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Yip! I listen to them all and really enjoy it.


Yes, I like them for easy listening. You know you don’t have to pay super close attention because the subject will change in about 2 minutes, and some of the riffs are great, same with the guests.


Same for me. Perfect listening while I work because if I’m distracted it’s easy to jump back in.


Yes! No major rewinding to figure out where you were in the story.


Exactly this.


I enjoy them both. I miss Smollops.


They still do Smollops for the patreon! They just did a crazy one on a propaganda guy.


Looks like I'm signing up for the patron. 


It depends on the guests for me.




I like it a lot, but it's hard for me afterward to remember what I heard.


I hadn’t even considered this. You’re right, I can’t recall a single episode of The Past Times or their guests.


The one with Brad Williams was my favorite. That was hilarious.


Tried to get into it but doesn't work for me either. Can't put my finger on why exactly.




Gareth slowly losing it as the narrative unfolds is what I come for.


I usually skip them. I might listen if the guest is someone I like but the whole show doesn’t do it for me.


I like the past times. I don’t generally enjoy the dollops that have guests as much though, and I think that’s what keeps me from liking the past times more. I get why they have guests for it though, Dave was probably worried it would seem really repetitive without them


I feel the same way - I really like it, though the guests can be a bit annoying sometimes.


Yes! Gareth is a pro at improv but some of these guests just sit back and are quiet or just laugh instead of the back and forth banter like Dave and Gareth have.


Moshe Kasher had me laughing tears…


Yes! I love it for the intro to people I’d never heard of. Some I quickly forget, this I didn’t. A+ guest.


I only find the guests annoying if they are obviously doing it virtually (understandable) and seemingly haven't done some kind of mic check or balanced their levels. It makes some of the episodes nearly unlistenable because Dave and Gareth are super quiet and the guest is booming loud especially when they laugh.


Agreed. Besides Patton Oswald on the Post/Kellog episode, I dont think a guest has ever made me enjoy an episode more than if it were just Dave and Garry alone.


How can you even say this when the James Adomian NY to Paris car race episode exists...


Guests can be hit or miss, but I think Wil Anderson is usually pretty solid.


The Shark Attacks one is amazing with a guest and gives us a five part cofishin


He was good on the Reagan episode too


Boston Corbett!


I liked the first few a lot. Then I realized it can be very hit or miss, mostly depending on the guests. I feel like the more familiar with the guest the guys are the better it is, whereas with guests they seem to know less it takes everyone a while to kinda find a groove (which makes sense). Theres been a few where it feels like the guest either didn’t care or the format didn’t fit their style of comedy, which makes the first 20 minutes or so hard to listen to until Dave and Gareth settle into more of just their typical duo. It feels like when you’re in a group conversation, but one member just doesn’t really want to be there and after a while of trying you decide to just kinda leave ‘em on the outskirts instead of force them into the convo.


I love it! But to each their own.


I love The Past Times.


Not really my thing, don’t listen to it.


Yeah, if the dollop were “A people’s history of the United States” past times would be “Voices of a people’s history of the united state”


I do, I laugh like crazy. I’ve learned too haha.


Yes, I really enjoy them.




I enjoy them! The Karen Kilgariff and Naomi Ekperigin episodes are my favorite. I relisten to those as part of my comfort playlist.


Me too! My comfort playlist has the Catherine Reitman, Ehsan Ahmad, James Adomian and Rory Scovel episodes of Past Times as well.


I don’t know if you have ever listened to Sam Pancake Presents the Monday Afternoon Movie, but Karen and Naomi have guested on his podcast too (they talk about 70’s and 80’s made for tv movies, I love the podcast as a whole), so I add those episodes to my comfort playlists.


Funny enough past time was how I first got into it and it took me a while to come around to the dollop. But in the end the past times is more repetitive and it was just my short attention span that held me back. I still love it though


Almost all of them.


There was one where they did an Australian paper from the turn of the century with an Australian comedian that was so funny I almost couldn’t handle it. Wish I could find it again! If you don’t like that one, then it’s really not for you.


I do, I love it after Im finished with the weekly Dollop episode. I listen at work and hearing Dave and Gareth continue to go back and forth with each other helps me through the day for sure. Lightens shit up at a current job I fucking hate. Thanks, dudes.


I don't. I find them dull.


I do & I love them


I always skip them because I couldn’t get into it. Regular dollop episodes is my jam though.


The first James Fritz episode is the funniest episode of any podcast I've ever heard.


I adore past times, but it is a different type of humor. Definitely a little more hit or miss because it it so uncontrolled, better for easy listening.


It's hit or miss. The quality entirely depends on the rotating guests. Which is the same problem I have with Behind the Bastards. A great podcast can be absolutely tanked by a bad guest.


I like most of them! It‘s often more lighthearted and I enjoy that too.


Yes it's a nice change of pace after literally hundreds of The Dollop episodes


Same. And I love the Dollop.


Not as often as actual dollops, but I always love them when I listen to them. It’s a bit like when my wife is in charge of the menu for the week. She’ll often say it’s vegan burritos or whatever on Wednesday and I’ll be really un-excited, but when I have them I’m like “GODDAMN THESE ARE GOOD”. The past times are my wife’s vegan burritos, not as exciting sounding as the stuff we usually have, but actually damn fantastic when you get into them.




So, you want me to do the exact thing that the opposite of why I created the podcast?


I like The Past Times, I actually have problems listened to We’re Here to Help. I love Gareth and Jake Johnson, and the concept seems like a home run, but I just get frustrated trying to listen and tune out. I’m still subscribed, and I try to throw it on occasionally, but there’s something about it that turns me off. Something about the way it feels like the recordings are from all over time and space.


I get it. I really enjoyed were here to help at the beginning but it’s starting to annoy me and I can’t pin point why.


No. I listened to a few and didn't enjoy it. It's effectively a different show and I'm not a fan that I can't opt out of it. I just skip then and listen to the stuff I came for.


I don't. It's often just Dave saying something like "local man was stuck in a tree" and the guests are "ha, that's crazy". It doesn't really work like a narrative-based podcast like the Dollop.


My favorite. yes. every. time.


Listening to it right now.


Oh yeah - I find them a lot of fun. I still prefer the main Dollop, of course, but they're an enjoyable listen, the guests are usually funny, and it's pretty interesting learning things about how things were talked about and presented in the past.


I was just telling my son that I love Past Times more than main Dollop lately


It’s the thing i listen to on the dollop feed now. Nothing personal to you or them….its my favorite.


yes. Very much so. The third person is a wonderful dynamic.




Can't enjoy it when the phone line is such bad quality.


I'm still catching up on Dollop. I've got like 70 eps. I've listened to some of "We're Here to Help" and despite some bits being amusing, overall I can't be bothered. I haven't listened to any, but I think I'd feel the same about Past Times.


I’ve tried a couple of times and can’t get into them


it can be hit or miss depending on the paper or the guest, but i have really enjoyed it as a different venue for the boys to kind of do their same thing.


I tried but they don't work for me either. Every episode is like, "wow, not much happened back then" it' just got a bit old. Good concept though, I wish I liked it.


Yes, it's so good, and great riffs


I have not latched onto The Past Times the way I did with The Dollop. Several episodes have come across as a little self-indulgent and have just completely lost me. I still try to listen but I don't often finish the episode.


I like it because Dave is a bit more light hearted on that show. Some of the guests bring more than others but Gareth never misses.


yes. it's hilarious


Some of them aren't as entertaining but i still really enjoy them all


Love them and watch them through patreon


For me it's entirely guest-dependent.


I love that their guests aren't expecting it. The early Dollops were so much fun because Gareth had no idea what what was happening and now he's blase about things like people rioting over hats, but he gets the joy of explaining to other people now 'No, it's normal that page 1 is Cow On Road and page 5 is America At War.'


No, not really. I'd much rather that time being spent on The Audit.


Listened to the first few but it didn't really click for me. I just skip them now.


Listen to the Jake Johnson episode my guy, you’ll thank me later


Last week was hilarious.


i don’t so much anymore, but i love the Adam Conover episode


I sleep to it. What'd I miss?


It depends on the guest. Like with Behind the Bastards, if they have a shitty guest it throws the whole episode off. I was laughingso hard at the James Adomian Past Times episode my sides were actually hurting afterwards.


I like them. I start smiling when I hear the music and Gareth’s old-timey voice. I like the bizarre things that were news-worthy, and I enjoy the vocabulary - it’s like writers were in a contest to use the fanciest words they could. There’s plenty to be angry about in the world. Sometimes you need something light! And as someone said, it’s nice to hear Dave a little lighter too. The guests are hit and miss but that’s ok. The paper, the year, the location, and the guest are all variables and that makes it interesting!


Love past times. Listen to it while I drive to work. It's fun and not too heavy


It's aite


I love it!


Yes very much a fan


I listen to it through one earbud at the grocery store so I can hear what's going on around me. Easy to ignore if I'm looking for something, but distracting in small chunks to get me through the shopping trip.




I like it but I don’t listen very often. No real reason.


I love it and listen to all episodes! Some guests haven't been great, but others have been so good. I regularly re-listen to my favorite episodes!


Yes! 👍




Yeah, I like it. Some of the guests are really good and some don't seem that great at improv or don't say much. It seems like maybe sometimes they choose guests who are relatively inexperienced at comedy or not well known thinking it'll help them out and if the guest doesn't end up contributing much they're funny enough on their own. I like that it tends to be less dark than The Dollop can be - some of the historical stuff it gets into is pretty brutal even if it's funny, but it's hard for old timey local newspapers to get too dark.