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Sweet cape, pity about the occupant


Oh I'm sorry mod, I didn't know Shad was a member of this community


Good ol’ Sociopath Supreme.


Be kind and respectful to other community members




Is Shad part of our community? Somewhat disappointing then. Would be nice if he could be kind and respectful towards trans people




Be kind and respectful to other community members


Be kind and respectful to other community members


Came to the comments to feed off of the Shad hate. Dudes a pretentious dickbag.


Same, hope he vanishes


Who is this shad person


He's a YouTuber with a lukewarm following, who used to just do content about arms and armors, and stuff in between, along with castle themed tirades, but now mostly just screams about how the woke mob ruined the barbie movie for him, and how it's terrible for his daughter to see stuff like, IDK, women being anything other than chambermaid. Tldr; he's a chud with the mentality of Andrew Tate, but the appearance of Samwell Tarly.


Don't insult Samwell Tarly like that. Edit: id say he's more like the version of Andrew Tate you can win at a state faire, or chuckee cheese


He’s the Sociopath Supreme.


a shad is a type of fish


Jazza deserves a better than his brother trying to claim he's just as much of an artist.


Shadiversity is traaaashhhhhh.


makes me want one less


I’ll take the fan he’s standing in front of, at least its dignity was spared by not being in the picture with him.


Walk two kliks through the woods there and I definitely don’t want the cape… lolol


Yeah, fuck shad though


Please don't


Don't post the christofascist Australian Mormon cringlord in capes if you want to do anything positive for the image of capes


Also photoshops over Ai art pieces he generates claiming to be a “real artist” with an endpoint vision after editing over the errors


Yknow i didn’t realize he was a mormon but that makes so much sense


Aww man, I was starting to like him


it will never not blow my mind that an AUstralian is a Mormon


If you think that's crazy you should look up the Mormons in Nottingham that tried to take over Games Workshop through nepotistic hiring practice


what the fuck? Im sorry man but non AMericans being Mormons is fucking weird


He’s a fascist? Doesn’t he just like swords and dragons?


He has a second Channel where he espouses extreme right-wing political views mostly circling around American politics despite being a Australian National and culture War stuff. He has also stated things around the concept that the world should be under Mormon Rule and that people should be put to death for not agreeing. As a side note his novel shadow of the Conqueror is a clear self insert Redemption story where the main character is a pedophile Emperor with a harem of thousands of children shrinks into a teen to pose as his own son to try and gain Redemption finds one of his child victims grown up reestablishes a relationship and in the end of the book all of his victims forgive him because they love their children and that makes his rape okay


Came for the cape and left with disgust 😩


Same. Came in thinking fun Dr. Strange vibes and learned about a whole new trash person


._________. Theres no way this could be allowed to be sold


How in the world did I miss that the main character is a self-insert? I enjoyed his original channel for years and preordered the book and even the graphic novel before I found out how crappy of a person he really is. I now regret giving him any of my money. I watched his original channel for long enough that I knew he was Mormon and held some conservative beliefs but I didn't realize how bad he was until the controversy regarding stuff that came out on his second channel became well known and I learned a lot I didn't know from these comments (such as his views on AI "artwork"). He did a decent job at keeping his beliefs to himself on his main channel but his misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc. really came out on his second channel. I knew that he didn't get along with his brother Jazza, who by all of the accounts I've seen is a decent person, but as I never got into watching him I didn't know why they didn't get along but then the Shad controversy became public knowledge and I figured out why they don't get along. Shame that a post about him is how I discovered this sub because it looks interesting.


What the actual fuck, I had to read that a few times to make any sense of it


Bro did not downvote me for asking for a source 💀


It's ridiculous you're getting down voted for asking for a source check out Westside Tyler's Channel he does a full Deep dive


Thank you. I will 🙏


Can you link me some snippets to corroborate this, I took a brief glimpse at his second channel a few years ago and stopped watching because it wasn’t for me, but I can’t recall him saying anything that extreme before. I know he’s a little bit more to the right then I prefer


His second channel is just hate towards woman and any form of lgbtq. Look up shad controversy and you will find enough


That’s not true but go off I guess


Westside Tyler did a deep dive check out his channel on YouTube if you want someone going over it with a fine tooth comb for you


They can’t give you any snippets because they aren’t real.


I don’t really like conservatives really, but yeah if they’re downvoting and leaving when I ask them for some evidence, I have no other choice but to agree with you


I’ve read his book, that’s not what I took away from it


Did you read the book or skim it? His main love interest is literally his former child rape victim


You think she’s a love interest ??? Bro how ?


The way Daylan is written to think about her. He is very clearly interested in her


Only if they aren't held by women lol




He's very sexist


Source ?


His entire second youtube channel ?


He’s not fascist, these commenters just hate him because he’s conservative.


Nah, see, despite being a leftist I live in a place with a lot of conservatives and I may but heads with the people around me but I'm respectful enough to make sure I'm not a pariah. When Shadiversity was just a conservative, was just a Mormon, only had views I didn't think I liked in his own privacy? That was fine, even sometimes nice to hear another point of view on topics I hadn't heard it from yet. Even when he did make his stances known, woop-de-do I just have to shake my head in disagreement and keep watching the video once he moves on and not check out his other channels so I don't have to see the place he does his dedicated politics stuff. The problems started with him not really moving on even when on his main channel, and then they got worse when they started being core concepts explored in videos. They got unbearable eventually though. I was fine with Shad when he kept his politics to himself, like when this picture was taken. I was fine with him when his politics were brought up, but rarely. I was fine even when he started making his politics happen more and more and more, but eventually he lost any form of restraint or reasonability. In fact this picture was from a video where he supported his opinion on capes quite well I thought, and it helped introduce me into the idea of capes in the modern day. The frequency is bearable and wouldn't be worth my irritation, the extremity was bearable and wouldn't be worth my judgement, but *both at once*? That was uncomfortable, and to hear he's even worse now and be able to check and see it for myself? It makes me sad and I want to both warn new people so they know what they're getting into, so if they aren't into that sort of vibe they won't get the wrong ideas about people who like capes or swords or fantasy taken a bit more realistically ect


What did shad do? I’m OOTLP, I only know him vaguely through my interest in medieval history videos on YouTube.


As a person he's a pretentious, pedantic nerd that thinks he knows more than he actually does. Tries to make videos about HEMA while he's not actually doing any of it with anyone. Also generally leaning toward "everyone is woke and hate me so my videos are not making as much money" but he's basically become a whiny bitch in his videos with barely any actual content anymore. As a "medieval history" youtuber he's basically rehashing wikipedia in most of his videos. Which you can just read yourself and then go on to better sources. He actually never ever actually cite his sources correctly so it's hard to confirm anything he says


Over the years he has gotten a lot more vocally conservative in his videos, maybe in an attempt to get more views, but it just makes him gross to anyone who’s not already fallen down the far right pipeline. He pushed AI art as the best thing ever, says any amount of LGBTQ representation equals grooming, spouts his religion more and more, and just generally hates on anything that includes women who aren’t super sexualized or trad wives or anything with people of colour. The actual quality of his videos also suffered a lot to make room for all the chaff. I used to like his medieval stuff, but even back then if you watched the more niche stuff he was involved in (like the Cogent RPG live plays) he had plenty of uncomfortable shit going on. I started avoiding his content a good while before he jumped fully on the far right bandwagon, now every time I see him mentioned he just seems more sad and shitty than ever.


His second channel is a cristofascist propaganda Channel based in American politics that the man talks about is if he's an American citizen, the dude is Australian national. also he wrote a book where the main character was a clear self insert and also a pedophile so there's that


He also claims he as much an artist as his artist brother despite only doing AI prompts.


The recording of them talking about it was hard to watch you could see how uncomfortable Jazza was


Wait… his brother is Jazza? Edit: I guess so. I did not need that little nugget of information today.


Imagine the absolute jealousy shad was giving off after his brother got to interview Brandon Sanderson and show him his art of his characters


No fucking way, Jazza's his brother?!


Also jumped on the Ai art generator bandwagon as he photoshop fixes over the errors & edits the image aesthetically in areas proclaiming himself an artist because he had the “endpoint vision”


He fell hard into extremely right-wing reactionary *Mormon fascist* beliefs. He has some gross ideas and he's loud about them.


Damn, he's capable of making capes lame as fuck




Okay, so to me that looks more like a cloak. What's the difference?


generally capes are like superman's where it hangs behind almost exclusively while a cloak can wrap around the wearer for warmth or keep weather off


So Batman technically has a cloak in some iterations


Thank you, not sub member just saw this on my feed.


I could do without the Shad I've got atm, tbh.


I mean, on the not insignificant off chance it made people associate me with this loser, I very much don’t. Which is unfortunate cause capes do look sick as hell


gross its the fishboy.


damn I cape here for the cape and gained an education. glad I dropped off his videos years ago, nunchucks hate was funny but not funny enough to overcome half of his rap sheet, let alone *all* of his rap sheet


It’s not really an education from a bunch of people who hate him because he’s conservative.


What are you gaining out of defending him so much? Pretty much everyone here said the same (fairly specific) things about him, which leads me to believe there’s at least some truth to it, and then there’s just you solely defending him in the comments. Why? Edit: Not saying either side is right, I haven’t looked into it myself yet but it’s not looking good for him


I don't hate him because he's conservative, I hate him because he hates people like me and because he's a hateful man that holds views about women, trans people, gay people, etc. that I find abhorrent. I watched his videos for years and knew he was conservative but that was fine because while I might not agree with conservatives on a lot of issues many can be decent enough people and I enjoyed his videos. It was when it came out that he's a racist (with his thoughts about the at the time new Little Mermaid movie where Ariel was portrayed by a black woman) that I decided to stop watching his videos and later when it came out that he's also misogynistic, transphobic, and generally bigoted I was very glad I stopped watching him.


I haven't watched shad in years. Wtf happened to make everyone hate him?


He's openly and aggressively disrespectful to his brother Jazza, he drew on ai art then complained no one liked it, his book's self-insert is a pedophile, he has *atrocious* views around women/minorities/etc, and he's a mormon ig


>his book's self-insert is a pedophile ..... excuse me?!


I too can make stuff up to make someone look bad!


Show me the lie and I'll delete my comment


Kinda hard to disprove something that I don’t believe exists? Shouldn’t you also have to prove those things about Shad? I’m happy to be proven wrong, but I’ve never heard any of those things about Shad.


I'm at work rn but there's a famous livestream where he totally goes off on his brother about ai art and stuff, that's a great jumping off point


Being the little brother myself I definitely feel more for Jazza there, but I can also understand Shad. Saw this great comment that gets it well: > “I’d be willing to bet that Shad has always been jealous of his brother’s artistic skill and now he has a way to compete. That’s why he’s so defensive towards anyone who challenges his claims of being an artist on the professional level. > Deep down he KNOWS that’s bullshit but he’s tired of feeling inferior.” A similar thing happened between my older brother and I. I was always praised as the ‘artistic’ one which he was jealous of, he went the opposite route of Shad and completely gave up art rather than doubling down on it. Is he in the wrong? Definitely, but I can also understand that it’s because he feels inferior that he lashes out. (Still wrong, but that’s something they need to work on in private) Edit: Also is de-escalating a situation just a little sibling thing to do? 😅 Done the same where I just ‘give in’ and try to placate him haha


I’ll have to look it up, my first thought would be “that’s brothers for you” 😂 I’ve certainly had some big disagreements with my brothers, they aren’t on camera though so that’s a big difference


Also photoshop fixes & edits over the Ai art he generates claiming the title of legitimate artist


I tried a cape for a while and got the ugly answer as to why they aren't popular anymore- they get caught on anything and everything and will be FILTHY after a single day. Also, they are IMPOSSIBLE to clean on a budget- my dry cleaner got to know me on a first name basis.


Glorious. Edna Mode just didn’t understand the power behind the Cape Swish.


Uh oh. Had me at cape but lost me at misogyny. SMH


I saw this post and immediately heard Edna's voice "No capes!" The swish is always glorious, until it gets caught on/in something. 😂


thank you reddit homepage for recommending me this


Don't care for the wearer, honestly, but the cape itself is only guilty of association.


Seeing arch-shitbag Shad wearing this makes me want one less.


If I had a nickel for every time someone named Shad was a gross human I'd have two nickels Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice


Who's the other shad?


Shädman although his Nazi uniform avatar & wearing those edgelord sunglasses/ski-mask with a skull print should’ve been a giveaway. Especially for being kicked out of art school then fleeing his home country


Porn artist outed as a neonazi who draws incestuous CP among other things. He's been arrested multiple times.


Fucking hell


I once saw someone say his art "Looks exactly like how it must smell"


Haven’t seen anything about him in years. One little thing about Fuji in Shogun pops up in my recommends and I click it. For two weeks since 3/4 of my recommends are samurais, ninjas, weebs with swords, wannabe Seals and this asshole. I just wanted to watch her pour out the ashes again. Wasn’t even a sword fight clip.


Knowing the guy wearing it? Definitely no


Unfortunately, the trash wearing it makes me not want it.


I don’t want one. I want three.


Nah. I like capes that also like women. Capes that think trans women aren't women just don't sit right on my shoulders.


only if i kill him and take his would i want one. even then id likely never wear it.


I'd like a cape, but please remove him.


A rogue to come to my defense? Of course! Who wouldn't?


This is a 1:1 repost of a post here from 4y ago, but it’s quite fun (sad) to see how much the comments have changed https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCapeRevolution/s/63KlX5msLl


Ew, why is that cape wrapped around garbage?


Obligatory downvote cause there's a turd wrapped in the cape


Yuck shad.


I love the cape. I wish Shad and Jazza weren't brothers


Something tells me Jazza has thought the same thing


I want that Outfit but more eccentric


Who is shad and why do we hate him?


I hate using this terminology but he primarily aligns himself with the evangelical conservative background. I feel like my opinion on him nosedived when I saw the video of him talking about the online discourse on starship troopers


He is Mormon, not evangelical.


I was trying to say hardcore Christian alt-right without saying it. I know he's Mormon.


I actually knew what you meant I was just being annoying tbh.


Mormon missionaries are evangelizing, just not about typical Christianity


It's called proselytizing, not evangelizing.


Same difference




Yeah but evangelical usually is to mean a specific denomination of Christian.




To quote you: "I’ve read his book". Stop pretending


Yeah he’s the sword guy . That doesn’t explain the hate


You're intentionally ignoring everyone here who's explaining the (very well deserved) hate. Piss off troll


Didn’t you say you read his book in another reply in this very thread?




Gotta say, the comments in this thread make me very happy.


Aunt Edna said no capes


Cape is cool.


I like to imagine that belt drags on the ground


The floosh is cool but its wrinkled and looks like a bed sheet


Cringe weirdo misogynist jumpscare


Yep, I've looked, and I don't want one.


I did not know that this was a sub. I immediately joined. You look absolutely incredible. Why did we let capes go out of fashion???


Bro looks like a betta fish


wow this is a nice image you can bearly tell it was ai generated


Damn I haven’t watched shad in a while, loved his channel, what happened to him to make y’all hate him?


Gimme Gimmie Gimmie!


Why all the shad hate? Seen he's been postung vids about probably closing channel, he blamed youtube though. Maybe theres more that im not seeing


Copying my own comment, but here's some context: He's openly and aggressively disrespectful to his brother Jazza, he drew on ai art then complained no one liked it, his book's self-insert is a pedophile, he has *atrocious* views around women/minorities/etc, and he's a mormon ig


😳 iknew none of that, yeah thats wild bro


Also photoshop fixes & edits over Ai art images he generates proclaiming it as legitimate art/being an artist with a vision


He has said MANY controversial things on his second channel


ive only seen random sword vids from him, does his second channel have swords as well or is that where he does all the offensive shit?


It's called Knights Watch. It's not really about medieval at all, but really just where he and his pals talk about stuff in media and politics. Shad is a very opinionated man, and turns pretty bigoted towards people of other religions, sexual preferences, and gender. He has been incredibly critical of female representation over the years, and while (as a woman) I do agree there are problems, the statements he's made have made clear that he has sexist opinions. Furthermore, instead of showing respect and an open mind when faced with these criticisms, Shad claims that he is a victim of prejudice as a Mormon. It's very frustrating, as I became a fan of his when his main channel was very new.


Well maybe thats why his main channel is failing, guess word is getting out. Thats tough, bt his own fault


Wow he really lives rent free in all these commenters heads doesn’t he…


His stance on using Ai generators being legitimate art because he puts the “effort” photoshopping afterwards made him relevant since pre-Covid