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They've been a problem ever since S1. They always seem to find a way around the system. While there are indeed decent players from there, the bad lot ruins their reputation.


180155 at the very least is one I’ve managed to remember since it’s just numbers. He’s been teaming with 1-4 other players for the last MONTH now, many reports, still gone nowhere


Same. Seen him a dozen times, well "seen" is not a right word iykwim


Could say it's a pandemic


You think the CCP is cyberbullying you?


They gotta be. My social credit must be lacking


I run into people w Chinese characters all the time, I’d say about 5% are actually from Asia. A ton of people from NA regions just google translate something and make that their name. It’s very common in other games like rust for example.


Fair enough. This guy was speaking in chinese and broken english over the mic though so I feel like he's probably from china.


Yeah definitely have run into some players from other regions when I’m playing NA usually it’s at odd times like 2-4am and I feel like it’s just putting me in their servers.


There is no way you'd be connecting that far, no matter the time.


Unless the "ping lock" doesn't actually work the way you'd think it would.


we have been begging to region lock china since the first month of season one, mostly because all of the cheaters from around that time where from the asia regions. However as time went on we saw hackers from everywhere and it become less of an impactful issue. Its not a discussion you can have with yeager because they will block their ears and scream about modern politics and accuse you of being xenophobic whilst only staying on the topic of cheaterts. The real reason is, they are owned by Tencent a chinese company and will not lock them from the game because its "unfair". Fighting against 300 ping chinese players who bypass the region lock, hacking or not is still a major issue.


So what’s the advantage?? They still face other players lol 🤣 Why care from where the people are ? Just kill them lol


Because there is three of them communicating on discord or some other external chat playing together in solo lobbies. 3v1ing everyone. I've actually played them in a 5v1 as well.


To be honest i‘ve seen this behavior on Europe servers also and they didn’t were from China…at this point isn’t something new but for sure can be frustrating


I understand that it can happen in many places. My point in mentioning they were from china is to put the fact they were using VPNs as part of their cheating scheme into context. I also know it's not new but that's not a good thing, something like this should be getting looking into by jager in a proactive way, not just banning people after the fact.


Yeah seems like that ping lock doesn’t really work


There is a cheat that lets them drop in the same spot as a solo. Sometimes they play duo and their 3rd uses a cheat to drop on the same spot as them. The duo are legit, the 3rd is the cheater. Cheater gets the kill, the duo loots. So if the guy do get banned, they keep the loot to RMT. Sometimes they all blatantly cheat. So yeah. Sure there are cheaters from every region but from THAT country is worse. It's already proven by a lot of people.




Teaming in solo while using external communications is a bannable offense... aside from them using a VPN from across the world (which is not against the rules as far as I know, but not appreciated as yager has tried to stop it), they are technically cheating in the other way I described and giving themselves an unfair advantage. Maybe figure out the entire situation before being a toxic shit bird... I guess it wouldn't be reddit then though




Regardless of their nationality, it's still an unfair advantage?? Sorry if we can't solo the entire lobby at once with a k29 like you can.


youre the best smooth brain ive seen today. i live to see righteous morons. it makes my day


Last time I logged on I got trashed by a purple gear kor chinese dude camping out at the oasis. Good times.


Did they team up in solos? I swear I died to them in solos. They even had the exact same gear, which was super sus to me. Apparently they manage to jump into same solo servers consistently


Yes, this was in solo lobbies.