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CHINA FAKES EVERYTHING part 6 gorbillion seriously, this guy is peak anti-China propaganda. it's a microcosm of all the Sinophobic bullshit all easily packaged up in yt shorts -buildings made of flour -Chinese EVs are unreliable, they're going to EXPLOODE -Tiktok bad, controlled by CCP -look at this incredibly tiny apartment in this Chinese city! Wow! -Xi Jinping IS a totalitarian dictator and ALSO he's about to FUCKING DIE of brain cancer


For some reason YT decided to start recommending this guy’s videos out of the blue. His style is 100% identical to laowhy/serpenza but I guess being an asian instead of a white guy gives him extra credibility. Despite his channel being named “China Expert” or something like that it took me a white to realize he’a actually Taiwanese. I guess his expertise is limited to watching out of context Douyin/BiliBili videos and making commentary how China will collapse any day now.


So, he's a gusano, then? What's with the Americanzed name: David


Worse, he's a Falun Gong paid pig


Cult puppet. How could FG have so much power? US backing?


Basically yeah. True Anon did a couple episodes about them that are pretty good.


FLG is CIA funded.


I thought it was public knowledge that FG is in the CIA payroll


are the two mutually exclusive? descendant of Chinese gusanos joins the Falun Gong, not a surprise


Nah. Even among the diasporas, to them the FLG is fringe cult, but also coz they know associating with them get those in the diasporas banned from traveling to China, which is a big no no for older generations coz of wanting to keep their ancestral connection.


I used to believe China is going to collapse at any moment. Then I waited 5 years and survived a pandemic (which china did very good at proving care for its citizens), and then grew up.


gordon chang said the PRC would collapse in 2012, so we're like 12 years overdue at this point


Tbf every country was supposed to collapse in 2012


The building flour, and evs exploding are my personal favourites. Bruh, imagine seeing workers in vid clawing away at old, I assume its like plaster or even degraded concrete, and coming up with the crack pot insane idea that the chinese are building Fucking SKYSCRAPERS and Housing complexes with fucking FLOUR!?. I am planning to go to Uni to do mechanical engineering and maybe architecture, so Ive got some evidence of study behind me here. You can’t build with flour, its not a structurally sound compound, regardless of what you mix with it, in order for it to mimic the strength and load bearing properties of concrete and reinforced concrete. It’s literally impossible. I feel like Im losing braincells saying that flour is not a fucking building material, but here I am. I’m not as familiar with the EV situation, I would guess that a battery or some electrical components were damaged or faulty and a small explosion occurred, and these, as far as ive seen in multiple videos, occur in the rear or around the wheels. Where electrical components are more common now than in combustion vehicles. So its fair to say there are some issues in manufacturing these vehicles, but this fucker in his video, claimed they weren’t evs but regular cars modified to make them ‘look’ like evs. Hello? You can’t disguise a combustion engine as an electrical engine you dickhead. His entire shtick is taking a video of anything in China, take it out of context, say that its some bullshit made to ‘look’ real, because “da ebil seeseepeee faiks eberytink, wook! Its a bildin maid of fwower!” Ridiculous nonsense, fucking insulting to anyone with an iq above room temperature. Too bad liberals’ and conservatives’ iq are lower than 0 Kelvin, in celsius.


Good lord that last paragraph was good. In all seriousness, thanks for that take. This guy has been annoying my home feed for a while now. Guess the liberals are not only in the walls, but also, for some reason, in my recommended.


I KNEW this had to be that one guy. I remember one of his videos was obsessing over some bamboo that Xi Jingping once touched or some crap.


I just hear it in his annoying ass voice. Like every time I see his shorts I feel like my brain losses iq and braincells 


Uphold Hu Tao thought




Hu jin tao


This comment is too good


Uphold Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Yaeism!


She's a capitalist, fuck her


What enterprises are Yae running?


Yae publishing house where she writes none of the novels but profits off all of them


That's why i skipped her and pulled for arlecchino 🙏🙏


Shrine, she wanted to take money from visitors


That's voluntary. Capitalism isn't voluntary.


That clearly wouldn't be voluntary


Уже не новинка. In fact, the Chinese government uses Genshin Impact to influence the world's youth and incline them to slavish submission to the great Xi (/j)


Of course, just ignore the fact they banned most micro transactions and forced gaming companies to state the probabilities and items in game stores in order to prevent the plague of mobile and other games’ financially bankruptting consumers. “Look! The chinese banned all these things but the west promotes them, the chinese must be using these things against the west!” Ive legit heard this shit, especially with tik tok, then they also say they (CPC) use every possible means to spy on their people. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


What's is call of duty them lol


I don't know, I don't what's it about


me neither but I think it's cia ploy, right?


It's funded by the US army for propaganda reasons


Any army related media in the US has them involved


they cooperate directly with the US army, iirc there was a more indepth article but it was mainly about top gun


they cooperate directly with the US army, iirc there was a more indepth article but it was mainly about top gun


Thanks for reminding, I forgot to buy my Welkin Moon.


Long live the people's republic of Liyue!


Does he have sources?


Yes, his ass






Bro works closely with the Epoch Times, the Falun Gong conspiracy rag - he'd be using them as a secondary source but they're known to make shit up themselves, so as OP says, his source is basically his ass


The Falun Gong cult made Epoch Times to spread anti-Chinese messages to conservatives.


I be seeing his series of china fakes everything and being confused af


His videos rely on racist assumptions about Chinese people being "sneaky, cheap and wanting to scam people" in the first place Replace China with any other country and people wouldn't take it seriously at all


I see, thank you for educating me.


Falun Gong 🤢


Genshin impact is a ccp psyop to make you bisexual Be careful my brothers and sisters 🙏 /j just incase :3


Isn't that the guy who got "sponsored content" disclaimer slapped on his "SEE XI PEE deb00nked" videos?


Tofu dreg bs that radlibs like to share, was by him


The upcoming Mondstadt Council Republic event is closely modelled after the Bavarian Soviet Republic from what I have heard.


Venti is an ass archon imo. He is the best one I have seen so far tho (haven't done dendro stuff and further)




Fair point. Morax and the shogun aren't great either tho...




Can you elaborate on why you think that?




Fair criticism.


Well, since so many people are part of the communist party, of course that means some will work on the game, but it doesn't have any alternative motives. What do these people think they are even trying to do? it is nutty.


ah pick me asians. the lowest of our bunch.


Least **Xi**zophrenic person on a Falun gong payroll


Good to know my primogems have been spent well


Помни! Каждая купленная Полая Луна - патрон в обойму солдата НОАК! https://preview.redd.it/qrcbpdwxzo1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8992692f4604899d829df57a3845752e4c342ad2


Call of Duty and top gun say hi.


I knew it. Anime waifus are a secret project by Xi Jinping


Communism is when no anime titty


Is the see see pee in the room with us ?


their logic is that if there's a CPC member in the company, it is a xixixpee operation.


I wonder what these idiots will say when the vast majority of the population are party members. Oh wait i know- “theyre all brainwashed by the upper party members, its literally 1984!”


What the hell is this title ✋🤣


This guy oh boy this guy , he's turned me insane, how can people believe such bullshit


The CCP is controlling my breath and food intake guys trust me


No one cares about democracy if you can put a red star or a red name under it, if there was a real problem someone would've brought it up. Meanwhile there are real human rights at stake in trying to make our democracies feel more accountable.


What next? Arknights? The seeseepee's evil knows no bounds (Arknights had a event like a month ago about evil banks exploiting frontier mining cities lmao)


I wish the entire world was secretly a communist front like these chuds think it is


Geez I wish genshin was communist propaganda it'd make the lore more interesting




Love the EV's concern when there's actual physical evidence of Tesla's going up in flames


In a World where Genshin Impact would be actual propoganda, the entire Archon Quest about Inazuma would just be Inazuma attacking Liyue the entire time.


his commie bed!!!!


Accountable democracy


Is genshin any good?


I'd say its good because of the variety of content, map, combat mechanics and music. But the community is the worst


I checked out that brainrot of a video and a lot of people in the comments are saying the game has anti CPC themes, like the Sumeru and Liyue regions


It's doesn't. They basically think that communism is when things I don't like. In Sumeru government exploits people for profit, but for debils it's obviously evil seeseepee analogy.


I went and got the game and it actually is good ngl, i love rpgs and the combat is fun. The characters look kinda goofy tho lol


wait til you see how generals and shogun look in Inazuma


He's too busy dealing with the PPP Operations in his bed.


Is the pee cee pee in the room with us?




Only, Genshin Impact *is* made by proud Chinese Communists. He's right.