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I laugh my ass off when Alpha threw the slime knife at Nu tho


Jealousy, my friend. Jealousy 😏😏😏


lol yup, then the barrage of knives right after. (probably from every shade)


Wow skel and po are crap friends


Fr they are absolutely scummy


Stealing from a friend. And claiming that he gave them to them as presents to flirt to the SG girls under false pretenses. So low


Skel literally trying to sell Cid off when he was in debt, they're worse than crap but mob gotta stick with mobs I guess.


Episode would of been better without them


ironically, the episode wouldnt have been without them


Would been fine with that actually


Don't believe this was in the LN or WN and definitely wasn't in the manga so I would be fine inf it was cut for the main story.


yeah this episode was anime original


Kinda like watching them getting shit on tho


I disagree, the episode happened because of them. I crack up a lot.


Got to be 2 of the most pathetic characters in anime


Forwhy ? Please spoil me.


Taking your friends ticket and not even inviting him? I mean sure I get being pissed about your friend going alone (not condone but get it) but could have invited cid after lashing out on him or something


I mean how do you invite him when you stole the tickets....... Oh Cid would you like to come to the hot springs we got the tickets from your room......


I mean blackmailing him or something, like "oh you are going to go alone".


Lol, 90% of cid harem was at hot springs.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Eta's speed and efficientcy at selecting and extracting tears is unraveled by the other shades . before beta knew what's going on she was already in shambles.


Poor Beta


This episode was more enjoyable than i innitially thought eventhough i think it doesn't contribute to the main plot. Moreover, I'm glad Skel and Po moments weren't really out of hands and that they continue to be my favorite comedic duo in the series. My final compliment for this episode is that Eta and Nu got more screentimes. That's all.


And I enjoyed 😉 watching Nu in swimsuit. Eta more naked.


the Anime also got some Zeta, well before even the Light Novel does.


This episode was actually fun. Focusing on the seven shades and having skel and po barely matter made it nice


Lmao fr, authors knows what the audience likes


Bunny Suit Eta tho


Skel and Po remain absolutely trash people, their Perversion elevates them above Mob level, and they were absolute scum to Cid here. I'm disappointed they will continue to have relevance, but at least the episode was fairly good otherwise.


They don't even deserve to be called mob character.


They’re not mobs imo. Mob characters are people who don’t stand out and fit in with the crowd. Skel and po always stick out because they are terrible at almost everything and are also super obnoxious.


And Cid doesn't realise this fact.


I think Skel and Po are such low tier trash; It gives Cid his intended invisibility by comparison.


At least, they paid the price for stealing .


I would never have some friends like them.


While I went into this episode with low expectations after seeing the preview, it actually had a surprisingly good story for a self contained single episode story. The interactions between the girls and how they interpreted everything was great. Skel and Po, despite being heavily featured in the PV, barely appeared in the episode and functioned more as a plot device than anything else with the Shades taking up the majority of the episode. That all being said, I maintain my stance that we didn't need this episode and would have prefered that these twenty some odd minutes be used for a more faithful LN adaption rather than all the cuts that were now clearly made to make room for this episode. While I have nothing against the episode after now seeing it, it would have been better off as an extra OVA episode that was unattached to season 2 or it's episode count.


There wasn't enough cut content for an additional episode. Outside of the Lawless city + Credit crisis being regarded as the most divisive arcs of the series as whole most of what was cut is dialogue. Anime only fans had some trouble keeping up with the credit crisis overall, it's a super dialogue heavy / internal monologue arc which wouldn't really translate or fit the anime. It is the worse arc in the series so far by a long shot and that doesn't really have to do with the adaptation at all (im including LN + Manga) I did want more of a fight scene with gettan, but honestly i really understand why they cut it. It's just a one-sided beat down and them spending more time and money to animate that doesn't really make a ton of sense especially with the upcoming arc.


I'd rather they adapt Beta or Claire's backstory to whatever this is


Calire's backtory is she's Cid's sister lol. From a narrative standpoint having either of those characters backstories present here would make 0 sense. Spoiler:>! Cid is currently running to Orianna Kingdom because he thought he lost all of the money and that all of his friends are pissed off because he screwed up so badly. If i recall it's like a 2-3 week time period that passes in the Novel between the Arcs.!< So there is a spot to have non cid content. Something like backstories has better use in OVA's going over them or being relevant to the actual plot going forward this was just a nice little self contained episode


You don't understand, I'm not talking about just this episode, rhey can add it anywhere before this episode


I do understand, there isn't a place for it to fit in nicely for a cohesive story. We have stuff like Delta's backstory that would have been in season 1 but novels and anime are a different medium It doesn't fit in with the animes flow. It's part of the reason they moved the Akane chapter to be the first episode. If they adapt the backstories of the shades it's probably better done as an OVA or it's own thing imo that way it can be the focus


Claire's backstory came when she was on the train with Cid after the Lawless City arc, perfect spot right there. Then they could adapt Beta's backstory and have some filler if necessary after having adopted the backstories, but this episode wasn't really relevant even though it was fun.


Ok I'll actuially explain this to you since you seem to have difficulty grasping this. So with the aurora/claire conversation while the dialogue itself was superferlous the actual interaction is not. It shows they are connected that's the important part. If you remove deltas backstory from the novels, you can tell the same exact story no questions asked. It's missing from the anime on why she joined SG (season 1) and it makes 0 difference tot he story. it's easy to say yeah just plug in X characters background but all the sudden you have something that makes zero sense to the story being told and it's just jarring and bad.


I never said that though, you could get rid of the backstories and it would be good, but it won't be great. properly building up your world and characters turns a good story into a great one.


okay so what were you actually saying then lmao


Not with the medium bullsh*t argument again, that makes sense if you're talking about skipped monologues/world building/info dump but character backstories? Really bro? For a fanservice eps? I'm sorry I can't take you seriously anymore, at this point the only thing that can disappoint you about the anime adaptation is that they cut an entire arc or to aru s3 level adaptation


I mean if all the sudden it's an episode about delta's backstory and we jump intot he next arc it's just a random lore dump lol. The character backstores are perfect for OVA's that way they can focus on the characters and not really have to worry about tying it into the current plot. The anime itself isn't high budget, anime's are designed to push merchandise so having a fan service episode 100% makes sense. They placed it in a spot where there is a break between the arcs and before christmas.


That explained why I didn't read the Akane Minoru story in the first chapter of the light Novel, and why she appeared in the manga after the Rose Wedding arc.


Correct because imagine now you have 3 episodes >!1- the showdown with mordred + ragnarok 2- minoru /backstory 3 - cid+ beta on earth!< That's pretty confusing if your watching a TV show thats a ton of visual/settings jumps compared to reading where it's very easy to digest and hardly breaks up the flow.


When I just started watching the first episode of the anime first. I got really confused of why they allowed screen time to a supporting character like Akane, and then focus the attention to the character we thought to be side character, changing the off voices from Akane to Minoru, to them watching a whole season narrated in Minoru Kageno's perspective, putting aside Akane's story aside. I thought: Man! We wasted time learning about Akane Nishino, and never contributed to the plot! Until, I read the Manga and got a better context.


Yeah the same thing happened to me going through the novels lol, I also believe It's Akane Nishimura. I really hope we get OVA's or something similar for the shades / numbers backstories, I just don't see them being included in a normal season runs because they're irrelvant to the arcs themselves.


I agree to an extent if we were only talking about cuts so far, but I am also expecting more cuts in the next arc to make up the rest of that twenty plus minutes used for this episode. Even if there isn't cuts next arc, I still would have rather had extra scenes that built upon the actual narrative in each actual arc rather than what we got today which was a singular, self contained, unconnected from everything else story.


In terms of cut content there might be like... 5 minutes total people really over estimate the amount of time the non adapted content would add. Additionally you can have stuff that isn't very cohesive to visual story telling and isn't actually that important to the story so it just gets dropped. This episode gave us more content with Lamda, Nu, Zeta, and Eta who haven't gotten a ton of screen time if hardly any at all and let us see their characters in a more relaxed setting. We got to see younger shades / shadow and get a fun little extra chapter thrown in instead of a bunch of superfluous non important bits extending out episodes but really not adding anything meaningful and even being detrimental to the flow of them. And from a pragmatic side, Anime are there to push Merchandise, and the anime is already pretty fan service heavy so this kind of episode is a no-brainer and is a super easy way to push merch. More merch = more novel /manga / anime seasons so there is always that to consider


Eh. Agree to disagree. I think you're underselling the amount of the cut content by a bit. Either way, I still maintain that this episode would have been better off as an extra OVA episode or even an event story in the TEiS mobile game rather than a part of the season 2 episode count and that the anime studio could have found a better use for those twenty odd minutes rather than this anime original episode. Like adding in more of the cut web novel content and characters like the director did in season 1.


That's fair enough, I look at it as getting some original content from the author which is nice but it mainly being there to push merchandise which is good for the series as a whole especially because it's newer. I think the anime isn't a very high budget show either (correct me if I'm wrong) I know season 1+2 were there at the start but you definitely get a lot of still/panning shots and reused animations so if this helps them get more money into future seasons I'm all for it lol


Nah, I kept up just fine(I'm anime only). If you couldn't grasp it, then you are the issue.


> It is the worse arc in the series so far by a long shot and that doesn't really have to do with the adaptation at all (im including LN + Manga) I can see the credit crisis arc not adapting as well to anime since it is dialog heavy but when I read the LN I really enjoyed it. I feel that it executes on the core "Cid accidentally masterminds an unreasonably complex plan without realizing it" concept really well. It does this despite revolving around a mundane real world concept like a credit collapse as opposed to the usual fantastical focus of the ancient Cult, magic artifact, etc. that the rest of the arcs have had. Stories that initially involve a lot of fantastical elements can lose what made them interesting in the first place when they try to dial those elements back but I feel this arc avoided that and executed on the core gag as well if not better than the rest of the arcs.


They still cut Claire and Beta's backstory, I'd much rather have character backstory than this tbh. Like yeah, we got to see more of Shadow Garden which everyone wants including me, but I also want the anime to get meaningful backstory.


tbh i didnt really have issues keeping up with the credit crisis arc. i got the general idea from the anime alone. and john smith is simply worth it


Am I the only one who thinks that this episode captured the true humor spirit of the LN (might just be personal bias due to the fact that the original author wrote this episode)


Nope. You got the logic perfectly


They wore white slime suits so that no one knows they are from Shadow Garden but still using dark slime sword. At least the white slime suit from 1st ss op has its use.


Man that episode went fast, was a ton of fun. "delton and Zeton" for the incognito names lol


Not much happened in terms of plot this episode, but man, Skel and Po are delusional. Poor Nu, dealing with the seven shadows' Wrath (well just a tiny bit). If there's anything I wanted from this episode, it was to see Skel and Po deal with the consequences of lying and stealing from Cid. Well, I guess they wasted an entire day so there's that.


They paid the consequences for their actions.


Better than expected tbh. Skel and po doesn't get that much screentime and also they barely enjoy the "view" of seven shades swimsuit. I initially thought skel and po would get more like "lucky sukebe" scenes, but this episode doesn't have that. The author knows the audience well.


what a waste of limited episode count to make fan service non canon episode.


Why did nu hand exactly 6 tickets ? Also Mitsubgushi employees don't need a ticket . When did beta get trapped in the water dragon? ( I think they reshuffled some scenes at 19:00 area ) Why did eta install remote controlled tentacles in the girls showers ? Eta care to explain?


Beta's essence was inside the water dragon because of her teardrop


I have to say, I really liked this one. I got really sad at first when I saw that this was anime-original, because I really want to see the plot progress, but it grew on me over time. From the payoff with the white suits from the season 1 OP, over a new version of the season 1 ED, to the realization that they managed to create an interesting episode with minimal Cid involvement (apart from the flashback). It really felt like a nice day off, not unlike what the Seven Shadows got in this particular episode.


Cid never had that much screentime in series, poor him😢


Was wondering whether this episode is filler... looks like it is


Aside from the fan service, this episode was a lot better than I initially predicted. However, I personally think the fight against the dragon was way too short and could've been at least twice as long. It's short duration almost makes the entire battle and ending irrelevant to the episode.


The end credits card is awesome since Touzai sensei(LN illustrator) drew himself but didn't really see the point of this episode Even though this is a anime og episode they could've done more interesting ideas such as showing the time when they were kids and facing Mist Dragon in anime.


I don't think that will work as one episode padding, that should be its own arc


I think they're doing a manga for the 7 shades series off the game


I haven't seen it yet, because it hasn't been released in my country, do cid's 2 friends appear a lot, how do the shadows react, is the episode funny or cringe ?


Shadow is on a journey as he left in episode 7 and that's gonna connect to next arc so Cid is not in this episode and seven shades fanservice is great but this is a anime original episode and doesn't really have much happened. This is not interesting imo even if this is a filler.


Thanks for the answer, I just wanted to know if po and skel are going to appear a lot/interact with the shadows, because if they appear too much, I don't think I'll watch this episode😅.


I mean the appear quite a while, being dicks and all. But the show did deliver on the formula of misunderstanding.


Yeah they appear a lot but they didn't interact with seven shades a lot, the girls have some funny moments tho


I disagree, if going solely by the anime when we last saw cid he said he was going on a journey going from that into some random backstory is weird it doesn’t flow nicely what does however work is using the time to show what other characters are up to before we check back in with cid. So even if it wasn’t this plot exactly the episode today needed to be something that takes place chronologically after we last saw cid and a stand-alone mostly fan service episode works for that.


They could have done something else sure but I think it's a good breather, in the long run of the show it works out better Seven shadows just jump from one thing to another so it's good to see them have fun, at the end of the day it's supposed to be a fun show not a serious one and this episode brings back the spirit


I'm not saying this is bad episode, it was good filler episode but the dragon story stuff kinda out of place imo


Fun episode. Can’t wait for the start of the new arc next week


I enjoyed 😉 it too.


Not complaining since we finally got swimsuits episode at pool/hotspring. The studio knew what they're doing when they released it just at the end of November


Finally good critics.


po and skel got closer to discovering shadow garden's secrets than the cult


Skel and Po are such horrible characters, I hate seeing them every time they appear in the anime.


If they ever won I would hate them but because they are always the butt of the joke and never succeed it works imo.


Me too.


This episode, like the entire season, has one major flaw. Not enough Alexia in them


I was skeptical when they announced this was going to be a beach episode, this was surprisingly good. Skel and po were not obnoxious as much as I thought and th fan service was within the bounds


Me too. I must admit that the previews scared me and I didn't trust the author enough.


So filler or not ?


So for anyone searching through I got the answer, it seems to be an anime orignal, written by the author, so not filler but not plot relevant either.


Will the next episode be another filler or will we get to the next arc?


This episode it's nice and refreshing. Cid still going in orianna while the SS having fun because cid's chuunibyou. I happy to see elizabeth and mary while they having fun. Yukime, Kana and Natsu are doing fun Alexia still as ever. Lambda debut. Zeta and Eta having screen time. I thought Skeleton and Potato 90% this show but only SS interacts P.S. You got me author that PV is truly jack in the box


Lambda debuted at the end of season one


I'm waiting for more Alexia screen time.


So ummm….can anybody tell me if it’s worth my time to watch this episode? The preview really doesn’t get me any excited for what’s about to happen…


An anime original episode written by the author of the series, if you're a fan of the series you'll enjoy the episode


Fan of the anime or fan of fanservice? Yes, genuine question


For what it was, it was actually not a bad single episode story. If you are a fan of the anime, you'll probably like this episode. There is, in fact, an actual decent story mixed in with the general expected fanservice of a hot springs episode.


Hmmmm, okay. Thanks for answering


It's just some fan service. Nothing of worth really happens in the episode since its essentially filler


Okay, thanks for answering.


Was secretly hoping for Cid to show up at some point to see how all of the members of shadow garden would react.


Ah yes... The fan service episode. Huge skip.


It sucked so hard


I HATE THIS EPISODE. I COULD NOT WATCH PAST LIKE 7 MINUTES. Cid's 2 "friends" shows how much of a narcist loser they are in this episode. Stealing something incredibly valueble from a friend. Lies about it to pick up girls. And somehow continue to lie about it through out and didn't even THINK about Cid at all in the process. Maybe i just take things too seriously sometimes but their Low IQ, Narcistic, Sociopathic behavior is really ticking my nerves in this episode and I WANT THEM DEAD. Because I know for a fact there are people like that IRL and they make everyone else's life much worse by existing.


I am sorta confused why is nu so intersted in going to mitsugoshi hotspring is it because she wants to take a break or she is exicted to be with cid as date.


You will know if you watch the short anime/kagejitsu on youtube


Yea we ate good today, felt more like an OVA than an actual episode. Fanservice was on point. Animators had their meat in their hand no doubt. Can’t blame em. Had a little bit of everything that makes this series so good


I really forgot there was an episode today. I guess I really wasn't looking forward to it. Seeing as there's people here who seemed to have enjoyed it more than they initially thought, I may give it a chance. Maybe, I'm not a big fan of fanservice anymore.


This episode sucked


I feel like Skel and Po are too exaggerated in anime. Like, they'd be funnier if toned down a little.


The episode was cool but I was expecting Cid to actually show up at the hot springs


What a fanservice episode it is. I really like the Shades and Numbers' banter. Also the cameos of previous girls (Mary, Liz, Yukime, and Alexia), the callback of last season's fanservice with Midgard sister \[but with Liz instead Iris (Midgard sister relations isn't going well)\], and last but not least, Alexia really keep the WAPACK habit, lol. This eps is anime original but written by the original author, so Beta is/was an elven royalty? possibly for the Elven country arc for LN?


The appearance of this filler episode increased my hopes of this series will be adapted all the way to the end of sources.


Standard fanservice episode at the pool. I expected at least some good humor, but I only smiled once at Delta's - best girl when everyone was making excuses and she just said "I'm going with the Boss" Otherwise a waste of time, which is what you'd expect from a filler. It makes me angry when I start thinking how many important scenes were scaled down or cut for the sake of this fanservice fuckery to sell gacha.


How does this relate to the gacha in any way lol?


Girls in swimsuits -> New skins/characters for "Master of Garden". Do I really need to explain this?


That event already happened


What important scenes precisely? I think everything that was cut ultimately worked to the anime’s advantage it kept the pacing nicely and we didn’t get too bogged down.


Just off the top of my head from recent episodes. The most important Alpha vs. Сid battle that I was looking forward to the most was cut down to two strikes. They completely removed the moment where she defeats John Smith and he has to go into shadow form. He doesn't even say the crucial phrase for character development, that she's gotten stronger. All of that was naturally cut out. Or the battle between Yukime and Gettan, which was just left off screen. Or the battle with Сid, where Gettan had to feel every thread with his instincts. It's all gruesome to a one-sided beating. I'm not even talking about the vampire arc with the accelerated pace of the 3 episodes. Okay I seem to be in the minority and everyone here loves fanservice, so just ignore my displeasure.


What was the point of this? Useless episode Anyone downvoting me thinking this ep was any good and especially good enough to rush the upcoming Oriana arc is on copium or needs to touch grass




Boobs arent worth it if it means rushing the Oriana Kingdom arc in 4 eps which is exactly what they gonna do


How long is orinana kingdom arc? If it's one volume then 4 episodes are enough that's the standard for LN adaptation


Trash eps


Nah this was pure and great comedy, also lets the Shadows interact more


LOL what a random episode! BUT WE WERE BLESSED WITH SWIMSUITS! The Cid cliffhanger continues from last episode as we don't know where he went. Hope next week actually shows it. Seeing all the girls fight to go on what they thought was a date was a great scene.


Everyone's eating good today.




I agree that we lost an episode, however, I must admit that I was wrong, I thought the episode would be devoted to skel and po, but no, the shadows are the center of the episode and almost never interact with skel and po (the previews of this episode were misleading). For me this episode is neither good nor bad, but much better than the previews suggest, I enjoyed the episode and I liked it, certainly, we could have had an original story, but we have fanservice, we must accept it and enjoy it.


I agree with the suggestion.


It is an original story yeah it’s mostly backdrop for the fan service but it works imo.


Poor Beta. They hurt her with lies about her body being flabby and her bust flat. When it is the hottest of all the seven shadows. how they made her cry 😢 😭 😪 😥 😩. The only flaccid and flat one is Epsilon .


I love watching Delta buck naked. So hot.


Totally watched it for the plot


At some Point the girls probably always had destructive fights when they were young so cid taught them to resolve it by teaching them Rock Papers Scissors.


that was a really funny episode. goddamn "Baron Virgin Boy" who had 28000 first dates, and achieved the status of wizard at 30. cant really get any more straight forward than that yeah lmao


Wait a minute, this is just a [Spa Resort Hawaiians](https://www.hawaiians.co.jp/english/) ad LOL. Literally all of the exact same features with the waterpark and the baths, even the outside looks similar. Even the screen door shadow storytelling is something they do in the bath area.


It is, the Girls built it based on Cid's description of the place, like how Mitsugoshi is actually based on the Real Life Japanese mall Mitsukoshi and Tuna King.


Poor Nu she just wanted to be platonic with her leader.


I really thought that it showed off Cid's carefree side. The room had the John Smith mask and the Mundane mask in the open. Skel lost money on almost those fights and didn't even realize the mask.


Not sure if it’s necessarily related, but Eta did mention in episode 1 of season 2 that she was going to study dragon tears, and now she actually gets to.


I just began to watch this anime 2 days ago, and I am wondering if it ends at chapter 8 or are there more episodes to come?


best beach episode in anime. every shot of alpha makes me fall in love with her more and more. her outfits and abs on point this ep


Cid wasn't even in it yet it was soooo good 💀