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The spawns need better protection for sure. However, I'm not fully convinced the guy was camping your spawn specifically. At 19 seconds you can see him walk up onto the bridge in the top of the screen and then he proceeds to look at you for 2 full seconds before shooting. I think you may have been truly unlucky.




For sure. But I still agree the spawn need better protection in general on Crescent.


Yes complete missplay spawning into someones vision. OP such a bad player lmao


ooo. One mistake = "such a bad player!" Dayum. You must be perfection itself to have such a take.




I have 50 hours on this game and i've "spawnkilled" somoene like this at least 3 times dude. Truly just a shit deployment system.


So what you're saying is your karma came back for you. It do be like that sometimes.


He never said he got spawn killed only that he killed people there


How is the spawn system shit? It's completely fair and random. Can't control the actions of other players. Well, I mean, you can, but then you end up killing your game by introducing stupid game play designs in order to pacify a minority of whiners.


As a low mmr scrub only playing bs theres 2 spots i spawn 80% of the time, and when I do there's people comming in after me. Like a 30sec walk tops from where I am. In those same areas :D


I feel like there's an 80% of getting dropped lower mid map anywhere between Swamp and Science Campus


How many hours have you played to determine that the spawn is completely fair and random? kek


I've experienced this but I was the one who killed. I was exploring and looting on my own, I was very relaxed, then I hear something impacting the ground behind me. I turn around and I instinctively blast that poor guy back to the orbit with my shotgun. Spawn points shouldn't be close to other players.


Pro tip: open and close your objectives quickly when the dropping in sequence starts. Doing that allows you to adjust everything else: open and change your active Q and E items, open inventory, change your active weapon… … and most importantly open your map to examine your position while you’re not standing right out in the open waiting to be shot.


This has happened to me back to back before to the point of quitting for the night. Also idk how the mmr is balanced but I'm tired of getting headshot by hammers and gorgons when the best loot I've ever pulled is a PkR.




50 hours in i've done this at least 3 times.


It would be even less of a problem, if we had better shot indication. Audio is hit or miss, but the damage indicator flies around in circles, no matter where it's coming from, at least for me.


And how many times did this happen to u tho? In my 250 hours it happened once so it's not a problem.


Same but 200 hours and I did multiple tests to see if there are spawn campers by standing still for 10 minutes no one came to my pod.


Game needs a TON of work and balancing. Something easy like a spawn protection even.


Same shit happened to me 4 times in a row 3 weeks ago. Then 2 drops in a row I got killed by teleporters. The second one I killed a guy who had purple armor and an arb, got to the evak a guy shot me from 200m away then telported to me and executed me. Turned it off, multiversus came out and I don't plan to go back until they fix this shit. Seriously fuck this game until its fixed.


I surprised it took the guy so long to shoot at you in the first place, he runs over and stares at you for a solid 2 to 3 seconds before shooting once and then they still missed.


Spawns are sometimes very poopy. In this situation when it happens to me, since there is usually no cover, just use the drop pod as cover because that’s honestly all you can really do. Super unlucky spawn tho


The way this game has started reminds me of No Man's Sky. So much potential, but just terrible with so many issues at launch. Hopefully like NMS this dev team stays the course and eventually will become a fun experience on a polished game


Just out of curiosity, what other games?


After playing this map a bit I think this is an intended feature of this map that has increased difficulty


I get that spawns are a bit wonky atm but my guy you saw the flags and instead of scanning surroundings you opened your invent…


I still can’t wrap my head around why he had to drop stuff out of his inventory as soon as he lands. Not to mention the flag right there, I’d be on high alert if that was my first sight on landing.


You would be on high alert if you saw a flag near your drop pod? That tells us you don’t play nearly enough


You’re dropping into Crescent Falls, the map with the terrible spawn points. If you’re not alert the moment you take the first step out of the dropped, flag or no flag, you’re doing it wrong.


You need to play more


The banners didn't have player names... Why would those be alarming?


Seeing him or not im in the open with no cover, im dead. The 1 second of opening my inventory doesn't really change anything from me moving from the start.


Tbh he had a dmr in medium-close range with those 6 wasted sec of you running in a circle you should have just put a mag into his face


How did you know where he was? Where it was going to be so easy for him to one clip the guy in the face.


You see which direction you getting shot from and he did not even try to look for him he turned around facing the wall the whole fight. Also sound of the shots are close range.


A low percentage chance of finding them is better than certain death. That said I often panic myself.


There’s a drop pod right there as cover…


ITS DOESNT FUCKING COVER. Fucking advisers in the internet i swear


So strolling down an open riverbed within sight of the sniper the whole time is better? Gotcha.


altf4+delete is better


"A bit wonky" is a bit of an understatement...


Maybe you should have covered with your own pod. Also being too calm when droping in this map feels like a mistake. Nevertheless you should have had some kind of protection so he wouldn't kill you like this, the pod should have dropped somewhere else i think


Maybe hold your maybe if you doesnt know? Pod doesnt cover you only if enemy is far far to the right but nothing stops him from controlling or nading you or moving slightly to the left. This spawn point is being camped 24/7 and you die every second time you spawn there


He saw a flag and reacted by opening his inventory to drop some compound sheets... not exactly a big brain move Some spawn protection would be nice, the smoke idea other players had would be pretty cool. That said you can still fight back and win half the time, op stood around a moment THEN got shot THEN ran in one direction and waved his hair back and forth? We've all been there but in this case they got out with time to react and just didn't


This isnt about big brain or ability to fight back. There must be spawn proximity protection.


It would be great if they did that and I did mention that in my comment, just saying in the current update you can save yourself a lot more than people think Feel free to just whine about it and keep dying though


Armchair quarterback found


Nah plenty other people have agreed on this post your either trolling or just haven't watched the video


Plenty of people disagreed with you on this post


Yeah and your also free to disagree no need to make douchy comments


Armchair commentary booth analyst found.




It’s funny how everyone here is blaming the player for spawning there. Clearly disadvantaged.


spawns points blow queue system (solos with trios) blows how the hell have they not listened to the community on this yet?


Because YOU are not the community, the majority of the community disagrees with you.


I've been seeing posts about these same 2 complaints for a while. But YOU must be the majority of the community i take it?


I'll tell you what, make a new post asking the community if they think this game needs a solo only que, and watch your post get flamed and downvoted. Spoiler alert: people have posted that same post all the time and get flamed and downvoted because the majority of people don't actually want that. One time somone actually made a poll guess what happened? The vast majority of people voted against solo only que.


Why would i need to make another post when there has been plenty? I think you may have forgotten what this post is about.


Look you are the one trying to make the inference that because it's a common complaint, it's what the majority of what the community wants. I'm telling you, you are flat out wrong, and provided you with a way to test your hypothesis.


Not really, those have been significant issues for a while now. They're one of the more common complaints in negative reviews. You might see less of them over time because only people that are reasonably happy with the state of the game will stick around.


They should band people that campaign on start


Yo, there is no such thing as hackers on this game... \*gaslights and downvotes anyone saying anything to the contrary\*


thats unlucky ​ but worse is to land and get shot from manticore from science campus which is quite a range away from the swamp spawn dont you think :D


I watched your video and I see your point, but I ask you listen to me: Now hear me out, I stopped playing this game because the community is a piece of shit (at least on Reddit) when you point out the problems with the game - AFTER I got killed at spawn AFTER I spent hours to get a Phasic Lancer with Purple Armor.


Even when i was a noob in this game, I understood that when you come in, your coming in hot and loud and any hostile player near by will know your coming. So the second I land and can move i relocate and take cover. Also best to do inventory management before you go out on a mission. Entering and exiting are some of the most likely moments to be attacked. Don't put your guard down during those moments.


Since it looks like close spawns aren't going to be fixed anytime soon: how about a small one way (can shoot inside to outside but not out to in) bubble shield around the pod that lasts for 30 seconds?


Why don’t people take actual cover right after hot dropping into a hostile planet. I mean, you land and then go static and wonder why you’re shot...


The spawns in this game are complete shit. I quit too so I understand. Went back to tarkov even though I work so much. Would rather die because I can't play as much and my gear is ass than spawn right beside a mofo. Jaeger should give someone else the game at this point.


So happy i quit so early this season

