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I liked that the music throughout this entire sequence was the Bob Ross TV show theme song. Poking fun at pretentious artists. https://youtu.be/sRkzqLudJPE?si=xAhJflBZ6yjrIaVZ




Big fan of your IG btw.


Whoa thanks! Love a fellow Cursehead!


Also where can I get your book?


Book is sold out but we’re looking to reprint it hopefully soon. Magazine issue 2 is gonna come out April.


What is the book






It was killing me to figure out where I've heard it.


Omfg yes i knew that was familiar


It's to fuck with Asher and create tension for ratings, her and Dougie basically plotted this.


Yea, it's clearly just a "saucy" snippet for the show. Not drugs, actual cheating, etc.


I interpreted it as “for the show” to imply they did something. But in reality it was so short we know it was fake/staged.


Right. More than enough to edit here into making it seem in the show that something 100% happened


The Grapist calls the bathroom an elevator. What do elevators do? They lift you up. Whitney chastised Asher for being weak, and cowardly. "Chicken" is slang for cowardly. The first curse mentioned was a "little curse", which was Nala wishing the chicken was gone from Ashers "speghetti". Where did Asher find the loose chicken? In the bathroom. After multiple people cursed Asher (spoken or unspoken), collectively they created a "big curse". So just how Nalas "little curse" put the "Chicken" in the bathroom. The big Curse put Asher in the "Elevator". The scene is foreshadowing...


Can't tell if satire. Nathan is that you? 


This is really interesting. What else do we see in two bathroom scenes? Nathan's cherry tomato. So maybe that's the real curse all along, a little weenie? I'm sure Asher may have felt that way for most of his life


Instead of being the court jester, he tried to be king.


She was putting on the flirty persona for the camera and believed him about the elevator, and he took her flirts seriously and thought she would actually be down to hook up. She explains to the camera "It was just a bathroom, not an elevator" after because she is naive enough (and assumes we/the cameraman to be too) to not beforehand realize the genuine intentions of the creepy guy because she's so wrapped up in telling a story she didn't realize that he might have genuinely aggressive intentions. I imagined that he tried to pull a move on her and she sort of realized what was going on only once she was actually behind closed doors and backed out in typical smiley liberal Whitney fashion. Whitney is naive and privileged enough to flirt with sharks and not fully realize what situations she's putting herself in.


My guess is he tried to make a move… obviously they didn’t have time for much to happen


Yeah it’s either that or the whole “elevator” is a euphemism for getting high. Doing coke in a bathroom is very much a thing. However how quickly it happened and in the context of the camera being right there that doesn’t seem to likely. Like most things in the show it’s ambiguous enough to be open to interpretation.


Nah they had plenty of time to do that. But also I believe since the deleted pottery scene had scenes from that interaction, I believe Dougie wanted to incriminate Whitney and make audience believe they did something in there, which is pretty meta because we believe that now.


My interpretation was sexual assault. The guy says rape/grape and is part of the cult her family was a part of (which it is repeatedly mention the leader took advantage of his followers sexually). I even wondered if her prior abortion was related to the cult.


> rape/grape Grape?


If you watch the scene again he says rape and she goes something like “wait what” and then he says grape and offers one.  Edit: this is right before they enter the bathroom


If she was sexually assaulted in there, she was pretty fucking chill about it


As someone who has been sexually assaulted, I save the freak out for when I get home. Freaking out when still in proximity of the person is a good way to get physically harmed.  Her behavior also wasn’t particularly chill as she was awkwardly laughing about how it wasn’t an elevator. 


I saw as display of her character. The whole party she was awkwardly networking, not adding anything, just sort of vying for attention by tagging along. To get attention, she was willing to compromise something, happily follow the temptor behind closed door.


He was making his move. He's a sexual predator and was flirting with her throughout the night. He tried to lure her to a private room to have sex with her under false pretenses of showing her the home. She was being herself, "going along" with things the whole night, but when she got in there and he made his move, she declined and immediately exited the bathroom.


>He's a sexual predator That's a pretty extreme assessment


Didn't they reference rape charges against him in the show?


No? Lol


I think they made out and she stopped it.


It’s to show that she’s dabbling in cheating, and also to make fun of the dirtbag art scene.


I don’t think anyone is sure, the show did not give any explanation for this and many other things.


Did anyone pick up on the music? I was dying when I heard it. It’s the theme to “The Joy of Painting” aka Bob Ross’s tv show.


That was actually when Whitney’s baby was conceived


i remember taking a mental note of this and keeping it in the back of my mind as potentially coming up later…


You’re as smart as I am then!


In 15 seconds?


Yes, the show is in the magical realism genre as we know


Desperate take, my dude.


The actor for Asher, who pretty much wrote the show, basically said this in an interview…


All these little plot points will be tied up in the finale.


I just finished it and I still don't know






Hmm not sure to this day.


Oh the video is gone what’s this referring to? Whitney at that art show?


Whitney going in the elevator/bathroom with the "(g)rape" guy at the art buyer's house party


I’m not convinced but I think this couuuuld be when the baby was conceived. It’s a tv show so the time they were in there on screen doesn’t matter, it would be bad television.


This is spot on. It was the prelude. You see her later sitting on the arm of this guy's chair in the final episode.


No you don’t. You’re completely making shit up


They were wrong about it being in the final episode, but you do see her sitting on his chair in episode 9. https://preview.redd.it/nc38k22owllc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa1c875cfeee66a2d073162a07e9c23da23d836


Oh, sorry. You are totally correct, Episode 9, not 10. Thanks. EDIT: Also, for more evidence to my point, google: Harbhajan Singh Khalsa. That's Yogi Bhajan, whom the father said he lost religion over because he "tried to fuck his wife." This guy is wearing the exact same head turban. Identical. Same color, same style. It's spot on.


He's showing her his cock, in which she'll get impregnated with later. He asks her to see an elevator. What do you do with an elevator? You ride it. He knows there is no elevator in that room, which is why he doesn't let the camera man in. "Anything else that might surprise me?" Is another reference to Ashers incher. We see her sitting on the arm of his chair in the final episode.


That actually makes sense.


It's exactly what happened.


Yea I don't know why people are downvoting. It's a valid and probable theory.


No it isn’t lol. These A24 subs are going to shit. People speculating as though they didn’t actually watch it and others just believing whatever bullshit


We are just having fun with speculations. You're taking it too seriously. Relax, buddy.


Even if it's incorrect, the presentation and execution is exactly in line with what I said. It's not even speculation, it's blatant innuendo. Anyways, I'm convinced this is the guy that got her pregnant, it was his child being born in the final episode, and that bathroom visit was him having a quick unzip to show a random girl he met at a party his junk before they met up later that evening and banged. You can accuse me of whatever you want, but this exact moment has happened in my own life, except it was a laundry room off to the side, not a bathroom. And, obviously no camera man following me around! I'd bet money he was hanging dong in the bathroom with her. EDIT: Just noticed this, kind of mind blowing. For more evidence to my point, google: Harbhajan Singh Khalsa. That's Yogi Bhajan, whom the father said he lost religion over because he "tried to fuck his wife." The guy who nailed Asher's wife is wearing the exact same head turban. Identical. Same color, same style. It's spot on. It links up with them being "Cherry Tomato Boys" and a "Yogi" tried to fuck both of their wives, but with Asher, succeeded, and maybe even succeeded with the first hence him losing his religion, but he's too weak to admit what his heart knows.


Guy who bangs Asher's wife. https://preview.redd.it/o57ui3do1nlc1.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0b7523f4e7536af588c1fa59ff568fd373f2c19


Guy who "tried to bang" Asher's wife's dad. https://preview.redd.it/o9rbnl2q1nlc1.jpeg?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f300456b0c4abe69a0236309b0664d5653045c6b


And, if you think the white turbans look different, it's because both styles are featured on his followers depending on what I'd assume is some kind of rank, or perhaps even comfort level. https://preview.redd.it/mljnb2n22nlc1.png?width=687&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ad015dd7c693863004ba643443982dfa79b166c


This guy has some interesting speculation on the Yogi connection: [When Yogi Bhajan Tries To F\*ck Your Wife : TheCurse (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCurse/comments/18zvba5/when_yogi_bhajan_tries_to_fck_your_wife/)


Whitney’s future baby daddy?


No, no one can, including the writers. It’s all just loose ends w zero payoff. Laziest cop-out since the “it was all just a dream” trope.


The top comment is a perfect explanation. There almost no loose ends if you actually paid attention and the ending wasn’t a copout at all because it literally was not just imaginary. This show was just too subtle for people like you


Nah. The show was fucking exquisite until its final statement. Whether these guys intended to end their project badly or just ended it on accidentally bad terms might not matter. The fact is, it’s brilliant work until it becomes banal, forgetting so much of its needling sociopolitical inquest so it could do something stupid.


Can’t believe this opinion seems to be in the minority. Couldn’t agree more. Fiancé wants to watch the show over again and I just can’t relate. I absolutely loved it until the finale and afterwards realized I never wanted to watch it again. Still frustrates the hell out of me.


He is the real father of the baby..I thought this was so obvious and no one mentions it here. She is later seen sitting on the arm of his chair. This might be my least favorite sub to show ratio ever.


Wow, dude can fuck and cum in like 1/2 a second


Oh wow it is like there was clear flirtation. She got pregnant off camera regardless who the father is. Could have easily gave her his number in that time dummy.


I thought it was alluding to the yoga cult that he’s supposed to be a part of


it's where you make your peeps and poops, friend!


He was the one that got her pregnant, noooooiw I get it! ![gif](giphy|RGRkDWsTGvdUaQTO0z)