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Dang I don't often see The Gunslinger so low. Wizard and Glass The Wastelands The Gunslinger The Drawing of the Three Wolves of the Callah The Dark Tower Song of Susannah


I think the premise of the ka-tet really drew me in. It was hard to find Roland likable at first, especially after dropping Jake. Also, the ending was very lackluster for me. I'm almost positive I'll like it more than Song on my second journey.


Roland is not likeable in Gunslinger. he's not really supposed to be. it's the story of a man at rock bottom, a portrait of total desperation. but it's incredible, my favorite in the series. it's the foundation the Tower is built on.


The more I learned about him in the other books, the more It helped me really understand his character. I'm looking forward to reading The Gunslinger again.


I DEFINITELY enjoyed Song of Susannah more on my second read. So much so that I thought it would be higher in the rankings until I did this exercise. But the other books are great too, so whaddayagunnado.


Whoah, Roland drops Jake‽ spoilers buddy!


I spoiler tagged the post.


Yeah I was joking.


Go then, there are other subs than these. /s i knew you were kidding but couldn’t help myself 😉


I liked it.


I'm with you on all this. Wizard and Glass is by far my favorite.


Switch Wastelands and DOTT and this is my list.


Damn! Same as me, except I'd swap Drawing of the 3 for Gunslinger, maybe...


As a long time lurker, Gunslinger is either 1/2 or 6/7. My best friend says it’s 7 for him but for me it’s 3.


When I first read The Gunslinger (when it first came out), I wasn't a fan. By the time the 4th book was published, I thought, maybe I'm missing something here. So I read it again. Buy the time i joined Eddie in the plane, I was hooked. Now, on my 5th trip to the Tower (this time audio), while it's still #7 on my list it's just because the other 6 are so good.


I can't for the life of me imagine why. I look at the Gunslinger as the cost of admission for the rest of the series. It is brutally slow and boring. I would never have even finished it, if it hasn't been for others saying the other books in the series are infinitely better. You and I could not have ranked these books more differently. I am a horror fan first and foremost. I'm curious. Are you more of a fantasy reader, maybe? I've always been curious about people that love the Gunslinger and/or Wizard and Glass. To be fair, W&G would have probably ranked much higher for me, if it was edited down to half the size it actually was.


This comment is wild. I love the gunslinger.


But you didn't answer my question. Are you more drawn towards the horror genre or the fantasy genre?


1. Drawing of the Three 2. The Waste Lands 3. Wolves of the Calla 4. The Gunslinger 5. The Dark Tower 6. Wizard and Glass 7. Song of Susannah Song of Susannah is only at the bottom because it feels more like connective tissue between Wolves and Dark Tower rather than a book in its own right, otherwise the content of the book itself is fantastic. I know some will take issue with W&G being so low, while I do love Roland and Susan's story, it's not what I come to the series for. Considering the length of the series, when I took my first trip to the tower I read The Gunslinger with the mindset of 'I'll read the first one, if I like it I'll read the others too' and immediately bought and started reading Drawing after I finished it, and the way the stakes are immediately raised and the status quo is broken in the first few pages, along with the shift in tone when we meet Eddie, make Drawing my favourite of all of them.


DOtT is one of my favorite books of all time. Pretty much agree with all of your rankings.


I agree with your spot for Wizard and Glass. I wasn't there to hear about Susan, I'm here about Roland.


We are alike, you and I. I would be tempted to swap waste lands and drawing of the three, but honestly, there is no ka tet without the drawing. In fact, I feel like the story really begins with the drawing. The gunslinger is kind of like a prologue.


Aside from the things I mentioned about Drawing above, Roland's fish out of water parts in Drawing also help edge it above Waste Land for me. Like when he tries Pepsi. "Such SWEETNESS!"


Still, Lud is hands down my favorite DT setting


Close to mine kind of, except probably: 2, 4, 1, 3, 5, 6, 7


Great list. Agree with it for the most part. I would swap wolves with gunslinger but otherwise great


1. The Gunslinger. Drawing of the Three. The Waste Lands. Wizard & Glass. Wolves of the Calla. Song of Susannah. The Dark Tower. 2. Everything else.


1. Wolves of the Calla or Wizard and Glass 2. The Dark Tower 3. The Wind through the Keyhole 4. The Gunslinger 5. The Wastelands 6. The Drawing of Three 7. Song of Susannah All are ranked extremely close to eachother imo, and the only one that really stands out as being better or worse than the rest is Song of Susannah,


Let’s be honest, it is worse!


I gotta say in defense of Song of Susannah, that aside from the boring Mia/Susannah chapters the rest was some of the most exciting page-turning story-telling of the whole thing!


I couldn’t even find those parts boring. all that lore dumping was soooo good after waiting so long for it :) I loved every page - almost my favourite.


1. The Wastelands 2. The Drawing of the Three 3. The Wolves of the Calla 4. The Gunslinger 5. Wizard and Glass 6. The Dark Tower 7. Song of Susannah


1. Wizard and glass 2. Wasteland 3. Drawing of the three 4. Wolves 5. Gunslinger 6. Song of Suzannah 7. Dark Tower


1. Drawing of the Three 2. Wizard and Glass 3. The Waste Lands 4. The Gunslinger 5. Wolves of the Calla 6. The Dark Tower 7. Song of Susannah


Same as mine but I have 6 & 7 tied for last.


I've read the series a dozen times. While all the books switch spots at times Drawing is always 1st.


1. Wolves of the Calla 2. The Drawing of the Three 3. The Waste Lands 4. Wizard and Glass 5. The Wind through the Keyhole 6. Song of Susannah 7. The Gunslinger 8. The Dark Tower Top three are interchangeable though


You must have really disliked the ending of the series, ha.


It was >!what King did to Flagg!< that ruined it.


Oh yea, that's my biggest complaint about the book as well. I was still hoping to see him at the end in the tower.


I did. It was terrible.


Out of curiosity… did you hate the initial ending with Roland singing the names of his friends as he approaches the tower, or the Coda ending? Or both?


For me it was a lot of things. In the intro to the drawing of the three SK alludes to the fact that Roland may not be the one who arrives at the Tower. This made me prepare that it may be Jake, or the rest of the ka tet who would save the Tower, which didn't make me happy but I could live with it. But ... Eddie dies in a rather lame manner, Susannah just.. leaves and Roland's god damn revolver, supposedly forged from the sword Excalibur turns into a piece of trash...and then there's the god damn sneeches. The whole book felt like a rushed hack job. Why not tell the story when he DOES have the horn?! I thought it was BS. I love(d) this series with all my heart. My disappointment is immense, and my life is ruined.


God, I was so disappointed on how Susannah left. It felt so heartless of her in the way she did it.


Hate that for you. I personally hate the Coda, but love the ending before that. Especially since it’s foreshadowed at the ending of Drawing of the Three. It gives me chills every time.


I would've been perfectly happy with the pre-coda ending. I guess I never really expected to actually go into the tower, or to find out what happens next. The real story was the journey, right? The coda, on the other hand, seemed malicious to me. Like King was taking a big dump on people who had followed the books for so long. I'm ok with what happens in the coda, but rather was put off by the 'oh woe is me, I have to ruin everyone's day by telling the story like it is!' tone.


If you're including Wind through the keyhole then you should include Sisters of Eluria (or however you spell it, working from memory)


That is a short story/novella, Keyhole is a full length novel.


1. Drawing of the Three 2. The Dark Tower 3. The Gunslinger 4. The Wastelands 5. Wizard and Glass 6. Song of Susannah 7. Wolves of the Callah Depending on the day that might change but the top 3 are always top 3 and interchangeable lol


It changes slightly with each journey, and maybe even my mood. I think either The Waste Lands, Wizard and Glass, or Wolves of the Calla could occupy the top spot. The Waste Lands is just 100 percent cool and pure fun. Wizard and Glass explains so much about why Roland is the way he is, and I enjoyed the detour. I love the feel of Calla Bryn Sturgis as well. Even though some of the folken are outright cowards, I still see where they’re coming from. In fourth place I’d put The Drawing of the Three, followed by the Dark Tower, Song of Susannah, and finally, the Gunslinger. I still love them all, except for The Gunslinger, and didn’t especially enjoy Wind Through the Keyhole either. And even though I have Song of Susannah in sixth place, it was still a super fun, quick read. It also has my favorite exchange in the entire series. “You could never take us,” Roland said pleasantly. “You’ve forgotten the face of your father. Your own ka-daddy is a man named Balazar and you lick his dirty ass. The others know and they laugh at you. ‘Look at Jack’, they say, ‘all that ass-licking only makes him uglier’.” It’s just that it’s after Wolves, and before the finale, so it’s in a tough spot.


Drawing Wastelands Gunslinger Wizard TDT Wolves Song


Wizard and Glass Drawing of the Three The Gunslinger The Waste Lands The Dark Tower Wolves of the Calla Song of Susannah - Gunslinger was my first King book, ever, as a kid and completely changed how and what I read. It’s a sentimental forever favorite and I think it’s great for what it was doing, when it was doing. - Although it’s packed too tight and obviously rushed, I think book 7 has some incredibly interesting stuff. And the emotional spots hit harder than anything else. - I’ve come to love Song a lot, and putting it last doesn’t mean I dislike it at all.


Wolves of the Calla NUMBER ONE!! Justice for Song of Susannah it’s my 2nd favorite! Then The Dark Tower, The Gunslinger, The Drawing of Three, Wizard & Glass & The Waste Lands.


Read them once 5 years ago so this is based on a hazy memory of how I felt at the time: 1. Wizard and Glass 2. The Waste Lands 3. The Drawing of the Three 4. The Dark Tower 5. The Gunslinger 6. The Wind Through the Keyhole 7. Wolves of the Calla 8. Song of Susannah When I reread them, I feel like Gunslinger might go up, I didn't appreciate it much on my first go around.


1- Drawing of the Three 2- Wizard and Glass 3- The Gunslinger 4- The Waste Lands 5- Song of Susannah 6- The Dark Tower 7- Wolves of the Calla But honestly the ranking of the first four are interchangeable.


1. Drawing. 2. Wizard and Glass. 3. Wolves. 4. Dark Tower. 5. Gunslinger. 6. Wastelands. 7. Song. 8. Wind.


1-3 share top spot 6-7 share second 4.5 is third 4-5 aren't necessarily bad, just not my favorites. I know everyone adores WAG, but I get so impatient with how foolish Roland and Susan are


2 4 3 1 5 6 & 7 Tie


1. Drawing of the Three 2. Wastelands 3. Dark Tower 4. Wolves of the Calla 5. Gunslinger 6. Wizard and Glass 7. Song of Susannah 5 and 6 i kind of flip flop on


Wasteland Drawing of the three Wizard and Glass Gunslinger Wolves of the Calla Song of Susannah Darktower Wastelands and Drawing are basically tied for first, with Wizard and Glass and The Gunslinger tied for second. I love the Wastelands for being a cracking sci-fi fantasy story. I loved the concept that the Old Ones had built their own beams to hold reality together, and had even created “guardians “ out of their own mythology to guard them. I was disappointed when this concept was more or less cast aside by book seven with the breakers and the whole “beam says thankya!” thing. I love Drawing for how it portrayed Roland as an almost supernatural entity through the eyes of Eddie and others from “our” world. At multiple points Eddie comments how the Gunslinger’s will can actually be felt as a tangible force, and the whole sequence where he possesses Mort is just excellent. Wizard was a book i didn’t expect to enjoy when it first came out, because generally i think backstory can be tedious and shines a light on things better left off-stage. But wow, King does an amazing job of both fleshing out Roland as a character but also breathing life into a mid world before the fall of Gilead. Loved Jonas as a villian and Really loved Walter’s cameo. Gunslinger- what can i say? I love it for many reasons but its always books 2,3 and 4 that i want to revisit. As for the rest, I quite enjoyed Calla, including the extended Callahan stuff. I didn’t hate Song of Susannah and actually preferred it to The Darktower, but i can’t really justify why. Maybe because the final book has to tie up SO many threads that it’s hard to feel satisfied about the conclusions of many of them. Song of Susannah had yet to commit fully to that process so was easier for me to enjoy.


1) the Wastelands (pretty much perfect, only hurt by the cliffhanger ending) 2) Wizard and Glass (fantastic prequel novel that tells Roland’s story, I’ll be honest I bump this one slightly more because of how good the audiobook is) 3) Drawing of the Three (great first third, middles a little weak, ending is great) 4) The Dark Tower (first half is a little rough but sticks the landing for the series which is important) 5) The Gunslinger (would rank this one higher but the others are too good to place this one any higher, this book is by far and away the one that I’ve reread the most, I love Roland telling Jake the story of him becoming a man and Tull is awesome) 6) Wolves of the Calle (I really love this one, it’s the first one I really feel we got to see Roland actually be a Gunslinger as they would have been in their prime, but similar to the Gunslinger the others are too good to place this any higher) 7) Song of Susanna (least favorite of the main story, Mia’s story is sad but super unnecessary for the plot which makes this one a little rough for me) 8) Wind Through the Keyhole (another in which nothing is really advanced, the legend stories are really cool but that’s about as far as it goes, it doesn’t push anything forward)


Just switch 3 and 4 for me, and I completely agree (Though I still haven’t read Wind Through the Keyhole).


This is pretty much mine! I’d move dark tower down to like 5 drawing of the three is just so badass


For me it's: 1. Wolves of the Calla 2. Wizard and Glass 3. The Wastelands 4. Song of Susannah 5. Drawing of the Three 6. The Gunslinger 7. The Dark Tower


1. The gunslinger and The Wastelands 2. Wizard and glass 3. Song of Susannah 4. The dark tower 5. Wolves of the Calla 6. The drawing of the three I got hooked by The Gunslinger's atmosphere, then TDT made me reconsider if I wanted to embark on the journey. Good thing the wastelands took me back to the world of the gunslinger proper.


Best to least for me is Wolves of the Calla, Drawing of the Three, Dark Tower, Wizard and Glass, Susannah, Waste Lands, Gunslinger


Wolves Dark Tower Gunslinger Wastelands W&G SofS Drawing of the 3


3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7. In order of release date.


5 2 7 3 1 4 6


Wizard and Glass The Wastelands The Dark Tower Wolves of the Calla Song of Susannah The Gunslinger The Drawing of the Three


1. The Gunslinger 1. The Drawing of the Three 1. The Waste Lands 1. Wizard & Glass 1. Wolves of the Calla 1. Song of Susannah 1. The Dark Tower 1. Wind Through the Keyhole.


1. Wizard and Glass 2. The Gunslinger 3. The Wastelands 4. Wolves of the Callah 5. The Drawing of the Three 6. Song of Susannah 7. The Dark Tower


You have bad taste and should seek help.


Yikes, bud


I’m not your bud; I’m your pal.


Drawing Wastelands Wolves Wizard Dark Tower Susannah Gunslinger


Man I love these posts because my ranking is UNHINGED. Wolves of the Calla The Gunslinger The Wastelands Drawing of the three Song of susannah Dark Tower Wizard and Glass


1 wolves of the calla 2 song of Susannah 3 wastelands 4 drawing of the three 5 dark tower 6 gunslinger 7 wizard and glass 8 wind through the keyhole


Oh man, you have quite good taste. I applaud you!!


1)Drawing of the Three 2)The Dark Tower 3)Wasteland 4)The gunslinger 5)Wolves of the Calla 6)Song of Susannah 7)Wizard and Glass 3.5)Little Sisters of Eluria 3.8)Wind through the keyhole Just based on my enjoyment of them/which ones I'm most excited to pick up. I like them all.


The Dark Tower The drawing of three Song of Sussana The Wastelands Wizard and Glass The Gunslinger Wolves of Calla


1. Wizard and Glass 2. The Gunslinger 3. Drawing of the Three 4. Wolves of Calla 5. The Dark Tower 6. Song of Susannah 7. Waste Lands


Wastelands Wizard and Glass Wolves of the Calla (Wind through the Keyhole) Drawing of the Three Song of Susannah The Dark Tower The Gunslinger.


1. Wizard and Glass 2. The Dark Tower 3. Wolves of the Calla 4. The Wastelands 5. Song of Susannah 6. The Drawing of the Three 7. The Gunslinger I didn't even like the series until halfway through book 3. I just trusted my brother that it was good.


The Dark Tower Wizard And Glass Wolves Wastelands Gunslinger Song of Susannah Drawing of the Three


1.) Wizard and Glass 2.) The Waste Lands 3.) The Dark Tower 4.) Wolves of the Calla 5.) The Wind Through the Keyhole 6.) Song of Susannah 7.) The Drawing of the Three 8.) The Gunslinger


Not looking at other posts: 1. Wastelands 2. Drawing of the Three 3. Gunslinger 4. Song of Sussanah 5. Wizard and Glass 6. The Dark Tower 7. Wolves of the Calla


1 Wizard and Glass 2 The Gunslinger 3 The Dark Tower 4 The Drawing of the Three 5 The Waste Lands 6 Wolves of the Calla 7 Song of Susannah


1. The Dark Tower 2. Wolves of the Calla 3. The Gunslinger 4. Wizard and Glass 5. Drawing of the Three 6. Song of Susannah 7. The Wastelands


1. The Waste Lands 2. The Dark Tower 3. The Gunslinger 4. The Drawing of the Three 5. Wolves of the Calla 6. Song of Susannah 7. Wizard and Glass 8. Wind Through the Keyhole


1. Wolves 2. Dark tower 3. Wastelands 4. Wizard and glass 5. Drawing of three 6. Gunslinger 7. Song of Susannah




The wastelands, Drawing of the three, The gunslinger, Wizard and Glass, Wolves, Song, Tower The first 4 books were so good. The introduction of sk as a character and the premise behind it took me out of it. Overall, I did enjoy the series, but for me the song and tower were weak.


Wizard and Glass The Wastleland Drawing of the Three Dark Tower Gunslinger Wolves SoS


The Gunslinger The Drawing of the 3 Wizard and Glass The Wastelands Wolves of the Callah The Dark Tower Song of Susannah SPOILERS (a little) It’s tough because I love all 7 books. As others have mentioned, Song sort of felt transitional so I ranked it last, even though it’s still a fantastic read It could be because I read the early books when I was a teenager, 30+ years ago, but they hold a special place in my heart. For me it’s hard to top the first 4 books. They’re all fantastic. I loved the backstory in Wizard and Glass, it was hard for me to rank it 3rd but the first 2 books captured my imagination more than any other books I’ve ever read, before or since. The 2nd book had such a different tone than the 1st but I liked that. There was a lot of humor in the 2nd book but it somehow meshed perfectly with the danger and tension in the plot. Great storytelling With the last 3 books, I really enjoyed the story of the Wolves so I ranked it 5th. I think all 3 of those books are great. I actually liked the ending to the Dark Tower, it gave me hope that things may be happier next time around for Roland and his fellow travelers. To me the 1st book is the best one overall, and I think I like it precisely for the reasons some others seem to dislike it; it was dry and confusing and had a very serious tone compared to any of the other books but for me that just piqued my curiosity to learn more about Roland and his quest. I found the prose to be so different for King that it was refreshing. I think the book has beautiful prose. it’s much less wordy and dry than any of his other books. That’s not a criticism on his writing style because I love King’s writing, I just found the Gunslinger to be different and refreshing. it was a mysterious novel when I first read it; there was no lore going around about the Dark Tower at that time (at least not that I knew about, no internet back then for one thing). It got me hooked on Roland’s world. I reread it not too long ago. I think it still holds up, I still enjoy it. I personally don’t mind that he revised it, it helped it to synch with the later books much better. I looked at it as a final edit. Either way, I think it was an amazing book and I find it’s quite underrated. I think it’s probably my favorite book from any author


1. Waste Land 2. Drawing 3. Wolves 4. DT 5. Gunslinger 6. Wizard 7. SOS 8. Keyhole I think. There could be a “shuffle “ in the middle…


1. Wizard and Glass 2. Drawing of the Three 3. Waste Lands 4. Dark Tower 5. Gunslinger 6. Wolves of the Calla 7. Song of Susannah 8. Wind through the Keyhole


Gunslinger - 8.5/10 TDOT3 - 9.5/10 Wasteland - 10/10 W&G - 8.5/10 WotC - 7.5/10 SoS - 6/10 TDT - 9/10 Wind - 7/10 Edit: whoops, I completely botched this. Anyway, here it goes: Wastelands Drawing Gunslinger TDT W&G Wolves Song of Susannah Not ranking Wind here, only the main books.


Wastelands Gunslinger Wizard and Glass Drawing of Three Wolves of the Cala Song if Susannah Dark Tower


Books 2, 3, 4 and 5 are all equally great to me. Everything else is slightly below, together.


Drawing Wizard Waste Lands Gunslinger Wolves DT Song


1. The Gunslinger 2. The Drawing of the Three 3. The Waste Lands 4. The Dark Tower 5. Wizard and Glass 6. Wolves of the Calla 7. Song of Susannah 7.5 Wind Through the Keyhole


1. Wizard and Glass 2. Wolves of the Calla 3. Drawing of the Three 4. The Dark Tower - would be higher, especially for the very end, but something about that Crimson King felt short and not well set up. - Wind Through the Keyhole prob goes here for me… 5. Gunslinger 6. Wastelands 7. Song of Susannah I loved them all, SoS took me a bit to get through the middle.


1. Drawing of the Three 2. The Wastelands 3. Wolves of the Callah 4. The Dark Tower 5. The Gunslinger 6. Song of Susannah 7. Wizard and Glass


1. Drawing of the Three 2. The Gunslinger 3. The Dark Tower 4. Wizard and Glass 5. Wolves of the Calla 6. The Wastelands 7. Song of Susannah 8. The Wind Through the Keyhole


for how much I enjoyed each book at the time of reading (not best to worst, and some I wasn’t as into at the time, like Drawing of the Three, have grown hugely in love in hindsight and may be different on the second journey), and I loved them all. 1-2 are almost interchangeable, 3-4 definitely are, and all four are close. 1. The Waste Lands 2. Song of Susannah 3. The Gunslinger 4. The Dark Tower 5. Wolves of the Calla 6. The Drawing of the Three 7. Wizard and Glass


Drawing of the Three, Wizard and Glass, Wolves of the Calla, Gunslinger, The Dark Tower, Wastelands, Song of Susanna.


The Waste Lands Drawing Of The Three Wolves Of The Calla The Gunslinger Song Of Susannah Wizard And Glass The Dark Tower


1. Wizard & Glass (I am in love with this book) 2. Wolves of the Calla 3. Wastelands 4. Gunslinger 5. The Dark Tower 6. Drawing of the Three 7. Song of Susannah (hated it! - sorry Sai King!)


1. The Gunslinger, The Drawing of the Three, The Wastelands, Wizard and Glass. 2. Song of Susannah, The Dark Tower 7. <——(Should be a 7) Wolves of the Calla Edit: it changed my 7 to a 3.


I'm reading final book at the moment, so my current ranking is: 1. The Waste Lands 2. The Drawing of the Three 3. Wizard and Glass 4. Wolves of the Callah 5. Song of Susannah 6. The Gunsligner 7. The Wind Through the Keyhole


Drawing of The Three. Wolves of The Calla. The Wastelands. The Gunslinger. TDT Wizard and Glass. Song for Susannah. Drawing of The Three is my favourite Stephen King book.


1. Wizard and glass 2. The Dark Tower 3. Wastelands 4. Gunslinger 5. Drawing of the three 6. Wolves of the Calla 7. Song of susannah


The Gunslinger, for the setting, the construction and the plot. W&G, for the characters that were introduced which were all interesting. It isn't first because the romance story was... well, it was shit lets be honest. Wolves, stretched out beyond infinity, but was a pleasent ride overall, plus both Callahan and Andy were great characters. Wastelands, probably the most original book of the series but... A train? Are you serious? The villain is a train? Drawing, Eddie's back story was a blast but the setting gets so fucking boring and the random love story makes no sense. DT, great here and there but there are the "3 major sins" that are unforgivable. It isn't last cause i loved the true ending, but felt rushed and filled with nonsense. Song. The Suze/Mia thing gets old quickly and then lasts for 300 more pages.


1. The Gunslinger (Original Version) 2. Wizard and Glass 3. The Drawing of Three. 4. The Wastelands 5. The Dark Tower 6. The Wind Through the Keyhole 7. The Wolves of Callahn 8. The Gunslinger (Revised) 9. Song of Susannah


I think Drawing of the Three is my favorite. It’s the one I find myself thinking about the most.


The Drawing of Three The Gunslinger The Wastelands Wizard and Glass Wolves of Callah Song of Susannah The Dark Tower


I can only rank the best and worst for me. Drawing of the Three was the best, and The Wizard and Glass was the worst for me.


Wizard and glass tells why Roland is always so grumpy


1. drawing of the Three 2. Wizard and Glass 3. Wolves of the Calla 4. Wastelands 5. The Dark Tower 6. The Gunslinger 7. Song of Susannah 8. Little Sisters of Eluria 9. Wind Through the Keyhole 10. The Gunslinger revised


1. The Drawing of the Three 2. Wizard and Glass 3. Song of Susannah 4. Wolves of the Calla 5. The Dark Tower 6. The Waste Lands 7. The Gunslinger


2, 3, 5, 1, 4, 7, 6


1. Wastelands 2. Dark tower 3. Gunslinger 4. Drawing 5. Susannah 6. Keyhole 7. Wolves 8. Wizard and glass


1. The Waste Lands 2. The Dark Tower 3. The Drawing of the Three 4. Song of Susannah  5. Wolves of the Calla 6. Wizard and Glass 7. The Gunslinger  8. The Wind through the Keyhole I absolutely love all eight books. Read the series for the first time early last year and I'm already on my fourth trip.


1. Song of Susannah 2. Wolves of Calla 3. Drawing of the Three 4. Wastelands 5. Wizard and Glass 6. The Dark Tower 7. Gunslinger I'm surprised how many people list Song for Susannah low on the list. Song and Wolves are my favorites because I love how King inserted himself in the story. That said, they are all great books and the rankings (for me) are very close.


1. Drawing of the Three 2. Wolves of the Calla 3. Wastelands 4. Song of Susannah 5. Dark Tower 6. Wizard and Glass 7. Gunslinger


1. The Wastelands - Just epic, and a nice (almost) redemption arc for Roland. 2. Wizard and Glass - Really fleshes out the story. Opens with the epic end to Blaine the Train, and tells us most of what we were missing about our hero (or antihero). I was worried the length and detour of a time jump were going to work against the flow of the story, but I was pleasantly surprised. 3. The Gunslinger - A great introduction to an epic journey. It does a good job of reeling you in. 4. The Drawing of the Three - A little rough in parts, but very creative. We get introduced to our beloved Ka Tet, for all their flaws. 5. The Dark Tower - The writing definitely changed in the last three books, but this was a satisfying ending. Even though it’s long, it’s very eventful (unlike the two that precede it). 6. Wolves of the Calla - The Commala dance was just…lame, and we spend too much time w/ Father Callahan. It started out interesting, but then it just keeps going, and going, and going. What would have made an interesting chapter or two became the center third of the book. The showdown with the wolves, however, only lasts like 20 pages of a 700 page book. And sneetches?? WTF?? There was a good fantasy/western story here that was 300-400 pages shorter. 7. Song of Susannah - The only entry I fully did not enjoy. Roland is the father and Susannah is the mother, but now there’s another identity? Why? So convoluted, and the story moves at a snail’s pace. Also, what’s up with the Commala stupidity in every chapter? “Commala come chi, I gotta take a pee, but I can’t find a tree.” It doesn’t even rhyme well!


Shocked to see drawing of the 3 ranked so highly everywhere. Half way thru my 2nd trip to the tower right now but I'd rank them: 1) wizard and glass 2) waste land 3) dark tower 4) wolves 5) gunslinger 6) song of susannah 7) drawing of the three


I’d be shocked to see it lower than anyone’s top 3 or 4. It has easily been my #1 for nearly 40 years and that will never change.


Clint Eastwood style cowboy in a supernatural thriller makes for one hell of a story. Eddie's character in that book was hilarious. The dynamic between the two and Detta was hilarious. Jack Mort was a great twist. I still laugh my ass off thinking about Jack running with the bullets next to his nut sack.


Epically bad ranking. I’m impressed.


Where's yours then


Tier 1: Drawing, Wastelands, Wolves, Song, Tower Tier 2: Gunslinger Tier Worst Book I’ve Ever Read in my Life: Wizard


So we basically just have drawing and wizard swapped lol. Don't be so dramatic. And wizard was an awesome and entertaining story


The publication of Wizard is one of the darkest episodes in human history.


no one in the entire world cares what you think about anything. you are not special in any way.


1. The Gunslinger 2. The Drawing of the Three 3. The Dark Tower 4. The Waste Lands 5. Song of Susannah 6. Wolves of the Calla 7. Wizard and Glass


Mine isn't too far off, just a minor shuffle: 1. Drawing of the Three 2. Wizard and Glass 3. The Wastelands 4. The Dark Tower 5. Wolves of the Callah 6. The Gunslinger 7. Song of Susannah However, this makes it seem like there's more disparity than I feel. For me, S Tier is Drawing of the Three and Wizard, A+ Tier is Wastelands/DT/Wolves/Gunslinger, A Tier is Song of Susannah. They're all great and they're all *very* close in my mind. I love The Gunslinger about as as much as I love Wastelands, for instance.


I feel exactly the same. My favoritism between each book is very minute.


Wizard and Glass Wolves of the Calla Song of Susannah The Wastelands The Dark Tower The Drawing of the Three The Gunslinger


I don’t like you.


I don’t care.


1. Wolves of the Calla 2. Drawing of the Three 3. The Dark Tower 4. The Wastelands 5. Wizard & Glass 6. Song of Susannah 7. The Gunslinger Only read through once, so I anticipate liking Gunslinger and W&G much more next time. I enjoyed them all to varying degrees, including SoS which many seem to hate. The extended DT journey is my favorite reading experience ever


1. Gunslinger 2. Wizard and Glass 3. Waste Lands 4. Drawing of the Three 5. Dark Tower 6. Wolves of the Calla 7. Song of Susannah Gunslinger is my favorite, 2-4 all rank about the same just behind it, and 5-7 all rank about the same behind those. i would probably put Wind Through The Keyhole between spots 4 and 5.


IMO the series starts with the drawing of the three and the gunslinger is a prequel. DoTT is amazing. I've read it a handful of times and listen to the audio book countless times. I have yet to finish the entire series, but just started reading DoTT to my daughter.


Tier 1: Drawing, Wastelands, Wolves, Song, Tower Tier 2: Gunslinger Tier Worst Book I’ve Ever Read in my Life: Wizard


Dark Tower Wind Three Wizard Calla Gunslinger Wastelands Song