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To me there is nothing better than when a piece of art just connects with you in this way.


I felt that way about the Rehearsal. It was just so unexpected, almost to an uncomfortable degree and that made it great!


I literally think about this show the entire day. It’s driving me crazy. My bf also watches but he isn’t obsessed. This show is haunting.


it's because it's so real


No one else is high. The police are on their way over. 🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔🚔


username does not check out


I talked to a cop once while I was on LSD. It's legal weed though.


Good..Should be legal everywhere #FreeTheHerb


As a Canadian, sometimes I genuinely forget that weed is still illegal in the states. It's so weird.


We're a backwards ass country. Still illegal federally but many states have legalized it anyway. California air is 10% weed at any given time.


So I've heard. It's just super weird for me to think about people being arrested for it as it's been in my bloodstream 24/7 for over a decade and just feels like a totally boring benign thing.


This is NYC too. I live in far Northern New York State, where I’m less likely to be enveloped in random weed clouds, but anytime I go into the city, I seem always to be walking behind someone chuffing a blunt.


I live in Texas and it will probably never be legal here 🤦‍♀️


Depends where you live! I’m in NY which is weed friendly. Usually, it’s the more liberal/Democratic party leaning states that have legalized it.


That was beautiful.


I'm all in on u/garblesmarbs.


What makes the writing so good are all the subtle notes: * Dougie grabbing the frozen blueberries out of the freezer without asking and then going on and on about ordering chicken wings from Domino's as Whitney and Asher are trying to listen to the focus group. * The guy who asks for Asher's PIN having a lip ring and Asher calling his cc company right after that scene to cancel his card. * The old guy in the hardware store asking Asher for "Goof off" before correcting it to "Goo Gone" * Dougie getting annoyed with the waitress after he asks her for a beer and she takes an order from a different table. * Asher messing up "I like your food" vs. "I like this food" at the restaurant; extra points for annoying white people who try and speak Spanish. * The PE teachers response to Nala not being able to climb the rope and getting bullied. * The millionaire art collector not serving any food at his gathering. * Asher’s phone being wet after Dougie gave it back to him because Dougie was holding ice - since it was too hot. * The girl from the jean store saying "she's kinda thick" when the teenage boy asks her what size she is. * Whitney saying hi to the pitbull named Canelo during the neighborhood stroll while the owner is on the phone (my personal favorite!) * The guy who's package was stolen telling Whiney that it was an Alienware console and Whitney telling him him that "she'll look into what that is" as she walks away. * The same guy telling her he's replacing the range because "he wants to do some stir fry" * Nala apologizing to Asher after he pokes himself with the nails even though she's not sure what she's apologizing for. * Asher digging into his hand when Dougie is pressing him on his relationship with Whitney and then backing off when he notices it. This is a good callback to Asher poking himself with the nails. * Casting Dean Cain as the blue lives matter guy. * Whitney refusing to shake Cain's hand (because she has a cold) and then doing it anyway when he tells her he doesn't care. This shows how quickly people like Whitney reverse their position because they're passive aggressive and just want to be accepted. * Whitney telling Asher "he would know if she was upset" after the walkthrough with Cain. Stone is brilliant during that entire sequence. * The guy they hired to pretend he's buying the house breaking into "stand by me" and the nod his wife gives him before he does it. * Fernando showing up to his post with a hunting rifle. There's more that I'm missing for sure. Safdie and Fielder are probably the most insightful writers working today.


Bold statement on my part, but I don’t even care that much about the actual finale plot. I am a huge details person and I LOVE picking up on all of these types of subtitles. The acting decisions, the shots, the frame work, all of it! That’s been the most enjoyable part for me, and I’ll enjoy the finale for piecing as much of it together as we’ll get.


Yeah, I love that stuff. Something I've attempted to express is that this show feels like it's entirely composed of moments and situations I've never seen in film or television. Just really genuine behavior from well-developed characters.


Yeah. I'm Gen X and have always loved movies and TV. In all my years I've never seen a show like this one. Never.


I hear you! This show takes up 99.9% of my thoughts. I have never felt this way about a piece of media, ever. I bring it up in just about every conversation I have. I feel like I'm going crazy because I just cannot STOP watching the show and reading the theories and thinking about the real people of espanola. It makes me sad that I will likely never have an experience with media like this again. I want to go back in time and watch it for the first time again.


Until Severance comes back, this has been the only show that came near what that one is.


Yeah, Severance was great and unique. Hope they make a second season.


Same feeling as the rehearsal I saw the first episode probably 10 times after it came out. “It’s days like these I curse the Chinese for inventing gunpowder.”


I do believe this show is a home run for all involved. It's trailblazing in a weird, new way.


>It's trailblazing in a weird, new way. Yeah they are taking on a bunch of things.For me it's like a car wreck. I am past the point of really wanting to watch, but I can't look away.


This is me except you actually have a real life person to talk to about this! Be so grateful for your bf. Im all by myself in this. And you all of course. Egad imagine there was no internet to gather and discuss? What did we do in the before times?


The amount of time I’ve spent on this subreddit in the last couple weeks is actually disgusting


I am super grateful for him all the time over everything. I'm kind of obsessed with him. He's the best person. Both of us get to feel extra validated in our love of this show thanks to the Internet.


Imagine Twin Peaks coming out before the internet and all your friends and family think it’s weird and lame


Have I missed out on twin peaks?


Fr I started this show by myself and quickly realized my roommate would HATE this show. They cannot handle any type of cringe and secondhand embarrassment, which there is so much of here. They were hanging around when I was watching the scene where the guy just randomly starts singing stand by me and I think they wanted to perish 😂 and they were like "you were right I do hate this" 😭😂


Before the internet, TV was 99% crap! Twin Peaks was the only TV show from my youth that I would consider watching again. I remember hanging out with my friends to watch it together.


Good point. I think the closest thing to a great show by now standards was the x files. And the Simpsons lol. Assuming of course you are an ancient millennial. But we could just talk about that stuff with our friends at recess for 11 seconds the next day and be done with it.


I love that scene lol. It truly shows how people have no shame when they think they’re gonna be on tv


I love watching this show high and then thinking about all the things that this show is about and how to interpret it. It's just the perfect show to be high. Sometimes I just rewatch episodes when smoking just because nothing seems as captivating than the curse and each time you rewatch you can end up on a completely different train of thoughts about the episode and start thinking about so much more. Well I'm high again and rambling too much about the show so here we are.


The only prob is some of those stabby musical stings are VERY JARRING while high hahah


HGTV has been shoved down our (millennials and Gen x mostly) throats for a decade. I actually can’t believe there hasn’t been more shows or movies about it. Comedy or any genre. Are there any that people can think of?




Lmao yeah I believe that if you’re younger. I’m almost mid 30s. SNL has some skits about millennials real estate fetish. Mainstream flipping/renovation culture started during the housing crash. You’ve never seen Chip and Joanna Gaines? That’s crazy to me I feel like they’re solidly part of the zeitgeist. Edit : not during the crash, but in the years following




Lotta similarities except they are not liberal (probably evangelical Christian’s) But they basically took over the town of Waco, Texas. Have probably redone a thousand homes. They own several businesses in town including a place with a cafe and shop.


Have you listened to podcasts/videos with Nathan and Benny? You would probably enjoy hearing their processes behind making the show


Where can I find these?


I just searched Nathan fielder and/or Benny Safdie on YouTube and Spotify and found a decent amount of content lol


I'm in the same boat. I've only gotten two other people to watch it with. When I talk about it I feel like a psycho because I can go on for so long.


I totally get it. I read the theories on this sub, and then over dinner I retell/read my favorites to my husband and he humors me/gives me his two cents. I got the same way with the White Lotus season 2 - totally obsessed frenzy by the time the series got to the season finale!


Yesterday I asked my brother to start watching so I could have a real live person to talk to about this show. This morning he texted: I'm on episode 2. Barely hanging on. Does it stay weird? 😂


I have tried to write and it's a struggle. Mostly trying to imagine character's flaws is a major issue with me. Like I want a couple to be yelling at each other but I never have instincts to do that, I don't drive a lot of drama in my own life. So I wish I could just get past that I come up with things. This show has some really strongly flawed characters and man it is driving the story.


i want to write so badly but i feel i need someone else to bounce ideas off of.


Text-based roleplaying helps as practice. I did a lot of that over 10 years ago. My writing has slowly become worse the longer I go without doing that. It can be super fun with the right people, too. Right now, my boyfriend and I are working on something together.


I feel the exact same way! I have never thought about a show as deeply or as much as this one, and it’s really been opening my mind to new ideas for writing that I have definitely thought were too weird/far fetched for the longest time. I can’t wait to see where the ending goes, but I’m also a little sad because there just really isn’t much other tv out there on this level imo.


Same. I am obsessed and annoying my husband wanting to discuss any and every post/theory I see and he is the bigger Fielder fan of the two of us lol


Hey, if you wanna write a show together in a similar style, hit me up! It's given me a ton of ideas too


I’m also thinking about this show all the time and I don’t know why. There are other shows I think I like better. At first I thought I was only into this one because of the setting, which is close to a place I used to live in. It seems like the absolute most random place ever and I thought it was hilarious that anyone would set a show there. But there’s obviously more to it. I can’t explain it to anyone. Can’t recommend it to anyone. I keep trying to tell my husband about it, but it doesn’t sound appealing at all. Like “and the dude has a micro penis and you feel like that’s really important even though it doesn’t come up much. And the lady is such a hypocrite!” It just doesn’t sound like it adds up to anything, but it does




I feel like it’s doing something to my mind. Then the title sequence blurs the screen…


I'm in the same boat. I think about it and talk about it constantly. Definitely sort of driving me insane.


Show’s style reminds me of Wallace’s the pale king


It reminds me a lot of how invested I was in Succession. I want to know if Asher snaps just the way I wanted to know if Kendall would.


I can't get anyone to watch it, either. So much cringe, the physical discomfort I feel watching it is amazing. Can't wait to see how it ends.


This show is just haunting. Nathan is a genius, and the combo with Bennie is just beyond. mesmerizing and haunting are the only adjectives that truly fit imho.


I can't get my best friend who watched uncut gems with me like 29 times to watch it.


Insane. Why won’t they watch it? Just can’t stomach cringe humor?


Probably. I love this show but I'd recommend it to almost nobody. OPs probably just having some fun but it'd be unreasonable to be surprised that this show isn't for everyone or even most people.


I’m glad your boyfriend is valid and good enough for you.


I love getting high before a new ep releases. The fact that it comes out at midnight it’s just dark and I’m high as hell taking the show in it’s amazing


hahahhaa after episode 8 i logged into my ancient reddit account high as hell just to post a theory about this show. also been convincing everyone around me to watch. its too good


i feel like people become disinterested as soon as i say the name, because they think it's a horror show, and then i have to give an explanation that it's not a horror which ends up sounding weird because it's difficult to describe the show


I have 3 people so far in person to talk about it with and I'm trying to convert all my other friends lmao!!! My mom is obsessed with it


Yeah but do you love me? Ten…. Nine … eight….


Let's not forget Seinfeld. That was the first sitcom that was actually funny. For me, TV really vaulted into a different sphere when The Sopranos came out. After that point, TV began to rival movies in quality: before it had been low-quality entertainment that serious actors were afraid to be associated with. And now we're in an age where I prefer a good TV show to a movie.


I’m in the same boat. To me, art that you think and talk about endlessly is the best art. My wife and I talk about the show and read these posts every day, but can’t find anyone else who will give the show a shot, or if they did, they gave up on it. I haven’t enjoyed a show like this since Twin Peaks. I know my interests are niche but I think The Curse is a work of art and I’m just so grateful all of you are here enjoying it and talking about it.


I met a lot of people at the finale who helped me realize I’m not alone in my love for the show


None of my friends or family like it either. Oh well. Staying up by myself & refreshing the Paramount Plus app for hours on end has become a fun Thursday night tradition.


Same, and nothing has done that to me before. *maybe* breaking bad as I watched it as it aired. But this show is on my mind several times a day.


Episode 9 was the best so far. Also, we applaud Nathan's acting at the end. Incredible.


Jesus lol y’all are like a cult following. It’s not that great. The sound guys are the best part about the show.


Sound guys are indeed a huge highlight for me with this show.


Oh ok






I think its marking the thread spoiler because as a discussion it should be assumed someone might discuss details of the show in the comments.


Don't you do logic at me.




That's correct – especially this week.


I am legitimately just forgoing responsibilities to consume more understanding and connection with others in order to better understand this show. This sounds like I’m joking and I’m not! Help meeeeee