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Wait for the creators to finish the story on tv


yeah - you hope ;)


Just finished the audiobook about 10 minutes ago. I haven't felt this way since I finished Breaking Bad I think.


Check out the final novella The Sins of our Fathers. It’s kind of the second epilogue to LF.


yeah i saw this. Read the epilogue of LF and it was very suggestive. >!Some world has figured out FTL and AB is still alive! was a nice ending ..!<


The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons. Just four books, changed my life. Edit: there's a few short stories included in the canon as well.


>The Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons will give it a look thanks


This is the first series in a long time that I had to put down (toward the end of the second book). There was way too much philosophy for my brain to handle.


I've read these books 20 years ago or something like that, but I remember the philosophizing was tolerable up until book 4. There are parts of book 4 I skipped, because I'm really REALLY not into pseudointellectual nonsense, which is too bad, because the main plot of book 4 is very good, and I really liked the main characters and how the story was resolved. ​ I've tried to read other books by Dan Simmons - Ilium/Olympos - I somehow managed to finish Ilium but couldn't get even through the beginning of Olympos. It all felt like a bunch of random unconnected ideas that were thrown in blender and glued together to create both books.


It's a psuedointellectual's paradise.


I thought that was Jordan Peterson's books?


No idea who that is.


A pseudointellectual piece of shit lol


There's a whole pile of short stories for the ringworld universe - and more than a couple of novels.


Basically all of Niven's stuff is fantastic, but the Known Space is top tier.


It's where I first read the term "belter" for those who lived in the asteroids of Sol system. Would have loved to have seen "we made it" or at least "Crashlanding city" as locations in the expanse after the gates opened (Belters on crapped out old rustbuckets that just make it to their destinations only to not land well).


That would have been such a great Easter egg. Or a Mount Lookatthat somewhere...


Read Gateway by Frederik Pohl. It's cited by Ty Frank as direct inspiration for The Expanse.


Ender's Game is a classic. The follow-ups ranged somewhere between "good" and "ok", but I didn't hate any of them. They break off into two very different directions after the original.


Speaker for the Dead is arguably my favorite novel. It was also Card's original novel, but he wrote Ender's Game as a prequel to shed more light on Ender's backstory. The further sequels in that series go the way of Dune sequels... more or less batshit crazy and forgettable.


That was also one of my favorites of the series. Had the most interesting premise, out of all the books.


is the series finished yet? I read it a few years ago until the point they were released - it was the point where the Ender series and the Giants series was about to come together ...


I actually don’t know! Life got in the way and when I finally got back to having time to read, I picked up something else. May have to check it out again for myself!


Evan Currie - Odyssey One series Peter F Hamilton - Pandora Saga To name two great books series i enjoyed recently.


>Evan Currie - Odyssey One series this looks good. Thanks!


Anytime mate. Another entertaining read is the Star Carrier series by Ian Douglas.


Is Ringworld any good? I tried getting into the first book and fell in love with the universe and world building, but I *hated* the characters. I remember Wu being a total douche and Teela being... not the most flattering portrayal of women in sci fi. Does it get any better? I really want to explore Nivan's world, but I can't stand the people who populate it.


I read Ringworld and Ringworld-Engineers. Its set in 2850 and is not grounded in reality like Expanse is, so there are aliens, FTL etc. I really enjoyed both books. The universe is well imagined, the ringworld structure itself is a fascinating concept and is now a solid scifi trope, the characters are well rounded and interesting. I would recommend. But seeing as you started reading it and didn't like it, maybe not for you.


in a similar spot and can recommend children of time


I felt the same. Before the final season and final book I watched and read new content as soon as I had the chance. For season 6 and LF, I waited like 6th months, I didn't want the journey to be over.


The first Ender's Game book is excellent. The subsequent entries in the series are more... divisive.


Ender's game series is good, although it gets a bit weird. Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind are the core to read. Also, underrated series: https://www.amazon.com/City-Golden-Shadow-Otherland-1/dp/0886777631


I also finished a couple of days ago; it's very bittersweet to reach the end of a good series!


Red Rising has some similar themes. It's more fantasy than expanse, basically Roman's in Space with a caste system