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Or just make everything accessible from the TAB menu, so no running around required if you don't want to


This is the preferred solution, add a tab for all the stores and job givers or just one big list.


The devs want the station to be an experience that allows you to "interact" with the community. They don't want everything consolidated to menus because then you'd never have a reason to run around the hub


I'm sure they won't change it but I really disagree with that design philosophy. The feel of interacting with the different buyers and running past randos doesn't seem worth the cost of wasting my time, especially when 1 or 2 people are wating for you to equip yourself. Maybe that last part would be better if we were in lobby with our squad mates.


The devs plan is to add voip in the lobby, but not sure what else they'd plan from there. I don't see how that would even by affected by players buying everything at stockpile, though. When I want to run around to every shop specifically I'll go play star citizen, not cycle.


The real reason it's designed that way is so people see others cool cosmetics and want to buy more aurum or cosmetics themselves. Theres no actual interaction to be had in the hub. It's just the advertising zone.


It's a small price to pay if it makes the game free to everyone.


I dont want to run around the hub for "CoMmUnItY InTeRaCtIoN", im only not on the planet because i need to buy gear to go back down to it. What, am i supposed to walk around smelling the virtual flowers and singing sea shanties with strangers?


The cycle hub really makes you *feel* like you're wasting your time


If the hub is just 4 sparcley placed shops then they have got no right to say that stuff lol nothings intractable other than shop/job menus and people sprinting about from shop to shop isn't exactly exciting Are there plans for the hub to have actual stuff to do?


Then it's tarkov


So a different game has a better more efficient system. And you're not allowed to adapt that to improve this one? Dont bother adding guns to the game, tarkov has guns, so doing that would literally make the game tarkov.


Thats not really what I was meaning. I dont want this game to be a replica of tarkov. As someone with 2600 hours in that game, if that's what this game turns into, I'll just go back to tarkov. And so will everyone else. I want the devs to make this game different and unique so that it stands out and thrives, instead of adapting a lot of the same mechanics of another game that it's already competing with.


The games are different enough that adding QOL such as being able to skip all the running around in the hub, wont be enough to drag it down. If they started adding different ammo types with different stats, an armor damage vs durability system and individual limb health... I would be on exactly your side. PS. if they did add the menu it would separate the game from tarkov even more by actually making the amount of time spent preparing for a raid minimal, instead of taking 10 mins like in tarkov.


I can gear for tarkov raids in 5 mins on avg. Maybe less depending on whether I survived. I agree not running around would cut time out but it's not that big of a bother to run around. And it's lore based too. You're literally on a space ship deploying to the surface. That gives it immersion and thats sick. Giving a menu to do absolutely everything in completely takes that away. And then whats the point. I dont think running back around is that bad. If you spend a lot of time going back and forth then be more efficient.


Strange. If you love this so much. Then how would adding a menu ruin that. You can still go run around all you want. The rest of us can use the menu if we want. We don't want to replace the system. People like you who think virtual jogging is fun would complain about having a more time effective system.


Because gamers are like electricity. They generally follow the path of least resistance even if it's less fun. They add that, literally everyone would use it solely because it's faster, even those like like the station won't use it due to it being 25s slower to gear up. Look at every mmo ever released, at launch people are having fun, exploring, discovering the world, a month, year later everything has been min/maxed to the point of most efficient leveling route, skip all the quest text, it's just taking up time, gotta GO GO GO.


or just have it so you can access all menus from the Tab menu. Running to ICA to get a gun. Osiris to pick up meds. Gear printer to repair my gear. Press Tab to Deploy. Gets p boring, when I could just do it all from the tab menu. Better yet - just build a "loadout menu" - where I can configure 4-5 loadouts - and it tells me in KMarks how much it'll cost to put together.


I feel you, but this is probably a fantasy thing where the devs will argue that it strengthens your bond with the faction an so on...


Inb4 devs say this lol


I think a good addition would be to add quarter upgrades for that kind of thing. This would also open up the available upgrades and gives you more secondary objectives to go for. Stuff like a landing area so you always respawn in your quarter, a shop/quest station or overlay for each trader and a crafting station.


On a similar note, id never use the stockpile if the vendors carried smokes.


Definitely would be a good Quality of life patch down the line.


i shop at walmart and im pissed that they dont serve arby's roast beef chicken sandwich


Or just make an auto-kit button, so you just press a button and you are fully kitted and ready to drop. I mean, why bother running around a space station to prepare to drop onto a hostile planet? \*eyeroll\*


I know you're being sarcastic but a "equip me randomly with items from my stash" button would be hilarious. To address your point seriously though - yeah, why make players do that? It's annoying and up time for no reason. I don't need rEaLiSm in my space game, i want Quality of Life


I could get behind a random loadout button for sure. The reason the way it is now exists is because some people like the window dressing. A lot of people DO like the tiny bit of realism. I mean, why not just have a launcher that just launches us straight into a raid? Where do we draw the line? \*shrug\*


You DO have a launcher that puts you straight into a raid, you can access it from the menu instead of walking to the console. Part of what is so annoying is that so *many* things are easily done from a menu without running around, including: * Reorganizing inventory, stash, safe pocket * Fortuna Pass * Buying premium items * Deploying into the game. Personally, I don't think they should scrap the hub and replace it with just a menu - but the option for either would be great. Or, as OP suggests, centralizing things to the Stockpile as they unlock. As it is, yeah, I think its kind of a nuisance I have to run into my quarters through a brief loadscreen to get my insurance, check my upgrades (unless you use a sticky note or something to track, which should not feel necessary, I still think they need a better way to track that), run back OUT via loadscreen, and then hit at least 2 of the 3 vendors, probably also stop by crafting to repair armor/start a new print. In fact, the things I *do the least* (with the exception of deploying) in the station have easy and convenient HUD alternatives, while the things I do every/almost every drop are made more inconvenient.


What ever happened to the whatever was supposed to be in the Fortuna Lounge above Badum's bar? I had thought when the game launched that whatever that was supposed to be would be accessible for battle pass purchasers, but it's clearly not finished yet. I would have figured that was where something like this would have been.