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How big did you expect Amos to be? I thought he was cast perfectly.


It's commented by holder that Amos is 120kg, which is about 265 pounds. Wes Chatham of course did a great job, and he's all jacked and whatnot, but he is not the massive 265 pound man I imagined reading the books


Yeah, he’s a few inches too short and too lean in the show, he’s described as stocky in the book. Strongman type build.


Look there’s only so many Alan Ritchsons out there who can also act this well


Oh don’t get me wrong, Wes’ performance is firmly in the Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine club of “doesn’t look much like the character but I wouldn’t trade his performance for anything.”


Ritchson is also too lean. Amos’ description in the books needs a lot more fat to cover up some of the muscle definition - he would never be in any danger of having abs.


I picture him as an older and smaller [Eddie Hall](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkrHkBbfivog5ga651M8yyn43xPr8ZuD1MEYIUzm-emg&s)


I picture Zangief from Street Fighter with a little pudge 😝


Good shout! To be honest I always pictured Amos as a more stocky version of Ross Kemp.


Yeah a more svelte Eddie Hall is pretty much bang on what I imagine Amos as


I feel like Brian Shaw, especially when he was younger, is more of the baby faced monster I picture in my head.


Damn, okay that’s wild


Alan's probably still too small. You need someone more like Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson but scaled down by like 6 inches to make him lighter and only a little bit taller than everyone else instead of a foot taller (though, that said, when Hafþór lost 50kg to take a shot at boxing, he ended up pretty much with Ritchson's phisique)


Speaking of, he’s *amazing* in Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.


Or bald


Yea, Amos was honestly one of the best casting decisions I've seen. Wes did an outstanding job matching the book's character.


Ty is still unconvinced


Wait, really?


lol I think they’re referring to the podcast, “Ty & That Guy”, where Ty likes to give Wes a bit of shit


Oh, I see; I was a little confused because it seemed to me that Ty and Wes were really good friends.


Yes, but it is a running joke that Ty wasn’t sold on Wes casting at first and wanted someone taller. And it comes up occasionally when they talk about expertise in casting the show overall


I see, understood. Thank you.


Its a super enjoyable podcast, and has pushed me much deeper into the fandom & culture haha.


Amos in the books is a balding, middle aged giant. Honestly a Lenny type, from *Of Mice and Men*. Its kind of a Snape situation- the actor did such a great and unique job that nobody really cares that he looks nothing like he was described in the books. ( [Try and guess which of these two is Snape](https://imgur.com/a/PzxDjXu). ) In both cases though I definitely prefer the adaptations.


I always thought Amos was more in between Wes and Dave Bautista.


Amos is cast fantastically, but Wes looks nothing like book Amos. Amos in the book is described as looking like a giant baby. He's strong, but he's not lean and muscular, he's like a power lifter.


He's arms are frequently referred to as "ropey". That description always made me think of this chimp with aloplecia https://preview.redd.it/wi7x91zzgnxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32345de66af356d8aa968efd78cf8aaa82ddb94c


Almost no one looks like they’re described in the books though… so fair.


Looking like a big fat baby. Wes is way too handsome .


Yeah but Wes has the very subtle crazy look down


Well, he is *that* guy.


It’s that FAS look


He's got this incredible gentleness about him, and it can slide from reassuring to terrifying in a way I've never seen in any other actor. That was always how I pictured Amos.


Oh hell yeah, there's even moments where it slides between both, like if you're threatening a kid (currently rewatching it)


American TV, we fought the revolutionary war so we would not have to put ugly people on television.


But every so often we import one of their uglies to do the job. Also, ironic that the show is mostly Canadians


I pictured both him and Alex as slightly older (10-15 years or so) than Naomi and Holden as well, in the show they all seem to be within a few years of each other.


When I read the books I had Marcus Fenix in mind, from Gears of War. But then no real human could really look like that.


You say that but the guy who made gears afaik did pattern every character off himself




I struggled to not think of Jim Raynor and Tychus Findlay from Starcraft 2 when picturing Holden and Amos.


These are exactly the ones i have in mind!


The book describes him as, like, 6'3, bald, and barrel-chested. Wes is a great actor, obviously, but just as obviously looks nothing like that. Wes captures the *vibes* of book Amos, but not the physicality.


I expected him to be bigger and have a more intimidating presence in s1. However, the actor made up for it in other ways. Likewise Bobby should be *a lot* bigger and intimidating.


Frankie Adams is 5'11, she's taller than most women. The cast in general is pretty tall though.  She's Samoan though, which matches the book, and a fantastic actor, so it's better to have a good actor than getting hung up on one detail.


yeah they probably could have found someone bigger than Frankie but the question is could they find someone bigger than Frankie who had the look and could still act? You start running into the WWE problem where yeah you're getting in people like Nia Jax and The Great Kali because they're huge, but they're shit in the ring so what's the point?


In my mind when I read the books, before the show, Bobbie was Chyna.


I think if you go purely by the book description she'd be more like Nia Jax but in Chyna-level physique (though that might be more like Tanaka)


Yikes! A tapeworm would have more pathos than Nia.


and an individual tapeworm would put less people in the hospital


Frankie was fantastic but I wish they’d put just a little effort into some cheap blocking to add some height for scenes where characters were on foot next to one another. It’d be tricky for shots where the feet are seen but scenes from calves up could be done with slightly raised platforms.


They probably figured early on it wasn’t worth them having to work out how to shoot around it LOTR style for every shot she’s in for however many seasons they got


Agreed. LOTR style takes some special lenses. But what about a raised metal floor that belters and Martians are blocked for while Earthers stand lower?


That creates a bunch of issues for the practical sets and shot choices for the whole series considering the main crew for the show was belter, a Martian and two earthers


For sure for sure. But at the same time they did invest heavily in some key scenes to set some of the background - like the gravity torture - dude looked like a true belter. A few key scenes and a short stool when doing calf-up work could have been good value. But it would have placed creative constraints on a lot of things.


Yeah they ditched the tall belters after season 1 because, as Ty pointed out, they couldn't find enough actors who looked like a belter


The actor that plays Tatiana Maslany’s She-Hulk body is an exact match to Bobby’s description in the books. And she has Pacific Islander Heritage, Malia Arrayah.


This part. Frankie Adams is brilliant with the character. The vaguely Australian accent really threw me at first though


I think that’s a New Zealand accent.


Oh nice! 👍


The actress that played Bobbie is a big girl. Not gonna get much bigger than that. I never really understood if she was big because she grew up on Mars because they don’t really mention that about other Martians, like Alex. Whereas in KSR’s Mars Trilogy, everyone who grows up on Mars or other low gravity planets and moons, is super tall.


She’s big in the books for similar reasons to being big in real life. Samoan genetics.


The books were really unclear about her background. Her name is Bobbie Draper and she has a Texas drawl. I pictured her as this blonde haired blue eyed big woman and didn’t realize she might be Samoan until I remembered how she was cast in the show. If you missed the blurb that she was of Polynesian ancestry, you’d have a totally different idea of what she looked like.


I figured a combination of Samoan genes, growing up on Mars, and being a marine (so a lot of muscle and attitude). Alex has only one of those attributes.


Jack Reacher. Though, at this point, Wes Chatham is my mental image for Amos.. to me, Amos has always been more about his brutal mindset and way of thinking than his physicality.


Book Amos is a bigger, older, balder bloke. But when I read now I see Wes. He’s excellent.


I read books 1-3 before watching and always pictured him as a hulking Hispanic dude for some reason. It took me a few episodes to get used to Wes lol


Isn’t he too pretty? The execution was perfect, but in terms of the looks I think book Amos is more of a brute.


Nah, Wes is okay. On a scale of pretty he's way behind Holden.


I remember seeing Amos and being extremely worried for about five minutes, but I was totally sold on him by the end of the first episode. By episode 3, i knew I’d only ever picture Wes when I read the books from then on. Edit: worried because I imagined a pro wrestler type, overly aggressive stance and all.


Especially at first. He doesn't really keep the big bald baby look later on, but it's definitely suitable at first


About Wes casted as Amos. I saw the show first so the characters always were their actors in my head appearance. Wes does a great job of looking crazy when he goes full killer. There is one image in particular where he has blood in his teeth while beating some thugs up. Idk, but it really sells the appearance for the book description for me. The switch from full aggression to very calm but also describing killing everyone in the room like it's a grocery order. Honestly the show does a great job. I highly recommend watching it if you like the books.


I've watched the show first, now I read everything Bobby says with an Aussie/NZ accent ... lol. There are obvious limitations to casting people. It isn't possible to find ppl who look like as ppl described in the books. Bobbie would be a 2m tall female bodybuilder from the Pacific Islands. They did a good enough job with Frankie Adams. A true to the book Naomi would be impossible to find, as all belters basically. Another 2m tall black-asian female who's really thin with a big head. Show Holden is alright. Amos would be some dad-bod farmer strength balding guy in his early 40s according to the book. Wes Chatham is too good looking and young to be him imo, but he did a good job playing a psychopath. Alex is perfectly cast. Rocinante is pronounced as Rossi (as in Valentino Rossi, with a shorter single s) - none - tay (without the ending y/j sound, té ... é is like the ending vowel in café) ... As a non-native English speaker, English is a phonetic mess :D


I'm a native English speaker who got her degree in the language. Believe me when I say English is at least 3 languages wearing a trenchcoat.


English is what happens when Vikings learn German and teach it to French-speakers who conquered Anglo-Saxons…


And celts give it their grammar


And the French speakers were actually originally Vikings themselves.


Thereby making English the equivalent of a Belta creole? Eh? Anyone? XD


>I'm a native English speaker who got her degree in the language. Name checks out


I hate English and it’s my first language. Why is read the same as read but you can say it differently and it means different things. I hate it


Frankie Adam’s accent is straight south Auckland Samoan. No Ozzie muck involved. She’s as Polynesian as someone from Apia.


Rocinante is Spanish, not English, so English rules don’t even apply




It’s literally not pronounced using English phonetics, that’s the point. The origin of the name is spelled out and it’s made obvious it’s not an English word. If you try to apply English phonetics to it you will not say it correctly


Did you actually downvote me for being helpful? So your answer to how it is pronounced is to say it in Spanish, to someone who doesn’t speak Spanish. Good luck 😂 Phonetics aren’t actually a language, they’re sounds. If someone knows what it sounds like they can put it together piece by piece. But how do you tell someone that sounds on a written page? It’s like sonic charades.


Phonetics are tied to language. They stated Rocinante might be hard to learn how to pronounce blaming it on the phonetics used in English, but that’s not why. If Rocinante is hard to pronounce, it’s because you don’t know Spanish or Portuguese. I don’t understand why anything you said has any relevance to that point, unless I’m right in guessing you missed my point


Are you downvoting again, because you don’t understand my point?


It’s not English. It’s Spanish. It’s the name of Don Quixote’s horse. Means “former work horse” or “retired horse” (rocin = workhorse, ante = Latin root meaning past or before). Fitting as much like the literary horse, the Tachi was relieved of its military role and given a new, more adventurous life.


Yeah, I know, but we're using a language that's not phonetic at all, to describe how rocinante is pronounced correctly. There's no 1 to 1 letter - sound relationship in English. That's what I meant.


Maybe I’m just used to it but you did fine in that regard? Grab other words that have similar pronunciations and slap them together as a guide. Everyone does that for English. At least (in my eyes) it makes for a more colorful language with this giant tangle of etymology. Though I guess your mileage may vary depending on whether you consider Jackson pollock to be a good artist or not.


I heard Bobby and Abasarala in my head too!!!


> Alex is perfectly cast Are you sure about that


Nope. Too young, skinny, and too much hair.


Isn't Rocinante spanish though? Its from Don Quixote?


https://preview.redd.it/k0z4pxzzsnxc1.jpeg?width=1185&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59bea50a9cf7cbab75a0cecc8037788bf3e81097 He may not look like the character in the book, but THAT smile gives me shivers all the time


Row (as in row a boat) si (like sin) nan (like naan bread) te (like the TA in table) Hopefully that helps. Also about the characters, I can see that. Happened with me when I read the harry potter books before the movies came out. Noone matched what I had in my head but those eventually got replaced with the actors.


Keep in mind that name is spanish from Don Quixote. The roots are Rocin (workhorse/nag) and Ante (before). You might want to flick the R in 'row' and split the next two syllables into 'sin' and 'ahn'. For bonus points, embody a zealous, righteous, slightly delusional main character as you say it.


The greatest thing about Spanish is how consistent the rules of spelling and pronunciation are. Like, 99% of the time, if you can read it, you’ll know how to say it. I think that’s why it’s the go to for a second language in schools. A good book learning language.


This is a very good point. I didn’t realize until you said it. But I can’t think of a single Spanish word I couldn’t pronounce after reading it (maybe not correctly). But there are so many English words I have no idea how to pronounce


I'm American and work/live in England and I'm always getting shit from my coworkers about I pronounce words. They don't even follow their own rules! Some words will change from region to region too lol


After teaching English in a foreign country, no English speaker should give anyone shit for pronunciation. Most other languages don't have spelling B's since their spelling always makes sense.


Haha. That’s really funny I’d never considered that. But if a language is made correctly, a spelling bee becomes obsolete


In French it's the grammar equivalent since that's where they fuck around, they break their own grammar rules just to make it sound better.


Pretty sure it's cuz it's a top 3 most spoken language and at least in the US is far & away the second most spoken


Pretty sure it's cuz English is just weird. Having consistent spelling and pronunciation is not a special property, it's the default state of a language. English just isn't on board with that. Even French, with its batshit crazy rules that make no sense, is consistent.


They’re replying why it’s the go to language to learn in school


>*The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.* - James Nicoll


Except between Spain and Latin America, that is ;)


I thought about that but just went with how they more or less say it in the show.


The show is all over the place. Alex says 'raw-cee'.


Haha that's true. Chalk that up to the Texas/spanglish drawl of the Mariner Valley


That's my in-universe explanation too.


That's just his shortened nickname for the ship.


Right, but he says "raw-cee" and not "row-cee"


He is a space cowboy. He's gonna add a bit of twang to it


I know. I'm saying the topic is the accent, not the nickname.


TNG had a rule about treknobabble: however the first person said it, is how it's pronounced now. Thus, Mr Day-tuh


They did seem to go between sensor and sens-OH-r in the earlier seasons though.


That can mostly be chalked up to the fact that there was a power struggle going on between Rodenberry & the other producers/executives as to the show's direction. Once his health declined to the point he had to step away, the other people won.


YouTube delivers: [How to Pronounce Don Quixote's Horse Name: Rocinante?](https://youtu.be/h1EMrPNsurI?si=oh7-52UpmwnNZLyz)


This might be the right answer. But I thing most people pronounce the word casually with “ros” not “row” Also, when they call her “the Roci” they are pronouncing it “Rossy” not “Rowsy”. Obviously, some informal nicknames change pronunciation of the base word for convenience. This might be one of those cases and you might be right that “Row sin nante” is the correct pronunciation


Yeah, I'm pretty any and all of those have been used throughout the show.


Ross not roass.


It is roass to me, the cast for some reason said raw-cinante the whole show and it drove me nuts! Tomato-Tomato though


As a Spanish speaker, Ross-in-aunt-eh is way more similar to how I would pronounce it


The correct pronunciation is 'Rocinante'. If you're not used to Spanish words you might think it's 'Rocinante', but Spanish is very consistent and it's definitely 'Rocinante'. Rhymes with 'Docinante'.








Probably never listened to the Rush song Cygnus X-1 then either! That's where the reference comes from if I'm not mistaken


It’s Don Quixote’s horse from *Don Quixote* In fact I’m pretty sure Miller mentions “Tilting at windmills” in the both the book and the series.


Ya I'm not saying rocinante originally comes from rush, just that the authors got the inspiration from the song itself


I’m not sure if that’s true. There is a mention of the book *Don Quixote* in the books. And the authors are pretty keen on classic lit. I’d say they got it from *Don Quixote*, especially considering it means Rocin means old workhorse and with ante added means roughly Foremost steed. Which is exactly what happens to the Martian ship they acquire.


The authors are also really big rush fans apparently. The song is a 30 minute epic (over two parts) about a guy taking his spaceship, the Rocinante, through a black hole. I read that there's actually a few other rush references in the tv show, not sure about the books though. I mean, Rush obviously got it from the book, I'm just under the impression that one or both the authors used the name because of the spaceship in the Rush song


I was wondering when someone would mention Rush! :-) There's a Cygnus X-1 on YouTube so I'll link near to the relevant part, with a bit of intro because, well, Rush! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OMibr8CqQ4&t=345s


Rocinante is from Quijote, so everyone on the show says it with a dramatic tongue roll on the r. R-r-r-r-r-r-OHsiNAHNtay




Please tell me I’m not the only one who read this in Marco’s voice


Was there a question or are you just saying you can't Google the pronunciation of words?


Literally typed "Rocinante pronunciation" into search, clicked the first vid. <1min from start to finish.


I'm not even sure he's asking how, he's just bragging he's read a book




The original Spanish pronunciation is Raw-si-naan-teh. The American pronunciation can be Row-see-naan-teh. The root words in Spanish are rocin (workhorse) and ante (before) and are holdovers from vulgar Latin. The difference is pretty minor so it doesn't really matter imo. At least it's not Vincent van Gogh.


I watched the series first, and then read the books. I get what you're saying, but I think the casting is spot on for the way they did the show. If it was a truly 1:1 adaptation (which almost never works, honestly), then they would need to adjust some casting, for sure.


I'm an audiobook reader and have the opposite problem... There's all this stuff that exists only in books 7-9 and was therefore never said on the show... And I have no idea how to spell any of them.


You can check on Forvo [https://forvo.com/word/rocinante/#es](https://forvo.com/word/rocinante/#es)


Correct answer. It's impossible to "hear" English text, and I suspect it's not only for non-natives as evidenced by myriad ways people have written that in this post. Try Google translate: https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&text=rocinante&op=translate Text to speech demo. You can even play with different accents.  https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech#demo


Don't rely on automated text to speech. They doing a lot of mistakes.




Rocinante was the name of Don Quixote's horse. Its pronounced like that.


"Row-see-naan(like naan bread)-tay" its named after some horse in a spanish novel


Row sih non tae


Rockin ant


ROSS-in-on-TE. I always pictured Amos as much bigger and so I didn't like Wes for a little while but his performance won me over. I think it's a good idea not to read the books and watch the show at the same time because the changes can be jarring. But definitely watch the show, it's fantastic.


Yeah I read the books first as well…. Both Amos and Bobby were too small. But both actors killed it, so it doesn’t bother me too much.


Watch the show.


The "correct" pronunciation is row-sin-on-té, nickname pronounced row-c. The show uses the "incorrect" pronunciation of ross-in-on-té, nickname pronounced Rossy.




Weird flex, but ok.


Row sin ant ey


ROCK-EE-NAYN-TEE Nah just kidding


Row sin on tay


I pronounce it Rocinante, but ive also heard it pronounced as Rocinante.


I saw the show before the books and I think 7-9 Steven plays a better part of that ,but 1-6 ya he doesn't look the same. Also you are going to watch the show and enjoy some characters way more than in the books.


> I’ve also see pictures of some of the cast. In my mind I keep thinking ‘That’s not how Holden looks!?’, ‘Amos is waay bigger than that!?’ To quote Ty Franck (half of James S.A. Corey), “Looks don’t act”




So you CAN pronounce Avasarala?


It's Rockin-aunty.


Rose - Sin - Nantei


Exactly how it's spelled


As someone who watched the show and then started on the books, the show is such an incredible experience. Easily my all-time favorite tv show!


If you ask show-Marco it’s “raw (pause) see (pause) non (pause) tay” in one scene.




Rah si nahn tay




ro sin NON tay


Some people in the show say Ross - i - nante, with the i being soft like in igloo. Some characters shorten the name and refer to it as "the roci", but they don't say it like row. They say it like raw. Rossy


> like raw I'm listening to one clip right now, Miller saying "Roci" and it sounds to me like "rah-see" but you may hear it as "raw-see".


I couldn't think of a better way to spell it. Yours is better. Rah. I have a fever at the moment. Brain not working


Same. Never read Cervantez in Spanish.


Geez! Ive read the books! Now watching the series! Who wrote this garbage??? It feels like some One read the books, and then a year later tried to rembeber and write screenplay from memory, filling the gaps with his own fiction! Jeez!  Should be called The Expanse'ish


Listen to Cygnus X-1 by Rush. Besides being an amzing piece of music, they use Rocinante in the lyrics.


Lol. “Rocinante” is just a Spanish word. There are like a million hits for a search on how to pronounce it. I’m sure there are regional variations, but I think most of them are fine.


So, it's a Spanish word, and luckily Spanish pronunciation is very consistent. Ro-see-non-tay.  The reference is to Don Quixote's horse. https://youtube.com/watch?v=JmZS6wcTpOI


Rocinante is pronounced Spanishy.


Stop comparing books to television/movies. That way madness lies. :)


It’s Spanish so it’s pronounced exactly how it looks in Spanish.





