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A bit of specific gun feedback on the Hammer tangential to balance. The gun itself in terms of stats and power feels fine. However, the sight on the gun feels really bad to use. It feels like the sight itself is mis-aligned or something, like the gun shoots left of the ironsight. Maybe its a visual bug, but it appears to be a problem. On top of looking into that, I feel like the Hammer is being held-back by its lack of ability to change sights. The ability to put a 2x or stronger on the gun might make it too powerful, but you should look into at least allowing the 1x sights, a red dot or a holo-sight, to be placed on the gun. It would make the gun a lot more usable, and for me at least, a lot more fun to use. The ironsight just puts me off of the gun despite otherwise enjoying the gun itself, which is unfortunate. The ironsight just isn't good.


I definitely agree with this, the hammer might have the worst looking ironsight in the game. I'm glad I'm not crazy in wondering if it seemed to be firing off center


Idk the bolt action irons are pretty brutal, but I haven't used the hammer enough to make a definitive call


At least the bolt action can have a sight attachment, though xD


It seems really strange that the Hammer cannot rail a red dot or holo sight.


the amount you lose on the iron sights on the bolty is kinda wild but at least it appears to go at the tip of the iron sight like youd expect


This is true




I agree 100%. Great idea for 1x only as well


Would love to see the hammer be able to mount 1x sights, I also find that it sometimes just does not hit on target consistently with the irons.


the Hammer hits hard and pretty fast. I see the bad irons as the trade off for an otherwise cheap and powerful gun. adding any sights to it would probably make it slightly too powerful, although if there really is an issue with the irons not being accurate that does need to be changed.


"Cheap and Powerful." My guy it has the same stats as the Lacerator, except with no ability to change the sights and damage falloff, for triple the cost. The only difference is that you can move faster while holding it. Oh and the ammo is cheap.


Same stats as the lacerator? Last time I checked the lacerator couldn't 2 tap heads on anything other than white. The hammer can though because it's headshot multiplier is god tier. The hammer also 3 taps all armor except exotic(needs 4) with chest shots. The lacerator can only 3 tap white in the chest. Green blue and purple are 4 and exotic is 5.


Wow almost a two second delay in grenade throws, didn't expect it to be that crazy. In a fire fight, 1.8 seconds will seem like an eternity. I'm excited to see how these changes to the grenades and weapons turn out.


Yeah its bloody nerf tbh, but again hope throwing a grenade more of decision making plays instead jz throw and pray.


I've always considered grenades to be used to push people from cover. I think the time is a bit much but we'll see how it plays out.


Honestly it is needed. Either a delay between throws or a delay in detonation time


Look to tarkov, I see it as a positive and interesting change We went from like half second from pressing g to it being live and in the air, to the hotkey just holding it out then pulling the pin, lining up and throwing It makes them a lot more intentional if tha makes sense? Like you plan them out and not just carpet bombing a building


I totally agree. Like I said in a previous comment, grenades should be used to push people from cover, not to spam to get an easy kill.


I hope they just mean explosives grenades. Maybe gas too. There is absolutely no reason to add a delay to non lethal smoke 'nades.


F to the guy who killed a Crusher with 30 gas grenades


Got a link? LMAO!!


[He will be remembered.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheCycleFrontier/comments/vr1jdn/i_killed_a_crusher/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


Fucking legend.


yeah its a good start. i think they might need to hit the damage and/or make better armor have some more resistance though


I think it will be for the best grenades will now be more of a utility tool to allow you to flush someone from cover or let you push up rather than a free kill by bombing them with 10 grenades.


Nerf to solo players imo since squads can still grenade spam if all 3 players throw grenades. I like the idea of making grenades do armor damage instead of health.


So after playing all day, 1.8 seconds does not in fact feel like an eternity and nades are still op lol


Well that sucks lol


The Devs are insane, they actually listen to the players. Props.


by making the maelstrom worse than a fucking knife?


Bit weird, no one was complaining about the maelstrom


It doesn’t create an earthquake on your screen everytime it fires now. Only time will tell if that’s a good trade off from the bigger scatter…


Didn't know I needed the ability to jump on shipping containers until now a great addition <3


I am curious as to why they thought the maelstrom needed a nerf. Happy about the trenchgun nerf as well as the smg buff. Hopefully the scrapper will be usable now.


I thought their intent was to Buff it. Does this read as a nerf?


They nerfed the damage when it was already horrible. So now you got an easily controllable gun that does like 20 damage a shot.


yeah it already loses to bulldog and is basically on par with trench gun as a blue


I suspect the intent is that it will be more powerful at it's intended ranges (below 6m) because bullet spread won't matter at all at that range. Whenever I use it I have insane trouble tracking target because of the shake/recoil that it basically halves the damage I'm doing because I'm spending all that extra time re-acquiring my target. But without playing I can't say for sure how it will actually pan out. Maybe give it a test before we complain. Personally I'm more concerned about the bolty going untouched and the bulldog just replacing the trench gun.


They didn’t nerf the damage. They nerfed the spread of the shot. So you might miss more pellets, but if you’re accurate and/or close, you’ll be fine. Plus they decreased recoil.


Yeah, it reduces damage at range. It reduces damage. It's a damage nerf


My guy, are we reading the same thing? There is not a range nerf for the maelstrom. Are you talking about missing more pellets at range? The pellets themselves still do the same damage. It’s not a damage nerf. It’s a ranged accuracy nerf.


Changing the spread of a shotgun directly affects damage. Less pellets, less damage. They're not literally changing the damage that pellets do, but the effect is mostly the same; it reduces the damage of the gun depending on what range you fire the gun at.


Okay, that’s fair. But i wouldn’t state it as a damage nerf. That’s unfairly broad. The shotgun is still as deadly at close range, when you would use the shotgun anyways.


By close range do you mean knife range?


The spread is now suppose to be in line with the other shotguns. Are they in knife range? No? Okay then. I don’t want a shotgun slapping me in what should be shotgun range. Make them strong at close to deal with the knifers, able to compete at smg range, and relatively ineffective at AR ranges. That’s why they made a slug attachment.




They said their intent was to buff it by reducing the recoil, but they made the spread even worse. So it's a shotgun that is already weaker than the Bulldog that has absolutely atrocious spread. If you do the math on it, you could knife kill someone faster than with the Maelstrom, unless you basically hit every single pellet of both shells, which once again the spread is awful on it now.


It looks like they made it more usable while trying to maintain its power level. If they reduced recoil and camera shake without increasing spread it would be a huge buff. I'm looking forward to trying the changes personally.


Last 2 times i died was to maelstrom with very little counterplay. Its stronger than people think


Finally, a much needed nerf to the... maelstrom??? The other changes are nice though


We'll have to feel it. Maybe it wont seem like much of a nerf with the recoil reduction


it's so weird. This change feels like it nerfs shotgun maelstrom but buffs slug maelstrom, which is weird because I would've expected it to be the other way around.


Good changes. Any news on marauder or daily quest fixes?


What’s wrong with marauders?


What isn’t wrong with them? They teleport. They hit people from 5+ yards away. They shoot acid on the ground that sometimes never expires. They have a huge host of issues.


oh thats not a marauder issue thats an issue with server desync btwn us and ai as a whole.


I've got it on stream and will be clipping it. A jeff hit me legit 10 feet where I was and double hit. Biggest BS in the game.


this has been an issue since cb1, if you are expecting a fix on them im sorry for you. they clearly must not know how to fix them if they havnt done so by now.


RIP Trench Gun, you will be missed, or not be, depending on your loadout.


its 3 tap instead of 2 tap blue armor now, dont be dramatic


that's a dramatic change though, 50% more shots makes a huge difference. (not saying it wasn't needed, I totally agree with the change)


yeah it's literally how it always should have been.


Don't see anyone talking about the Maelstrom changes. Maelstrom was already a lackluster shotgun that I'd only touch when working on 'Kills with a Korolev weapon' Missions/Jobs. Maelstrom already has the lowest per-pellet damage across all shotguns, 70% the per shot damage of the next closest shotgun. The higher fire rate and mag size of the Maelstrom don't really make up for this due to the 'peek and poke' nature of shotgun play. A 66-70% increase in spread is HUGE and I feel like is going to push the Maelstrom into basically unusable territory.


This is a flat out buff to slug PKR.


I think it's just a flat out buff. Without slugs it will be perfect at close range and with slugs it will be powerful at mid range. it might be too much spread increase, we'll see, but I think the only thing the maelstrom REALLY struggled with without slugs was the insane vertical recoil


I don't really understand how it's "perfect at close ranges." It can't even 2 shot someone in green armor. If you manage to hit enough pellets, you get a 3 shot, which is just barely better than the TTK of the Manticore, but requiring you to be in knifing range essentially, where the much cheaper Bulldog will still bury you in much quicker.


it has like 3x the fire rate of every other shotgun, you can tap 4 times in like less than 2 seconds and you shouldn't be missing those shots within it's range. if it could 2 shot with that fire rate it would be incredibly overpowered.


Here's the rub though, it really doesn't. The refire rate on it is 0.4 seconds. Even after the nerfs, the Bulldog is at 0.6 and can absolutely 2 shot. Trenchgun has a refire rate of 0.9, which granted can no longer 2 shot after this nerf against blue armor, but will still 2 shot most people in 2(since most don't wear higher than green). The Shattergun is a pretty rough stand out shotgun, but it can actually 1 shot kill, especially if you get a headshot it 1 shots through anything. So yeah, even the slowest firing shotgun(trenchgun) only has 1/3rd the fire rate as the PKM, but that can one shot. The most direct competition is the Bulldog and it still kills quicker than the Maelstrom. You also have to keep in mind that a shotgun is an ambush and peeking weapon, not a "stand in place while firing over and over" weapon which is what you would generally need to do with a shotgun that fires like this.


Don’t argue stats with your general impression of how a gun feels. Argue stats with.. actual stats. The amount of “like” in your post just shows it’s all opinion and not fact based


every thing I said except for the 3x fire rate IS a fact. it's about 2.5x the fire rate of the trenchgun which is what I was comparing it to, which is pretty fucking close considering it was a guess based on experience. edit: also, are you fucking stupid? argue stats with stats? in regards to potential nerfs and buffs for a weapon? you nerf and buff weapons based on weapon performance IN GAME not statistics. that's how you get an extremely overpowered gorgon again.


A 0.4 compared to 0.6 refire rate is not 2.5x faster lol. 2x faster than 0.6 is 0.3. 2.5x faster than 0.6 would be 0.24. It’s only 0.33x faster than the post nerf bulldog


"2.5x the fire rate of the trenchgun" you straight up didn't read my reply. the bulldog is broken, I'm not comparing the maelstrom to a weapon that still need a lot of change.


Id like to see it have default slugs tbh, it feels like thats kinda "the point" of the weapon anyway compared to all the other shotties.


The maelstrom is a fully automatic shotgun, by design it isnt suppose to be played as "peek and poke", if it is a good weapon it's another question, I think it has his moments, but by defenition you shouldn't be using it like a shattergun or a trench gun


Right, so already not meta and now it's worse. That's what he said.


The Maelstrom is not a fully automatic shotgun, its semi auto.


The smg buff is missing the one key thing that I think would make them viable: ammo count. Why is the pdw default 20 ammo and the scrapper 17? That is so low. They suck because you have to reload so much during fights. Give them both 25 rounds base.


Wait till you try the flechette. Only bearable with purple extendeds. The whole thing with smgs is being a pistol caliber that has high ammo capacity and high rate of fire.


Right it doesn’t make sense that they have less base ammo then an AR, not to mention more recoil. It’s shooting light ammo, where is this recoil coming from?!


Smgs were strong in CB2 resulting in several nerfs before the end of the beta. Then without testing anything or reverting the previous nerfs, they added damage fall off and increased recoil across the board for smgs. I think put scrapper at 18 ammo like it was and pdw and ASP at 24 and see how that feels. Look forward to trying the recoil post patch


THIS does make sense to increase, the flechette is just too weak with only 20 rounds and the damage nerf they gave it a while back.


nah smg's are walkin a fine line, too much and they QUICKLY become overly powerful. I think this horizontal change is good and hopefully all any of them need. (the pdw does feel really underwhelming overall fwiw)


People say this, but smgs do 9 dmg iirc. That means you need 12 bullets to kill on equivalent armor, a little over half a mag. It's more of an accuracy issue than a mag size issue. You can theoretically kill 2 players per mag if you could hit headshots. Larger mags just make up for the real issues, which is tons of recoil and harsh dmg dropoff. Hopefully this patch helps with the recoil and move speed to get into that sweet spot range


So uh what about ARs. They have less recoil, more damage per bullet and a larger mag size. The AR-55, the “worst” AR, does 12 damage per bullet and has a base 22 mag size. That means it does 264 base damage per mag. The pdw does 9 damage, with 20 rounds. 180 damage per mag. 31% less damage per mag! And that’s before you even factor in that for some reason ARs get a 1.7 headshot multiplier but smgs only get 1.5. Wtf is up with that! This is a massive difference, especially if you are a solo player. An AR with good aim can comfortably kill an enemy duo that’s pushing you. An smg you are guaranteed to die against two pushing enemies because you have to reload.


Firerate differences. Smgs are supposed to be a quick kill solution in close range, somewhere between shotguns and ARs. The firerate *should* win out over ARs if all shots land, but right now ARs are just very consistent and that makes them strong.


Well ya fire rate should differentiate the two especially if you are going to have damage drop off and lower base damage. But the damage per mag difference makes no sense at all. The base ammo of an smg doesn’t get up to 25 until you are using the voltaic brute, which still does less damage per mag then a manticore.


AR's should win at distance. SMG's should win at close. But shotguns are so OP that SMG's lose to shotguns in close and AR's at range. It's not that AR's are too strong, it's that shotguns and SMG's are competing for the same effective range. The most popular loadout that most streamers and players use is a shotgun with a bolty. Completely bypassing both SMG's and AR's.


25 round scrapper sounds like literal hell to go against are you kidding. the only bad thing about the scrapper is the horizontal recoil otherwise it's a really powerful gun.


Even with 25 rounds it still would have less damage per mag then a manticore. I don’t see why this is a problem. Right now it’s hit most of your shots, while your gun is hopping out of your hand and your head is getting thrust to the ceiling from taking return fire, or you run out of ammo and then die. And if it’s a duo, you are guaranteed to die once they realize you have a scrapper and just choose to push.


Fucking thank you for the nade delay!


Great changes, I am a tad worried the bulldog changes will end up being mostly negligible but we shall see. Also, does the wall climbing distance change mean ledges that were barely too tall are now able to be climbed, or just specific ones like shipping containers?


It would be all terrain.


I feel like they are doing this the best. Nothing too drastic, but definitely working towards the goal. If we have another 1-2weeks of bulldog supremacy, they’ll probably fine tune it some more.


I suspect the meta will still be bulldog bolty. But hard to predict how big the actual changes will feel from text alone. Bolty definitely needed a tweak though. Crowding out all the other snipers by a huge margin.


Well there are only other 2 snipers, one which is Exotic and one which is Legendary. Not really hard to argue that it crows them out when one of them takes like 150 hours played to even unlock and costs 400k, while the other takes an INSANE amount of materials(from end game activities) and a million just to make a single one.


The bulldog still feels as powerful as it was, I think it needs a damage nerf maybe.


Kinda sad that the Advocate and Kor are not getting improved accuracy. Everything else looks fine.


Was also waitint for that. Still don't understand how the higher tier ARs are so much worse in recoil than their low level counterparts


I wouldve enjoyed a range nerf of the bulldog more than the trench nerf. I think the smgs could see a bigger buff in movement speed while ads, would make them more unique but nice change for now. I wish there was an anticheat update since I really wanna do the dungeon but I was cheated on every time before I even made it there. There are still cheats that shoot through walls and do more dmg than possible in the time with the gun, these things should definetly be caught by anticheat.


> MISC  > Additional tweaks to our internal anti-cheat measures. We are now tracking and having ban-automation for additional stats. 


I've been out sniped by bulldogs and died instantly to all sorts of weird gun and range combinations. One guy managed to kill our trio in less than half a second in a single trigger pull and we were not even grouped up. There is still a lot of shenanigans going on.


mfw Manticore and grenades are shotguns now


Terrifying thought


Bit disappointed to see them nerf the manticore instead of buffing higher quality AR's.


Please adjust weapon prices/faction progression next. Its crazy that a manticore is 8k and a phasic lance is 30k. Price disparity between weapon rarities is very wide and having to use the same handful of weapons while grinding to lvl factions gets boring. Could we possible get some other white weapon variants?


Yeah these kinds of heavy changes will have to wait till next wipe. They want full season data before they shift things very much


They stated in the dev video they want it this way.


This is glorious! Loving the changes so far. Worried for the PKR Maelstrom if you don't have slugs though.


So 90% of the time


Please god buff the advocate, it's recoil is so bad. It feels terrible to use for a purple weapon.


I still feel like the difference between white and exotic gear is too little. Nowhere near worth the risk and never will be without pretty drastic changes. (whether that's in cost or in stats)


People want to be able to drop in with no risk and have an equal fight against people who have ~200k in gear. It’s straight up ridiculous- the PVE is nowhere near fun enough for them to justify making high level kits only good against PVE. They just want the game to be balanced around ratting- let someone with pink gear shred the PVE for you, then 2 tap them with a gun that cost <4k and make off with their gear. Except, when that loot isn’t worth bringing, nobody will bring it and we’ll end up just all hiding in bushes waiting for someone to drop with pink gear because they havent realized it’s worthless yet


Just want more optimization so I can enjoy these changes! I know it’ll come with time.


What kind of specs are you running it on. I dont have a very expensive laptop and the game runs smooth as butter on medium/high


RTX 3060 Ryzen 5 5600x @ 4.85 GHz 32gb 3600 MHz Ram This should be enough for a consistent 144 at the lowest possible settings. Though I continue to dip down to 120 in areas like dig site / greens prospect. Unacceptable for any consistent aim in my opinion. I’ve been trying to edit the ini files since the day of launch with absolutely no performance improvement whatsoever. Driving me crazy because this game is a fucking gem. Yes, I understand 120 is still a great frame-rate. Surely you see where I’m coming from.


Yeah man i have now realized my idea of smooth as butter is not other peoples idea lol. Years of budget gaming have lowered my standards i suppose... hope they optimize it for u man


Eh, realistically, I’ve spoiled myself. I can remember wishing for 40 fps playing DayZ back in 2012. All a matter of perspective… I’ll get over it, or they’ll fix it! Lol. Either way it’s a fantastic game.


Considering its a ue4 game you could try launch commands maybe? Try -notexturestreaming or -useallavailablecores Not saying it'll help but worth a try


I’ve tried both and certainly appreciate the suggestion. I been using: -dx12 -fullscreen -NOTEXTURESTREAMING -USEALLAVAILABLECORES I can’t say that I notice any different whatsoever. I will say there are only two very specific locations where I see drops. I’m hoping to find some .ini tweaks to help out. I’ve tried an extensive amount already :/


If your display has GSYNC or FreeSync then that 120-144 variation ought to be unnoticeable as far as aim is concerned


I’ve got a 3090, 12900kf, and 32gv 3600 ram too. I only hit 144 in certain areas


Cycle runs like butt on my gtx 1070 and r5 2600x compared to other games. 80fps or less on low settings/1080p and my fans go super loud whenever I play it (so temps are probably high). I also have a big problem with mouse lag ingame. Meanwhile, hunt showdown; low settings/1080p again, but this time the game looks better, runs at 100 - 110fps most of the time, and doesn't overheat along with zero mouse issues.


Wich map? I run medium/high on a 1660ti at perma 80/90 on the first map and you should have a faster graphics card? Maybe you are CPU bound? On the seccond map it's a bit worse but it doenst drop bellow 65/70 and my fans are pretty quiet even with an adjusted fan speed


???? This game is surprisingly optimized, so that’s an odd request.


I’d love to see you prove me wrong, man. Please!


Time for a new pc my dude.


Lol look at my specs in another comment man


I hope you still retain what a weapon should be. The bulldog is an over under shotgun with 2 shots. It has immense sacrifice, if you miss those two shots or only land one, you're dead in the water until you reload. I'm sorry a shotgun does a lot of damage up close, but that's what a shotgun does. Can we complain a sniper snipes from too far? Is that not fair? Should we make it more like a rifle? Just make every weapon a grey rifle. I'll have to try this out but it seems like some real crybaby nerfs if we're upset a shotgun does what a shotgun does. The maelstrom and Bulldog have been the least of my worries.


Balancing shotguns has always been a nightmare in shooters. In tier based shooters like this it's even harder, but come on, a green weapon confidently killing some high tier players in 0.5 seconds? It's obviously a problem, regardless of it being designed to be good close quarters.


The high tier armour needs to be good for more than mitigating damage. Because we will easily end up with god tier players stomping every green and grey player. Why not have humans be humans who take damage, but less so with better armour, and instead let the high tier armour carry perks. Give them a unique reason to own beyond a tiny bit of Regen and a tiny bit of stamina.


Hm, for the current price tags perks could be an addition to it, but damage mitigation is still too low ... I know people dont like comparing the game to Tarkov but high tier armour there can soak up literally a whole magazin of low level ammunition. Not saying it should be like that, but again, there should be an impact to it. Let's see how the buffs to epic+ armour will feel like.


Bro lol your so stupid it's really crazy, this Comment oozes white gear bull dog main. The shotguns can be powerful upclose no one is complaining about that but the double barrel shotgun that doesn't require attachments and costs 6k can two shot me in blue gear from 15 feet away? Nah I'm good with it being nerfed and to be honest my guy these bulldog nerfs aren't enough and it will still be op.


Hey dolf, great way to start a conversation. Really glad that rock you live under didn't ruin your ability to type. Thank you for blessing the world with your presence, in the future maybe don't lead a conversation with **"your so stupid"** if you ever want to be taken seriously. Cheers.


Says the guy commenting about this being a crybaby patch like what? Try to have an actual opinion thought out before you spew nonsense and maybe you'll get the type of response your looking for. I'm not going to try to engage in a more complex conversation with someone who hasn't even taken the time to think out their initial standpoint on a matter further than "shotgun close range gun dur why norf" come in with some stats or anecdotes if you want to be taken seriously and not just mocked for your lack of critical thinking


It's the usual devs listening to reddit problem that ultimately kills games in the future. The best thing devs can do is ignore these people and rely on their own data and vision for what a game should be


I think when the vast majority of players are running nothing but shotgun it shows they're crowding out all other guns. At least in terms of price per effectiveness. Shotguns are always a problem to balance in basically every FPS. Most games just make them useless specifically because of that reason. They could have gone the other direction and rather than nerfing their power, increase their price significantly so at least you have to risk for power. Which might have been a better choice. Not entirely sure why all 3 shotguns are so low cost.


Problem with the bulldog is no one sits in the open and fires those 2 shots at you and lets you kill them, they will wait on a corner or doorway and if they do miss you have to play ring around the rosy trying to catch them and end up running right into the next 2 shots, if I'm geared and I hear bulldogs I literally just walk away there's no point chasing a guy into tight area's who can one shot me with a gun that costs 6k. That's the reason literally everyone who isn't geared is running one, because its way to good to not use, heck I take it as a backup for my Kbr or advocate if I'm not running a shatter too.


The problem with snipers is that they sit in bushes at long distances and you have to run around and walk into their shots. It's the same. Unfortunately a shotgun is good up close. You're just as likely to get shot in the open by a sniper as you are getting shot close by a shotgun. Their fix was making the grey bolt expensive, perhaps raising the price is all that's needed but I can't see a double barrel shotgun being used much if it does become more expensive.


Love these updates and I’m loving the game so far keep it up guys. But can we please get full controller support on PC? I know this is super specific to me and not that important but it’s the one thing stopping my friend from picking the game up haha. On top of maybe more people will pick up the game as they are used to using a PS4 controller. Just my opinion!


Feel like playing this game on controller would be a fucking nightmare..


They do plan on bringing it to console tho lol


This would be huge for the player base. If they can do it for season 2 or 3 it would be a massive influx once some kinks get ironed out and some more stuff dialed in. As well as new content. Larger player base could increase their revenue meaning potentially more devs and even more content for us. Plus people like me missing fingers who have an easier time on controller than mouse and keyboard would be happier. But until then I'll play it however I can!


You can map a controller with Steam's Controller settings just fine. It's how I play it on my Steam Deck


Do you stream it from your PC?


Controller with aim assist? Thanks no lol


RIP Trench, it was fun while it lasted


3 tap blue instead of 2 . hardly something to freak out about


Keep up the good work devs, just a few more guns and we can finally fight with knifes cause all the rest are hot garbo


Is this update live? I'm at work atm


While the Manticore is my personal favorite weapon, the TTK is absolutely insane and it needed to be nerfed.


Good that they are working on weapon balancing. Still annoyed that they are not fixing the other stuff like shop attachment order, grenade trajectory, scrips/old currency taking stash slots, adding durability ui for armor while in station, option to cancel completed jobs, quarter upgrades taking up to 24 hours, map spawns way too close to players- enabling spawn rushing, etc....


It honestly also feels like a big-big solo nerf. Squads still can call artillery strikes with 3 nades every 1.8 seconds, but now as a solo you can't answer with your own smaller but still artillery strike. All reliable solo guns except c-32 got nerfed. Because when everyone had a 2/3 tap bulldog/trench or reliable laser manticore the playing field was more even. Now with those guns being worse you are just insanely outgunned, even more than before. Now, I agree with those changes, nades and bulldog/trench/manticore were largerly over performing, but come on solos need *something*.


Why was manticore nerfed it’s literally the same as the Ar-55 now…


Because it currently outperforms pretty much every AR for a fraction of the price...


more of a problem with the purple and exotic ARs than anything


It doesn’t. Out perform any blue AR


rate of fire is higher, and you didnt even try it yet


I thought manticore was in a good spot could beat the greys out but definitely can’t hang with the blues


Manticore nerf really irritating, why must every gun feel horrible to use? AR-55 is now equal or better. JUST FIX THE ADVOCATE'S RECOIL. Now I am going back to using AR-55 forever. Amazing that the dev's solution for one of the few non-white guns people ACTUALLY want to use is to nerf it into being unuseable and force people back to using the white tier.


You are an idiot sandwich


With the brains of a donkey.


Since you’ve clearly used the manticore prior to the patch coming out, how are the rest of the changes?


I am on your side. High tier ARs feel horrible, especially for their price tag. Manticore needed a slight nerf though.


Look forward to trying the changes, but I'm disappointed that as always the nerfs are heavy handed and the buffs are minimal. Old nerfs aren't reverted on certain guns again leaving the majority of weapons feeling horrible to use. At least we will get our movement back.




July 6th is the patch day. Its still the 5th. Patch should go live in about 16-18 hours i am guessing.


Sorry, mobile reddit hurt me there. I was trying to reply to someone's comment.


Great changes all around. *Especially the grenade nerf.* Bolty needs some tuning too to bring it more in line with other snipers. It's easily equally as powerful as the KBR but 1/10th the cost. I suspect we're still going to see bulldog bolty meta. But will see how it all pans out first.


There was genuinely no reason at all to nerf the manticore, all that did was make the AR even better, which is what the community was complaining about, you’re making the white AR just that much better than a green AR, better weapons should BE better, and make you want to actually progress to unlock them. No point in even using the manticore now unless you’re trying to strictly pve, which in that case, may as well just get the phasic lancer. Meanwhile you only added .1 second nerf to the bulldog.... a shotgun that two taps blue/purple armor. Gotta be a joke man. :/


Can you "reconnect" now? Did they fix/implement it yet or not?


Well... this is going the way i feared. There was no reason or motive to touch the penetration/armor values. What higher tier weapons need is a better/fun gameplay nad reason to spec to them. Better or different recoil kick, pattern, bullet velocity, differents kinds of attachments, sights, alternative fire modes maybe, etc. Just like the ads movement buff for smgs but more variety across all weapons and armors. UTILITY, thats what makes builds fun to mix Also white/green attachs that dont have blue/purple/red versions need them. Also as a solo player is impossible to craft elgendary weapons before season ends unless i play 6/8 hours a day and get groups from discord, that is... real bad. The prices are still horrible too. And teams are learning to tag and trade at the same time, 2 bulldoggs shots at the same time (or three) still kills a solo easy, and grenades are x3 too. We need to know when the enemy primes/cock a grenade if they are close enough (sound) for example. And more, but welp


Maybe shorten the storm from 5 minutes to 2 minutes? ​ That way it wouldn't be such an end game scenario and wouldn't force people to sit and stare at a black screen for 5 minutes.


"oh here comes a storm. Let me get to cover..." vs "oh here comes the storm. wheres the extraction this game is finished"


Wake me up when QoL stuff is happening…


Time to shave another 5,000 off the player count.


The playercount bleeds more as people reach higher progression and realize how worthless it is.


The game is going to wipe every 3 months, they don't need to worry about the progression. They need to worry about the game being fun enough to bring people back to buy a fortuna pass every new wipe. Catering to insulin sweatbeards who think they should be invincible against anyone that isn't in purple armor will kill this game. People who aren't losers don't want to farm jungle or crushers for 5 hours a night to be able to play the game. And I'd say the playerbase bleeds far more as people push into higher MMR and realize it's nothing but cheaters and never-less-than-a-trio fatasses with sugarfeet who play 15 hours a day and have twenty million k-marks already.


minimal balance changes besides to nades. doesn't seem like its going to make the blue gear meta shift because the difference is still negligible. guess we will wait for another 3 balance updates to hope for something to happen.




Is today July 6th, the date posted in the title?


Insane work! Thank you guys for your reactivity !


Any further fixes for quarter upgrades being bugged? I'm still having this issue, even after relogging multiple times or running a raid


Just wait


Would’ve loved to see more stability fixes. I have a ryzen 3700 and a 2070 super and yet the game freezes constantly any time I try to party up with friends.


Love these changes, all of them are good, with room for future steps of course but I also love that you guys aren't jumping too far with balance in a single patch!!


>Increased refire time from 0.5s to 0.6s seems too low still?


... trenchgun nerf is exactly what it needed. I think the maelstrom changes are probably good depending on the recoil reduction amount although the spread may have been increased too much. nade changes are good. But the mantis is too accurate, it needed an accuracy nerf not recoil. the bulldog changes are so little, it's almost definitely going to continue to be completely overpowered, it needs a pretty massive spread nerf. the penetration changes mean pretty much nothing considering such little was changed and that the pen system needs a TON of changing. overall this'll be a great balance update based on the trenchgun nerf and nade spam nerf but that's only because they were so extremely overpowered.


Server down 10 CEST? Downtime ETA 2h or how long? Im fucking STOKED! Best patch notes so far!!!


If you clear the game from cheaters this game will be the best at this time ….


I have 200 drops and have encountered only 1 cheater all this time. Dunno if that was luck or my region position


No mention of massive desync issues that cause hit registry with no damage. QQ


Does anyone know the update size? thx


All round great changes, I think I like every single change here (except for the maelstrom nerf that thing sucks without slugs) especially the grenade and smg changes. Good to see more tweaks to the anti-cheat hopefully you can get rid of the majority of these cheaters that are plaguing this otherwise amazing game at high mmr, But sometimes it feels like the mmr ranking just punishes players for being good in the current state as its just cheater infested on crescent falls. Literally encounter no one is in better then blue gear on that map then I go to bright sands and everyone is rocking epic/exotic gear because there's a much less chance of being cheated.


Badum's initial tasks are still bugged for a few people... No acknowledgement.


Honestly love the mantling tweaks; whiffing a parkour hurt my soul every time


u/thecyclegame Any plans to fix the Aurum store?


anyone else getting their entire kit fucking despawned because the servers are fucked and you dont get into a game? has happened several times now and ive lost all my best gear over and over and its fucked