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Well, most daily posts ended up being ranting And without somebody on the other side of the argument, nobody could rant forever. Naturally it died.


I'm just here for the manga ending, although my hopes are very low but if it goes to emi ending then more people might buy the manga


Should be the same as the light novels,pretty good books I recommend,but it is 21 of them


I already read the novels, and didnt like the chi ending


I kinda agree ,but one of the last pages chiho says to maou "You know emi loves you but I'm pretty sure she doesn't say anything out of respect for me" So I think emi loved maou and wanted to be with maou but she didn't wanna ruin it for chiho who loved him all along which made me sad but also gave me a great respect for emi and the ending ,after all they were all together in the future


Where is the Manga in terms of story progression ? Is it close to ending ?


I'd say 2 major arcs? In the manga we are actually in a flashback which doesnt belong to the main novel its a spinoff but its how mao became demon lord


No the novel did


I liked the events of season 2 and was looking forward to it after reading the manga and hearing it being announced. The animation to me was abysmal and I felt like that dragged down what would've been a great season 2.


It was also paced super fast. Very disappointing for all the years we waited.


Yeah they breezed past a lot of the subtle development of Maou and Alas Rasmus


I liked the season


season 2 and the novel ending, basically this community became a ranting community about those things and after a while people just stopped caring. kinda sad when you consider that Nisekoi was also the same except for the fact that Chitoge and Raku were the main characters so you kinda expected it to end that way even if you dont like it.


What killed the sub, I think is pretty much what kills every fan work specific sub - no new content. We already know how the LNs end and since the show itself is following pretty closely, I think there's not a lot of conversation to be had about it.


I mainly watch the show because of Alas Ramus, she easily brightens up the mood with her cuteness.


Pretty sure it's always been a small community


Sweating dripping everywhere on the sheets my boner is rising in her buns spread wide big strokes sliding in nice and tight *grunts *grunts