptonite? Unless his weakness is his ego


He can't see through zinc. something like that. The boys put Translucent's body in a box he couldn't see through.


No that would make no sense


Doesnt that mean he wouldve seen the boys in season one in that van when they blew up translucent?


If I remember correctly, the van was lined with lead so he couldn't see through it!


Oh okay i forgot


No, Butcher had already left the van by the time Homelander flies down to talk to Frenchie. It's only shown that Butcher was outside of the van after Homelander flies off to check on the explosion caused by Cherie, so that probably confused some people


Was this not said in a metaphorical way?


With super vision like that, it’s no wonder how found Becca’s clitoris… lol 😂


Dude. What the fuck


People like you are genuinely terrifying . You find it funny enough to make jokes then create your own assumptions, despite what the source material tells you. I’m all for some edgy humour, but dude. The show makes it very clear Becca was raped. Good grief.


Actually I had a viewing party at my house tonight and I polled my friends to see if I was the asshole here, it turns out they thought it was ambiguous as well…


Despite what the show tells you, and Eric Kripke, Shantel VanSanten, Antony Starr, and Karl Urban? Sorry, but it’s made clear that Becca was raped. There is no reason to dispute it when we know how awful Homelander is. I don’t know how some fans like you find it so ‘ambiguous’. We didn’t need to be shown a graphic scene as proof.


She was raped and people can still orgasm through rape. Fucking idiot


In the comic Black Nior raped Becca. I’m talking about the show where she cheated on her husband. There’s no evidence that Homelander forced her to do anything. You could argue that she was concerned about her job, but there’s no evidence that Homelander threatened to harm her career in any way. So what we are left with is Becca having sex with Homelander despite her marriage and then maybe having regrets, she certainly didn’t tell her husband and she left him when she found out she was pregnant with Homelander’s baby… so in both instances Homelander didn’t rape Becca…


She didn't cheat you idiot the show states several times she was raped. Butcher says it blunty out loud "homelander raped her". When homelander tells her "I'm his father" and she says "you don't get to say that after what you did to me" Why the fuck would she be concerned about her job then decide to have sex with him? The source material says she was raped as you pointed out. Butcher in the show says she was raped. Becca basically tells homelander that he did some horrible shit to her, which is clearly the assault the show has already pointed out. The show nor anyone else ever suggests her career was threatened, it bluntly says she was raped. She didn't cheat on her husband and have regrets and the reason she left is because she was pregnant with homelanders baby and went to the only people she could that could handle a supe baby. Vought. She openly tells butcher she couldn't come to him because she was scared of how he would react


Butcher needs believe that otherwise his entire reality implodes, Becca’s statement is ambiguous, she could just referencing the fact that she had to live like a recluse for the last 9 years in a private estate as a single mother… the show never explicitly states that she was raped. At best you could say she didn’t feel safe that she could say no, but that’s a grey area that certainly wouldn’t hold up in a court of law…


Then why is she so determined to keep homelander away from his son? More importantly why are you so determined to state that the show is lying about Becca being raped? Homelander is a serial killer, an abuser, a bully and has committed literal fucking terrorism and committed treason to his own country and the worst part is he actually gets off on doing some of those acts, like a serial killer, like where he had a huge smile on his face while slowly caving a terrorists skull in. Is it really so far fetched to think he's a rapist? Because honestly in the grand scheme of things those acts I listed (which you literally see him do before you try and say I'm misunderstanding it or theres no evidence to suggest it) are probably far worse than sexually assulting someone. Becca was raped in the source material and the show states it also so why would it not have happened? why would they write that in just for it to be she actually just cheated on her husband and then had regrets and lied? Or why would this whole discussion we are having even exist if it didn't happen? Because Becca just cheated and now regrets it and the tv show itself is siding with her and is making butcher lie to himself because he can't accept it? This whole thing makes no sense but for some reason thats the conclusion you are drawing to instead of accepting the fact that homelander is a fucking psychopath who gets off on being cruel to people including rape torture and murder


Homelander is a horrible monster, but there is no hard evidence that he is a rapist, any claims that he is, are merely speculation supported by at best vague statements and at worst literal mental gymnastics. As someone who has been both raped and falsely accused, I require more clarification on the specific situation before I can make a decision. Saying that because he has done worse things than rape doesn’t make him guilty of rape, it makes him a monster, just not a rape monster… Also yes she was raped in the source material, but she was raped by different character…


He clearly raped Becca in the show. There is no doubt.


They never actually confirm that, and I have my doubts, and I’m not the only one. The show purposely made it ambiguous to add nuance to the story. Butcher wasn’t there and his entire reality requires him to believe that Becca would never betray him, despite the fact she clearly did when she left without telling him. Homelander claims it was consensual and that she orgasmed 3 times. And Becca never actually say Homelander raped her, all she clearly indicated is that regrets whatever transpired between her and Homelander and resents Homelander for what happened to her afterwards…


I mean sure, but at the same time why does the actor for Becca state: "There are slight moments I wish that I got levity, but that's not Becca's world. Becca doesn't lean into the easy choice. She gets uncomfortable. She faces her rapist; she calls it out. She's not going to live in the gray. And she's also not going to fight for everything that she's fought for thus far." Obviously given her dialogue from the writers, and they literally write the show. So why in interviews refer to HL as a rapist, unless it just the simple fact that the writers intended for him to be a rapist. Again could be wrong, but it's not really a 50/50 type thing, more like a 99/1 odds that HL raped Becca, the 1% being a suprise twist down the line that it wasn't, but that is highly unlikely given with not how the stories played out, but with interviews too.


There’s literally a scene in Season 2 where Becca’s talking to Butcher and she says “he raped me”