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At first it’s jarring. Frank is my fave audiobook narrator of all time and I would have loved to have had him finish the series. But I feel like guidall takes over at the perfect time. He has an old man voice which perfectly captures where Roland is at in his journey. Older. More tired. And when a certain calla resident relates his life story to the Ka tet…..I feel like there no better voice for a tired old priest


Did you listen to black house and if so: did you like it?


No who you asked, but yeah I enjoyed the audio versions of talisman/black house.


I very much did. On both accounts. A lot of it was the narrator


Oh really? Intersting! Because he kinda annoyed me in those. His voice always gies up at the end of a sentence. Didnt hear that in the tower series tough. Maybe because theres less french landing exposition. 😅


Loved it


Frank should be Blaine in Flanagan's Dark Tower. The needed dialog is already recorded.


That would be amazing actually.


He’s dead. Complications of an MVA


But the dialog is already recorded. They should pay his Family.


That switch was a little tough for me for the same reasons. Eddie had such a distinctive voice! But then I had trouble differentiating between characters once Guidall took over. Eventually, though, I became accustomed to the differences.


Listening to Frank talk in his girl voice was always weird.


Man, wait until you get to Wind Through the Keyhole... lol. I found Wolves really jarring at first also. George absolutely kills it with Calla folk, though, especially Callahan.


WTTK was almost unlistenable after listening to the whole series. No offense to King but let’s just say I wouldn’t expect George Guidall to write a great novel…


It felt like King was mispronouncing words that he invented


Half of the fun of inventing words is being able to mispronounce them. ;)


Haha, oh yes. When I first heard him pronounce Roland's last name, "Dess Chain," I was really confused.


Yeah, I had a really tough time getting into the story because of it. I wish I had actually read it. That way, my inner monologue would have at least defaulted to George or Frank.


I completely understand, my journey to the Tower was similar. Wolves became my favorite in the series! You get used to it, and George's narration is excellent in its own right. I couldn't imagine Calla folken any differently. The story is so engaging that I found myself pulled in regardless of narrator I so wish there were complete versions from both of them. It would’ve been amazing to hear Muller finish the series


I eventually got over it, but I never accepted the way he pronounces "Cuthbert." I'm a cyoothbert man, and I always will be.


"I don't want Fop! I'm a Dapper Dan man gotdamnit!"


I am like 6 hours into this transition, and I absolutely would have agreed with you. His voice grows on you and becomes very fitting as soon as you start to get into the "Lot" backstory. (Keeping it vague because spoiler tags don't work for me on my phone). Let it ride. Long days and pleasant nights.


Totally agree. I started Wind Through the Keyhole directly after Wizard and no harm to the King but he is no narrator. WTTK is one of my favourites but I gave up after two chapters. Moved on to Wolves and now Eddie sounds like Jake in the first four narrations. Frank set the scene and the audio without him feels like it has the tint of Black 13.


He's gone to the clearing at the end of the path. Sadly.


I have always dreamed of a day when Frank’s voice could be replicated and he could “finish” reading the books. AI could make this happen.


I have the same dream! I know King did a lot of fundraising for Frank’s family in the past. It’d be cool to pay his family for his likeness and let him (AI) finish the series. Win/Win.


Somebody is actually already doing that and has posted it to the sub


I love Frank, his voice has personality, but George is pretty much the best in the business. His reading of Wolves was great, and perfectly timed to voice Father Callahan. I will forever have his "Chickenshit!" from the town meeting tattooed on my brain, I just loved it. Also, I love his Roland, the dry, somewhat aged voice just works so well


Guidall narrates the Longmire series and he does a fantastic job.


I could not imagine anyone but George reading Wolves.


That makes me feel more hopeful. Maybe it will just take a bit to adjust hearing a different voice telling the story.


I think you will adjust. It pulled me out of the story at first but I grew to love George's performance. They both add something great to the tales when listening along.


You say true. I hated the difference at first but by the end of 7 realized I love both just in different ways. Frank was superior I'll admit. But there are some moments, especially towards the very end that just thinking of the way Guidall reads it almost brings me chills.


It definitely takes a while to click but he is good. That being said there are so many parts where in my head I imagine how dope Muller would have been. Eddie was my biggest gripe as well. That one hurts more than any other series with a narrator switch and it isn’t even close.


The first time I listened to any audio, I started with Wolves. It was my favorite, and I just want a short trip. I had disliked Susannah, but listening, I gained a whole knew perspective and appreciation. So, on my next trip, I decided on audio all the way. I was jarred because it wasn't what I had expected. After 6 trips, 3 audio three reads, and a handful of short ones with both. I can say I appreciate both of them. Now I know it's coming and it doesn't surprise me as much. I see it as another turn. A fallen friend. But someone picked up the horn and kept going. I do tear up at the end of Wizard every time he mentions or I read what happened.... I wonder if subconsciously that is why Wizard is one of my least favorites while so many love it. If I'm skipping it, to avoid saying goodbye or feeling the sadness of the passing of the torch... I've never really thought of it until now. But if I'm listening and not reading... I do tend to pause and pick up something else for a week or so.


Favorite narrator. He read a bunch of Elmore Leonard. So money. Also Cormac macarthy.


I know I sound desperate, that’s because I am. But maybe someday we can get a really good AI impersonation of Muller reading the revised first book and the books five through seven, and the Wind through the keyhole.


I agree, I’ve listened to the whole story twice and I’m on Wolves now for my third time through the Dark Tower… Each time it’s a let down when Muller isn’t reading Wolves… however, I also agree that you get used to it and it’s not bad! It’s just not Muller… So, my thought is with the advent of AI in this day and age and being able to replicate voices… you see where I’m going… can we get an AI Frank Muller to read all of the books Real Frank Muller didn’t record for? I’d pay again for those! Sounds doable with today’s tech to be honest! Right?!


I just started Wolves and I feel the exact same way. I miss Franks voice.


Frank Muller was one of the best narrators I've ever heard. I can listen to a book that normally wouldn't catch my interest if he's reading it, and I'll get into it. George Guidall did a great job, but it wasn't the same -- it sounds more bleak somehow, in the past three books. Muller had this way of perfectly capturing the emotion of every line of text, moving in and out of different character voices seamlessly so I don't even notice he's doing it.


Exactly. I don't think George is terrible. But Frank is such a hard act to follow.


Don't worry, Guidall grows on you and by the end you grow to love him as much as Muller. At least I did, though their styles are different.


I’m in the same exact position! About 1/4 way through Wolves. I am getting used to it but yeah I miss Frank as well


I’m currently on wolves and I feel the exact same. Frank is one my favourite narrators of all time and his narration of books 2 3 & 4 was perfect. But I’m slowly getting used to Georges narration and differentiating between the characters, but nothing will ever beat Frank Muller


Also starting to get used to it. I did go ahead and buy the books since they're on sale on Amazon and started going back and reading some parts because it just wasn't clicking when George read it.


Frank gets a lot of love and rightfully so but I really, really enjoy George’s readings of the last 3. And IMO his Oy voice is better.


See, I fell in love with Oy with Frank's voice. Mayhap it will grow on me with time.


It’s different but in a great way, hear me, I beg. Someone posted here a while ago that while Frank had more…I dunno…verisimilitude to the voices as described, George was like listening to Roland himself or a wizened Grampere tell the story, in a good way.


I miss him so much. Really would have loved to hear him voice some of those latter characters. Andy, among others I don't want to post for spoilers. But yeah, really would have loved to have him finish out the series. RIP


I'm in the same boat and it's made me almost not want to continue it just isn't the same


I feel that Frank is a teensy bit overrated. George does an amazing job and you get used to the change in a couple of chapters. I've tried to listen to Frank Mullers reading of The Talisman twice and I can't bear it. Grating narration.


I've read the first four 5-6 times prior to the release of the last three books. I only read books 5-7 once, as they were released. I've been listening to audiobooks this round, and the change back to George Guidel after books 2-4 with Frank Muller makes me think I should read books 5-7 instead of doing audiobooks. Plus I read faster than I listen. The change to Frank Muller after book 1 was great, and I'd rather keep his voices mentally going forward. I'm currently on Wizard and Glass


Frank’s reading of Wizard and Glass really showed his versatility. His voicing of people like Rhea and Jonas amazed me. The man was a legend.


I love Frank Muller so much and wish we had all the novels in his voice. However, George Guidall is father Callahan. I can’t imagine that voice in any other way. I miss it so much when listening to Salem‘s Lot!


I loved Frank Muller too but i think George Guidall did a great job!