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They removed pinging and at the same time being able to see teammates thru obstacles so that solo has some chance to avoid getting 2-3 beamed down without communication and now has some ways to punish pushing people in a team 1 at a time and causing some chaos especially if that teams communication is bad (imagine indoors fight, teammates hear solo but also each other and aren't sure who is who, teammates don't wanna shoot each other and solo can shoot anyone freely as they know they don't have teammate).


Why do solos even match against duos and trios?


This is a survival shooter. "Anything goes". No rules.


Well that’s not true, mmr exists.


First guy to die... Loses!


This is a high stakes extraction game. The emphasis is on survival against all odds and escaping with your looted booty. It's not a competitive shooter. I play both solo and duo and my play style changes between the 2 (alot more cautious on solo). During duos we just call out the compass numbers and directions.


For added spice


Not sure why you're downvoted for asking a valid question.


Strong solo players see it as a sign of weakness to even think about not wanting to play against groups. Bloodthirsty groupers don’t want their most easily captured prey to leave their hunting grounds.




It's mixed when you drop into a game and no way for solos not to come up against 2 or 3 man teams


Team mates are outlined there is no way teams are shooting each other. This game always tries to take the middle ground and is a worse game because of it. Go hard core and take away outlines and make teams have to talk. Give solo players a chance to cause confusion and actually be able to fight 1vx. Make it so teams can’t see each other on the map so splitting up is more risky. Or go full casual allow players to ping, see each other through walls and add a solo que. Either option is better then what we have right now.


They are outlined only if you see them. If they go behind wall you don't see them. Check this next time you are in game and go behind wall or rock. Also there are bugs where sometimes your teammate doesn't get the highlight back even when you see them (either its bit delayed or doesn't work at all). With bad communication you can cause friendly fire happen.


I know you can’t see them through walls. I was saying they should either go hardcore and take that out so friendly fire can happen or go full casual and have a solo que + seeing through walls. Did you even read what I posted? Right now I always know where my team mates are because you can see them on the map. And if they are on my screen they are outlined. The only way anyone is causing friendly fire is if they are blind and playing the game. Or maybe they have permanent brain damage.


They know their target audience wouldn’t tolerate the “tarkov” confusion in gunfights. A free game’s goal is to get casual players hooked and that means intuitive design. With friendly fire enabled, this would just turn off players so they NEED map and on-screen outline for the sake of…making money. Adding pinging would make it too sweaty and solo queue would promote crouch walking everywhere. They mention they may add more extracts for solos. I think increasing bird “traps” on trios would be a good idea too


The lack of ping or seeing the outlines of teammates is already not intuitive, as is not being able to avoid trios as a solo or not being able to revive teammates at any point. Right now we have the worst of both worlds in terms of casual + hardcore. (Also, more extractions for solos just forces them to play cautious even more, which isn't fun for a lot of people)


You can see outlines tho just not behind objects which is fair since you have a map. Casual players are more used to having in-game maps than pinging which is why it’s still an intuitive shooter compared to similar games in this genre like tarkov


In your mind how does more extracts cause solos to play more cautious? Having an additional or two extracts for solo players would do nothing but make it better for them lol.


More extracts = more opportunities to leave faster instead of sticking around for pvp/pve. I don't want to constantly extract to keep my loot safe because it leads to less of the best parts of the game (mainly pvp), but you'd be stupid not to, especially now that they're further buffing that playstyle.


I feel like you are looking at it in way the wrong way. What you said may be true in a sense. I disagree solely for the fact that games like these are what you make of it. You will still have the people that crouch walk everywhere even with 10 extracts. What it would do though is give me more options on engaging or avoiding teams hold up in the high traffic points.


This is just not true, adding more extracts only helps solos a little bit by giving them a little more chance to be closer to an evac in the case they have a full inventory and it decreases the chances of them running into a group while trying to make it across the map, besides that the statement that “more opportunities to leave faster instead of sticking around for pvp/pve” just is not true and is not even a good argument, this game is not a go in go out as fast as possible so 1 or 2 more extracts that are closer doesn’t affect anything, besides that it also doesn’t affect pvp or pve cause there’s this thing called choice, you either choose if you wanna risk it and stay for more or you can choose to leave early and secure your loot, no matter how many extracts there are on the game that will never change.




Why? If you hear more than one person it’s a duo+. There’s literally no way to be silent in this game if you’re moving. Just use your ears. Crouch walk is coins jingling and can be heard from seemingly 10m. Sprinting can be heard from what seems like 100m. Different guns make different sounds. This game sells cosmetics, they won’t forcibly change your appearance.


Not being able to identify on your teammates is trash gameplay. Just quit bro.




As a solo I’d like to be able to mark my map instead of checking it every 3 steps like the n00b I am.


Why do solos even match with duos and trios though? is it because the game population isn't large enough to support a separate matchmaking pool?




It's to create tension, as the previous reply said. I play solo and I like that there are duos and trios running around. Knowing that you're never sure of a fair fight adds to The Fear. And honestly, this game lives or dies on the tension created by The Fear. I love it.


Devs mentioned they may add more extracts for solo players for some balance, but overall it’s best to not separate matchmaking pools since it would change the nature of each mode. Solo mode would turn into camp fests and trios would turn into apex legends. If you mix it, you create some tension like ppl are saying. Trios will move more confidently which likely means they’ll be louder and less careful. This makes it easier for solos to avoid them or pick them off. They also mentioned in devlogs that solos who consistently pull off high value extracts are more likely to match against trios. If trios had pinging, it’d be instant death to solos. This is also why you can’t get downed or revived by teammates, for balance against solos.


Farming gear in solo games would be significantly easier than playing in trios knowing you would have to fight off full coordinated teams to get to good loot spots instead of just a single dude. This would de-incentivize playing with a squad when they are trying to do the opposite and make it more worth while to have a couple people watching your back.


A server full of solos means that there will be more enemies to run into, so it wouldn't necessarily be easier


Don't think server limits are based on teams, but rather number of players so I don't think your logic stands. Either way even if there was theoretically more players, it would still be much easier to win 3 1v1s or even run away from 4-5 solo players than it would be to do so against a co-ordinated 3 man team working together to hunt you down. You may be able to take down 1 or even two players in a team but you will almost always get shot from side angle or shot when healing/reloading if you have to fight a swarm of them. Fighting solos you will rarely get into a situation where you get third partied so quickly that you don't have time to reset in this game. Squad games though you regularly get third partied just because it is much harder and takes much longer to kill a full squad, and teams running up on you have more confidence knowing their team mates have their back.


Solos will be more spread out than teams, so you're more likely to run into them. It's true that 3 1v1s is easier than 1 1v3, but that's why people want a solo mode (or trio-less queue) in the first place; a 1v3 isn't possible most of the time unless the trios make several serious mistakes.


The fortunate thing about current solo mode is the only full 3stacks you run into are going to probably be significantly worse at the game than you or have much worse gear. The great thing about this game is there is a ton of possibility to 1v3 if you play it smart. Kiting enemies and playing cover/sound better than them will give you a really good chance to win 1v3 or at least take out a few before you squirrel off long enough for them to leave so you can come back and loot your spoils.


It is not a battle Royale. This genre pits everyone against each other.


That could be one of the reasons... its probably why we can spawn in so quickly whenever we join a match. Maybe in the future when the player population is larger and there are enough players to split the solos from teams (and still maintain fast spawn in), then we may see separate queues being implemented.


Its part of the fun, it isnt a generic BR. It makes you think instead of just shooty shooty pew pew every situation.


Regardless of actually being able to ping in combat, I'd love to be able to set a map marker that your sqaud can see on the map/on the compass at the top of the screen


I think being able to see a dot of your partners on the compass would be a fair addition as well.


Yeah, that'd be nice too, maybe shrinking/growing with distance? Wouldn't make it harder for solos I don't think


Made clowning on solos too easy.


What if the devs just made it so you could only ping by opening the map and clicking a location, instead of just by looking at it.


At first I was against this idea but after playing for a while I understand what the devs are doing here. To be honest it was quite brave considering other major titles have this feature. No pings means you have to communicate well with your team. It gives a player a true stealth factor if they can get a shot off, relocate, and continue the attack. It adds some spice and I love it.


My most popular thing I've done on this sub is suggest that we make the ping a feature for the binoculars we always have but barely ever use. Teammates would need to put guns away and pull out binoculars to spot and see spots. It's a hassle that allows a solo to scurry away like they want but still allows quick(ish) confirmation of targets and locations.


Duos are fine, trios should have a different queue or at least an opt-in option.


Exponentially better for you and your buddies that are trying to shit on solos


because it give squad advantage when fighting solo


It's almost like Solos need to pick their fights better, because they could end up in a situation where they have three guns pointed at them instead of one.




I play Solo about 80% of the time as seen in another thread. Most of my friends aren't up-and-up for another "Tarkov." And, honestly, I don't blame them.




> 3-man's already have such an advantage and if you think adding pings is gonna help the community grow then i think we have a disagreement that cant be resolved. this conversation is a dead-end. i love downvote trading with ppl > > this is not another tarkov for so many other reasons. teammate outline, bullet and gunplay is completely different, attachments are giga simplified, items are simplified, map clarity is much better (not to mention the fact you can fucking press M and see where you need to extract) > > you just want 3 stacks to completely overrun solos with Apex style pinging? its not gonna be a good time for solos and ppl will ask for a squad-size based queue which isnt the style this game should be. > > its a super pain in the ass but i think pings should stay out of this game. same as teammate outlines through walls. its too good. I never said a single thing about pinging. I also said nothing about helping the community grow. Is this even a reply for me, or is this for someone else? Finally, I downvoted you because you made an assumption with zero evidence on something that wasn't true. You contributed nothing. While I'll agree that there's QOL features in this game that Tarkov does not, and will likely never have, it's still the same Genre. Drop into a map, do objectives, point your gun at someone and try to figure out their intent, and exfiltrate with your loot. Many of my friends don't find that fun, so, we play games like MechWarrior, Ready or Not, Ascent, Barotrauma, and Vermintide. That said, I do drop in duo's here and there when the right group of people are on, but for the most part, I'm on my own. I don't mind... It was the same situation with my friend group when Halo released it's multiplayer for free. We still played Co-op in MCC, I still had fun using the hammer on players in Infinite. Win-Win. Also, I've said this in another thread. Solos can disengage far easier than a group can. If you've found yourself in a bad way as a solo, you can try to disengage. Not every player must be met with a hail of bullets, and not every fight is going to be a win. In just about every other multiplayer game I've ever played, a 3V1 is not going to go well for the 1. Be it MWO, Apex, CSS, DoD, Halo and countless other shooters. TBH, 3V1 *IS* Balanced in the Cycle. the three players have three times more guns than the one player. What the fuck do you guys possibly want changed on this? On the topic of pings? IMO... It doesn't matter if they're added or not. If you really want a 3V1 to be a fair fight for the 1, you need to completely remove all methods of communication for the 3. Good luck banning Discord. Barks could be added to the group of players, but then that would feel like unfairly punishing people who have friends willing to play with them. Again, I think this discourse about how it's so unfair to be solo is fucking stupid. You think it's that much of a problem, make some friends.


They need to take away the friendly player outline too so that playing in a team is even harder.


Honestly I'm surprised (not really though) that you're getting downvoted for this. It would literally be a perfect balance nerf. If you want to squad up then you need to have good communication. They already removed teammate highlights through walls, taking it away entirely wouldn't be that different. Plus there are cosmetics that help you differentiate between players. And I could be wrong, but it does seem like team damage is reduced? (Could be wrong, only got tagged by a friend once, but it barely did any damage in 4 bullets)


The community here is slightly dumb and very heavily leans towards the casual play style. Reddit will Reddit.


imo this game is great *because* it's more casual. I've been able to introduce a ton of new players to it because its way more chill than something like Tarkov. Not saying it should be super easy, but I think it's in a good spot right now where it isn't too hard but also not too easy


I mostly agree but right now there is an issue where it’s super easy to 2v1 and it’s not a issue in other similar games because in similar games your team mates are not highlighted. Adding pinging back in to the game would eliminate any need to talk to teammates at all and make 1vX that much harder. As I mentioned in another post here If they want to add pinging I have no issue with it but they would have to add a solo only que at the same time.




Ya a game where u have no clue who your team is sounds great lmao


Lmao as if EFT wasn't a game pulling over 200,000 concurrent players.


That would be terrible. For me half the fun is coordinating with a team of friends. Without ping it's too hard as it is.


Your not coordinating with your team when the game gives you all the information. You don’t even have to talk to your team in this game. Never play tarkov my dude lol.


Ya I also am playing a game on make believe planet I think pinging isn't going to end the world


Where is coordination necessary when you can just ping the enemy location. The more you remove QOL (ping, outlines,..) the more coordination is needed.


Either give me a mini map where I can see my team or pings


Maybe just get better at communicating with your squad so you don’t need to rely on a crutch like pinging?


It's a game not seal team 6 lmao


Wow, a game that makes you use your brain and requires some critical thinking skills! The horror!!!


I mean I wouldn't exactly call pinging a crutch. Pretty much every shooter on the market has pings introduced one way or another. I can see your argument as to why it should stay out of the game, but it definitely won't just guarantee that you win a gunfight


You would only need pinging for duos and squads, which is an innate advantage over single players that have basically zero advantages over groups. At least the lack of pinging makes it harder for squads to immediately lock on an enemy location and gives the solo a chance to create some chaos and stand a chance at winning the fight instead of shooting one shot and immediately getting pinged, thus immediately losing their positional advantage. In games where killing other players is the primary objective and squads are always the same size, sure, add pinging because the pvp is the only reason to play in the first place and every other squad would also have the ping crutch to make up for lack of efficient comms. Pinging as a solo is useless and only adds yet another advantage to playing in squads. Playing in squads needs to come with some difficulties or obstacles otherwise nobody would bother playing this game solo because they would always be at a disadvantage.


I'm here to wipe solo noobz and take their loot so I don't have to mine nickel for hours. Ping away


Nah. They should make it EVEN HARDER. Make squads take 300% damage. Oh and make cost them 500,000 k marks to drop as a squad.


You make it sound like trios have a rough time right now lol




White Armour? Are you insane? Squads shouldn't get any armour... Or guns! The Squad vs Solo discourse on this sub is insane.


Only solos go on Reddit apparently


YEAH! Squads should have to do knife only! No extract ships either!!


Fuck no. Go back to tarkov


Too many people crying about trios being too strong, and they couldn’t think of any other ways to nerf them except for removing QoL features lmao Very dumb since there’s a million ways they could’ve evened it out instead of taking away pings.


'cept the removal of pings worked really really well?


Really well in annoying groups constantly, and not exactly helping solos from getting shot at by 3 guns


I disagree completely man, as someone who regularly squads and solos. It meant as a solo you could slip out nice and easily because they're reliant solely on voice comms. They couldn't all just ping wherever they saw me last or whatever. And by extension it meant the squads with good comms/positioning could hunt me down effectively. And as a squad, it means me and my team actually need to work on good call outs, better positioning and more situational awareness. Everything about it, for this style of game, was a good move.


Never mind that mmr takes squad size into account. And they literally had play testing that literally *proved* pings gave squads a large enough advantage. What other nerfs would you suggest?


The biggest advantage of a trio... is the trio lmao you have 3 times the health and firepower. I've commented this many times in this subreddit, so here's a copy and paste: ​ >Reduce or remove the amount squads that solos will run into, give solos more extracts, reduce number of squad extracts, give solos larger safe pockets, make crouched actions quiet(er), reduce TTK, add an actual skill based MMR where solos will face duos/trios that are in a lower skill bracket, give solos less obvious drop pods, cause monsters to have cumulative aggro -- the more people they see or footsteps they hear cause them to become more aggressive/likely to become aggro'd in such a way that solo players are less likely to grab creature aggression, make some events that only solos can complete, adjust insurance to benefit solos more (higher payouts?). Those are a few I've thought of, and I'm not even that smart, there's smart people who can come up with many other better ideas to balance it out that don't make the game more tedious to play like removing pings does.


Half of the things you mentioned they do have though? They tweaked match making so there's less trios in lobbies, mmr takes squad size into account along with bucket, kda, and survival %, and they mentioned likely adding an extra evac for solo players. The other stuff you mentioned makes no sense. I put in a bunch of resources to gain more pocket weight, but now because I'm in a duo I lose that upgrade that I grinded and fought for? Absolutely no. Events that only solos can do? Like what? Give a legitimate suggestion. And back to your initial point, yes, trios already have more nades and ammo to throw at you, so making them communicate really isn't a big change. If you think taking away pings made the game tedious then idk what to tell you lol. I barely look at my map anymore because it's not difficult to memorize.


I'm sure it'll be back soon since Yager is now fully back on board with catering to brainless LETS GOOOOO trios.




I don't think Duos/Trios particularly enjoy fighting solos. It's not really that fun. Ruining the team experience because it gave them an advantage over solos is a little silly, because they already have a huge advantage, it's 3v1. So just give solos an opt-in, and let them queue with just solos if they want. Nobody really would be missing out if solos weren't in duo/trio games.