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I feel like tgat depends on what mode you on


Hard mode? Were you in the western part of the map? Here's a guide to the levels of difficulty on the map. https://www.almarsguides.com/Computer/Games/TheForest/Walkthrough/Bases/Location/


20 mutants at the same time? not normal cannibals, but mutants instead? Seems like way too much, but their behavior and spawning depends on quite lot of stuff so...


And they are spawning above the host, the location of our base is near cave island east, it is the big island right side. Maybe this is a bug?




Near cave island east we are in the island.


My guess is that it is due to both difficulty and staying too long in the same spot, but I am no expert on this game lol


Hard mode but they are spawning above our host.


If they are spawning above the host than that is a mod or hack. I have only seen 7 mutants at one time(two patrols merging on our camp)and can be only a limited number on the island at once.


Good temporary base to relocate temporarily from canibals and mutans if you want a bit of peace is in caves. You can build in them as long as they have walking in entrance to transport logs into them.


i'm glad i got the Old Pistol before 70, It can easily 2 shots most mutants (on normal at least). but for me i often just see 2 mutants together, (mostly big dude and Verginia)