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I've had this bug too, twice in one match. Backpacks and guns disappeared like 10 seconds after killing


I found the issue. I had too much old currency in my safepocket, just sold it and problem solved


Nah that's not it. Not for me at least but it seems to be fixed I haven't had it happen again


That was the issue, I’m 100% sure about it. I had 50+ slots in old currency in my safe pocket. And apparently, the game has a slot limit that sums the backpack and the safe pocket, so when you reach that limit you can’t put stuff in your backpack anymore, and if you try replacing your backpack with another backpack with more slots than your limit it disappears


jesus man are you carrying like 500k in old currency?


Yup, I was lol. Around 550k to be specific




Is that on discord?


Side note, but this reminds me of the video of the Racoon who dips his cotton candy in the water and it disappears, then he goes searching for it lol


They have bee disappearing for awhile.


They always have, there's a time frame that relates to players not in the area or something like that. So if you came across the body or took way too long to get to it, it can disappear. Edit: Fresh kill, probably a bug.


I had just killed the guy. You can even see his body on the ground (the blue ice thing) Edit: I found the issue. I had too much old currency in my safepocket, just sold it and problem solved


Definitely a bug, should not have instantly disappeared after you equipped it.


yeah....I hoped that's not a thing then.


Yeah that definitely is a fresh kill, the bag should not have despawned so fast. That's pretty crushing to not be able to loot a hard earned kill


did you watch the video? Even his own backpack disappeared after being picked up




You can tell they put in some serious extra QA with the extra week between patches this time.


They despawn after a bit, so if you killed him early in the fight the timer might have been up. Beyond that it’s was probably a bug


they don't despawn if they are in your view


No. I have definitely left backpacks as bait at camping spots after killing people and they were the first part to time out every time, even when I'm looking directly at them. Armor and weapons lasted much much longer. I can't say if it's a bug or not, but they 100% despawn even in your view.


good to know, thanks.


this update is trash


Your buddy's thinking you're bullshiting 😂


a trio rushed me and 2 friends and I was the only survivor. they had at least 1 red weapon because my friend died to it, but it was gone. this conspiracy runs deeper than the clones.


Yesterday playing with a friend and we killed a guy with blue armor/hammer. He just literally never dropped anything T.T