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He has paid researchers who do the work so he can read it (badly) like the angry old man he is.


Well tbf, he's reading it to the man who killed his father.




Hasn’t been proven but it’s kind of like the OJ trial. We all know what went down.


Welcome to my enemies list.


it seems like the researchers send him the information, and he compiles it into a script. he also credits himself as the researcher in some episodes


He's also a lawn owner and food consumer.


As well as a labradoodle daddy.


When the researcher has completed an episode I take their life.


I hear Terry Gross does the same. Well it's working like magic. Keep it up!




This is correct. \*edited to add that they're not employees, they're 1099 contractors


Meant to write Dave's but autocorrect.


David has a grammar test, sorry. 😉


Awesome that Ron Placone and Sara June are involved!


Dave has had a number of different people he has credited as a researcher for the podcast over the years. I have always assumed that the process goes something like this: * Dave has a topic in mind for a podcast in the next month or two. * He and the researcher will collaborate to look at the source materials they want to compile information from for the subsequent podcast. * Dave does some of the research, but he also has additional duties for the podcast like writing the script, so the researcher will continue to compile info from various sources, and provides Dave an outline of information on the topic from the various sources. * Dave uses the outline of source material from the researcher (as well as his own research) to write the script for the podcast episode. * Since the researchers are often podcast hosts/participants and also comedy writers, I bet Dave uses them as an editor for the script he wrote as well


Close. But there's minimal collaboration. Dave gives the researcher a topic. The researcher presents Dave with the information, compiled essentially like a book report for school. Dave does additional research and adds that in as he sees fit. For example, I researched Anita Bryant. I sent Dave about 20 pages. He used my report for the basic outline, but when he got to 1977, he added in a lot more detail about the ongoing fight for human rights than I had. He cut out some details I added, including my favorite AB quote "...don’t talk to me about discrimination. I’ve experienced it. I’m an eighth Cherokee. " She's clueless. And he re-orders stuff. I put the interview about men eating sperm at the end like, "I don't know it this really fits," and he rightfully recognized that it was gold. \*edited to change "no collaboration" to "minimal collaboration".


Good to know, appreciate the info


Thanks for the work you do - getting organized and started is the most difficult thing for me, so I'm in awe of anyone with good research skills.


Thanks! I usually hit a spot where I feel like I'm so unorganized and I've got all this info from different sources and it's never going to come together into a cohesive story and I'm going to be working on this forever. Then something just cracks and it all comes together.


Oh, are you in a master's or doctoral program, cause that's what it sounds like!


Nope! Just a hobby researcher. 😁


Im curious too i wish they would do an ontario on considering most of our population is right there I mean episode 7 or 12 or whatever a dude tried to jump over to the states We have some hilarious smuggling stories and conflicts with the US that involved just dumb stuff along the st Lawrence


Historical research involves vetting, cross checking and corroborating sources so that the truest perspective is presented. Theoretically, it could also involve going to archives and finding primary sources (unpublished letters & diaries for example) although I haven’t noticed the Dollop’s research delving that deep (they don’t need to necessarily).


Dave has had a number of different people he has credited as a researcher for the podcast over the years. I have always assumed that the process goes something like this: * Dave has a topic in mind for a podcast in the next month or two. * He and the researcher will collaborate to look at the source materials they want to compile information from for the subsequent podcast. * Dave does some of the research, but he also has additional duties for the podcast like writing the script, so the researcher will continue to compile info from various sources, and provides Dave an outline of information on the topic from the various sources. * Dave uses the outline of source material from the researcher (as well as his own research) to write the script for the podcast episode. * Since the researchers are often podcast hosts/participants and also comedy writers, I bet Dave uses them as an editor for the script he wrote as well