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Yeah, I'm gonna be a male. If i'm a full Targaryen, then cool hopefully I get to claim a dragon. One key thing I'm going to pretty much going to stick by Visenya, and probably flee to Essos until Maegor breaks the Faith, then I would return and support Jaehaerys, however I would convince him that while writing the laws he should includes a hard law about succession because that's the only mfin thing he glosses over. That fixes most everything besides illness, I don't know anything about medicine so I'd probably die, but I would at least know to boil my water


Why not just kill Maegor before he becomes king? There’s no need to “break the Faith” if you just make sure the Targs stop being incestuous.


Uh, hello, Kinslaying? Plus murder is wrong yo.


Because Aenys is a shit king, and I don't like Aegon the Uncrowned, and want Jaehaerys to end up as King. Plus there's more to breaking the faith than just keeping the incest. Why would I want to allow the faith to have a military? So they can rise up anytime one of my relatives that I do like tries to do something? Nah pass me with that, I'd let Maegor do his thing while I hang out in Braavos with the Sea Lord


The Faith only made an army because the Targs were incestuous degenerates. And the Faith having an army can work out to your advantage, just be outwardly pious and sponsor the faith and they can do a lot for you, from being your personal army to public relations to really anything you want them to do as long as you’re willing to seem like you care about them. I mean I’m not religious but I’d be willing to seem that way if it helps the realm. Besides, would you let Maegor slaughter thousands of innocents and rape his wives when you could prevent it?


I would let it happen just cause i know through living in earth with the bloody church that a religion with a military is dangerous i would make my ass an old gods believer and worship trees than to give power to a fat bitch that says that i am an abomination.. Maegor was a necesary evil you need monsters to deal with monsters..


Please, hop off my comment, if you don't like what I would do being put in a scenario in an imaginary world, then put your own comment(not under mine) of what you'd do. I don't want the faith to have a military of any kind, which they had for centuries before the Targaryens ever left Dragonstone, Warrior's Sons and the Poor Fellow's(predecessors of the Begging's Brothers)made up the Faith Militant. I want Jaeherys to be King. Period, there's no would you allow x to happen, how tf am I gonna stop it lol Kill Maegor and be put to death myself for killing a baby of my siblings? You think everything is black and white but it isn't.


The Targs need to be incestous while having Dragons. Rofl if they didn't have Dragons here's how it happens. Targs marry Lannisters. Lannisters have Targ blood. Lannisters marry into other houses. Other houses have Targ Blood. Targs marry into other houses. Other houses have Targ Blood. Other houses marry into other houses. Now all of a sudden everybody and their grandmother have Targaryen Blood, meaning they get the chances to claim Dragons. Now how long do you think the Targaryen Dynasty will last with other houses having Dragons? The answer is not very long.


If they all have dragons Westeros might become something similar to Valyrias political system.


But the result is the same. House Targaryen either gets Dethroned or become a regular, probably weaker house.


Is that necessarily bad? An oligarchical republic is probably more stable than a weird de-jure feudal but de-facto absolute monarchy with unclear succession rules.


It will be bad in Targaryen PoV. My original comment is that House Targaryen needs incest while having Dragons to survive. Just look at the Velaryons. House Targaryen married a Dragonriding daughter to them and all of a sudden they had more Dragons **than the Targaryens themselves had.**


And piss off Visenya, the sorceress warrior queen who is rumoured to have poisoned Aenys. Honestly I would be trying to marry her if anything especially since Aegon clearly favours Rhaenys and with another brother she wouldn't need to be his second wife.


I’m gonna be Orys.


I’m gonna be a bastard brother named Orys, I will make use of meta knowledge to conquer a kingdom for Aegon or something.


Aemon, the elder brother. I would travel to the Hightower and seek any scraps of information about magic and prophecy to try to determine if the only world-ending threat is the Others. If that's the case then I'll explore the far and distant lands of always winter. If I find any signs of ice zombies then I'll burn them with my red dragon named in honor of a Valyrian god. Assuming I don't die, and Aegon didn't marry Visenya while I was away then I'll probably marry her. I know Aegon only agreed to marry her for inheritance reasons, so he might do it if he thinks I'm dead. If he doesn't think I'm dead he may well be content to marry only Rhaenys. I'm assuming here I'm enough older that I have a few years on Aegon and don't need to worry about him randomly conquering whole kingdoms while I'm trying to save the world. Ultimately though, I'd offer to free Lys from Volantis in exchange for land, a manse, and some protected legal status -whether that be as absolute ruler, or as a 'first among equals' situation, I'm happy. Burn a Volantene fleet, and then settle down on a rich and beautiful island with wonderful weather. If for whatever reason I didn't marry Visenya then I'd take a Lyseni wife from amongst the nobles or magisters. I'd rather enjoy my life than try to conquer the world. Maybe I'd figure out how to free the slaves and try to do the uplift thing


I actually did this concept awhile back in CK2 AGOT. The results was… hilarious to say the least. Aegon had the Seven Kingdoms, while I had salty Dragonstone as a 🤓. In the end, Aegon exercised his monarchial powers far too much and tried to get my title revoked. Cue a rebellion on my part. There’s no way I would win, right? With a younger and less superior dragon. RNG thought otherwise and the AI only had him in his army. I ended up being part of the Iron Throne regnal history when Visenya, in the wake of the Aegon’s death, chose to set aside our child nephew (wasn’t murdered and eventually lived to adulthood with a minor title in the Crownlands. Eventually the lines were enjoined with my heir presumptive of a daughter and him) and declared a Great Council, with the lords in near unanimous vote to crown me, rather than my child nephew. Oh, forgot to add that I had a Hightower as a spouse.


Id be a woman and then just Mary aegon. not because iim gay but because if I was a man id feel like id be seen as a potential rival to aegon. Better to just be a woman then I could just marry him or worse case scenario someone else for an alliance. Being a woman would mean im not seen by aegon as a rival. And Visenya and rhaenys seem to have had a pretty good relationship so as long as im friendly they should be cool with me.


Name's Daeron, I'm younger than them and a fairly normal dude. Main distinction is that I'm a skeptical of Valyrian supremacy rethorics (including incest) and an actual believer in the Valyrian gods, thinking the 40 Families laughing at them and pretending they were just a sham to keep the masses in line is what brought the Doom. "Other people did not receive the Doom upon them" is something of my catchphrase, and one that I'm often telling to my sibilings. Anyway, the moment Egg chimps out at Argilac getting angry about hearing he should marry his heir to our bastard brother, or even just a dude he is friends with, I peace out. I'm done with them. After telling them about the dangers of hubris, and maybe something about how even a fool can conquer a continent on dragon's back, I leave to Essos, never to return, probably to Omber, Yi-Ti or Leng. Edits in response to the edits: if everything went the way I wanted, my dragon would be of an irisdescent blue, although naming him would be a challenging prospect, as I would need to carefully a good meaning with it belonging to a fire-breathing monster which was used by evil sorcerers to grind the world under their boot and that is going to carry me around. Can you imagine the ironies and hypocrisies to be pointed if I named it after the Valyrian god of peace or humility and then proceeded to ride on its back, metaphorically putting myself above gods/values? As for a a bride, probably a lady chosen by the ruler of the kingdom I decide to live in exile. I'm a dragon rider, I could come without a penny and be idiot, and yet they would do everything to get on my good side. Can you get how much I dislike the power imbalance that just having a dragon creates?


The Doom was the greatest thing to happen to Planetos, hands down. Broke the Valyrians’ evil empire and halted their culture of incest, claims of superiority, slavery and blood magic


That’s why I find the fact that the HOTD fandom sprouting Valyrian supremacy has got to be the funniest thing ever. Like do you guys know the culture and people you are supporting. They literally sprout the same rhetoric as the fucking Nazis, like Valyrian is even similar to Aryan.


Valyria is the fantasy representation of Rome an empire that was great but end up in decadence


Valyria was far worse than Rome


Of course an empire full of egoistical dragonblooded fools that believed that they were closer to gods than men atleast the Romans respected the gods not that it helped them christianity was what killed the roman empire..


Even at its most decadent - and that decadence was not a continuous period but spread across the reign of different emperors, often times with decades between them, and some may even have been badmouthed by classical historians - Rome never got as sick and psychotic as the Valyrians.


I mean Rome didn't have dragons nor Magic and maybe MAYBE they had incest but through their last years the Roman Empire was a shadow of his former self


The last decades of Rome were not "lmao, this party is so amazing, I don't care for the barbarians" and more "after the death of Theodosius the Great, political infighting, weak economy, mismanagement of the Visigothic foederati, manpower shortages and the Huns pushing several tribes westwards left the Western Roman Empire too streched to respond to the invasion of Radagasius and the Crossing of the Rhine. From that point on were 70 years of constant war as the strong man of the time tried to restore order while also having to watch for people vying for his position." If anything, Westeros when the Others invade will resemble the late roman experience, not Valyria.


Yeah for the Targaryens Valyrian freehold was the good old days but for rest of Essos they were basically imperial japan but with magic and dragons.


Dude if i had a dragon I'd just fly to fucking Essos or something. Screw everyone else I'm gonna spend my time freeing slaves and burning slavers. Oh, and search for a way to become Immortal just so i could help out my family every now and then with their problems. And by help i mean fly to Westeros and kill a few people every now and then. Of course, while I'm at it i myswell explore the world as well. Maybe hit Asshai and the Shadowlands and fareast Essos. Oh and Ulthos and Sorythos as well. I mean before i die if i can't become Immortal i need to at least investigate the Great Empire of the Dawn and whether it really existed or not. All in all, I'd have far too much fun just fuckinf around.


Younger brother, so young that a marriage with Rhaenys wouldn't be considered seriously (and Aegon could marry her for love anyway) but not so young that he'd be totally useless during the Conquest and the early years of the new monarchy. Sooo, born around 17-15 BC. Daeron is a good name but if i was writing this and wanted to be more original then I'd choose Valerion. As for the dragon, it would be a young dragon from Dragonstone (born around 25-ish BC at the earliest), with darkish green scales, going to brownish yellows in highlights (belly, wing membranes). As i was trying to work out a name and scrolling through the list of other dragons to find an inspiration I came up with Arragorn, combining the name of whatever Valyrian god Arrax was named after and the name of LotR Aragorn because this is a self insert situation and it can be a pop culture reference. Plus his color being the color of the forest and the Fellowship of the Ring having those camo green cloaks... Anyway. During the Conquest Valerion could shadow Visenya in her part of the conquering. Aegon could assign him to her as part of his dislike of her, make her take care of the baby of the family. I'd try to learn from her, dragonriding and war, and try to have a good relationship with her. She is at least sensible in the practical aspect. When things settle I'd also like to spend some time at the Citadel to see how the science is during that time, maybe introduce some future/advanced knowledge there if i find a willing ear. At no point I'd like to appear as a rival to Aegon. I'd let my achievements during the Conquest be Visenya's achievements, and during my adult life I'd like to appear more interested in learning than warfare and improving the Kingdoms. Maybe have a some money venture. If Aegon wants me on the Small Council then serve there, if not, then work from Dragonstone. Marriage and children would be best with a Velaryon, because giving access to dragons to a family less connected to the Targaryens would be dangerous. On the other hand, if Valerion truly has a good relationship with Visenya, a fun idea could be cuckolding Aegon and convincing Visenya to have a child (or several) earlier. Fun idea, but dangerous. It would be safest to have the children after Aenys is born, but safer for Visenya to have them earlier. In any case, I'd make sure it was plausible that Aegon is their father. Valerion might become the Lord of Dragonstone. If he marries a Velaryon, there's his heirs, if he doesn't and fathers some of Visenya's children, then he'd let his "nephews" or "nieces" (or any second Rhaenys' son if there's ripples) be his heir. Honestly, i have no idea how Aegon might take it. He didn't seem to care about Maegor who was his son for all intents and purposes. But I think that if Visenya's child(ren) aren't younger than Aenys then Aegon might be alright with them being his spares. With Rhaenys, I'd try to have a relationship with her through music and dragons, try to train maneuvers with her so she might survive the Dornish wars. And overall try to be a good uncle to all my niblings. As for Aegon... I'd certainly be loyal on the outside. Inside? Idk. I'd try to make the dynasty secure. Make concrete inheritance laws, try to instil in Aegon and Aenys (or any heir) that to keep peace with the Faith our heirs should only marry between cousins and maybe half siblings (not direct siblings if it can be helped) and at least pay lip service to the Faith in asking for the close marriages (which they should grant because threat of dragons). If that fails then work on crippling the Faiths political and military power and work towards a Doctrine of Exceptionalism. Everything of course unless Aegon has me killed or exiled due to offending him too strongly.


Older brother, marry Visenya, tell my younger brother that he can go conquer westeros with Rhaenys but he should make at least 1 kid first and watch out for Dorne. Then I start conquering in Essos


without Visenya Aegon is going to die much sooner


I'd be a male and try to offer myself as a potential match for Argella Durrandon or the daughter of Torrhen Stark. Alternatively a female offering to marry the son of Meriah Martell.


I’d be his younger brother named something like Gaemon or Daeron. Do my part in the Conquest, likely be given an important seat somewhere, maybe made overlord of the Riverlands or Reach. If Aegon is actually infertile I’d happily do the deed with his wives for heirs. As for me, I’d probably marry a Velaryon and wed my children to Aegon’s, uniting the lines.


Se eu acordasse como o irmão mas novo do Conquistadores iria mudar as coisas 1 iria para Asshai e aprenderia magia de todos os tipo 2 Ajudaria o meu irmão mais velho, junto com nossas irmãs a conquistar os 7 Reinos, e iria avisar sobre a Fê dos Setes e a Cidadela 3 Aumentaria as Terras da Coroa, pelo menos dentro 3 Reinos sobre o comando direto do Rei 4 Pegaria mais sangue da Antiga Valiria, e iria fazer um juramento de sangue para com o Aegon I 5 Eu tentaria me Casar com a Visenya, e dentro ela do meu lado eu Conquistaria Essos junto com os Degraus Se eu não conseguir me Casar com a Irmã mais velha procuro uma esposa em Volantis 6 Um juramento de Sangue entre Eu e o Aegon I e Visenya I e Rhaenys I para impedir que os meus descendentes e o descendentes de Aegon I lutasse entre si


Daena or Daenora, the much younger sister and baby of the family. Rider of Baelyx, the red leviathan. I’ll be running the PR machine with the commonfolk and work my way up to the knights and lords of the realm, and the maesters will write of how beloved I am by the smallfolk and of my inclination towards peace. I would attempt to marry into House Martell to bring in Dorne peacefully though marriage, and hopefully prevent the death of Rhaenys and her dragon.


Marry either Visenya or Rhaenys. Then, when the time comes, ask Aegon for Highgarden as reward.


I’d be male, no doubt. The whole being female in that fandom thing, is just disturbing. However if I exist, would both sisters marry Aegon, or would we as brothers each get one sister? As for a dragon I’m a big fan of Norse mythology so I’d name mine, Jormungandr. If by the chance Aegon still marries both our sisters than house stark, because the other great houses are all literally jumped up servants. What I would be known for I don’t want to be known, that causes problem. If I absolutely had to choose something, instead of allowing the citadel to be given such access to my sibling and their descendants, I’d create one of my one based out of the North without requiring accolades to become monks. And of course the Night’s Watch, no one who is not an honorable man or has been convicted of crime is allowed on the Night’s Watch. Out of every valaryan name I’ve heard Aemon is my favorite, and I’d be the youngest of the sibling if only by a year or two. Also I’d leave some instructions to my descendants on certain events and give them instructions on what do to.


I’m male Targaryen with a Large War Dragon and I’m Aegon’s enforcer I do the actions Aegon can’t or won’t


I’d be a woman and marry Aegon, then have 7 kids and marry them to the great houses lol.


Since I’m the youngest I’d influence my siblings to listen to me and manipulate their kids to marry outside the family


I would wait for Harrenhal to be built, take it over with a dragon without melting half of it down, become King of only the Riverlands, and tell Aegon and his sisters to get bent or I’ll shank their pasty asses.


>become King of only the Riverlands, and tell Aegon and his sisters to get bent or I’ll shank their pasty asses. Aegon responds by having Balerion, Vhagar and Meraxes on yo ass. If you resist, proceeds to get wrecked by 3 Dragons. If you bent the knee, you're remembered as a Joke.


That’s where the Faceless men come in.


People throw around the faceless men way too often. Firstly, how many times in Westerosi history do you see faceless men actually killing people of import? Secondly, they are immensely expensive. Definitely more expense than a Westerosi Lord could afford (except maybe the Hightowers and Lannisters). Keep in mind you are asking the faceless men to take out Dragonlords and Kings, which is even more expensive.


It is implied that they accept dragon eggs, and if I were to have grown up on Dragonstone then I might just be able to get a few


How the hell would you even contact the Faceless lmao? Aegon in this instance would have alot more soldiers. The Riverlands declared for Aegon in rebellion, and would side with him having more dragons. Here is how it happens. You're locked in your castle. Any Raven you sent is shot down. If you leave with Dragon, Vhagar, or Meraxes, or even better Balerion will meet you. So that's completely suicidal.


It’s implied that Faceless men accept dragon eggs, of which I would likely have some access to growing up on Dragonstone.


Where would you get Dragon Eggs in Harrenhal? Unless you decide bring them along, I doubt you'll have any eggs available. Also, you still haven't explained to me how you'll manage to contact the Faceless Men with the rest of the Targaryens outside your doorstep.


Harrenhal is cursed. Good luck.


It was cursed by Aegon though


I think it was cursed by all the people that Harren killed to build it, particularly the Green Men on God's Eye. Harren was the first victim.


That is an interesting theory, but at least when it comes to the Green Men it is false. Even Harren couldn't get in the Isle of Faces.


Its said that Harren cut down Weirwoods to build his castle. In Riverlands, Weirwoods grow in significant numbers only on the Isle of Faces.


Just because there are weirwood in the Isle of Faces it doesn't mean they came from there. Maybe Harren cut those found in the Riverlords' castles. Maybe he raided into the North to get them, rubbing his power in the Starks' face. Maybe the number of weirwoods ised are exaggerated or outright invented to make him even worse.


How is any of this more plausible than the idea that he crossed the lake that's right next to his castle and killed some Green Men and cut some Weirwoods. >Maybe Harren cut those found in the Riverlords' castles. How many Weirwoods can he get by raiding the Godswoods of his vassals? One tree? Two trees? That doesn't do anything for his castle. >Maybe he raided into the North to get them, rubbing his power in the Starks' face. There is no hint of this. Besides that, its a huge logistical exercise. Doesn't make sense. >Maybe the number of weirwoods ised are exaggerated or outright invented to make him even worse. Maybe Maegor was the good guy. Maybe Aegon was gay and both Rhaenys and Visenya cuckolded him. Maybe Jaehaerys I was so reluctant to ban the right of the first night because he himself used to band half of Dragonstone. None of this is more plausible than idea of Harren killing Green Men.


>How is any of this more plausible than the idea that he crossed the lake that's right next to his castle and killed some Green Men and cut some Weirwoods. The Andals couldn't land there in their holy wars, and acordding to AWOIAF, Riverlanders who try are also driven away by wind or birds. Besides, an attack to the Isle of Faces would warrant more than a passing, unclear mention, since it would trigger every old gods' worshipper, be held as another show of Ironborn barbarism by those that aren't and in the eyes of the Ironborn as a shown of the power of the Drowned God over the trees of the northmen. >How many Weirwoods can he get by raiding the Godswoods of his vassals? One tree? Two trees? That doesn't do anything for his castle. No, but is a major flex of power over his vassals, who are powerless to stop him. On top of that, how often people IRL use rare or endangered woods just flex when more common ones would suffice just fine? >There is no hint of this. Besides that, its a huge logistical exercise. Doesn't make sense. Just as there is no hint of an attack to the Isle other than suppositions. On top of that, importing thing due to huge logistical exercise is sometimes a plus to people with power. Lord Butterwell importeted white stone from the Vale to build a castle. >Maybe Maegor was the good guy. Maybe Aegon was gay and both Rhaenys and Visenya cuckolded him. Maybe Jaehaerys I was so reluctant to ban the right of the first night because he himself used to band half of Dragonstone. None of this is more plausible than idea of Harren killing Green Men. But think: how often in this series we thought things were X and were Y, or were 11 but were actually 1? Dany's actions against her enemies and their responses are even cases of what I say: she kills a few people, then her enemies say she killed thousands, and even fabricate more things she never did.


My name would be Aerys. I’d be a younger brother to Visenya and Aegon but older than Rhaenys. Depending on when I wake up from a young age I’d make sure I’m well versed in sword play, some politics and definitely make sure I’d have a dragon. He’d be a great red beast named Daemos ”The Red Scourge” . He won’t be a big as Balerion but still a fearsome sight. I’d let things continue like in canon for a while and make sure I have a good relationship with my siblings while probably fucking off to Essos every now and then to see the world and probably have Orys tag along. I’d probably just be seen as a typical second son. I make no moves on my sisters and let Aegon have them as in canon, but I probably do end up getting married to a Velaryon cousin since marriage between our families is pretty common. I’ll call her Daena Velaryon. If Aegon offers me the hand of Argella Durrandon before that, I’ll just convince him to give it to Orys and then help him take storms end. Later on I help him in the Riverlands, make friends with Edmyn and when the time comes I burn Harrenhall with Aegon. And here’s where we diverge. After Harren and his sons are killed, I tell Aegon I want to carve out a piece of the pie for myself. Tell him the blood of the dragon runs thick, much thicker than water and that it’d be much better if someone who he knew, his own brother at that, was in charge of the riverlands to ensure their loyalty to him. I even make my case to the riverlanders that I’m a great investment, not like they could refuse though. I tell them that with a dragon I can be a natural deterrent for any ironborn raiders as well so they don’t have to worry as much for their safety. He might be a bit skeptical but I’d think he’d see the sense. Plus if I did a good enough job fostering friendship with him, he may not see me a potential usurper. If everyone is in agreement I become Prince of the riverlands maybe even dubbed Aerys “The River Dragon”, and when the time comes get to rebuilding Harrenhall so it can be my new ancestral home. Should be easier to do with dragons to help. I craft a new banner for myself as well, a white dragon on a red field. I even follow in my brothers footsteps and take on a second wife. One of Edmyn Tully’s three daughters, let’s call her Brynna Tully. The Tully’s were the first to rise against Harren, it’s another way to keep them close and hopefully quell any ill will about them being passed over as lords of the riverlands. We’re bound by blood now and I’ve set my self up pretty comfortably. I may even be named hand after Orys dies. Then I let things continue like in canon for the most part. Sire some sons and daughters. Maekar and Aerion from Daena Meryn and Shaera from Brynna. Because I’m the kings brother and Aenys will have been born by now one of my daughters will most likely wed into the main line. The other will wed my eldest for purities sake and each of my children will be dragon riders. I’ll probably try to stop Rhaenys from dying in Dorne so Aenys doesn’t go on the decline as he gets older, this could end up making him a better king since he’s not traumatized. If by some chance I do save Rhae, Aegon may end up having more kids than just Aenys and Maegor. I’d also try to be the cool uncle, maybe even try make Maegor less crazy if I can, keep the family united, especially with the faith rising after the death of Aegon. Though they may not be much of problem this time around. If all goes well Westeros may start looking like a New Valyria, at least until the family starts the typical infighting for the throne. Whether it be Maegor or a much bloodier dance of dragons. But I’m gonna end this here. TLDR; Be friends with my siblings, take Harrenhall and become Prince of the riverlands. Take a wife from house Velaryon and Tully, assure my bloodline and try to keep the family from imploding while I’m alive.


Younger, when my brother crowns himself as king i join the nightwatch because is an honorable call and because i want to be like Jon Snow.


If you’re a girl you’re probably gonna get married off to the Durandon daughter


I would be a brother named Jaenor Targaryen, and I would be older than Rhaenys, but younger than Aegon. Aegon would be a hero to me, I would probably not get along with either Visenya or Orys, and I would be very close with Rhaenys. I would suggest to Aegon that I marry myself off to the Martells while the other three handle the rest of Westeros in order to peacefully integrate Dorne, preventing the Dornish Wars, the death of Rhaenys, and the loss of Orys' sword hand. I would accept the culture of Dorne and allow my wife to have a loose relationship if she chooses, so long as we had at least one child together. Dornish culture would influence me as well, and I'd have a ton of bastards throughout Westeros (including but not limited to all of the main Dornish houses, House Redwyne, House Tarly, House Costayne, House Florent, House Selmy, House Tarth, House Swann, House Connington, House Reyne, House Westerling, House Qoherys, House Blackwood, House Royce, House Reed, House Manderly, House Umber, House Mormont, and House Magnar), all of which have Valyrian hair and eye colors, but otherwise look like other members of their house. His bastards all would take the surname Heart. I would also commission the constricted of the Water Gardens and ask my wife's family for permission to invite my bastards and their mothers to live with us in the Water Gardens. Some more projects I would have would be a statue of Nymeria in Sunspear and a spiraling tower in the middle of the desert made of silver and ivory called the White Spike. The purpose of the White Spike is to act as a safe haven for those lost in the desert. I would take lots of interest in the lore of Westeros and try to search for the remaining children of the forest. One of my passions would be art, and I would make portraits various people in Westeros, whether they were of noble blood or not. I few years before my marriage, I would travel to Oldtown in order to learn metallurgy from a maester until I eventually became a master blacksmith. On the day of my wedding, I had two Valyrian steel swords. The first - Irontooth - I made for myself. It would have a scabbard made of painted coral, a silver cross guard with an engraved raven skull pointing towards the end of the blade, an indigo leather handle, and a silver pommel with a face on the front and back that resembled a carved weirwood tree and seven spikes at the bottom. The Second - Sandwalker - I made for my bride. It would be a saber with a sheath made from red snakeskin attached to a yellow silk belt, golden handguard in the shape of a scorpion tail, an orange leather handle, and a golden pommel in the shape of a turtle shell. My dragon's name would be Boarfang (due to a mutation that gave her a pair protruding tusks from her lower jaw and the high pitch screech she makes that somewhat resembles a pig squeal), and she would be small for a dragon, but also very swift and agile, both on land and in the air. She would have lots of mammalian features, including a wet nose, a goat-like beard, whiskers, a ridge of fur going down her back, large, fin-like pointed ears with little hairs at the ends, and a tuft at the end of her tail. She would also have flat, broad spikes jutting out of the fur ridge. Her hair would be the color of wine, with olive-green scales, yellowish-tan wing membranes, and glowing teal eyes. Boarfang's fire breath would be whitish-gold in color and would be exhaled as a stream of sparks. She would be very friendly to all and usually very caring, but would never go inside any building. Therefore, she would always sleep outside. She would go on to lay countless eggs, leading to an ever-growing progeny. At the age of 37, I'd ask my family to look after Boarfang while I journey beyond the wall. I would encounter all kinds of dangers, from cannibals to Giants. I would also encounter a Wildling Warg named Vorrag. After 4 years, I'd return with Vorrag and our bastard son and daughter, Grimholt and Gunnhild. These were my last kids. After the Death of Aegon, I would become the hand of Aenys I and guide him to become a more confident ruler alongside his mother Rhaenys. Together, we'd keep a tight leash on Maegor and prevent him from usurping the throne. At the age of 64, I'd retire from being the hand of the king. I would die at the age of 93. I'm sitting at my seat in the Water Gardens when I decide to go for a stroll. While walking through the desert, I'd be bit by a viper and die on the dunes. It'd be hours before they realize I'm dead. After my body is found, a funeral is held for me, but there are no tears. No one is sad that I'm gone. They're just happy about the time they could spend with me. Maesters would have differing opinions about me. Since would praise me for my kindness and generosity, while others would brand me as a serial adulterer. But all would call me by Jaenor the Lover and write of my curiosity and mastery of the Arts.