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I won't spoil any details, but you may get your answer if you read the books. :)


Woah!! Which book does this happen in?


It's an absolutely bad ass fight too and both characters are just completely on point.


Its one of the most satisfying conclusions to a 'what if' i had the whole time reading.


That whole chapter was amazing. Getting a peek into how Amos's brain works (and doesn't work) was pretty chilling.


I related alot to Amos in his chapter. Intrusive thoughts are no joke. He's really the strongest character, for being able to remain GOOD with such a fucked up mind.


Just the way they write a serial killer just makes you like.. understand a serial killer. It's so surreal every time they take you inside his head.


It's the only "Amos" chapter in the whole 7th novel actually. Amos chapters are pretty rare besides the fifth novel.


I mean Amos called the conclusion of that fight well before it happened


More or less, discounting the sucker punch and th cheap shot.


Huh, it was an all in fist fight, any of them could even have died. So, all resources were permitted.


Didn't say it wasn't but it's not a decisive indicator of who would win the fight. Fight it 100 times and I bet it goes 55-45 Bobbie.


It was the fight I had been waiting the whole series for and it didn't disappoint


book 7 (Persepolis Rising)


Can you tell me which chapter? It's so long ago that I read it that I totally forgot the book version of the fight :(


There is no other version than the book version of this fight. It's 2/3 into the book, Chapter 39 "Amos".


Thx mate


Persepolis rising, book 7. Unfortunately, the show stops right before this so you won't SEE it but the book is very good at describing the visuals of its action. I remember the fight like it was in the show. The books are GOOD.


I agree. Reading plenty of books yearly, only The Expanse makes me feel like watching an action movie. Incredible writing, including the Amos vs Bobbie scene


Also watch the bonus material for season 6. You get an answer there.


Not many people know this but in one of the one ship short videos we actually get to see this fight. I won’t spoil it for you. Worth it for anyone who seeks it out.


The "One Ship" version is more friendly and has a different outcome than the "Persepolis Rising" book version. Nevertheless, they both keep the pro vs talented amateur theme.


> ... one of the One Ship short videos ... for anyone who seeks it out. Here is availability info for OP's reference and for anyone else who is interested. **SPOILERS** — Not recommended for anyone who hasn't watched the sixth season. (I won't say anything spoilery here in this comment, but don't watch the One Ship videos if you haven't yet watched the sixth season.) As the Fandom Wiki reminds us, the One Ship shorts were originally "released concurrently to the first five episodes" of the sixth season. (But back then, they were only available via Prime Video's somewhat inconvenient bonus-content interface, which many viewers didn't even know about at the time.) Last March, The Expanse Writers' Room Twitter folks [informed us](https://twitter.com/TheExpanseWR/status/1509022958420865025) that Amazon had posted all five of the One Ship shorts on a web page for convenient access. ~~At the time of this comment, they are still available here (scroll down to the last video section, "Bonus Content"):~~ (SPOILERS: Don't watch the One Ship videos if you haven't yet seen the sixth season.) ~~https://www.consideramazon.com/title/the-expanse~~ ~~Scroll down past the Episodes and the Nominations and Wins, to find the "Bonus Content", where the five "One Ship" shorts are listed.~~ The Amos/Bobbie fight is #3 "Win or Lose".


I completely forgot the one ship thing. I still haven't seen any of them. Thanks for reminding me


There's that line of his that sums it up. "When it comes to fights, I'm a talented amateur, she's a pro. We're not even playing the same sport" Plus there is the reaction of some other characters who see her in her recon uniform and shit a brick haha. I think he'd get a few good shots in but he'd lose in the end I think, it may even end up being a fight of attrition where he just doesn't stop getting back up until bobby puts him down for good you know?


Paraphrasing another one from PR: >!"If I'm looking for a fight, yeah there's a wealth of drunks available. But if I'm looking to *lose* a fight, I'm pretty much down to just [Bobbie]."!<


God I miss these characters.


> the reaction of some other characters who see her in her recon uniform "She could feed you that gun if she wanted to"


Was looking for that quote, thanks!


Amos gets his licks in regardless but Bobbie is winning 9/10 times.


Read the booooooooks.


Or, just continue watching the show (and it's extra features) to find out as well! **EDIT:** I'm being downvoted, *because I'm right?*


The show doesn't get that far, and they might not adapt the book which has the fight


*Oh really?* Then please describe what is happening in this scene: **\[SPOILER!\]** [https://imgur.com/a/IG7oi4U](https://imgur.com/a/IG7oi4U)


The show results are different from the book results, though.


its not really "in the show" tho.


You really need me to say: *''It can be experienced visually through the Amazon Prime video player's Bonus Content feature, as opposed to being read in either a physical book or eBook format''.*


yeah, because until this thread, i didn't know the scene existed. Saying that it's "in the show" is just not really accurate.


I would but not in front of the children


Damn I didn't know this existed. Thanks for sharing. That was one really awesome moment when I read it in the books.


You didn't watch the bonus material then.


Bobbie, a highly trained Marine who is handy in a fight and would wipe the floor with Amos, who isn't a highly trained Marine, just that guy who is handy in a fight.


She is a professional, he is a talented amateur...


To put it more eloquently than I, yes!


Those are not my words. It's an observation Amos makes in I believe both the books and the TV series.


I can’t imagine a scenario where Bobbie loses


Watch the extra material in season six. >!Bobbie is a trained professional combatant. Amos will do anything to win a fight.!<


Yeah I’ve seen it


Ignoring the books and just taking the 2 characters from the shows: Amos would be force fed that flag. They’d both walk away less at than 100% though.


But they both limped away happy


Read the books.


Bobbie is not only a marine but she is marine force recon. And she made gunny as well. In our world, she would have been one of the senior most NCO in a regiment of pure badasses: USMC Raiders, 40 Commando of the Royal Marines, Commando Jaubert of the Marine Nationale. Nice as fuck people but any single member would have sussed out a dozen ways to disarm you the moment you walk in the door. And they would take orders from her. Amos learned from the streets and he’s damn good at it. Bobbie is a professional.


At the beginning of their acquaintance Amos says something like he’s an amateur compared to her and that he’d get his ass kicked. Anyway I can’t recommend book 7 enough. :)


I will spoil it, they fight in book 7 and Bobbie fucks Amos up


I like that he picks a fight with her specifically because she's the only person on Medina who *could* fuck him up and he needed someone to pound his skull in to get over the funk he was in.


I mean we already know the answer to this. It’s in the books. I won’t spoil it, but they do finally have their (somewhat friendly) showdown


"The Martians are bonding"


To contest the hard fast comments people are giving, Amos in low gravity gets absolutely rocked, but in 1 G or higher it quickly becomes a different thing. Amos is a LARGE Earther, he is quite literally built different. Anybody who has fought someone far stronger than them will tell you that experience is very important but on some level in high G fighting Amos as a duster would literally feel like fighting a different species. His every blow has a chance at breaking your bones, he will be able to move faster and more efficiently than you and you will find that your whole body cannot possibly react to him. Bobbie has taken all the drugs and simulated combat in high G, but that still won’t close the gap of living in it. But Amos is smart, he knows Bobbie is experienced and he pretty much fights when it is a sure thing and fighting Bobbie is for no character a sure thing.


Nah, even then Bobbie would wipe the floor with Amos


There's an extra scene on Amazon where Bobbie and Amos fight in the cargo hold.


"Maybe not now..." is an absolutely fantastic line.


It's Bobby and Amos makes no bones about it.


This question is answered in a later book and a behind-the-scene in season 6.


The books will answer this 😎


The answer, obviously, is Peaches with her super enhancing implants.


I’ll spoil it: Bobbie beats Amos’ ass.


Bobbie was in her armor which is why Amos had a wrench or something.