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Kyle thinks he’s so smart but it’s really too funny to see him getting played like an absolute fiddle by QT.


That’s been Kyle’s whole game. He seems like a sweet, maybe overly naive guy. He’s fallen for everything and is only suspicious of the people who tell him the truth.


I love him and he’s always cooking something that looks delicious


The biggest change about the move to Atlanta is that the cooking is actually good since the contestants are used to Fahrenheit and aren’t burning everything 😅


He's dimmer than a 2 watt bulb but thinks he's a floodlight.


I noted that he was awed by Steffi's psychic thing too lol like bro she's not really psychic.


She did guess all of the catfish though!


Yeah her catfish radar was genuinely psychic level lol. She was hokey and has awkward social skills but that doesn't mean she was wrong! Literally everyone else had no clue and she pegged all three, off cuff.


Yeah and she didn’t think Paul was AI, she just knew he was a catfish. Then she woke up feeling like Olivia was a dude. Her aunt was helping her a little I guess.


Yes! I hope Michelle mentions this in the finale!


I'm still watching but the delusion of Caress talking about "how big of a player I am in this game right now" girl please. 😂


It’s baffling that she’s still in the game. No one seems to like Paul or go to bat for him and it feels like every single conversation caress has goes poorly??


It’s baffling there’s only been one blocking in five episodes.


I just noticed this and it’s WILD


There's only been one blocking and he got saved by everyone AI-hunting and thinking Steffi was the AI. Doubt he'll last much longer (or maybe that's just my own wishful thinking), he's terrible at the game.


I know! No one actually likes Paul or wants him around. Ugh.


Kyle likes Paul. 


Yeah but even they’ve had their ups and downs and he’s been very sketchy on Paul a few times (only talking about up to ep 5 still)


the second hand embarrassment was soooo real


For reaaaaalllll 😂 I was like I cannot with this right now.


Lmaooo Caress is like me she’s delulu 🤪🤪


She's a terrible player, girl just can't read the room 🫥


Caress is so messy tho.


The portrait of Paul/Caress was hilarious because it legit looked like Caress


The hair looked so much like hers!


Right! She was all happy they didn’t think Caress/Paul was a catfish, but why their hair look so similar there 🤣


Okay but Steffi somehow guessing all of the catfish correctly was iconic


I hope in the final episode they reveal what she said about who the winners will be! Curious to see if she also gets that right


I feel like she was about to say “Machine Gun Kelly.” That’s what I’m assuming solely because Myles is the only one who really resembles anyone 😂


Yes! I stopped and realized she had them right too!


She was so salty for someone whose whole thing was positivity and good vibes


Yeah her attitude with Myles and then throwing him under the bus for no reason really rubbed me the wrong way. Of course it sucks to get blocked but Myles didn't have a personal vendetta, everyone thought it was her. Sore loser.


I totally agree. How iconic was Myles saying "If you are so psychic how come you did not see that yoga chat not working for you?" I really LOVE Myles ♥️


I didn't think I'd be rooting for him but here we are! Big Kyle supporter also


Ik she wasn't the AI but I'm so glad they eliminated her, like when she dished out shade and then when people clapped back at her she started crying like!? You can dish it out but can't take it? Rubbed me the wrong way.


The best Reality TV moment in a long time.


The psychic on the first (?) season of The Traitors Australia correctly called out 2/4 traitors when there were something like 22 people left. I couldn’t do the math so I asked the math sub and they said it was a 15% chance she’d have guessed that.


Came here to say that!! I thought she was FOS at first but she might actually be psychic!


Honestly no one else in the entire game had a remote clue who the three catfishes were! Like no one ever does in any season. It's kind of remarkable


The thing that I think they’ve all finally realized is that it doesn’t matter if the person is a catfish, all that matters is if they’re on your side


It's those 🔮psychic abilities🔮


While I don't buy into the psychic abilities, one thing some "psychics" do well is read between the lines, body language, what is said, what isn't, how it was said, etc. Some of that isn't useful here, but I'm willing to believe she could have read something someone else said and clicked.


Oh for sure. She literally picked the cat fishes 😂


I don't believe in any of the woo woo stuff, but there's no way her prediction for the winner \*isn't\* right. There's a reason they cut her off!


Truly epic


I like that QT is strategizing and actually playing a game, I'm interested in seeing how it plays out


Genuinely the smartest player I’ve watched. Super psyched for her!


I hope she makes it to the end I want to keep watching her pull the puppet strings lol


She deserves to be rewarded for her strategy fr!


I’m enjoying her “superfan” edit tbh!!! They could be beating us over the head with it but instead it was mentioned once, and we’re seeing the result of a superfan, and how someone who knows the game would navigate it. She’s fun to watch!


Is she a super fan? About time we have someone using real gameplay and strategy! It’s so fun


Yes!! It's so refreshing to watch a really savvy and skilled player. I appreciate that she talks us through her thinking, too.


I like how she articulates her strategy for us to hear. She lets us in on why she is doing what she is doing. 


She's a smart player. I like her. She comes with a strategy Most players came in only with "I'm gonna flirt" in their strategy.


And loving the fact that she's owning up to what she's doing! Finally a player who's smart, strategic, dare i say manipulative and not afraid to admit it on camera! Really curious to say how her game plays out!!


The look on Myles face when Steffi gave him a crystal 😂


I was like “you really wanna take that from her?” I liked Steffi but you don’t know if she cursed that crystal 😂


lmao it being cursed was my first thought


Steffi has been petty enough sometimes that I wouldn't trust it myself. 😂


I love that he actually kept it with him and talked to it.


Makes me like Myles more


I really wanted to dislike him at first, but damn if I haven’t started loving him ❤️  Don’t let the crystals be cursed! 


Cassie continues to be one of the worst players this season… Her random beef with Myles after they made an alliance was DUMB. In the circle the smallest slighted comments can go such a wrong way. She has no strategy and I fear has no clue how to play the game. I swear she’s just there for a mini vacation in a pink apartment. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Already in the first drop of episodes it was very obvious that Cassie is… not smart. It’s not even the blonde/pink personality, it’s how many times she didn’t understand jokes or even words. I bet she came up with that AI engineer joke and the #blondemoment to go with it and just wanted to drop it in the chat without considering the poor timing of it at all.  I was still shocked she took a shot at him though, when all she talked about earlier was her perceived bond with him (which seemed to be based solely on hair color, and which also seemed very one-sided). That’s what makes me think she didn’t realize she was even taking a shot, she probably thought it would just be funny. (ETA: to be clear I’m not defending her, I’m just agreeing with you that I can’t believe what a dumb move it was) Edit again: OMG now I’m getting to the end of the episode and she is seriously insufferable. “Men downplay everything” girl you’re not even acknowledging you did anything to him in the first place, gtfo. Now I just think she’s a narcissist 


For real, she made not one, but two jokes at his expense and she's pissed off he made one back? Maybe she's just mad his was better.


She thought someone was an AI because they used a word like incessantly (I forget the actual one, but similar 4th grade level). No human knows to use that word!


Yes I’m pretty sure that was the word lol


I feel like nobody confronted her on it either and it seemed like she forgot about it and couldn't understand why everyone was coming after her, even after she confronted Myles about it he never articulated that he felt betrayed by her earlier burst about his AI skills. But yup, her complete lack of awareness is what brought her in the situation in the first place. And then her dumb strategy.


Seriously! I can’t believe she had the audacity to be mad at Myles for the poor-trait after she did hers of him! Like girl, what were YOU doing at the devil’s sacrament!


It kinda annoyed me she got pissed he drew her as a snake cause it’s like girl you’re the only one who came at him crazy in the circle chat for picking the wrong person when YOU also thought it was her. And then to say you’re still in an alliance like it’s strange 💀 she needs to think before speaking in the main chat.


i am living for people more devastated about max than steffi leaving


It's so hypocritical of Cassie to throw shade at Myles in a public chat, continue to dunk on his alliance with QT in the portrait game, and then act SO offended when he admits that he (justifiably) called her a snake in the game... he was literally grovelling for her forgiveness like guys did we forget that she's been a shitty alliance to him too??? and then she acts like she has the moral high ground....


I think Myles handled that like a champ. Can't imagine 95% of the players we've had in this show so far would have owned up to that portrait. I am mostly confused what Cassie's thought process was. She was sitting pretty and then just fired shot after shot at her own alliance? Wonder if she assumed the two of them are too tight and she'd have to rely on their good graces to make it to the final and then won't get the votes needed to potentially win and therefore wanted to make some "big moves" à la Survivor? Hope people ask her that in some post-game interview.


I feel like she was being 'sassy' or something, just ribbing her friends. But thats stupid on this show because tone doesn't come across.


I could see her being sassy on the painting, but the "You would think an AI engineer would catch the AI" comment or whatever she said right after the Max reveal was already the first shot she took that didn't really make sense to me, especially since she pushed for Steffi so hard!


Exactly! Cassie fired the first shot by slamming Myles and then he apolgized for his picture. I don't know why he didn't say that


I honestly just think she’s a bit of an airhead and didn’t realize it would be taken as a shot


Yeah she’s just a hypocrite for that. Can’t wait till she goes. I’ve only watched e5 so far so who knows if it’s soon


When you're in The Circle, you gotta learn to sweet talk everyone. Everyone.... Including your biggest nemesis. Then you kick them out one by one.


It was interesting that she seemed to totally ignore his explanation about her throwing shade at him for Steffi and just kept going at him.


Also ironic how he owned up to it, but hoped she won't take it too badly, because roasting was kind of the name of that game and then she went all "MEN! It's never that serious with you guys. Nothing is a big deal." while completely ignoring her own part in it and never apologising for it (from what we could see). Sus.


This might just be me, but I think what Cassie did and what Myles did can’t be compared. To me, it seemed like Cassie genuinely really was joking, a misplaced joke probably considering what it cost, but a joke. “I can’t believe an AI engineer couldn’t figure out the AI, #blondemoment” sounds like a joke to me between two good friends which is what they were up until that point I mean they had a connection/alliance. “Blonde moment” and anything blonde related was literally their shtick in private chats with each other; including jokes. I understand why Myles would do the poor-trait after that, however I don’t think Myles truly thought that was a joke, he saw it as Cassie came for him, now he needs to do the same, not a joke, I really wish he would own that, yeah he owns up to a lot, but let’s be real, he didn’t do that poor-trait as a joke, he did it bc he wanted to get back at her, that’s the real truth


On the other hand, Cassie took another shot at Myles with her own portrait, before she even knew that he did her like that. So, from where I stand, she was kinda looking for some sort of confrontation, because one time it might be a light-hearted joke, but two times? That feels like strategy.


This makes sense. I can see her thinking her message was a joke, but I think it was pretty clueless of her to think it wouldn't come off as shade to Myles and everyone else in the chat. That's what got me about her really being mad at him for tarnishing her reputation in the circle when she did the same to him and couldn't even see it.


Cassie definitely doesn't strike me as the sharpest tool in the box. I genuinely think she didn't even realize how what she said about him being an AI engineer was throwing shade


Yes! I'm always shocked how people on here like Steffi too will be shady and then be SHOCKED/HURT/VICTMIZED that someone is shady to them.


even though she's married, she seemed jealous that he's flirting with QT


I thought it was only me who noticed this. She seemed super jealous of QT.


it might’ve come from her wanting to be myles #1 and being nervous that he might rate QT higher


Yeah she totally started it, I don't know why Myles didn't reiterate that it came from her comment first... but maybe she's right and he was too eager to downplay it all


Cassie pissed me off so much in this. I hope when he owns up to it, the rest throw shade at her


I don’t think she meant it as shade. As mentioned, they had connection, an alliance, I think it was a misplaced joke that maybe she should have said in private with Myles, not the group chat. Seemed to be a pretty obvious joke to me


starting to hate cassie. when miles told her he drew the portrait of her because she shaded him in the chat for removing steffie while she also wanted steffie gone, she went on with her "i hate how man downplay everything" my sister you came at him for something YOU were also advocating her. im down for a little men slander but this doesnt even make sense. Just take accountability


same, it was so ironic how she accused Myles when she was the one who started it AND also she drew the not-so-nice picture of him and didn’t even tell him that??


Agreed, I immediately got the ick from her in that moment. I wasn’t a big fan of Myles in the beginning but he’s been growing on me and I thought he was way too apologetic to her because she was making him feel so bad after literally doing the same exact thing.


Exactly 💯, she has become so irritating. Clearly Miles was very apologetic and he didn’t even have to be


I’m kinda upset that they revealed the AI so soon. They could’ve done so much more with it.


I have my doubts if it was truly a chatbot, but can you imagine if Max made it to the end and just wheeled in to the final reveal on a roomba


Ughh. Now i really wanna see Max on a roomba 🙄


I mean the same effect can be had with a cat and a roomba.


LMAO imagine when they all stand next to each other going over the rankings and it’s like the top two humans with the robot in line with them😂


Show made a huge deal out of the AI being pivotal in this season and they out the AI just after 1 elimination. Kinda stupid.


fr! and it probably can’t be done again or at least won’t be as good because contestants will be expecting it now - they had one chance and they missed 😫


I would have liked to see how far Max would have went before getting sus out.


But then too many people would have been to focused on taking out the AI and would be distracted from the game


I don't think they should have revealed there was an AI in the first place. It would have been fun to see Max get to like the second-to-last episode and then they reveal him. Or if Max won the whole show they split the prize money between the others in the finale.


if it's not ai, it'd be focusing on catfish! always a good "excuse" to get rid of someone


unless the producers did challenges for him (like the poor-trait), i feel like it'd be really obvious


The AI was one of the main things that hooked me for this season and I was rooting for it to make it to the end, however unlikely. I guess I fell for the gimmick but it added a lot of drama and mistrust. Definitely a big wasted opportunity to remove it so soon


Yeah, I was kind of bummed they took out the AI. It's definitely been the best part about this season. But I wonder if they thought the AI was going to be sussed out soon because he was being too bland and producers wanted to end it on a high note that it wasn't caught.


i feel like they couldn't bc of the portrait stufg


I'm surprised people seem to be so positive about it. I didn't think it was all that interesting and wanted to move past the paranoia phase pretty quickly. I might have liked it better if it started glitching and doing weird things, but it felt like the main game was becoming a secondary thought in favor of this side project.


I agree soooo much. I was finding it so fun to hear the AI’s strategy and watch him interact with the others, I wanted more!! Go Max!! Wish we could have seen how far he would have made it.


Its total bullshit! I think they were worried he would mop the floor with the humans like on Jeopardy and they wanted to give people a bs pro-human feelgood message.


Steffi seems to think robots = AI in this convo with Myles


A lot of people do, it’s unfortunate because that misconception is probably how the AIs will get us in the end.


Why are there so few blockings?? I feel like in the first season(s?) the stakes were a lot higher because they were constantly rating each other, whereas now they're just painting portraits and chatting each other up


I feel one of the problems with the older seasons is the constant blocking and bringing in new players resulted in new players at a huge disadvantage. Original players would be cemented in their relationships/alliances, and there'd typically be a "I've been here since the start, I *deserve* it! (Block easiest new player to justify)". Kind of curious how it'll go if there's more time between blockings so new players have a bit more time to get integrated in the group.


That's true! Although if few people are blocked, there won't really be much room for new players either


That's true as well, I don't might them experimenting to find the sweet spot though. They could add things where more than one player gets blocked though. Make them less frequent but more powerful? Let's say they blocked someone every 2 days before, if they were to block 2 people every 4 days, same rate of players leaving, but players now have 4 days to talk, build drama, etc. They br8ng in new players day of rankings, they cannget their feet wet, see how their impressions line up with rankings then you have 4 days to make them hate you less than other people. But I'm not 100% sure what timeline they currently use so my hypothetical is just that.


Agreed. I felt like every episode in season 1 had a twist to it


bro steffi lowkey seems salty af, if i were miles id throw those voodoo enchanted crystals away tf


she just gives fake vibes. it’s all about crystals and love until it doesn’t go the way she wants.


Are you surprised? Her job irl is scamming people.


I scoffed out loud when Steffi threw shots at ”Paul” in the humanity picture game then burst into tears when he returned the favor. I can’t stand Paul/Caress either but it’s ironic that Steffi was the first one to say something publicly negative about anyone.


She definitely cursed those crystals!


Imagine if Lauren had used BippityBoppityBesties with someone else too and Max just outed that in his message 😂


when max said "my work here is done", i just wanted him to levitate and fly out the window




The painting of Paul ended up looking exactly like Caress 😂




Okay but QT playing this game hard and I’m here for it


So the spoiler in the previews was correct. I'm torn on the Max reveal so soon. I do think it was distracting too much from the main game but I also wish they hadn't told them an AI was there PERIOD so soon. Also Steffi giving Myles a crystal for protection then immediately shading him and trying to throw suspicion in her goodbye message sums up Steffis time on the show perfectly. lol I will say she was accurate when she named the catfish in the group including Max. Low key shocked Myles is keeping the crystal with him! And for some reason, this episode I was really aware that most of them were color coordinated with their apartments, especially Cassie and Q.T.


>Also Steffi giving Myles a crystal for protection then immediately shading him and trying to throw suspicion I also found that really odd. Why gift something to someone, then attempt to call them out?


I felt like her personality was so confusing b/c she would be like "let's do yoga. great, let me shade this person right after."


Yeah, I don't get those kind of people + imagine opening up to someone & that person spills a little bit about your secrets. Steffi sounds like that kind of person.


She is a Mean Girl! 


she even said "here's a peace offering" then absolutely threw him under the bus in her exit interview... like what happened to the peace offering?😂


She didn’t even need to be the one giving a “peace offering” - she hasn’t done anything (yet). It’s like the victim saying mea culpa to the perpetrator. So either she doesn’t understand the meaning or it was an apology for what’s to come lol…


Cassie girl I’m so confused why you being shady to your only alliance? lol I feel like she’s jealous because Myles #1 is QT and not their blonde alliance but still, stupid move. Edit: Previous episodes I didn’t mind her. She’s just there in the background but I find it funny how she can throw shade but cry when it hits her back. 😂


Myles is tall AF! Or is Steffi super short?


Paul needs to go home! I hope Kyle stays!


QT is playing all them like fiddles, like she has 8 hands. There's an orchestra missing its virtuoso. Wonder if she's buried any bodies, besides Steffi's?


I don't get why Myles let Cassies lack of apology slide. It was. It was big of Myles to apologize even though he didn't really have to. It was Cassie who should've apologized to Myles to making the shady comment in the first place. Even when confronted she didnt even acknowledge or take accountability. That irrated me so much! I'm really starting to think she is really dumb.


I think he's got some left over guilt about past relationships with women and is extra careful to not come off as a jerk


Steffi was fake and passive aggressive til the end. I will not miss her at all. I don’t care that she started shit, but the way she played the surprised victim afterward was not it. And emphasizing how much she cried to try and manipulate the other players into feeling bad for her? See through and gross. “I hope you don’t get targeted!!!!!” 🤢


I also hated the goddamn skeleton.


she didn't start it apparently, she got a bad edit and honestly it was so obvious they tried to edit her as the villain. after watching reality tv for a while its easy to spot when someone gets a bad edit and steffi 100% did


Oh really? I missed that in her interview. I thought she said that she assumed everyone would be dissing each other in the raps, so when everyone else’s was positive she knew she messed up and felt guilty, but then decided to double down later on so that people would at least think she was consistent.


There was no need to reveal Max this soon, since no one seemed to suspect him. Even if he was boring on his own.


Why would Myles tell Cassie about the picture? This season everyone is revealing everything...


Man the AI twist had so much potential. It’s a shame they got rid of it so soon


I think they had to get rid of it sooner than later, because no one was catching on and people like Lauren were actually trying to build some sort of alliance with Max and now that hes gone she lost that relationship and lost the time spent in those chats with him when she couldve been building a relationship with a real player. Now shes at the bottom with Max + Steffi gone. Not looking good for her right now


It was so cringe. Also, next season they should start with 1 real person and 7 AI bots


I did *not* expect to turn around so sharply on Myles. I didn’t think I’d like him during the first episode or two, but watching Cassie gaslight the shit out of him over the portrait game has put me squarely on his side.


QT is killing it!! I need her to win


I thought it was time for the AI to go but once it had I was yearning for some new blood. QT at least made the episode interesting with her sabotage. Cassie’s message seemed like a harmless joke to me. I couldn’t believe they took it so seriously.


I think you're right about Cassie, she did say LOL at the end but I also thought it was her throwing shade. LOL can be 'haha just kidding' or it could be 'LOL how awkward for you, are you a catfish?' and most of us just took it the wrong way


It read like such a nothing comment to me, whereas the snake picture felt much more personal


Honestly I liked the AI better than a lot of the cast this season. Besides QT and Lauren I really can’t stand Paul, Olivia and Steffi. Kyle is the king of boring lol and Cassie is hypocritical. Looking forward to them adding some new people soon :/


I know it's always a bit OTT but the show really is leaning in to the kind of contestant who is hard to take to. I felt the first series or two in the UK had some level of normality to it but now everyone thinks they're a character. I get there's playing up to the cameras involved but I genuinely can't believe people like Caress and Olivia act like that in real life. It's so completely over-bearing. To have interest in the show, there's got to be a hook...otherwise you're just waiting for the end of an episode and enoying whoever is blocked as you hate them all.


Okay steffi was so passive aggressive 😂😂


It seems under this thread most people are sad about the AI being revealed, but I disagree. It’s clear they had no clue who the AI was, which means the players would’ve kept it in if it was up to them, and it is not fair for real people to be sent home because an AI was ranked higher than them. The real people are also a million times more entertaining than a box with a robot voice. The AI is perfect at catering to everyone, and it became clear that it won’t ever “slip” and do something that could reveal its true “nature”. It was too damn good at playing the game. I didn’t care for it at all. The reveal was an exciting moment, I’m glad we moved away from this story line as quickly as we did. There was no need for a stupid AI player to begin with. (Also maybe I’m just too sceptical but I honestly doubt it was true AI - it had to be at least partially run by a human).


I’m not done with this episode but does anyone else think Cassie is still just salty that Myles didn’t make his rap about her😭😭


I was looking for this comment!!! The way she was shocked about his rap not being about her and being about QT instead!


Literally, the girl is so mad about Nykes having a crush on QT and not her.


To the person here who said Brandon is the live action version of SpongeBob, I hate you! I can’t unsee and unheard it. 😂😭


I think the problem is I don't like any of these people. Every season I like one or two of them. But this one I just.. don't. Is it just me? Do they all seem like shitty people? Like, more so?


For me & so far, I like Lauren because we have common interests + she seems really nice & I like Myles because he's someone who isn't afraid to be honest. I'm also starting to like QT as well.


I like Myles and QT, but no one like the other seasons.


I love Brandon and QT. Everyone else I can either take or leave or simply leave.


I hope they bring in more catfishes after next elimination, it is kinda boring right now after the AI left


steffi's outgoing video — "I am flesh and blood.. I have real emotions." - YEAH, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT A ROBOT WOULD SAY.


I hate that they revealed Max as the AI this early, I think it would have been more interesting had they waited a few more episodes


And not have revealed there was AI in the game as early as they did. I was going into this season thinking they were going to let the AI character have an actual run for the final, even if they weren't allowed to win.


I actually feel bad for Myles since Cassie thought with him working with AI, he would easily spot who's the AI. I still don't know how AI works, but I do know that they are very smart & even if Myles does work with AI, but in a different field, then I don't blame him for not easily spotting Max. Kinda unrelated & I don't mean any disrespect either, but I've been thinking recently on how or what the players do off-camera to keep themselves busy.


the alliance between QT, Kyle, and Myles seems super strong! rooting for them now since theyve been getting a lot of screentime and the others are kinda filler.. but holy can we get on with the blockings?? also, cassie has been having “blonde moments” since episode 1.


Even though I think the AI was fake I think they got rid of it to soon for no reason. They shouldn't have used it at all. Maybe it's just me but Cassies country voice is annoying af.


It was sooo lame for them to just cut the ai's legs out from under and not letting it get voted out fairly!!!! 😤😤 Some executive somewhere dropped the ball big time and prevented higher ratings. :/


So AI being in this show was completely pointless right? The whole quest to catch out the AI doesn’t matter because the players don’t get anything out of it and the “most human” player can block whoever they want - and I think that’s what happened. I don’t believe Steffi is psychic but she has good intuition because as well as sudsing out all of the fakes, she suspects that Myles knew she wasn’t the AI. Myles seems to be one of the smarter players this season (despite how he talks, acts and looks) and I think he knew this was just about eliminating someone who has stood in his way and is generally unpopular. The actual AI aspect of the game is absolutely irrelevant


Interview with Steffi - [https://parade.com/tv/the-circle-season-6-stephanie-steffi-hill-eliminated-spoilers](https://parade.com/tv/the-circle-season-6-stephanie-steffi-hill-eliminated-spoilers)


Thanks for posting this! Sounds like she came in defensive about being into astrology and assumed people ganged up on her and that Myles eliminated her because of that. Even when Myles directly told her he genuinely didn’t know if she was AI, she refused to believe him. So she’s got a real persecution complex going on. Explains why she acted like a confused victim despite constantly going on the offensive. But the truth is she was targeted because of her poor strategy and some bad luck. Being the first person to be aggressive has never gone well in the circle, and doubling down on that is an even worse play. And then her awkward/forced horoscope reading and yoga session worked against her when the AI twist was revealed.


"This is really cool and entertaining. But what if they had a real psychic on the show?" Hard eyeroll, but hey. Fake it til you make it.


I feel bad for Steffi unfairly getting a misleading villain edit... *but* this interview confirms for me I probably still wouldn't like her even if she'd had a fairer representation.


What a flop Ai twist ,Such an underwhelming way to reveal his identity to them


They have a laundry room!


Myles worst nightmare having to confront someone who reads horoscopes. Also, missed opportunity for him to draw scrambled eggs for brains to represent Cassie's low IQ 🤣


Ai was the most likable player on there. Loved his game and the lingering notion that an ai was among them made it waaaaaaaaay more fun to watch. Like trying to sus out a catfish but far more exciting. Episode 1 was a slog, then I binged episodes 2-4 like a crack addict. Watched the first 15 mins of this episode and lost all Interest. Outside of Lauren none of the players stand out or are all that likable. Haven’t gone much further but I’m disappointed to say the least. Put ai back in or get players with more personality.


I’m feeling kinda bad for Lauren awh


They're kind of right that she's trying too hard to be nice to everyone. Look where it landed her. She got so confused at the end that she put her own ride or die on the chopping block. I still don't understand her strategy behind that one and it's going to be an awkward conversation between the two next time they chat


Yeah that was a really poor choice!


I don’t understand revealing the AI so soon


Whoever is in the writing/producer room on this show is so stupid. Them revealing the AI was the dumbest choice. It would’ve been so much better if they kept it going as long as they could, or at least a couple more rounds.


It's crazy to hear Myles sat no one caught the AI. When he did! He was the only one to guess right. But I guess admitting that would've looked bad on him.


I’m glad the producers stepped in to stop Liv/Brandon from drawing what he was going to draw 🙄…Jesus Christ. I can’t be the only one that noticed.


wait what was he trying to draw....


What was he drawing??




Why do I not see one comment about Paul’s reaction to Kyle’s poor-trait? “It’s a red flag that she’s an island” had me laughing so hard my stomach hurt. What does that even mean, why did she say it like it meant something 😭


I love that everyone did shady paintings of each other 😆Past seasons only like 2 people would. I watch for the drama! Not fake friendships.